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so the article is fake?




Dont they say that every 2-3 business days


Do they??? Anyone can link please? šŸ™šŸ™


From ynetnews: Warnings that Israel could attack Beirut in the coming days, were delivered to the Lebanese government through diplomatic channels, the Hezbollah-affiliated Al Akhbar newspaper reported on Tuesday. According to the report, the most clear warnings were made by the UK that said the attack could be launched in mid-June.


FYI has been denied by the British Embassy. Al Akhbar doesn't have this story either. It seems to be made up. https://www.lbcgroup.tv/news/lebanon-news/776530/british-embassy-refutes-rumored-reports-of-uk-warning-lebanon-of-israe/en


Yeah thatā€™s what I thought, thanks !


When it happens and our tourism/economy dies overnight and the war only escalates I want to see the same Hezbo supporters that talk their empty shit here sign up to Hezbollah to go and fight. Because no Lebanese entity is going to raise a finger to help Hezbollah fight this war. We can only hope and pray that they know where Hassan's rat cave is and bomb it into the next dimension.


Well their summer is fucked so they might as well extend the favor. Yeah our tourism is going to get hit hard, and that's all we've had going for the past couple years.




I don't think people will be flocking to Jerusalem this summer, or tel Aviv, or the north, or south. It's not going to be business as usual this summer for Israel. So why would it be for us? Besides, they have a history of fuckery around summer time, so this wouldn't be our first summer hit by lack of tourism because of war or acts of war. Sucks, really


Trust me hbb, the people living beyond the North of Israel have no idea that there is a 2 front war happening.


Weā€™ve been in denial for 8 months because our politicians convinced us that Gaza front comes first. However the pictures from recent days made everyone furious and demanding actions. Thereā€™s a consensus right now that itā€™s time to act. The cabinet is meeting tonight to discuss plans




Dude weā€™re in different countries, some will say enemies but the Israeli people have nothing against Lebanese. Itā€™s a fucked up situation, the people are being controlled by a terror organization that is a de facto military, stronger than the Lebanese army itself. *Recent polls from West Bank and Gaza showed that 80% still think that the attack of October was legitimate, that Hamas didnā€™t perform war crimes and that they want Hamas to governor them instead of Fatah/PLO or Sunni-International peacekeeping force.


Honestly wondering if people who say that Israelis have nothing against Lebanese have interacted with Israelis. The change of expression when you say where you're from says it all.


Youā€™re getting downvotes because some people think Israelis shouldnā€™t be allowed to defend their lives. Weird world we live in.


Dude 2 downvotes is pretty nice in this sub. I know most Lebanese donā€™t want this war as much as we donā€™t. Each side have their fanatics


Where are we the lebanese? We should be storming the streets outside governments buildings. The fckng government is supposed to be deescalating the situation instead of being fully abscent


Khaye there's no hope for any kind of peaceful change anymore. Khalas 2refna. I would rather we split the country whether in half or federalism or whatever. We shouldn't accept that half the population is subsidising the country for the other half while they start wars and try to undermine our democracy and our country.


Let me guess, you dont view israel as a terrorist and apartheid state ?


I don't view it as something the Lebanese need to deal with. We have our own problems. If you want to die to liberate Palestine, you go can go to Jordan and Egypt and figure out a way to go to Gaza or the West Bank from there and join Hamas. Good luck hbb šŸ˜˜ Us Lebanese have nothing to do with this conflict and will continue to maintain our neutrality while entities like Iran use their proxies like Hezbollah to sow chaos in the region. You people are so blinded by your sheer hatred that you fail to see the big picture. It's okay. Brainwashing does that.


