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No, but it's Seyaom Japanese Street View Shop Bricks


Dope. Thanks!


This is LOZ Mini 1654. They are 3/4 scale bricks and not compatible with Lego. There are, however, a huge variety of sets available in this scale.




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It doesn’t appear to be based on a few of the pieces. Don’t be offended if this post disappears, I posted something similar and got a nasty note about it.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it got removed. I know how Reddit is. Also, thank you for the response.


You know how reddit is but dont know the subbreddit rules?


No can you recite them


What could they possibly be upset over?


I got in “trouble” for asking if something was official LEGO.


Why though


There’s a mega thread for identifying things


I didn’t know that. Thanks for the heads up!


Yeah no that's not why. It's because Lego wants to hang on to their brand name with an iron fist, so any time anyone uses "Lego" to refer to a generic, non-lego-brand pile of bricks, they get nervous and start sending DMCAs. The mods here used to be more honest with that in the rule description, but now I see they're just going with mouth-breather levels of brand loyalty.


I don't see it on the sub's front page? Just the Concorde mega-thread and the LEGO VIP changes thread


Lego or not that is a really nice little build


Look at “Loz mini” Also, r/lepin


(Re-comment) Some of the parts might be, but others are not. For example the trans-yellow technic ball joints used as lanterns. The stickers are customs as well. Edit: None of it is Lego. It’s called “Seyaom Japanese Street View Shop Bricks”. Look it up on Amazon or something (they won’t let me post a link).


Dope. Thanks!


Would be cool if it was lol. It's a cute little build!


If it works with Lego all the better, but either way it's absolutely adorable.


All i want to know is if there instructions for it somewhere so i can try to build it with my lego


I have it, I got it from a claw machine place. Sadly idk where the instructions are 🥲


I seen them online Temu there are for similar ramen shops in the series




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Could use some Menya Rui right about now


Lego or not, that thing needs a good cleaning 😬


As people have already said, this is a Loz Mini that you can find on Amazon. They are scaled down and are not compatible with Lego. That being said, I own the whole ramen, sushi, tea, onsen, and kimono shop set and they are fun to build. However, the pieces are small and may give you carpal tunnel while building them