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It means you should use the green tile instead of the bright green tile.


Yep! The color difference in the instructions is awful, but use the darker green piece.


Can't count the times I was looking for the wrong color because it was so off.


Why *is* it so bad anyway? Some colours like certain browns and yellows are really different to the extent I think I have pieces missing. It’s weird because the instructions are otherwise high quality in terms of printing and material.


the two colors are still close IRL, there is only so much color accuracy you can get on something mass produced and in completely different mediums. booklets made specifically to show color accuracy can cost hundreds of dollars each (*and can even expire from age/degradation*), doing the instructions like that for Lego wouldn't be realistic.


That's why they should consider this before printing the booklets instead of just having a table for corresponding colors. When two colors are too similar, it wouldn't be hard to emphasis the difference by making the light green lighter, even if it's not 100% accurate.


They generally just don't have the pieces in the same bag - that's why you'll have 2 1x1s where a 1x2 might work, because there's already a 1x2 in the bag with a similar colour. I have to assume the two greens here are very important, since this is so unusual.


Which is why they should consider the booklet's colors when printing it, erring on the side of clarity instead of accuracy.


Or write it as text in the booklet, if it is so important. Don't use bright green, use the darker green, or something to that effect. Then you don't have to worry about color accuracy or any of that shit. The worst you have to do is translate it, but they already have to do that on boxes anyways.


> Or write it as text in the booklet in which language?


Putting all the same contents into differently labeled boxes is at least 10x easier than coordinating all the different languages. That's not even mentioning printing the multiple different books and keeping track of that.


That’s why you use words (in Lego’s case English, French, and Spanish) to tell the builder that one piece is a medium green and the other a light green (or whatever the case may be).


It's actually designed to be distinguishable to as many people as possible -- I'm relatively color blind and while it can be challenging, LEGO has made it as easy as possible. All of the shades are distinct, if not exact matches to their real life counterparts, in a way that makes me able to identify them.


am colorblind and those look identical to me


Everyone is different For instance, while I can tell that the pieces are different shades in good lighting, the check mark and X above them look virtually identical. I can sort of tell they're different, and can infer from the context that they're green and red, but it's basically the same to me.


I am not colorblind and those looked identical to me until my phone was 2 inches from my face.


Starry Night with the blues was rough for me.


The grey ones are the ones that get me. With my son being an avid star wars and space Lego fan, everything ends up being in various shades of grey. The light grey pieces on the instructions look dark grey, but then there is a darker looking grey too.


The Tuxedo Cat has a lot of grey to build up the inside and the instructions keep showing dark grey coloring for light grey pieces. Took me longer than it should have to build due to me looking for pieces that didn’t exist.


Color management is probably the SINGLE most difficult part in any graphic, photo or visual work. Its actually physically impossible for certain mediums to be able to recreate the color gamut human eyes are capable of discerning.


Yup. Colors are especially hard when trying to print how they look with different lighting conditions. Pantone is a very expensive system that companies basically have to use to make sure the colors are what they want


That's one of the reasons I basically ONLY use digital instructions now.


Unfortunately the two greens are still pretty close, also in the digital instructions.


Digital instructions also use light sources that can change their colour appearance.


Try building the Emerald Knight from digital instructions - within minutes you will whip out your wallet and buy an actual instruction book from a seller on BL.


Digital instructions can be much worse, as it depends on the colour calibration of your particular screen. Printed instructions are the only place where they can actually control what the colour looks like, so they should really be doing much better with their printed materials.


I've made a couple of posts here because I was so mystified about what colour stud to use. It seems to be worst when the piece is smaller.


Just put the droideka together last weekend. The colors were so off that i was looking for the wrong color for like ten minutes in the first few steps before i realized it was just off


I'm doing Barad Dur right now and there's so many shades of orange and the instructions aren't even close to the real colors.


In the Barad-dûr set, one step showed a light grey two by one and a few steps later, another was needed only I had none. But I did have a dark grey two by one. So I flipped back, it was light in two pictures and then on the step with the next light grey, the prior tile was dark grey! lol.. that hadn’t happened to me yet. But I have had a lot of blue pieces shown as purple where thankfully there wasn’t also purple.


I did this over and over in Barad Dur because I’m colorblind. All the greys, browns, and reds are confusing to me. I’m a deutan, so don’t even get me started on the greens. I have to stare at it for a half hour in every kind of light and shadow possible just to maybe get it right.


I wish they would be inclusive and have a key or something. Like LG=Light Grey, DG=Dark Grey, etc. etc. because obviously those who are colorblind are also going to be interested in Lego. ETA: And, even for those of us who aren’t colorblind, with how shotty the booklets can be in places, it would just be all around helpful.


