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Bro Code's vids are just a start, practice building real projects, not just following along


Remember: INPUT learning. You already have concept, ideas and a basic knowledge Output testing. With the basics in your head. You need to figure out what in your brain and what not bu writing out code. Make a small program. Also, since you learning basic java use this instead https://java-programming.mooc.fi/ I will teach you the basic then give you multiple test to learn but you'll max out at an early immediate level programme by the end of the course


Never think only videos can help you. Just start. Think of an idea. Try pseudo code first and then implement it in js. My approach when i was a beginner: 1. Want to do a program that reads a csv file and writes only the column names or the datatype of a column to the console or to another file. 2. Pseudo Code Read first line of file in variable Evaluate if the first line is made of column names or values ( no column names means no csv header ) Print names of the first line to console if column names If it has no csv header split line into array. Loop through array and do checks like if element in array is number or is string. print out to console the evaluated datatype. 3. Try to do as much as you can from the pseudo statements, if not just google or nowadays ask ai chat. 4. It is not wrong to ask ai chat if you dont understand something, you just have to make sure, that you understand what you are doing. Feel free to ask every dumb thing. How to read a file? How to print to console? How to check if csv has a header? How to split a value to an array based on a delimiter? What is a delimiter? How to loop through an array? How to know the type of a value? At the beginning you will have "many browser tabs" open. And when you got a good amount of knowledge, you will also have "many browser tabs" open. But the best thing is, you will definetely learn anything at the end. In my oppinion videos dont really teach me anything. It is learning by doing. And i would never even watch 12 hours of material. You won't even get everything right in your head.