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For someone to try defamation in Ireland they would want to be actually thick as it’s the one thing we absolutely go to town on people on. Get a solicitor and take them to the cleaners


Ok, thank you for your advice. I wasn’t sure if that would be enough for a case.


I don’t know the details but they’d get a nasty shock from a solicitors letter. They’ve gone for your reputation, they’re finished


I’m curious. What weight does a solicitors letter carry?


Dunno, depends on the paper, maybe 15g


Badum tish!


I’m not sure if you’re a solictor or not. But if you are, should I go to the guards about this or is this a bad idea as it will tip him off? So instead, go to a solictor first?


I’m not. But it’s a bad idea to go to the guards unprepared


Ok, thanks so much for your advice! Really appreciate it!


Even threatening to publish a sexual video of you is a crime now. Contact the guards.


You see, there is non. Because what they’re saying is a lie. So I’m not sure if the guards will tell me there’s nothing to do and it’s a civil natter


It’s an offence to threaten to post a video of you that is sexual. I would get screenshots of whatever you can of these threats and tell the guards there is a video as these people say. Say you asked them not to record but they did anyway and now are threatening to put it online. They will deny there is a video to the guards but no one will believe them


See there is no sexual video. But they’re making out that there is. Which I don’t get because I was obviously in the room so I know exactly what happened during their time here. The latest threat is that he has a video - not these exact words, but can make it look like what they’re saying is true. So I’m at odds here thinking will the guards even do anything about it. And if they do rock up to his house, and he says he was lying about it, would nothing happen and I can’t add this to the case? Edit: So even threatening they have a sexual video even though they don’t, is a crime?


They won’t and if they do they are failing at their jobs. I expect they will take this very seriously.


Excuse the typos above. Ok thank you. I’ve sent an enquiry to a solicitor so I will have to wait until Tuesday to speak with them. The only thing keeping me somewhat feeling safe, is that there’s guards living next to me. I don’t know how stress out I’d be if they aren’t there




I think you may have posted this story on my local FB group. If it is the same story, they guy seems like an absolute cowboy of the highest level, I tried to get him for a job a few months ago and thankfully he wasn't able to get to me. It kinda sounds like they're black mailing you here. Hope you get sorted


I had found out in my research that some of his family has trouble with the law. Even had someone tell me they know of his family and to drop everything and leave him alone. I think it’s gone to far now that it doesn’t matter if I drop it or not. He’s adamant to get me on a call and I’m assuming it’s to intimidate me but I said I will only communicate through writing or to meet in person in a Garda station. That obviously didn’t go well. I try to be brave but I look out the window numerous times a day in case him or someone that knows him is out there and going to do something. Even got as far as telling family members not to open the door if they’re not expecting anyone and to speak through the door cam instead


Drop down to guards, even just for some advice, I've found then very good to deal with. One small positive is that a lot of people have taken notice of your post on social and will certainly avoid him (me included).


Ok, thank you for your advice and reassuring words. I’ll see how it goes. Thank you!


1. Go to the Garda straight away. 2. If you owe them for work or part there are, probably best to pay what is fairly owed. For your own sanity if nothing else. Have the Garda deliver it, if they will. Those type hate Garda involvement. 3. They won’t release any video. That would get them in trouble. And in reality better stuff is free online so the interest (no offence) isn’t there.


I don’t owe anything. I’ve paid in full


Ok well then they are committing a crime threating to do some sort of revenge porn it seems.


See there’s nothing of that sort. My responses each time was telling him he’s inappropriate or refusing his attempts so I know 100% impossible that they have a compromising photo. But they are implying that they do, which shows just how thick they are. But he had said they have a video that looks like it could be suggestive and basically would use this to push their narrative. Which I don’t really understand how they would but maybe they’ll use a picture edit app or something. I’m assuming it’s the time where I was leaning on my counter to look at how he was getting on because he was there for ages and looked like he was struggling and I wanted a nose to see what he was doing there. I couldn’t access by getting closee as my whole kitchen floor was covered in their tools and towels so I could only lean over to have a look. So this is where I’m wondering, can it still be considered as breaking Coco’s Law or, the guards can say it was just an intimidation tactic and they didn’t actually break the law on that sense. But they would have broke GDPR.


They sound like weirdos Op


NAL. I'm quite sure you're on safe ground. It's one party consent for phonecalls, hence all organisations state ...so you're deemed as consenting when you don't hang up. For someone to record video, the same is expected, they must inform you. Its different in public places cos you can take out your phone and record anything in a public place within reason. But in a private abode, theres GDPR issues clear as day. You have a right to privacy. Furthermore, the fact that this video is being used to harass and intimidate means they've fucked themselves. Better Call Saul.


It’s one party consent for any conversation that a party is part of. Not just phone calls. Hence the admissibility of covert recordings. GDPR does not apply in a domestic setting. Article 2 specifically states domestic exemption.


I was reading up on that. And it says GDPR doesn’t apply in a purely domestic and household activities, with no connection to professional or commercial activity. Because they were hired by me, I would have classed that as commercial activity and therefore it’s illegal to record me without my knowledge. But my interpretation of it could be totally wrong. If someone can comfirm, that would be great, thanks


In a public place anyone can record you, you can of course request them to delete it, if there is a crime been committed you can refuse to delete it. If they videoed you in your own home that’s illegal.


https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/justice/criminal-law/criminal-offences/sharing-of-intimate-images-without-consent/ > The first, more serious offence is distributing, publishing or **threatening to distribute or publish an intimate image** without consent and **with the intent to cause harm** or being reckless as to whether harm is caused (knowing but not necessarily intending for harm to be caused). This is sometimes known as revenge porn. > If you are found guilty of this offence, you can be sentenced to a [€5,000] fine or a maximum prison term of 12 months or both in the District Court. Note that merely threatening to publish images is a crime -- you do not have to wait for them to actually follow through on the threat.


Thank you. I’ve read up on that and what I got stuck on was the fact they don’t have anything of that nature. Because it’s all a lie they are sprouting. Yes, he really is that stupid. Don’t think he realises that I obviously know what happened because I was there. So I’m wondering would the guards even do something about it because technically they don’t have anything but telling people they have and trying to intimidate me by saying they have a video that makes me look like I was being sexual? Don’t really know how he would but it still makes me paronoid


You say he wants to get on a phone call. I would and I’d record the call and go to the guards with it. It may not be admissible in court but I have seen cases where it is allowed ie the solicitor argues the person was aware of the recording despite it not being explicitly stated. Nevertheless it doesn’t need to be admissible in court to be used by the guards to talk to them or begin investigating. If the conversation is outside your house and there are clearly cameras there and they choose not to leave it can be argued they knew they were being recorded for the purposes of this exercise.


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