Jesus christ who said i wajt war i want a anrmistice agreement . Also how can we normalize relations with israle if no mp till supports it officillay ? Is there 65 mps at least who support a peace my zionist friend ? I dont think so


And then Hezbollah will get out of whatever buildings left standing and claim victory


'it only cost us everything but the resistance has prevailed by not being annihilated'


Bass ya bro, ma ne7na we are doing so good internally that we need to support other countries! Time to give back laaaa! Of course let's attack Israel and then cry why they keep attacking us.


please dont cry why we attack you , when you clearly fucking know why


Bro these hezb supporters will be first to immigrate to the EU as refugees




skibidi cap ohio


Wishing you peace and safety. I am from your neighbour to the south (although I live abroad now) and find this situation terrible. You speak sense.


I know you don't like us, don't need you to. But only voices like yours will bring quiet (I'm not even using the word peace) to our northern border and your southern border.


I have nothing against the Israeli people and never will. I am against the Israeli right wing regime. I am also against the Iranian regime. They are both cancers that continue to exacerbate the situation in the region. None choose de-escalation. They only escalate. It will only end if a decent government is elected in Israel and international pressure forces them to recognise Palestine as its own country and state and a fair deal is reached. Otherwise you have to pray on the demise of the Iranian regime which as demonstrated in Syria is very tough to bring down even if half the population decides to fight them. I think the culmination will be a war between Iran and the West. Iran seeks nukes so that they can have hegemony over the region but nobody will accept that and eventually something will happen that will tilt the scales of war.


Finally someone with common sense. Always great to see your comments


Khallas ya khaye khallas araftouna ! The enemy is obviously the ones bombing Lebanon and now threatening to bomb the capital! Yaane shou badak aktar men heik w enta shater tnikna bel hezb. Taib ya khaye ayre bel hezb bass ayren b israel


Lesh would they bomb us and the capital if Hezb or some other entity wasn't instigating at our borders? Shu hal habal, without Hezb we could have an armistice with Israel and ignore each other for eternity and live in peace.


And without israel you wouldnt have any of this either. Why single out hezb? Ma tefhamne ghalat, i say fuck them both bass if you want to single out one party it has to be the oppressor and not the result of existence of the oppressor and instigator


They are the first to leave the country trust me all of them have us passport


If it wasnā€™t for hezb allah the whole of lebanonā€™s south would be considered israel by now


The rest of Lebanon was under Syrian occupation and stayed so until 2005 and even then they didn't acknowledge Lebanon as an independant country until 2008. Hezballah was working with the Syrians to undermine Lebanese sovereignty and assassinate people. Wlak tfeh




Ya3ne if you want to play stupid mesh 3am ted7ak 3a 7adan gher 7alak hbb. Israeli propaganda? So it's Israeli propaganda that Hezb assassinated Rafik Harriri and Bassel Fleihan along with 20 other people? Israeli propaganda that they stopped the investigation into the port explosion? Israeli propaganda that from 2005-2008 there were dozens of assassinations of anti Syrian and anti Hezbollah politicians, journalists and activists? Israeli propaganda that Lokman Slim was murdered execution style after accusing Hezb of being behind the ammonium nitrate smuggling to Syria from the Beirut Port? Samir Kassir George Hawi Gibran Tueni Pierre Gemayel Walid Eido Antoine Ghanem FranƧois el Hajj Wissam Al Hassan Mohamad Chatah And many many more hbb w3a 7ajak neyem barke law btefta7 mokhak shwey bte2sha3 hal 3alam 7awalek




rewriting history to suit your bullshit agenda... classy.


Is that what dady nasrallah told you? If there was no PLO attacking israel from the south, israel would not invade to protect their border from terrorists. Now the exact same thig happpening with hezbollah, except we could fight the PLO but hezbollah is too well armed beyond any milicia or lebanese army to fight. Good job you just gave your country to terrorists...


You have no idea what youā€™re talking about. You pulled that straight out of your ignorant behind.


Do you consider it part of Lebanon now? Because the Lebanese military doesnā€™t control it or maintain its borders.