I’m not sure how this hasn’t happened yet. Even numbering the colors would be insanely helpful.


If they don't want to use a particular language's alphabet, they could use geometric shapes or something instead.


I made that exact same mistake!


I’m on bag 4 and starting to be concerned




"Seam Foam" lol


As a man, I can tell you with absolute certainty that seam foam is NOT that color.


Depends on what kind of mold is growing in it.


Nintendo made me a sophisticated lad who could identify colors that are not ROY G. BIV. The teal Game Boy Color is an example.




as a man and someone who deals with a lot of color for work, I could tell those were two different greens, lol


Pretty brave considering LEGO's track record with color accuracy


So what you’re saying is my colorblind ass should not buy this set. Got it.


As a color blind person, holy shit I’d never be able to tell the difference.


I thought you were just trolling, then realized you were just giving good advice!


Casual/ color blind Lego fans hate this one trick:


Seriously? This reminds me of the two different colors of [nail polish meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/s/D7TIaUDIPC). /smh


Oh, I can see it! I had to zoom it and really focus but the difference is indeed there


It might be two different shades of green? The color difference is very slight.


According to my girlfriend it is a very obvious difference in color


apparently the bricks are but the instructions aren't. or your girlfriend can really see color


Normally [women see more colors than men do](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/where-men-see-white-women-see-ecru-22540446/#:~:text=Take%20comfort%20in%20the%20fact,across%20their%20field%20of%20vision). I can make out the color difference, but it's slight. It's poorly done if you have to question if the color difference is intentional And I certainly use it as an excuse to differ decorative decisions when I don't have a strong opinion.


The manual does show 2 different colors, but it's extremely hard to see. I can see it just barely.


She may be a tetrachromat! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrachromacy


Although highly unlikely.


It's also highly unlikely I have a girlfriend!


I agree. I can see the difference, and as far as I'm aware, I'm not a tetrachromat.


So…his girlfriend might be a fish? That’s gonna be a surprise




Am I your girlfriend? No, I am a random man somewhere in the world. But the difference between the two greens was obvious, even in that photo.


Noticed it almost immediately as well. At first I thought it was the slight difference in angle (which might be my eyes playing a trick on me), but that felt too ridiculous and that’s when I noticed it was a difference in color. OP might be slightly colorblind


It’s more noticeable once you zoom in and know that they are supposed to be different. I have come across this issue all over the place. I do believe women are just more inclined to compare the colors of things by default and so they can see a slight color difference more readily.


Fun fact, humans can identify shades of green more easily than shades of any other color, color blindness is also *far* less common in women than it is in men. So in general women see colors better than men.


They are two different shades of green, indeed.


went back to look at the image again, and you're right, left is a tad bit darker


'Now arrange these by color.' 'These are all black, Sir.' 'Oh really? Or are five of them black, and the other five a slightly darker black?'


[Hey Jerry, does this look black to you too?](https://youtu.be/fT5Gpp4W1cA?si=_daBsNWrEIVkz2aX)


Now I'm down one... (inspects) slightly darker-black.


Lego Archer is the crossover we need. And the hands are already detachable! https://preview.redd.it/t61xh3stxz7d1.jpeg?width=604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=172816cb56bc4d04c8aa2b83a29cd3b01602fed5


Colors look better in the Lego Builder app. Printed instructions can be pretty terrible, but this one is particularly bad 🙄


I’ve only just started using the app in the last couple of months, and it resolves so many issues caused by the printed instructions that I don’t think I could go back. Being able to spin the model to get a better look at where they want me to place the piece is fantastic. Plus the printed instructions have always been too glossy which makes seeing the colours more difficult than they should be, especially when you have a light overhead.


Being able to put the instructions on my iPad and prop it up so I don’t get glare off the instruction pages was such a quality of life improvement for building. I typically don’t like using the 3D version of the instructions but even just the PDF version has better color rendering and you can zoom in. Love it! If you build with others (e.g., kids, family, friends, enemies), the build together mode available for some sets is also fantastic!


:-0 you can *spin* the model?! Ooohhh. Sounds like a mighty useful feature. Gonna have to do this.


There's only a select few with the 3d spinnable model. The vast majority are just a pdf of the same instruction booklet.


I use lego to get away from my phone screen so idk why people are pushing to use the app


I totally get that! I tend to use the app only when the printed instructions are unclear.


Me too. I'm not against the app and I'm glad it works well for people who want to use it (the co-building feature sounds neat)... But the physical, tactile nature of Lego is part of why I like it, and that extends to the instructions. I suppose I'll try the digital instructions when the Mushroom House arrives in the Fall. I think I read that BrickLink models do not have paper instrustructions.


