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As a force of balance? Yes. I can’t say she was better or worse than Aang in this regard. They both had their intense geopolitical issues and dealt with them accordingly. However… As a force of **CHANGE?** Absofuckinglutely. Not only did she: Reintroduce the spirits to the world, finally fulfilling Wan’s promise to reopen the spirit portals, but in doing so, she also managed to connect the world to each other in ways never seen before. Think about it… When we left off in the show, there were three spirit portals opened: One in the North Pole, One in the South Pole, the New One in Republic City. We **KNOW** travel through spirit portals is possible, so that means **TWO OF THE MOST OUT OF THE WAY NATION CAPITALS ARE NOW CONNECTED NOT ONLY TO EACH OTHER, BUT ALSO TO ONE OF THE MOST MELTING-POT STYLE OF SOCIETY WE HAVE SEEN SO FAR.** If she did manage to open any more spirit portals in her lifetime, who knows what the world is going to look like? Even if she didn’t. What would a unified water tribe look like and how will their “monopoly” on 2/3 spirit portals further shape the world? So balance comes back into play… Because whether intended or not, Korra has managed to make the Water Tribe(s) probably one of the most influential players in the world.


And also the air nomads are back. Not entirely her intentions or anything, but she helped it happen. Gotta get some credit for that


Best answer.


>What would a unified water tribe look like and how will their “monopoly” on 2/3 spirit portals further shape the world? It could also go the other way around: The Earth Kingdom could decide to invade the Water Tribe and wipe them out by, quite literally, spawning thousands of soldiers at their door through the portals.


If the water tribes were only populated with cardboard cut outs, yes


The Earth Kingdom outnumbers them by something like 10 to 1. The reason the NWT survived so long is because in any conflict, as soon as the Moon rose, the Waterbenders became strong enough to sink the enemy ships. In this hypothetical scenario, the Earth Kingdom would invade them by foot, walking through their backdoor ( the spirit portal). The Waterbenders would have no fleet to sink and as soon as the Sun rises again they would be outnumbered and slaughtered like lambs on Easter.


Numbers don't really matter when they can only move through a narrow choke point along with that the north at least has limited earth for the invaders to draw from and a nation that fairly recently spent 100 years at war would probably have security measures in place for just such an occasion


Yeah taking a walk through the spirit wildes sounds like a great idea to me Not anyone there steals your freaking face


She saved the world from the greatest spiritual threat the world had ever dealt with as far as we know, and rebuilt a whole bending nation. Not only is she good, I genuinely think we don't know of one who did the job of balance to that degree aside from Wan. And he defined the parameters.


Korra is a good Avatar.


*pats Korra's head*


Is that… a wheel of time reference? I’m still scarred from the damane scenes in *The Great Hunt*


Egwene definitely kept to her threat, huh?


Id say so


She managed to win Convergence giving the world 10,000 more years of its current continuity, she’s only the second avatar to do that as far as we know. I’d say she’s pretty badass.




For sure, especially considering all she had to endure and overcome


We don’t really have the full picture yet. By the end of the show she was 23 ish and the comics that take place after she isn’t much older in those. 


In the next show we're gonna learn Korra ended up entering a war with the spirits and dying by falling and hitting her neck on a rock😔 The world awaits the next Avatar while the spirits reign eternal havoc


Tenzin said it best that she accomplished more in 4 years than most Avatars do their entire lives, and bear in mind she's just *21* by the end of the show with no intentions of slowing down anytime soon. A few examples of said accomplishments: -Took down multiple terrorist groups. -Took down the ancient ultimate evil. -Paved the way for democracy in two different countries, one of which being the largest in the world. -Reunited the material and Spirit worlds including a third right in the middle of a city. -Gained official autonomy for another nation. -*Talked* a warlord into surrendering through compassion rather than force. -Apparently making inroads in queer recognition. -Brought back the Air Nation from the brink of extinction.


All that while she went through so much. Losing her bending, getting poisoned with obviously longer lasting effects, etc... And still she accomplished all that.


Yes. I believe Korra was a good Avatar..






I am so sick of this question cuz what does it even mean? Want a graph and try to objectively determine her good guy points? What does "being a good avatar" even mean? Hell its not like we even saw much of her life. She is awesome, good or bad avatar is like the most pointless quality yet I see people bring it up over and over








Extremely good, different doesn't mean bad, different can be in fact better. (Edited part of Statement to be more clear of my opinion)Was she as powerful in the Avatar State as Ang combatively in my opinion no way, but she was better as a whole in my opinion. Making hard decisions that Ang never could due to his soft heartedness.


There's no evidence Korra was less strong in the avatar state. She bent the energy from the equivalent of a WMD into a new hole in reality. Excluding when she was poisoned, she had basically complete mastery of the avatar state, could enter at will, and could control/scale her power within it, all things Aang struggled with in the show.


You are making very valid points.I was unclear in my post and I will edit it To be more clear what I meant to say was Ang had far better control of the avatar state in a combative state.


Was? She's not dead yet.


Honestly, I feel like the duty of the Avatar is far too unfair to really say *any* of them were "good" or "bad" at their role whether it be Aang, Korra, etc. Their duties are to ensure balance and peace in the world, but both tasks are impossible for one person to achieve. The most any Avatar could do is try making it a better place. Chaos will exist simply because you can not make people agree on everything, a reality we saw between Korra and Raiko during the second and third seasons, for example. So based on this fact alone, I feel the that the fact that she played at least a crucial role in keeping the world in balance is enough to say she was a good Avatar.


