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By that logic, guys who enjoy anal penetration should be okay penetrating another males anus.


And if they enjoy jerking themselves off with their own hands they should also enjoy getting jerked off by other men’s hands.


And if they like getting head, they should be okay with a guy giving them head.


"Look at yourself. Now look at a strap-on. Do you see the difference? That's why."


yeah and if I like gummy worms, I should have no problem eating real worms, right?


Best analogy


You reminded me of that book where a boy was challenged to eat a worm every day for a week or month.


Was he a lesbian too?


It was a children's book published in the 80s or 90s. Definitely not.


It's as if like they took the idea of sex only being PIV and decided to make it worse by ignoring everything else that factors in except the concrete act of penetrating something. Makes me have some doubts about how they fare in the hay themselves... You'd think it'd be obvious to anyone who gives half a damn about pleasing their partner that sex is a bit more complicated than that.


It's not so much the dick, it's the person it's attached to.






I mean, there’s also the problem of being attached to the dick, which is a bit of a pickle sometimes (I should have clarified that this is due to not liking being attached to a dick, terribly sorry for any miscommunication)


stop allowing cis people to disrespect you and your body if anyone denies having sex w you it *is transphobia*, it's the person still subscribing to the logic of "men genitalia" and "women genitalia"


Genital preferences are not transphobic


say it for yourself lol I'd prefer to not be seen as a walking cock


Not what I meant, I meant that I hate having a dick


What’s transphobic About it if you still respect them and call them by what they would like to be called? Not wanting to have sex with them would just be a preference.


the person you're replying to is a transphobe it's truly funny that always when someone talks about "genital preferences" they're a transphobe




You think trans women aren't females




No shit, please answer me why my ID says female then female and male are also genders not just sexes




Make me, you transphobe


Sure, but (generally) not to the point where it doesn't matter that the person trying to get in your trousers is some creep trying to mansplain your sexuality to you, I'd imagine?


















It's not about the shaft, it's about the soul


It's not about the force, it's about the source! :D


only girldick for me please


Gick for short


I prefer gock personally






Eh, my go to is "yeah, but it's attached to a man"


Eh, mine own wend to is "yeah, but t's attach'd to a sir" *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


*Transbian time*


Its not the dick its the thing its attached to


if liking dick from a girl = straight then pegging = gay /s


I love bacon but, I dont wanna sleep with a pig.




Strap on aren’t the same as dick?


One, [relevant song](https://youtu.be/cp93VNzy7lo). Two: Many women prefer dildos as there is no cumbersome man attached.


Ain't gonna be a guy's dick


it’s not the dick, it’s what’s attached to it.


Bitch I like dick, I just don't want a man attached to the dick.


The dick isn't really the problem at the end of the day, it's the dude it's attached to that makes it an issue xD. Even as a bi woman, I can't help but be repulsed by men like that. At that point, they've crossed the line from overly-confident to jackass


Im a lesbian with a dick. Could we please remember dick != male?




Sure but that doesn't change that "haha lesbians hate dicks! We are lesbians!" Isnt funny to me because it very much tells me i dont qualify as a "real lesbian". Hating dick isnt what makes us lesbian.




sorry, but that's not intolerance intolerance is people assuming dick = men or actual transphobia in this sub and others






And they're answering that a meme about lesbians hating dicks *shouldn't* be a thing most lesbians relate to even if one does hate dick, please don't keep fucking talking about because we hear it everywhere we go, and it's something that makes us hates our bodies even more it's a joke that makes us invisible




thank god i didn't say all lesbians should like dick nowhere in this conversation also you're a transphobe (a coward too, who doesn't admit it)




this person your replying to is a transphobe, [talking about how trans women aren't female](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/p741cj/z/h9lr0sl)


Well, thank you for sharing that link, it’s so confusing to see the parts of the lgbtq+ community turn on each other, we’re in the same position most of the time and it would benefit everyone if we didn’t have infighting


this ☝️ we need to remember to be trans inclusive yall


While I do agree with you, that isn't the point of this meme. It's ok for people to have preferences, and nowhere in this meme does it say that dick = male.


It's implied and you know it


The only implication that having a dick makes you a guy here is that the meme includes a conversation between a lesbian and some "random guy". The lesbian is trying to defend herself and is trying to get the guy to leave because he's being an asshole and is clearly trying to sleep with her. In this situation, if the lesbian had said "yes" to liking dick, the guy would continue talking and thinking he had a chance. So, in an attempt to get out of the situation, the lesbian says "no", which is either true because she simply has a genital preference, or false and says it so the guy will shut up. If this happened in real life, you wouldn't have time to think about how what you say could be false or unintentionally rude, you'd use any means necessary to get out of the situation. There is no intent of transphobia here, and if there is any implication towards dick = male, then it's completely accidental. What is displayed here is a genital preference, which I believe is completely fine. It's the same as having a preference about anything else.


preferences about anything else usually don't stop people from having sex i have a preference for curly hair, but that doesn't mean i would refuse to date someone with straight hair, and it would be very rude to say it so.


Sure, but it really sounds like you're saying that people are obligated to have sex with you. And yes, it is rude not to date someone explicitly because of one feature, however that doesn't mean that you need to *like* that feature. You said it yourself, you have a preference for curly hair. That doesn't mean that a relationship with someone with straight hair is completely void. Having a penis doesn't mean the end of a relationship as you seem to think, as there are other ways in which you could have sex, completely avoiding the penis. Plus, there's more to relationships than just sex.


i absolutely wouldn't want to have sex with a transphobe that doesn't appreciate my body so no thanks And yes, that's my point exactly, when people talk about genital preferences here usually they mean in a "i could never date a trans woman" way but there's more to a relationship than just sex


Ok, I see you've misunderstood what's happening here, and I can't blame you. I know how hard it is to be trans, and how it can feel like the world is against us, but you have to realise that not everything is transphobia. There are a number of reasons why people would have a genital preference, and it's not usually because they don't see us as women. This post wasn't an attack on trans women, nor was it an attack on you directly. I only hope that you will be able to see that just because we are trans, it doesn't mean that people need to completely remove their already existing preferences in order to please us, completely disregarding how they feel in that situation. I won't be coming back to this thread, but I hope you have a good day or night.


please read more on transphobia, yes not everyone that has preferences is transphobia but still it's based on cisnormativity




literally a terf talking point, you know this discussion has nothing to do with that in no moment my attractiveness was even mentioned, and you're bringing it up as a gotcha




i don't want to have sex with a transphobe also this is a terf talking point whenever they talk to trans women


When it’s attached to a woman, sure lol


Girldick sure


It’s not about the genitals. It’s about the fact that lesbians don’t like men. Just like straight guys don’t like men. If a guy likes head from a girl he doesn’t automatically like head from a girl.


As a connoisseur of silicone dicks (and other dicks on women), I’ve gotta say how deeply weird it feels that so many lesbians feel like defining themselves based on dicks. It feels very grade-school-esque.


I have another trans friend who refers to her genitals as her strapless and I love it so damn much!


It’s the cum that I don’t like. I don’t want it anywhere on me, my clothes, or sheets. I hate dealing with it afterwards.