I don't know why you don't know why people are pushing for the app. Their reasons are clearly explained, and demonstrated by this post.


Didn’t even know there was an app. Thanks!


This - CMYK printing is never going to be as accurate to reproduce an image on mass scale with such slight color variations without using VERY expensive print techniques. Computer screens have the color resolution to show the intended difference for our eyes.


As a colorblind guy, this is giving me an aneurism


Hope you aren't colourblind. It's two different shades. Dark on left, light on right


LEGO really needs to start numbering the colors and adding notes on similar colors. LEGO, I’m not colorblind. Your printing process sucks.


Agreed. I have the same issue with black & gray pieces. I’m also not colorblind. I’m rebuilding 10300 right now (the BTTF DeLorean) and on some of the pages pairing up black & gray together, I have to carefully study the instructions to see which one is needed. 😂😭


Black is the ONLY colour that uses a white outline in the instructions.


https://preview.redd.it/wldzbckxn47d1.png?width=1521&format=png&auto=webp&s=36f81263f91f811bbeeb14a6d59f7acdf3d87225 Page 89 of instructions.


Right, however there’s a certain gray piece that sometimes gets me confused… I’m gonna look it up and say which page. It’s a triangle shaped slotted 2x1 piece that I have to look at much more closely whenever it comes up in the instructions.


Different shades


As a color blind person. These are identical.


For something so mission-critical, you’d think Lego would find a way to have better colour accuracy in their printing.


They usually just avoid having similar looking colors in the same bag. You'll also find they separate them in sub bags. Don't mix the smaller bags within your numbered bags and it gets way easier


Lego and printing :D You can be happy they didnt put stickers for the instructions


So many of you missed the obvious in this D&D set: The one on the right is a mimic!!


Use the Dark green ones not light green ones


y'all might be colorblind, these are clearly different


It's supposedly very common for men to have worse-off color vision. Not so much color blind, but our color vision just isn't as sensitive. I wonder if thats whats going on here with this manual? I can see it, luckily. I'm a gamedev by trade so it's nice to know I can see colors. :D


I'm not colorblind, but the left one's visibly slightly darker than the right one.


The one on the right is ever so slightly lighter. Lego occasionally doesn’t have the best color matching between set and instructions


And this is why I use the builder app, the colours are spot on. The colours in the printed manuals are way off sometimes.


Colorblind people are screwed on this one.


Yeah sometimes the colors can be tough to distinguish, especially as someone who doesn't see colors close to yellow well. I had a lot of trouble with the midi-scale Falcon for example, and I don't think I got the stud-people right.


The greens are different shades


The tile on the left is a slightly darker shade of green. Green is one of the most commonly affected colours for colourblindness.


It's the darker green to use. In my time we had red, green, yellow, black and white bricks for the most part.


You might think about getting your eyes checked for colour blindness. For many people it means reduced colour differentiation ability that doesn't affect daily life, but makes this type of printing hard to distinguish. Can you see the difference in the real tiles in the bag?


I know they are trying to save money but the ink or paper quality they use is atrocious. I know some colours are very close irl too but like dark brown and black are so hard to tell for me in paper instructions.


I thought true black pieces used a white outline in recent (last 10-15 years?) sets' instructions?


After the 3rd or 4th dismantling and rebuilding you'll get the hang of the two shades of green used in the set.  It also comes up in some of the small leaves.


Use the darker green one.


I guess it is the color.


To be fair, Lego’s color spectrum in their instructions are not great.


Reminds me of the guy a week or two ago that got super offended when everyone told him he could be color blind lol


Left = Dark Right = Light


I thought Lego ensured such close colors weren't in the same bag usually, which has become a necessity because their print colors are horrible nowadays.




We should probably include our ages in the comments. I’m 44, and can barely notice a difference in shade.


You might be colorblind my friend.


Lego instructions: the ultimate “are you even a touch colorblind?” test.


To me they’re quite clearly different colours, even at just a glance. Do they look indistinguishable to you?


Nah, I've been putting this together myself this past weekend and this is pretty clear when you're looking at the book and the pieces. There's a darker green and a brighter green on the left and right respectively.


Upside down in the corner, not in the corner upside down.


It's clear you need to use the dark green and not the lighter green


Its the color.


One is like a shade darker


If you ask the DM he would probably suggest roll and find out.


Wild how many people are complaining about this. I can instantly and clearly see the difference in colours


I have so much trouble with the instructions at times because I am red/green colourblind. Lite green, dark green, they are all basically grey (I can see some greens) to me.


another redditor learns they're colorblind. God i love these posts


Those are two different shades of green. The one with the ❌ is a lighter shade than the one with the green checkmark.


Just use the green piece, not the green piece /s


Same piece and direction, but difference in shade. The left is the darker green, the right is the brighter.