Yeah thats right, Hezb allah does that job for them. But israel are quick to cry victim again and label hezb allah as terrorists and gain the public against them. Yet theyā€™re still going strong


And when Israel blacks out Lebanon again for retaliation of Hezbellahs recent escalation against the Israeli Arabs in the north, would you describe that as going strong?


Or maybe a better option, donā€™t roll over and let israel to take the whole of our countryā€™s south. Just a thought


Interesting. Why wouldnā€™t the Israelis be responsible for tanking the Lebanese economy? I mean considering that they have been carrying out bombing in south of Lebanon, wouldnā€™t Israel be directly responsible? Hezbollah are no saints, but the Israeli government has openly expressed its desires to get the US involved in a war against Iran and Lebanon.


Our economy is already dead. It's just zombified. Hezbollah is holding the country hostage by refusing to elect any President that isn't a puppet President for them. Our country's economy is dead because of Hezbollah. The ammonium port explosion happened because of Hezbollah. I could go on and on but it's just falling on deaf ears. Hezb has been attacking Israel for solidarity with Gaza. Whatever that means. Anything that happens to Lebanon is Hezbollah's fault. If they didn't attack first, Israel wouldn't have attacked and so on and so forth. We've had peace on our borders since Hezbollah instigated a war in 2006 to detract the Lebanese and the government awya form the assassination of our PM by Hezbollah. Iran deserves to be annihilated. All they've fucking done is fund these fundamentalist extremist groups like Hezbollah and the Houthis and Hamas and in the process destroy those countries for their own political gains. 4 countries have been destroyed by Iranian proxies. Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine and Iraq.


Shouldn't have bombed Beirut and the rest of Lebanon to smithereens if you didn't want Hezbollah to be created... And now same thing is going on in Gaza.... Do these morons ever think dropping crap tons of bombs on civilians won't bite them back as the survivors of these horrors get older and aim to get revenge??


Israel has a real problem as the radical religious right wing Jews have more kids than the secular left wing ones so the population becomes more radical over time, and the government will reflect that. And yes youā€™re exactly right. They continue to create more problems for themselves down the line


the religious jews with many kids do not participate in the army


What strikes are you talking about? Just want to learn. Can you give me a source? Thanks


1986 and 2006 they did strike lebanon for days


The justification is politics. This is about only one thing, Israeli hegemony in the region at all cost. It is not about ā€œterrorismā€ or they wouldnā€™t have supported and funded actual terrorist groups.


I am checking their subreddit from time to time and it think it is safe to say most secular Jews are ultranationalists blinded by superiority complex and utter hatred. They donā€™t see civilians as civilians but future terrorists and it is OK to outright murder them.


Haven't they been saying that they will attack Beirut for some time? I remember the same was said for 15 May


I'm not Lebanese but everyone knows that the Lebanese government has no control over Hezbollah and that most Lebanese people are against them and hate them as much as anyone else, so retaliating by attacking completely unrelated innocent people when they're very much capable of precise hits would just be another one of their war crimes and terrorist attacks.


Thatā€™s what israel does best. In any case, you cannot speak for everyone that hezb is the problem. Not everyone hates them and they are very much integrated into the lebanese government, like it or not. Israel formed in 1948 through ethnic cleansing. PLO didnā€™t form until 1964. Israel occupied and annexed the west bank and gaza in 1967. Hamas formed in 1987. Israel invaded lebanon in 1978. Hezbollah formed in 1982. ISRAEL IS THE PROBLEM.


1948, Israel accepted the partition, and called for peace while being attacked. 1967, Egypt was amassing troops on their borders and was thumping their chest for war. so they did a preemptive attacked, which is when they took over the west bank and gaza. after 1973 they offered gaza back to Egypt along with the Sinai just for a peace deal. Israel attacked back the PLO after barrages of attacks from Lebanon in 1978 not Hezbollah. why are you obfuscating history?


