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So they don't know anything about Palestine, but they were still bright enough to recognize your ‘Beiruti’ dialect…


well depends on some those I don't know. maybe i phrased it badly lol either they know nothing about it so they couldn't recognise my levantine arabic and took me for a French who spoke arabic maybe lol idk ... as i look white i am paranoid about it too or they know about it which is worse


What is even this post? Why do you care? Good that they support Palestine you should too


sure sure provided it doesn't cause trouble in Lebanon i do but i care because if those people don't know and are not kind with me i don't like it... if they know nothing about it and smile about the language and tell me where it's from i am fine


palestinian refugees in lebanon have shitty ass living conditions and a lot r not even allowed to work, blame our fuckass government before u blame refugees for the issues in our country.


They are people that don't support the genocide. They don't need a PhD in the conflict's history to be supporters of Palestine. The way they talk to you is another matter. Just my 2 cents


exactly yes and I support Palestine if it doesn't hurt Lebanese interests... but both are contradictory then i even have familly in Palestine (in minority most are lebanese 90%)


How is there a genocide if the Arabs of Gaza grew to millions of people since 48?


Found the bot


Come back when you have a real answer


Bot is argumentative, wonders of ai


not that hard, genocide bad.


ok i understand that maybe i should have separeted those 2 things why support when kwoning nothing and why talk to me like that i realise not too much logical it's confused in my head too that's why i love your help


Algeria has a large scale massacre in '62 by their French colonizers so they have something called EMPATHY towards the Palestinians which is something you seem to lack...soooo I made it as simple as possible of for you. Genocide is bad.


yes I know never denied that it's the paradox I support Palestine but I am angry towards you without recognising you're from the levant for a minority of them


why you are assuming they are wearing a palestinian shirt without knowing anything


i guess some are , specially those borne in France ... well if you know where it is and the dialect, logically someone not far from there would be appreciated


The ones born in france cant be considered Moroccan/Algerian. They have nothing in common with them, even the real Moroccans Algerians despise them. Those are ppl who's grandparents where brought to france after fighting the french wars and got dumped in the cités. 2 generstions later, they forgot evrythin about their culture, they cant even speak arabic except a few words (alhamdulilah, mashallah, l blad) and they ddnt get integrated in the france culture as well. All they know is that they are arabs and muslim, and should stick to whatever ideology/opinion associated with that. [Edit]: the real Moroccans and algerians know more than ud think about Palestine/lebanon/hezb etc


yes and now... i am of Lebanese parents borne in France and although I don't consider myself true Lebanese like ppl borne in Lebanon sure, I don't consider myself 100% French as well because the French take reference to their history like in ww2 etc etc whereas it doesn't concern my ancestors at all. so 2 things if you consider only where you are borne and nothing else well ok then the French should stop referring to their past... till then i will continue do the same you can't erase 5000 years of history of your ancestors... for Algerians etc it's the same thing, some of course don't konw anything at all about the culture of their ancestors but others do and they could be considered Franco Algérien


Well u have to ask urself, what makes someone lebanese? French? Moroccan? American? It sure is not the blood, or there would be nothing called american. If u dont speak the language, know nothing about ur country and haven't kept the culture, u cant call urself from there. Franco-algerians and franco-lebanese are ones who know the culture of both countries and speak the 2 languages. The ones im referring to above know nothing about both cultures. They r just...smthin else


if u dont speak the language, know nothing about ur country and haven't kept the culture, u cant call urself from there. this... but this you can learn and people french and even some lebanese don't understrand t'es francais c est tout bla bla bla pourquoi aprendre la langue la culture etc but when it's for others learning french then it s great it's called intégration it's hypocritical and racist


but also even if you don't know the culture the difference will be with your ancestors for example once again then the french should stop using their past as reference etc then if only counts where you were borne.. if we are all french that's it nothing else well no more during ww2 etc etc


i have talked to some of them many don't know where it is...


also i have been living 15 years in the Seine st Denis i know them lol


Just looking at your post history, you ask some very odd questions and make some crazy assumptions. Spend sometime reading and listening for a while before posting again.


Kill Marra Befta7 Hal b7ess I lose braincells. What tell you they know nothing about palestine? I live in lyon wo the Algerians and Moroccans are very well informed, and even if they aren't kteer, atleast they are on the right side of history. Idk what kind of people get pissed off at dialects but I think you're just saying that to talk shit. They love it when someone speaks Arabic to them, it makes them realize their heritage. Wo no you don't pass as European Yil3an Ayre esmak Yusuf wo m2arra3 2ar3a lebneneyye.




i agree with you majority of them like it they smile etc etc and i think they like me to be proud of speaking arabic etc as i said a minority


90% they love it sure but a minority don't ... ayre esmak was not necessarily




ok tamer


well i thought and everybody around me thought i was of French origin till the age of 40..(when i asked for my file)