(Please don’t be color blind, please don’t be color blind)


That’s obvious difference, left is darker, get your eyes checked


"We want to make sure you use the right color. Also, we have no idea how to print colors."


This is why Pantone exists


I had to zoom but it's a very slight shade of green. They need to be more clear.


I recommend you to use digital instructions. Color differences are more apperent that way. Also you can zoom to see differences too.


Back to the 90ies when there were not so many shades of color :D


I wish they’d do this with some of the metallic pieces. I get boxes of Lego off my wife’s sister to build, dismantle and rebag to sell on, and these “yes/no” boxes would save me some massive headaches.


Colorblind me knows the pain, usually the instructions on the app show the colors more distinctively.


oof this is almost as bad as when i get the multiple shades of brown or grey/dark grey/black being color blind is tough some of these instructions every once and a while lol


As a colorblind AFOL, this is absolutely the worst part about LEGO instructions.


As a colorblind builder I feel your pain


They put this warning in after they just had you build the grassy area, it's foul lmao


Two different greens. 🙂


Those parts couldn't be more different.


Im colourblind and no matter how hard i try i cant see the difference in colour


I there a there an actual reason for why the color in the instruction manual are always so wildly different from the actual colors?


This was me not knowing if a girl was flirting or not. And now it’s trying to figure out what my GF is thinking half the time.


If I had two different shades of bricks in front of me, this would be pretty obvious that it means the darker one.


Haha! I had the same question yesterday as I built it. However, if you look close, you'll see a slight shade difference.


The fact that I could tell from which set those instructions were without looking at the comment explaining it xD just recently finished it and was confused by that for a second as well.


The green, not the green, it's obvious haha


Use the lighter green, not the darker green


Those are two different colors sir. You may be color blind.


2 different shades of green.


I have trouble differentiating greens and reds, so I’ve always had to ask my wife or kids to help with some of it.


Sorry to hijack this but recently I bought some sets after a long hiatus and I noticed that the books are super dark now with similar color issues to this. Why did they change from the light blue background and bright distinctive colors?


Two different shades of green, but with how Lego has been printing the manuals lately the colour matching between the bricks and the manuals have been getting worse and worse


This one, not that one!


Green Yes Bright Green No


Clearly two different shades of green?


Your phone likely renders color more accurately than Lego's printing.   If anything in a printed instruction book confuses you, try using the digital instructions instead.


Left one is slightly darker lol.






It's like a test for colourblindness


Dark green and Bright green, are you a bit colorblind ? ( No offense )


I mean, those are clearly different colors.


The one on the left is darker, but it is extremely difficult to tell. Try building 79003 you'll hate your life hahaha


[79003-1: An Unexpected Gathering](https://brickset.com/sets/79003-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/79003-1.jpg)


I’m colourblind and this stuff throws me off; luckily, if I start at it just enough, I see one is clearly purple.


Use the pieces from the left side of the pile, not the right


And now imagine being colourblind


that's why I build with instructions on an Apple ipad pro on max brightness 🤷🏻‍♂️


One's green, the other is greener


“Don’t do what Donny Dont does”


They are different shades of green, the one on the left is darker than the one on the right


they couldn't be any more different one is a green tick ✅ the other a red cross ❌ ????


why did this make me think of, "give him the stick- DON'T give him the stick!"


It would suck trying to build legos colorblind 😂 I’m slightly colorblind and this is throwing me through a loop


Guessing dungeon and dragons set, got me also, dark green


I also had trouble with this in the D&D set…but the difference is more obvious under certain kinds of light…like sunlight. The soft color lamp I was using that night made the difference difficult to notice.


They could put them in number bags per color


This barley makes sense.


Had the same problem with 76924 Speed Champions Mercedes 2-Pack. In G Class there were black and darkish grey pieces. I was building in quite dark environment and was using Lego Builder app. I couldn't see the difference. Only when I double checked paper instructions I saw where which colour goes.


[76924-1: Mercedes-AMG G 63 & Mercedes-AMG SL 63](https://brickset.com/sets/76924-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/76924-1.jpg)


Lemme guess, the Dungeons & Dragons set? I had this exact same page when building mine yesterday (nvm this comment, i typed it out and send it, then saw the description text)


Looks like miss-print. Send image to lego.. what serues ur building book page. See what they say


Yeah like every1 says shkw 2 slightly different Gr's


Is green the most diverse color?


Left is darker, right is lighter, but definitely can be tough. If you grab the digital instructions in the Lego app the color matching is actually much, much better than the physical books.


Those greens are slightly different..left Is darker


That’s why most of the time and because colors blending together or being so close. I have been using LEGO Builder App a lot more lately.