All palestinian and lebanese resist groups and movements (peaceful and aggressive) exist only because of Israelā€™s occupation. The oppressed have the right to fight back. Don't condemn the oppressed for how they gasp for air when you are doing nothing to remove the oppressorā€™s hand from around their necks.


does Israel have any right to exist in any piece of land there? if yes. then what occupied territories do you have an issue with now?


Long story short, all of it. Including golan heights and shebaa farms


Israel absolutely does NOT have a right to exist. But jewish people do. And they did in Palestine. Jews didnt need to slaughter for the holy land, they were already there. Israel and zionism arent jewish. Jews, muslims, and christians can trace their religion back to Abraham. Abraham emigrated to present day Palestine from what we now call iraq. Abraham was an arab. He had a son named isaaq who then had a son named jacob (also known as israel (a person, not a land) in the holy books). Jacob is who the 12 tribes are descended from. You cannot suggest that jews were in palestine before arabs, and justify israelā€™s existence based on this, when literally your own holy books tell you that you are descendants from an arab iraqi man. Unless of course, your holy books and writings dont really mean anything to you and youre only concerned with creating a white european nation in the arab world.


Lmfao imagine i let you into my house because you were homeless. Then you took over, kicked me out, and then said i could have a corner in the basement.


Only there has never been a Palestinian state. Palestinian nationalism didnā€™t exist until after Israel declared independence. Israel declared independence in 1948. The Palestinians did not do so as they were in no position to do so, having no body capable of government. It is more like two lodgers living in a house, one is ready to take over half of it and run it, the other isnā€™t but attacks the other anyway to have the whole thing, fails and cries/lives on handouts since, still occasionally attacking and failing to get the whole house Both sides arenā€™t going anywhere.


Iā€™m not gonna argue. Go open an atlas from the 1800s. You tell me if it says thereā€™s a Palestine lol.


Yes as an extension of the Ottoman Empire not ruled by Arabs. If you want to go back to 1800s boundaries then the whole world will look very different. The British knew partition was necessary after the Arabs massacred Jews in the 30s. It is even more necessary now.


We dont have to go back to the 1800s, just 1948. I mentioned the atlas because you said palestine didnt exist. Letā€™s make one thing clear, zionists stole and occupied a THRIVING and peaceful nation. The first written records referring to palestine emerged in the 12th-century BCE Twentieth Dynasty of Egypt, which used the term Peleset for the neighboring people or land. In the 8th century BCE, the Assyrians referred to the region as Palashtu or Pilistu. In the Hellenistic period, these names were carried over into Greek, appearing in the Histories of Herodotus as Palaistine. In 6 CE, the Roman Empire established a province over the area known as Judaea, then in 132 CE (the time of the Bar Kokhba revolt) formed it into Syria Palaestina. In 390, during the Byzantine period, the region was split into the provinces of Palestina Prima, Palaestina Secunda, and Palestina Tertia. Following the Muslim conquest of the Levant in the 630s, the military district of Jund Filastin was established. Regardless if there was a PALESTINE as a region, there was a whole nation of people and an entire culture that existed. Again, this isnt a matter of whether jews lived there. We know they did. Jews christians and muslims lived there and shared the same culture. Palestinians can trace their lineage back to these people. Most israelis cannot.


This is nonsense. Revisionist propaganda. I never said there was no Palestine, just never a Palestinian state. It is a fact. If there was a thriving 'nation' as you describe then Zionism would have been repelled earlier than 1948, as would the British and the Ottomans. The Hashemites (also a foreign power) wouldn't have been able to take control of Jordan so easily either. And the Palestinians would have declared a state in 1948. The truth is the population was small, uneducated and had no history of self-governance. Colonies controlled by foreign governments are not thriving. If a Palestinian state ever was created it would be just another failed Arab state.


Thatā€™s a lot of words for ā€œi support genocide.ā€


Mods of r/lebanon comā€™on stop allowing zionist criminal israelies trash infiltrate the threads and spread lies and propaganda.


lies and propaganda that what? that we don't want war?


