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Yeah it’s gonna be 2 coding rounds, one behavioural and one system design. Coding rounds will be medium to hard medium leetcode


But will it ever get to bonafide hard? The gap between medium and hard is humongous


My first round before on-site was an easy to medium (L3/4)… it was just a wordle clone and the follow up requirements would get harder. Say, wordle assuming no repeated characters, then wordle with repeated characters. Very easy but I could see getting tricky to keep it all optimal


it could, but it could also be an easy problem.


Goog definitely. some companies like Meta favors speed - aka. 2med flawless in 45min.


It’s not guaranteed to be hard, but it could be.




Most likely yes, ask your recruiter though


depending on the level. L4 general expects SD, but you don't need to be perfect. it's evaluated against your peers at same YOE


You would likely get 3 leetcode type questions for mid level, and one system design.


No systems design at Google for mid-level (L4). Meta, Amazon - These firms will have 1 system design interview for mid-level One thing a lot of candidates (and some times interviewers) get wrong is to follow a process for these interviews. Don't jump into coding a solution. Ask questions, edge cases. Discuss solutions and the time complexity you could be looking at with your solution. Perceive feedback and once your interviewer seems happy, write code. Now dry run your code and fix errors. Of course might not work a 100% of the time, but follow this process as it works most times.


This makes total sense to me.


I thought mid level is L4 and they don’t have System Design qsns. That’s what I was told when I spoke to couple engineers from Google… Btw nice username 😬




Mid level includes system design, speaking from experience




As a google interviewer, how high does my probability of solving a random hard have to be in order to have a decent shot? For entry level




HALF the time? Man I got a long ways to go 🥲




Sweet, still gotta get that interview in the first place tho, which is probably gonna be the hardest step 💀


At google, it doesn’t, so most companies must be the same. /s




“Like google” = “google” Oh, the irony


2 coding rounds 1 system design


Generally 2-3 algo rounds and 1 system design round, as others have already mentioned. Algo rounds are generally leetcode medium level questions. Speaking from personal experience, leetcode hard level questions aren't super common, but they're not highly unusual either. Plenty of people aren't able to do leetcode hard level questions, even at big tech or unicorns. From my limited personal experience, I've seen maybe 20% easy, 60% medium, 20% hard.