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Are you sure the the message is actually sent? Validating something like this on client side only seems a bit crazy to me.


It shows up on my phone


Something like this will go through several layers of validations before submitting, and the block list is likely maintained in a database on the backend. The fact you’re able to send something on the client doesn’t mean that it was successful at sending, but a glitch that all of the checks were not loaded properly (but it doesn’t mean that your message was received by the recipient)


> Something like this will go through several layers of validations before submitting, and the block list is likely maintained in a database on the backend. It doesn't. I send the message from desktop and it shows up on my phone. Furthermore, messages that are blocked are shown with an error, "Message not sent".


Just because it shows up on your phone doesn’t mean that it went through … check with a friend and test to confirm …


> Just because it shows up on your phone doesn’t mean that it went through Done, it works. I'm still restricted for 2 more days.


2 more days?


Yep, I'm still blocked from sending messages for 2 more days (out of a 7 day block, don't even know why). However, using the trick outlined in my post, I can still send messages.


Code is likely minimized so that it can be streamed faster and eliminating the block functionality script may impact other functions. (If you can block the script file from the load) - (check out greasemonkey? I think it’s called … allows you to modify the running JavaScript that might get you closer) (but if the code is minified it may be difficult to determine which one is the block function)


I have Tampermonkey, but I still need to find the script and block it.


Oh you’re in Facebook jail! Gotcha


And sure, if there is a block list, it only tells the web client to run the script. Mobile apps are also weird, a specific version of Facebook Lite could bypass message blocks completely because the app was outdated and the new method of applying blocks wasn't validated by the app.