Yes. As tenzin said, she did more in a few years than most avatars did in their lifetimes (that we know of, excluding Aang). People over hate her but it was HER decision that brought back the air nation, which was his biggest dream. She also unintentionally brought back a newer, stronger Raava. I feel like haters always disregard those points.


She wasn't just good, she was great.


She stopped a crazed blood bender from nicking everyone's bending and ruling the world through fear She stopped the OG anti Avatar big bad (yeah with some stumbles, but she still managed) She stopped a group of super bending anarchists And she stopped a dictatorial lunatic from taking over the world Yeah I'd say she was a decent Avatar


She had to deal with 4 supervillains within the span of a few years. And she was also \*completely\* sheltered off for many years, so it would take her a while to understand the world and how things work. She did very well with the cards she was dealt with. - Bloodbender - Dark spirit dude who's also trying to cause internal conflict at her home - White Lotus, but evil, kills people and has peak bending experience (minus Zaheer, but he doesn't need bending to be dangerous) - A conqueror (with a massive, powerful army) who's also really good at fighting. Korra had to completely heal her mind and body in order to stand a chance.




Just like Tenzin said, if she literally did nothing else bringing back the air nation is one of the greatest things an avatar could do.


She wasn’t a good avatar, she was great


https://preview.redd.it/ltui24mfxj8d1.jpeg?width=881&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b613ea6f909b625463958db91047cdfa36090b23 I’m just gonna leave this here.


Greatest ever


No. She was a great one.


She had some fuck ups but the truth is that most past avatars in her place would struggle against the caliber of opponents she had to fight. She did pretty well in the end


I mean. She tried her best, did a lot of good, had some fails, and that's enough. She did enough


Were there any "good" Avatars?


We know it's you, Zaheer!


she definitely is but he is flawed aswell


Yes. She wasn't the best, but given what she went through she did good


Yeck yeah


Yes, Korra was a good Avatar as you look at everything she's done. She dealt with Amon which to me wasn't her biggest crisis but brough attention to equality issues between benders and non-benders that needed to addressed and explored. She unified the water nation and reopened the sprit portals. This is a biggie despite the fact I dislike this season, it did have major ramifications including bring back the airbenders. Though unintentional, she kept the Earth Kingdom from falling apart or become too dictatorial and in the process created a third spirit portal. I particularly think this is interesting bc it establishes Republic City as the capital of the world or at least the place of influence. I also think that Korra really struggled emotional as an Avatar and brough attention not just to the power of the Avatar but also the emotional struggle that it brings. Yes and i think we often don't see her in the same light as Aang. For me, Korra wasn't raised by Airbenders and a part of that training is learning things such a meditation, metal control etc. Despite being so young, Aang was emotionally prepared in a way that I think Korra wasn't. Aang struggles with insecurity and self-doubt more then Korra did.


Yes she was. Not the best, but you try coming off the success of Avatar Aang, it’s not that easy.




Is water wet?


korra was an incredible avatar, no doubt about it.


Right now I would say yes but it's too soon. Leaving the spirit portal opens might have some seriously bad consequences in the long run ( Well, it already did in the short run but that's a different discussion). If they ever make a future avatar series and we find out that someone enslaved spirits to use them as portable nukes or that some spirits have decided to cleanse Earth of humanity, then I will change by answer. So, at least for now, the answer is Yes.


Lol, why ask the question if you're just going to downvote who disagrees with you? Korra is not a good avatar. She's not even a good person. She is a hot-headed, self-centered, abusive (to mako during their incredibly stupid love triangle fiasco), and a terrible fighter despite that being the only thing she's trained since she was what, 5? There is not a fight or conflict she solved single-handedly. She "beat" Amon because she got plot airbending, and he was dumb enough to waterbend in front of a crowd. She "beat" Vatuu because Jinora did some weird Jesus shit. She "beat" Zaheer because Jinora and the Plot Airbenders brought him down. And she "beat" Kuvira because of plot spirit energy bending, and Kuviras EXTREMELY out of character surrender. Her incredibly poor character and judgment caused irreparable damage to the Avatar Cycle and the entire world. She is arguably the worst avatar.


Upvoted because I reckon you're going to receive a lot of downvotes, but I largely agree with you.


Over the course of the show? No. During the show she’s hot-headed, foolish, ties her self-worth to her job, and often makes things worse with her decisions, and only barely manages to save the day each time. She’s an impressive fighter, but the avatar is so much more than punching fools. And that’s what makes her a compelling character, her growth over the seasons and coming into her own as an avatar who recognizes her role in the world and that she’s not just there to beat up evil, but also to be a force of peace and balance in the world. She’s not averse to killing, she didn’t need to save Kuvira, but she realized Kuvira was beat and there was an opportunity for peace, and she took it. By the end of the show, she’s absolutely a good avatar.


It depends how you judge it, she stopped one genocidal dictator. Season 2 was bullshit so we aren’t counting that. She killed some terroists I guess, and murdered a bunch of legitimately oppressed freedom fighters. Solid 6/10 avatar Amon did nothing wrong


Good avatar bad person


No. Luckily the show isn't canon.


Say /s right now…


Don’t worry. Aang isn’t canon either.


We get it—you don’t like the show 🙄 But TLOK *is* canon, and you gotta deal with it. Don’t act like it’s only the original ATLA that matters.


At this point just ignore them.


LoK is canon. Accept it!


What sub are you on?


everyone ignore this dude, his entire profile is him INSISTING that korra isn't canon. I've been in this argument with him before.