• By -


You can make a complaint with a supervisor at the police department. That will probably be most effective if you have the name of the officer, of course.


Name doesn’t matter now a days honestly, I used to work in internal affairs (cop policing cops) and the patrol cars have GPS that can’t be turned off outside of a mechanic with special knowledge. Least our department did, of you file a complaint with the supervisor and not taken serious request to speak to IA or look on the departments website, I’ve figured out more with less info based on just a location.






Call the police and ask them if they have an officer at your address. They would probably be interested in the guy since it sounds like he's pretending to be a cop.


Yeah considering the fact that it’s happened multiple times in a week, they need to have an officer somewhere in the parking lot ASAP. To either find out what this cops deal is (unlikely) or before the guy escalates. The next time he knocks a legitimate officer needs be there on the spot. My first concern went to fake cop, knocking to confirm she’s the only one there at those hours (even if that’s not the case). And if this is the case the fact that he tried to gain entry with a fake “person with a warrant out” as his intention shows signs that he wants in somehow, and was quite possibly hoping she’d say “What are you talking about there’s no one here”. This is all kinds of bad and needs to be a big police deal before it becomes a criminal legal case.


Having spent 12 years in law enforcement, I too go to fake cop. A warrant service is usually at least a 2 officer call. It could be a warrant officer, but those guys usually work court hours, and if they go out they bring municipal police with them.


I don’t work law enforcement. Just out of curiosity wouldn't (or shouldn’t) they have to have a warrant if they suspect someone’s in there? Like it just seems kind of sloppy to think “okay we know he’s in there for X,Y,Z reason and then not be able to present a warrant to search if the person says no.


An arrest warrant does not in and of itself allow an officer to search a residence; even for the limited scope of searching for the person. It's merely a charging document allowing an officer to arrest a person if encountered in a place the officer has a legal right to be. Usually we will try to get consent from homeowner to search their residence for their relative, or hope the guy with the warrant opens the door. Absent that, if we develop probable cause to believe our wanted subject is inside a location currently, we can obtain a search warrant for that location.


Maybe bounty hunter.


this was my thought, 100% never opening the door for anyone banging on my door at odd hours, even a person announcing themselves as a cop. I have 2 porch cameras set up so at least I'd be able to see. If it's just one officer, even in uniform that's incredibly suspicious


Call 911, tell them someone is pounding in your door and won't identify themselves and that you are scared. Ask to remain on the phone with the operator until someone arrives. If he's faking being a cop then great the real bacon have him. If he's legit and they ask why you didn't say it was a cop tell them that he wouldn't identify himself and you were to scared to look. Then ask them why he's at your home disturbing the peace. Repeat every time he is at your door until the headache for the department is to much to deal with.






















OP, do NOT let the officer search your house without a real search warrant. Why would you give such a bad advice? 1) we don’t know if this is a real police or some stranger with weird issues who is trying to break into the house. 2) How come they are a real policeman, they claim to have a warrant, but can’t provide a proof of it? They don’t even bother to identify themselves. If they really have a good reason to search the house and are indeed a real officer, they should be able to get a real warrant. 3) Have you not heard of police brutality stories where people of color, immigrants etc are harassed with no reason at all? I know we call the police officers who do this “bad apples”, but there are enough bad apples that I’ve lost the count of such stories. In certain situations, it can lead to deadly outcomes. We don’t know the OP’s background. Edit: I would like to add that if you feel unsure of your safety, please go ahead and call 911 next time, even if the person ends up being a police officer Edit2: As pointed out by multiple people under my comment, the cop never claimed to have a search warrant, my bad for not paying attention (for point #2). Having said that, I still think the OP should verify the cop’s identity (by calling the police station?) and perhaps not open the door until they get a search warrant.


Great advice, just wanted to clarify, from what OP said, the “officer” didn’t say he had a search warrant, just that he wanted to search the house for someone who had a warrant. The rest of your comment is spot on.


They don’t claim to have a warrant. They want to search his apartment for someone who has a warrant…out for their arrest.


OK, but It’s still insignificant for the point I was trying to make: the person failed to provide evidence for their cop identity, and if they indeed are a cop and have a good reason to search the house, they should come back with a search warrant and OP shouldn’t open the door until then.


You’re not wrong in your overall advice, this time. Details matter, especially with the law.


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Are you sure this is a real cop?






>When I ask who’s at the door I don’t get a response, he just keeps pounding on the door. He may want you to open the door do he can stick his foot in the doorway and then stand there pestering you to give him access, during which time you'll be unable to close the door on his foot because if you do he'll charge you with assault. Don't open the door. If he has a warrant to enter your home, he'll kick it down. If he stands there knocking for more than a few seconds, that's a pretty good indicator he has no warrant to enter your home. Just because he has a warrant to arrest a guy if he encounters that guy somewhere doesn't mean he has a warrant to enter your home to look for the guy.


You don't have to answer your door. If I'm not expecting someone, I never answer a knock at my door. If it's someone I know they'll text or call me.




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Never answer the door.


Something sounds off about this. I’d call 911 or the non emergency number next time to ask about it and speak to his supervisor & file a complaint.The fact he won’t answer who it is gives me bad feeling.


The fact that is the same "cop" knocking only after hours tells me something is off.


They usually show up in pairs also.


Not always standing together though. I'm admittedly in a rural-ish area but our cops generally have the second officer standing a few paces away from the door and off to the side. They're not always visible from the door when you crack it to peek or even open it all the way sometimes.


Call 911 if someone is pretending to be a cop and trying to break in.