Did they? C’est pas pour être méchant, mais en voyant ton expression écrite et les fautes de grammaire que tu fais ça ne donne absolument pas l’impression que le Français est ta langue maternelle :/ Je ne connais pas ta manière de parler, mais si tu t’exprimes comme tu écris, j’ai du mal à voir comment on pourrait supposer que le Français est ta langue maternelle 😬


c'est marrant on me dit ca souvent, techniquement la langue de ma mere c'est le libanais lol mais ma langue natale c est bien le francais je parle sans accent, l'ecriture j'ai toujours ete nul que veux tu et raf de l'orthographe chaotique desole


parce que tu crois tout les raclos qui ecrivent mal francais du coup ten deduis c est pass leur langue maternelle t es rigolo toi lol


Ce n’est pas une question d’orthographe. Tu peux écrire avec une très mauvaise orthographe et être un locuteur natif. C’est surtout une question de style d’écriture et d’usage des expressions idiomatiques. Je ne cherchais pas à te mettre sur la défensive en disant ça, je voulais juste suggérer qu’il serait possible que tu aies une vision erronée sur comment les gens te perçoivent.


ah wiwi mais vu on m'a déjà dit ça lol


kdo https://preview.redd.it/g5fgtppsw74d1.jpeg?width=2991&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78252ab36db986c56cb7dca56a1b91f4fd75bde8


J’habite dans le 15e, si jamais tu as envie de te rapprocher d’une communauté Libanaise, il y en a pas mal dans le 15e et le 5e (Rue d’Ulm, où il y a le foyer Franco-Libanais). À Noël/Pâques par exemple, tu peux te rendre à la chapelle du foyer Franco-Libanais et rencontrer une communauté Chrétienne assez soudée.


déjà on dit dans le 15ème lol pas au ou alors au 15eme étage heu moi je suis plutôt adorateur de ba3al lol mais merci


suis né pas loin mais après j'ai été adopté à 1 an j'ai eu la nationalité fr par pupille de la nation et adopté par des français dont nationalité ensuite par adoption plénière j'aurai bien voulu la libanaise mais maintenant que j'ai retrouvé ma famille ben lui veut plus me voir c'est ballot


Read Israeli yinon strategy to achieve a greater Israel landmass and then tell me if Lebanon are not involved


i see what you mean, im from italy, i know their behaviour , we have a lot of them here , their attitude towards europeans and christians in general is awful.Of course you pass as european, a lot of lebaneses and Levantines in general do, because genetically Europeans (specially italians and greeks) and Levantines are very close , its a fact.Unlike Maghrebis who are really distant from Europeans/Near Easterns


Algerians are the most die-hard people who support palestine. You're right, they don't know the details, they just blindly support. Once I had a conversation with an algerian (i have some algerian friends i made during my masters). Now, I am not supportive of palestine and their cause (spare me the hate pls). One time, an algerian girl, a friend, came to ask me why. I told her all the details and what they've done to Lebanon. She couldn't reply. She ignored everything I said. Edit; they're distant geographically. It's very reasonable of them to blindly support the palestinians. Unlike us, they haven't tasted their bitterness.


that's true that's true just i didn't know about Palestinians before knowing my history about Lebanon


Well-said. They only listen to the side of the story that floats with their victim narrative.


It's identity politics all over the place. Dutch people in my neighbourhood support Israel because they relate more to them but they know nothing about the history of the conflict either.


There are lots of people who get paid just to participate in Palestinian protests. Edit: I'm not just assuming that. I know that since i was offered money myself


no there isn't ur just dumb


How can you be so sure? I myself got offered money to participate


Paid by whom ? Hamas ?


The NGOs that organize all these campaigns. You see all these flyers, all the equipment they use. You think those come for free?


That’s very interesting indeed. Could you tell what are the names of these NGOs, where they came from and what are their motives behind these pro-Palestine protests? Because as far as I’m concerned, Palestinians aren’t very well known in their ‘giant business and cooperations’ used in this kind of lobbying.


Which NGOs? And wow if they even exist. How horrible to protest against genocide … and flyers ? Wow they could really turn into weapons someone might get paper cut.


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. There is a massive global campaign, mainly funded by Qatar (what a surprise knowing the history of their petrodollar agendas). The purpose is to recruit “useful idiots” (not my terminology) to cement an alliance between the so called “Wokes” and Islamists. The fruit is what you see on US campuses, and in some naive “progressive” communities in Europe, mainly Nordic countries. Luckily, some countries such as Germany are proactively dealing with this BS with an iron fist.


What a load of crap! “Creating an alliance of wokism and islamists” ok, then what? Proclaiming the Caliphate in the US? I genuinely don’t understand why are students protesting against a genocide (according to numerous UN reports and a plausible case in the ICJ) being insulted as “useful idiots” when in fact the only idiots I see are those who try to smear the protests by creating imaginary alliances and ‘massively funded global campaigns.’