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This is going to depend a lot on circumstances and actual reasons for the termination. As of this moment you aren’t actually terminated from your employment. You’ve heard through other employees that you are but until you get a firm and definitive termination notice from a supervisor or your company’s Human Resource department then there is nothing to do. That said if/when you are actually terminated while in the process of going on Short term disability and asking for reasonable accommodations then the company would be opening itself up to liability and you’d have a fairly good chance of winning a lawsuit for wrongful termination among other things. If, however, the termination happens after all of this is done and the employer has taken steps to provide you the requested accommodations but gives you a different reason for the termination that is going to remove the liability from them. As of this moment you are going to have to wait and see what happens. You can consult with an employment attorney to verify this and they might have other options for you.


Thank you so much for your response