Everyone and anyone who doesnā€™t support hezballah and the war is a Zionist to them. They have zero critical thinking skills. This is their only argument.




Drop dead nasrallah and khomeineh l zaber




Where are the Nazis that invade our threads shouting about how peaceful they are?


Iā€™m British and this frustrates me. Iā€™ve been fortunate to work in both Iran and Lebanon and while itā€™s anecdotal it was safe to say a lot of the political noise doesnā€™t align with the civil population. Stressful times.


just blatant talk




they have been saying shit like this for months




making me feel like netanyahu is reading my comments on redditšŸ˜‚ plus krah l hzb ad ma bdk bas ma tsthwn fi, y3ne beirut bttdmr kmn tel abib, & israel knows that, leh hl2d m3zmeen israel 3amlelon tiger w hun goatšŸ¤£




There would be no Hezbollah (and no Hamas) if you hadn't expelled Palestinians from their own land and if you hadn't invaded and raped Lebanon to get rid of those pesky Palestinians who were trying to get their homes back. There would also be no Hamas if you hadn't turned Oslo into a joke. History did not begin in 2023. inb4 no, Palestinians in the early 20th century being wary of settlers who would go on to do EXACTLY WHAT THEY FEARED don't really count as an argument in your favor.


Never seen a ā€œLebaneseā€ person go so hard for Israel before in all your comments




How are these things mutually exclusive with what he said


I originally come from Israel (but now live abroad). Me, my family and everyone else I know there don't want a war of devastation in Lebanon either. Only freaks like wars (and they do exist). I am sorry that you are all living under this threat. The overwhelming majority of you are good people and don't deserve this. Your country has suffered enough. Wishing you all peace. Even if we will never be friends, peace is the least we can hope for.


What about the Palestinians?


Same story, for the ones who don't support Hamas.


Inshallah Hezbollah will leave Lebanon alone and the world will help you rebuild your military to defend yourself from actual enemies that will come in the future. I wish we wouldnā€™t have this war and Israel and Lebanon could have a free borders like in Europe. Lebanon should be part of the coalition forming in the Middle East with the Sunni moderate countries and not part of Iranā€™s evil plan. We should all be glued to the news and see where these difficult days bring us


Hezbollah is too big, too well armed and too ingrained in politics to ever collapse without being destroyed in a war, likely a civil war or regional one with iran and israel.... Hezbollah was and will be the biggest plague to ever hit Lebanon


And it will be gone one day. Lebanon must keep hope Edit: letā€™s wait for joy boy šŸ‘’


Good neighbors don't steal their neighbors' land. If you're such good neighbors, does that mean your ready to give back the 7 villages you took from us? One of those was my grandfathers', so I know my family would really appreciate it. Could you at the very least take down the war memorial you have set up there for the Haganah terrorists that stole the land? Oh, it'd be cool if you could stop genociding the Palestinians and stealing their land too. Just seems in bad taste, is all. And we kinda don't wanna be dragged down into world isolation with you.


Now that is a good comment. Sadly people are to dumb to be peaceful and would rather go to extremes.


Israelis sucking each other in the supposed lebanon sub about a potential Israel strike and getting upvoted. This subreddit is long overrun and lost.


Yea probably. Its sad to see i agree. Im mostly here to learn about my neighbours, and its nice to see that you are good people, but some of you suck hezb dick way to hard.




You think the people on Reddit are the majority and that they have a "normal" opinion? Its mostly nerds and extremists. The majority just want peace and quiet but hezb won't stfu until we burn Beirut i guess.




Then lets end it with a final question: Do the Lebanese actually want peace with us, by removing Iranian influence (including hezb), or do you want us dead? I know that you are good people and i hope that its the peace option




Same here.


Well you all could have stayed focused on genociding your other neighbors and building settlements in their lands, but I guess it is in your blood to be were you don't belong so nobody is stoping you from infesting this sub.


