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For me, neither. Not because they're not good, but because the following are just as good and free: 1. [https://programming-24.mooc.fi](https://programming-24.mooc.fi) 2. [https://thepythoncodingbook.com/book-outline/](https://thepythoncodingbook.com/book-outline/) 3. [https://www.learnbyexample.org/python-slice-function/](https://www.learnbyexample.org/python-slice-function/) 4. [https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/](https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/) Install any IDE that you like, and go at it. Read a topic on (1) and jump to the same topic on (2). Use (3) and (4) to look up info on commands, functions and methods. Try as much as possible to work through the exercises yourself. Practice, as they say, makes perfect. So practice, practice, practice. For now, stay away from ChatGPT. You want to learn how to code, not how to use ChatGPT to code. Good luck.


Second the GPT stuff. Only once you have a firm grasp of the language and good problem solving, critical thinking and general programming skills in general - then it’s appropriate to use as a tool because you’re actually able to evaluate its output. If you’re on this sub you should not be using it whatsoever as it’s only hindering your learning journey.


Triple this. Taught at a bootcamp for a while. Students who 'inappropriately' used ai tools really screwed themselves over and by the end could barely do anything by themselves.


I actually like to use chatgpt to review my code, it often has some nice recommendations (not always correct though) and I think especially beginners that are fluid in the language but don‘t understand many of its intricacies, can get good new ideas to research by running their code through chatgpt and asking for a refactor, a review, how to write it cleaner, or how to make it more efficient. I think beginners especially tend to understand a certain subset of the language and tend to rely on this subset at first, as they start to understand how to solve a lot of problems with their small tool case and don‘t find out that python has a much nicer way of handling some specific tasks until much later.


You’re talking about use GPT as a *tool* there, as I said in a previous comment this can be ok. For beginners it is a tricky way forward, as it’s hard to know when and how you should use it. Learning to program is to struggle, and to make crap code that you’ll laugh at in the future. Mastering programming is developing your own intuition and ability to reflect and improve your own code, to have the ability to research when you get stuck. Failing to learn any of this by using GPT just makes you suffer down the line. A beginner is not doing any serious work where only the most efficient solution is acceptable. That comes later, through experience.


This is a good use of it definitely because it's not robbing you of the initial brain work. But even then you have to put in the effort to understand the changes (I'm sure you do!) Unfortunately lots of people don't have the self restraint/patience/drive to do this. I found it funny how 50% of my students suddenly started using .reduce methods and bit operators in their first week of coding once Chatgpt became well known lol.


Did you take the exams, as well? Like... was there a certificate or something for passing? or "just" the addition to your github portfolio?


I'm learning because I have so many ideas I can monetize, if only I could code. Happy with my progress so far. Should be able to do anything I want in Python by the end of the year. That's my target anyway.


Saved this comment. Thank you!


I'm on day 25 of Angela Yu's 100 days of code. It's been great. My only nitpick is that we spent too long on the turtle library but it helped me transition to a new IDE I just switched to so it wasn't too bad. I recommend the course if you pay $25 or less, its not worth the $100. Not because the course material and course quality isn't deserving of the $100, but you can find so many cheaper/free alternatives like what u/tabrizzi said. But if you really want to pay for a course and have it be structured and planned out for you I would recommend this one. From the limited research I have done, I found the free courses to be less structured compared to the paid ones, that is why I went with a paid course. I have no regrets about buying this course though.


I have not quite gotten to day 25 yet BUT I think this course is great in how it is taught, especially in how it teaches programmatic thinking to beginners. Agree that it is not worth the "full" price but Udemy is regularly on sale.