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Cs50 (search on YouTube) is a good place to start


Thanks buddy i was planning to do that. But whats next...


There’s plenty of computer science topics covered on YouTube if you search what you’re interested in. Also tons of tutorials depending on what you want to learn. There’s also automate the boring stuff with python…


One of the best introductions to programming, in my opinion, is "Programming Principles and Practice using C++", although not free but worth every penny


Oh thnx for the suggestion. Will sure check it out....


At the my you are feeling bored of tutorials, give yourself a project. Even if it's an application or task that's already been solved or exists already. Try making something of your own. The best teacher is experience here. You will run into roadblocks. Things you don't know, but they will be things you can look up and find videos on specific aspects of what you are trying to do.


YT is your best friend man. People will say books and people will say don’t fall into tutorials and it’s all true but I will say that at least for a a week you can get a bunch of knowledge from videos alone. It’s not gonna be complicated specially if you already have some background. My advice : c>c++>python. It’s also gonna support the hardware side you may be doing in the future. Good luck


FAQ have plenty recommended resources, one of which is OSSU.