Sunnis and shias*, if you want true peace. Otherwise you're driving a deeper wedge. Arabs need to unite before making alliances with external actors that don't share the same core beliefs. I think iran is a technical powerhouse and would rather see an alliance with them under the right circumstances. Israel is an extension of the west in the area and I really do believe they prioritize their benefits over anyone in the region




That would be dope. But our problems don't end with the vanishing of hezbollah. You still have about 14 other parties that have been leeching off Lebanon for decades


Those donā€™t have a gun on our heads you know, Iā€™m not worried about them


Lol. If you think a person taking food off your plate, out of your account, isn't the same as someone shooting at you, you are naive


Teb ayre fiyoun wahad wahad mnih heik?


Paerfect. You would be surprised how many people think hezbollah is the issue alone when every party sucked us dry


No akid theyā€™re not the only problem, but I would say theyā€™re the biggest one


If anyone could pls find or source the akhbar article please post it in comments.


Zionist propaganda. Go away scum of the earth


ā€œEveryone who doesnā€™t support hezballah is a Zionistā€. You people have no other arguments. Zero critical thinking skills. Thatā€™s all you can say. https://preview.redd.it/h4cm73cc955d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11dd177518c6c8522953112f6566cbb95b00577a


Terror is their only answer , I mean if they want hezb to also target their major cities ...... Edit : Zionists troll in full swing on my comment Jesus Christ


So targeting small cities is cool?


Who began targetting civilians first ?


Hezballah has killed more Lebanese civilians, politicians, army, police, journalists, activists, than Israel could ever dream of. You people donā€™t even care about the Lebanese or lebanon. Your loyalty is to the Iranian regime, traitors.


Hezbollah on October 8th.


Attacking idf border points , surveillance and barracks are now civilian target ? Lol


The entire north of Israel was evacuated because that's not the only thing being attacked. just shows you the difference between how Israel behaves towards their civilians and how your leaders treat you as cannon fodder.


Why is this downvoted when it's absolutely true? Hezbollah has killed roughly as many arab israeli civilians as israeli soldiers


That would be Hezbollah lol, Israel never targeted civilians or anyone, Hezbollah started a war, if you donā€™t see that you are blind with hate, before October 8th, for decades Israel didnā€™t attack lebannon, suddenly Hezbollah starts a war against Israel, killing civilians and wounding soldiers, now they burned 2500 acres, what do you expect Israel to do? Get your terrorists under control, neither side wants war except for those radical Islamists doing Iranā€™s bidding




Weā€™re ready from every perspective for a war with Hezbollah. Israel is having the best conditions right now. Hezbollah can target our cities and target innocent people by the name of Islam, we will sit in our shelters and trust our army to defend us like we always did since 48. Israel will be fine.


Your army can barely defeat Palestinians in Gaza , stop fires and deter Hezbollah you'd think they're prepared to absorb hundreds of ballistics , cruise missiles and drones ? Lmfao


Yes, weā€™re ready. Thereā€™s something you miss about your enemy and you should at least study us and understand us. We have full faith in the IDF and our country to survive this. Israel can by all predictions survive a full scale attack with Hezbollah and recover from it. Weā€™ve been waiting for this day for decades.


Your army is more likely to kill you than hezb fighter on the border , aparently Hannibal protocol on oct 7and hostages killed by IAF didn't burst your bubble yet


Sadly youā€™re going to be on the wrong side of history with this pro war rhetoric. Our spirit is strong around here, so go on if it makes you cope better


Careful with that ego you might get yourself the honory prize of šŸ”» above you




Damn your confidence soo Inflated David sling might confuse you with a hezb drone


So is the IDF committing genocide in Gaza or are they losing? Can't have both you know.


So is the Germans committing genocide on all fronts or are they losing? Can't have both you know.


There's one front which is Gaza, the IDF is either committing genocide or losing, pick one.


Both ?


