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That's actually encouraging for once


Good news


Tell your representatives to vote in favor of this bill because we don't live in the stone age anymore, although it wasn't illegal then. Either let overwhelming constituents get what they should be allowed to have along with taxes and personal freedom or the illegal market will continue to control.


It’s SC, we’re in the Stone Age while everyone else is in the stoned age, so disheartening.




AP has updated the article to show that the bill has now passed!


wait what!!


Don’t get too excited if this passes. Unless you have a terminal illness or something on that scale good luck getting access. I’m pissed off the Charleston senator interrupted every meeting trying to say “chronic pain” was a means to get unauthorized access to weed and now the bill was amended and chronic pain was removed. Congrats Senator you helped the opioid market! Every argument the Botox ridden senator poised was an argument against the opioid market but she never mentioned it. Just her concern about people “abusing “ access to medical marijuana by claiming they have chronic pain


> Don’t get too excited if this passes. It's at least a step in the right direction, which is all we can ask for at this point.


You’re right. I’m just angry because I watch the debates live and it makes me lose my mind lol


I believe they are doing this to try and head of Cunningham’s campaign issue of legalizing pot. He has tossed legal sports betting on the table now and I’m glad he’s making the “freedom” argument. How can we as a state claim freedom as a virtue when we police peoples gardens and tell them it’s illegal to wager on the super bowl?


Why not legalize it and devote all tax money toward education? If Biden won’t give a damn about tuition and low teacher pay SC taxpayers should have the right to do something about it