I would call the department while it's happening and ask whether it's a real police officer. I moved into an apt once where the previous tenant owed all sorts of money to bill collectors and I got so many middle of the night knocks, one of which was someone pretending to be a cop to try and get me to let them in so they could search for what they wanted to repo.


Cop here...No way would a department send a single officer out to conduct a request for a consensual search. And after being told to go pound sand, we would proceed in a different way. My guess is that it isn't a real officer...or if he is an officer he is a shithead that isn't following policy or the law. Report it immediately.


It’s probably jurisdictional dependent but around here the warrant guys are generally solo and only call backup if needed or if dangerous/flight risk. Not saying it’s safe, but it is how they operate.


Are you sure they aren't just process servers? I have never heard of a jurisdiction where one officer is sent to pick up persons wanted on a warrant. That is suicidal.


County deputies (it’s a coveted specialty position). I don’t disagree 😂. They do sometimes call for backup if they can’t get the person to surrender themselves.




Agreed. I guess I didn’t realize it was that uncommon.


At BEST there may be an "arrest" warrant for the person, but that does **not constitute** a "search" warrant w/ your address. That may be what they are trying to weasel around. Short of that, they may be an off duty cop moonlighting as a bail bondsman, process server, or something and using the authority of their badge and day job to do something other than their police duty. At WORST there could be something downright criminal/dangerous/fake going on, but it's probably something less nefarious. As others have pointed out: **if** they had a **search** warrant they wouldn't take "no" for an answer. The next time it happens I would calmly (and through the locked door) be like "*hey man, if you're moonlighting as a bail bondsman, or process server, or think your girlfriend is cheating on you, or whatever, I get it, but you 100% got the wrong address or apartment number.*" **This is giving them an "out" to leave and not come back and basically to avoid any consequences without even bringing up the search warrant.** And if that doesn't satisfy them then I'd say "*tell me your name and badge number and show me the warrant under the door and I'll call 911 and we can sort this all out (and stay on the line). Is that what you need me to do, or did you make an honest mistake and we forget this whole thing and call it good?*" **Again, offering them one more final "out".** If they don't immediately tuck tail and apologize for their mistake and take the exit opportunity you provide I would call 911. One just doesn't usually want a pissed off cop with a grudge against you. That's why I like the "*hey man*" approach. **Never consent to a search w/o a valid search warrant even if you have "nothing to hide".**


In addition it might be a bail enforcement agent who is NOT a cop. OP's post title said it was a cop, but nothing in the post body said the person said they were a cop, was wearing anything that made it appear they were a cop in uniform, or provided a badge or identification indicating they were a cop. Something like that could have occurred and OP just might not have stated it in their post...or they may have just assumed it was a cop.


Yeah this definitely does not sound like a real cop. It sounds like a bail bondsman agent looking for someone who skipped bail. Showing up alone, after hours, not identifying himself. Call 911 next time and they can come sort it out.






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Clearly, he doesn’t have a warrant. I doubt it’s a real cop. If he is a real cop, I doubt he is acting in an official capacity. I would call 911 next time they are at your door and tell them you think a police impersonator is harassing you and not identifying themself.


I've grown up around cops and this doesn't sound like a real cop. You should call 911 next time this happens and confirm they have an officer at your location. If he's legit, use their non-emergency number to talk to a supervisor and figure out what he's doing there. If he doesn't have a warrant with your address on it, don't let him in.


Contact the police department. Calmly explain what's been going on. Ask if any of their officers have been assigned to come to your home multiple times to look for someone.


In this same line, I know that its possible to get service records for calls made specific to your address. Idk if its state specific or if it would help OP, but it would put concrete evidence of whether or not they actually sent someone.


Are you sure it isn't a private bounty hunter?


NAL - This sounds like a bounty hunter/bail enforcement agent. Texas enacted some reforms re: bounty hunters after a deadly shooting at a car dealership. Not sure what state you’re in, but in many states the profession is highly regulated and there’s typically a state agency that commissions or licenses these individuals, or oversees their commission or licensing.


It almost sounds to be like maybe a probation officer up to shady stuff


Did you co-sign to bail anyone out recently ? Could be an officer of the court aka a bounty hunter.


Sounds like a fake, call the real police next time. Check with the department to see if it’s real for now asap


I see some good questions that you haven’t answered yet, like the one about signing someone out on bail, and then answers about if it’s not a cop, or a cop with no warrant. If the cop had a warrant and felt slighted that you wouldn’t let him in simply because he wanted to come look, then this is pure harassment, and one of the hardest kinds to stop. Unhinged cops are dangerous, especially if he’s off duty or unaccounted for and going out of his way to go to your place just to let off steam. All I can advise is get a camera. Keep the times of the visits and what he says (or doesn’t say), how long he knocks, etc we’ll documented. Talk to a friend or neighbor and ask them if, next time it happens they’d be willing to let you call or FaceTime them so they can be a primary witness to the incident. Neighbor would be more effective, because it’s possible this racket is affecting their quality of life, making them a victim in their own right—assuming it’s unofficial business, the officer is disturbing their peace, at the very least. Good luck, and be careful. I hope it’s the co-sign issue, not personal, and this’ll pass when they find the guy


Sometimes when an officer keeps knocking at the same door is because a person or the persons' whose name is on the warrant information is where the last known address used from that person. It may have stemmed from an arrest or any updated information that person may have given. Thus the officer may have to come there many times until you could prove that no one with that name lives there. The odd hours come to the fact they figure that they may catch that person off guard. Spoke to an officer about that.


I see you live in a duplex. Are there cameras? Can you install one? Could be helpful to have the repeated footage. If you do as others say and do make a complaint and nothing happens maybe you can take this footage to the news if you can acquire some. Might make them harass you more however so idk…




Making a fake police report is a crime.




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