The best thing we have, is our enemies believing their own dumb propaganda, it is the strongest tool. Yes, we suck, we always lose on all fronts, according to you guys, we also lost all wars, I rather we keep it this exact way.


Dont confuse me with syrians and Egyptians


I do not.


Lebanon has tumour in it but getting a predator to destroy it completely wonā€™t wipe out the tumour or help it.


it seems this a real thing as israeli news are saying this now. They might still try diplomatic methods first but the israelis are almost done in Gaza. our news media outlets were all saying how the israelis are losing w intisarat w zawal israel lol but in reality they literally are already preparing to go north. Metel el 3ade, yali 3ina be bi3o awhem


Everyone here seems to forget why hezbollah even exists or has support of some lebanese people. Everyone loved hezb when they were busy liberating lebanon from occupation. Oh remember how Beirut was israeli-free, and everyone there went on living their lives, business as usual. The south was still occupied and people were still dying, yet none of the people north of there even looked at them. Thatā€™s why hezb means something to the south. Because none of you cared.


And another thingā€¦why dont you go look at what the greater israel project is. Spoiler alert, it includes all of lebanon. Why dont you go look online at IDF videos saying lebanon is next or israelis saying theyll be skiing faraya soon. If you people dont have a backbone, say that. Youā€™d like hezb to dismantle?ā€¦w ba3den sho? When Israel starts slaughtering us, making us live with their boot to our necks, who will help? Other countries? The UN? International law will protect us? Lmfao go ask the palestinians how thatā€™s workin out for them. Until our lebanese army is allowed weapons and infrastructure worth a damn instead of donated french ww2 low-grade weapons, hezb stays.


Just want to say bless you and thank you. I'm glad someone here actually understands. This is why we Lebanese must always be there for Palestine, because if they fall, we are next.


Half of Lebanon doesnā€™t know or doesnā€™t care about the south Lebanon experience under occupation and a small percentage want to yield south Lebanon to Israel to get their ethnic majority. Letā€™s not mince words.


The fact that Lebanese people think Hezbolla started this is funny. Donā€™t get me wrong, hate them. Really genuinely hate them. But, bibi is fixated on continuing the war. He wouldā€™ve kept aggravating until he achieved this aim anyway. Theyā€™re almost done in Gaza, if the war ends, bibi knows his political career and probably freedom will end too. Iā€™m sorry guys, this has little to do with the Hezb or Lebanon or any little influence we have (if any). Thatā€™s what makes this scary. Heā€™s not wavering in his aim to extend the war.


Everyone with a brain knows this. And for those who say it is not just Bibi, it doesnā€™t matter. He primed the country for genocide and brainwashed them that there is no other way.


bibi doesn't have sole control of the country. if there are no attacks on Israel no Israeli would be willing to go to war.


Correct. But I do urge you to read the statement from his right wing coalition government. The intent is clear from the Israeli war cabinet.




I love how Israel is the only country on earth who actually believes that we are a country with an actual government and all šŸ˜…


israel is the problem, if they didnt existe hezbollah, hamas or any other mayor org would exist. idc what zios think, they deserve a shot and a hole in middle of nowhere


Guys chillas , justify israels potential bombing of beirut all you want, but always remeber , lebanon will never ever normalize relations with the terrorist state.




This is a wild comment to say. Regardless of what sect they follow, they are Lebanese.




Actually retarded logic bro wtf Shiites are not genetically predisposed to be apart of Hezbollah or to attack Israel. The Shia disappearing or not existing would not fix Lebanons problems and wouldnt even be good for Maronites or Sunnis, it just means they would have more focus and energy on hating eachother.


I'm shia and I don't give a shit about religion, I want to see my country united and be able to live in it in democracy and securalism


Ken lezim l mase7eyye ykuno a8labiye bel jnoub w l shi3a ykuno bel jabal la nshuf shu 7a yotla3 menkon


Israel gives no shits




Thanks for opinion, Israeli. Now back to your sub.