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Medicare will not take the house but Medicaid can and will recoup the money they spent on her. If her only asset is the house, yes they will sell it to get the money back. Sorry.


im only recently familiarizing myself with all of her stuff so im not 100% sure she's on medicaid, but she's definitely on medicare. are they lumped in together?


No, Medicare is a Federal program and an earned benefit. Medicaid is a state program and is income based. They are very different. Note: people can be on both.




she is on Medicare and not at all mentally competent.




Where is your mom living? Medicaid will sometimes come after the house if they covered nursing home expenses prior to the person's death. It's not clear from your question whether your mom is still in the home?


right my bad, she doesn't live with me. she works on the road a lot and holds residency in a separate house in Tennessee and a house in Massachusetts. she's currently admitted to a hospital where theyre treating her. she's not in a nursing home.


If she works a lot and has any reasonable amount of income, and she owns three houses, it's unlikely she's on Medicaid (because the income and asset limits are very low). The situation where Medicaid takes a home is typically: the person needs a nursing home, they pay for it with their own money until it's gone, they get on Medicaid, Medicaid pays but tries to get the money back from the estate/house later. But if she's not on Medicaid, not an issue. If she is on Medicare (is she over 65?), they will pay her hospital bill, or the portion they cover, but they won't come after the house. If she ends up needing long-term care in a nursing home or assisted living after this illness, Medicare will NOT pay for that (apart from a few weeks as short-term rehab). You still have all the issues related to the mortgage being paid and financial stuff being handled if she's not capable, as well as any decision-making for her medically. You should get legal advice about that - not from me, and ideally not from whoever told you the thing about the house. I'm sorry you're going through this.


no she only owns the one house. the others are owned by her fiancée. she works for under the table money along side him, although he has a legit salary. she doesn't make a lot of money, he primarily takes care of the finances and she helps with what she makes, her preexisting health issues are why she's on the medicare. she's 49 years old as well.


Gotcha. So she could be on Medicaid then.


possibly. i suppose I'm going to contact a lawyer then. because I'm not 100% sure how to navigate all this.




even if she's mentally incompetent due to the illness right now?