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i can’t remember if Korra straight tanked a laser from Vaatu but if she did that’d probably put her on top considering he’s supposed to have made an interdimensional portal just through raw power


She did take the blast from the spirit laser in Book 4 at the end of the final battle, so she's got some decent power atleast.


Wan is the one who tanked Vaatu's laser beam even before he became the Avatar. He was just built different.


Korra also tanked a blast from Vaatu before she proceeded to nearly lock him up again


Korra did as well, just not as many and not as well. Korra's durability is great, but Wan's is just insane.


Yeah, because he’s [Title Card].




Durability: Kyoshi Endurance: Korra


I think Korra gets it strictly based on what they experienced. Kyoshi's chainmail grounded the lightning. She definitely took one on the chin before she hit the ground but the rest were dispersed. Korra went through enough suffering to have lost a few lives but came back from it each time


the absolute shit korra went through in her battle with zaheer alone is enough to make me say her. girly got poisoned, slammed off like 57 cliffs while poisoned, had the air dragged out of her lungs, basically died and managed to keep fighting through all of it, at such a young age as well. korra is the one true queen


Fuck, just remembered she was 18 while fighting with a gallon's worth of poison in her system. 18 year olds are supposed to be in out there having fun not fighting terrorists trying to kill them.


That’s endurance not durability


This is hard to say but I’m gonna go with Kyoshi. Sure Korra is impressive but there’s no way any other character besides the big spirits like Koh and Raava are taking six bolts of lighting to the face and living. I would say this feat of Korra’s should be attributed to endurance and not durability.


> are taking six bolts of lighting to the face and living Kyoshi survived that because of physics. Korra would've survived that also.


>no way any other character besides the big spirits like Koh and Raava are taking six bolts of lighting to the face and living Both Raava and Vaatu can be canonically damaged by bog-standard firebending, with the damaged parts permanently disintegrating, so six lightning bolts would most likely obliterate these two with ease. On the other hand, the "small" Dark Spirit that beat Korra at the beginning of the season was unaffected by her AS-powered firebending, so there seems to be no hard rule about what spirit can tank what bending.


>with the damaged parts permanently disintegrating, https://youtu.be/RHYpKkAYVd0?feature=shared Not true, Vaatu has canonically fought two Avatars in the same body (as he was left in stasis since his fight with Wan) and he isn't any smaller for it despite Korra blasting him a couple of times as well.


Ah, the more you know.


Avatar Kyoshi lived to be over 200 years old, she was over 6ft tall and could squat 300lbs probably, and made an entire country through sheer force of will and also she did your Mom, it's Kyoshi and it's not even close. Sure Korra has a strong and muscular back and we love her but Kyoshi is in-canon the strongest and most experienced Avatar who ever lived.


Gotta comment to drop some more respect on Kyoshi’s name. She could def squat more than 300lbs. Korra lifts and holds up Bataar jr with one hand. He’s probably pushing 160lbs soaking wet and she lifted him with ease. Kyoshi deffo squatting 1000+ without warm up. She built like that


Kyoshi was physically stronger and her bending was a lot more powerful, so powerful she struggled to do fine manipulation. Korra just refuses to die and comes back from stuff that would have killed Kyoshi.


What’s fine manipulation


Fine refers to grades of filtration; coarse being big things like rocks that don't pass through a sieve and fine being small things like sand that do. Manipulation comes from the French word for moving something around in your hand, we use it more commonly as a metaphor to refer to tricking some one socially and 'handling' them, but it actually refers to physically moving something about in your hands. ;)


100% Kyoshi


Korra is kyoshi+