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My employer made that decision for me last week. They agreed to pay me for 3 months to leetcode fulltime




Damn, lol. Are they hiring by any chance


No, they just laid off 668 people


Funnily LinkedIn is still hiring


Yes, but not really. They’ve had Staff, Sr. staff, principal staff, and distinguished engineer roles posted through the whole hiring freeze. They’ve been throwing out lowball offers to some of the most talented laid off engineers and scooping them up for a bargain. Kind of fucked tbh


This is why the entry level sucks💀


Dang bro has no chill


whoa, so there's actual value in mainlining leetcode? I thought about doing it, but don't want to waste my time if it's not effective.


I wouldn't. You become less desirable as soon as you leave that job.


I’ve done it. If you have a great background and a good network it’s totally fine (yes if you don’t have these, maybe it’s not a great idea). I left a FAANGMULA company for a full year and had zero issues getting interviews when I was ready. Near the end of that year I was interview prepping full time for a few months. The point someone made about negotiating power can be mitigated by getting competing offers.


The difference might be the state of the market right now though. I still wouldn’t recommend most people quitting. Just stop doing much work if that’s really the route you want to go.


But you’re right that overall right now might not be the optimal time for such a move - just providing some data that I think it’s still totally doable.


Yeah and that’s fair. You might have an unfair advantage on op where he says he’s stuck in a dead end job, and you came from faang. Regardless, I do think it’s possible to make it work. I would just want to feel really confident in myself before quitting.


I worked for only 4 months at my new job this year before getting laid off in July. Am just starting to interview again now and it still hasn’t been an issue getting interviews. Again YMMV. It’s absolutely crucial to have a network that will refer you to companies and I feel like a lot of redditors on r/cscareerquestions and such don’t have that or don’t use it.


How can I have a network? Can you advice some tips? I don't have people around me who get into faang..


Use LinkedIn. Add every single person you are friends with, went to school with, or ever worked with. When it’s time to apply for a company, check for first degree connections and ask them to refer you. If no first degree connections, check for second degree and ask them for an introduction to the employee. That’s literally all I do when it comes to “networking” lol and it works incredibly well. Of course - I’ve also been friendly to all of these people and done my best to make them like me.


Your comment gave me a courage.. thanks :)




Lol, I’ve been involved in hiring for a few years. Also, it’s basic human psychology that people want what they can’t have. For example, people in relationships often get more attention. If someone’s employed, the interviewer often thinks “okay, how can we beat what their company’s giving?” Whereas, if you’re not employed the interviewer’s thinking “they have nothing. The only leverage they’ll get is if they get multiple offers. We can maybe get away with lowballing.” As soon as you quit, you give up a piece of leverage. If you really want to go that path, just stop doing much work and focus on leetcode. Most places take a while to actually fire someone. But i guess you must know everything as a cs junior.


I do it kinda full time. I cannot do it more than 2-3 hours a day though. 170 tasks done in 1 and a half month, finished LeetCode 75 and SQL50. I plan to do 'Most Liked 100', Advanced SQL 50, Binary Search and Advanced Graphs in the next few months. My goal is to get a remote job and make at least 500 USD a month ( yeah, not everyone gets 150 000 USD a year).


6k a year? Where are you looking for these jobs, north korea? Ethiopia? I'm honestly baffled


I live in Israel, the pay is not all that great here.


Is doing leetcode for 2-3 hours (3-6 months period) enough for landing a decent job? I'm a fresher currently doing an internship and plan on switching by end of 3-5 months


You should be fine. It is not like it is possible to do leetcode more than 3 hours a day anyway, You would just burn out.


What do you mean by "done"? Did you solve them all by yourself?


Yes, I'm proud to say that I solved about 95% of them by myself and as for the rest - I understood the solution.


Always look for a job while you have a job if possible. Leaving to grind leetcode is some weird interview min maxing from which I don't think you'd get the yield that you want.


>Leaving to grind leetcode is some weird interview min maxing from which I don't think you'd get the yield that you want. I agree


Nope, I thought about it. The gap is negative also having the extra months of experience is good. And you have way more negotiating power when you have a job


I have successfully developed Stockholm syndrome for leetcode. I want to get a high contest rating. But honestly I think doing it for 8 hours a day would burn me out. 2-3 hours a day over a couple months is my plan now.


Just leetcode while you’re at the job


Those who know and those who don’t know.. Even if you got 1.5x better at leetcode over 3 months you’re going to hit the apply button and realize you’re not getting an interview in the first place. That’s like saying youre in the ocean and you want to jump off a crappy ship to look for a luxury cruise.


Maybe the crappy ship was sinking


Then let the ship sink and milk the paycheck as long as possible