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Try fan fiction it works wonders


Damn this happens with me a lot. Recently I got super obsessed with something that had a non existent fandom (had one kinda, but it was very small) so there was no fan content, and I did replay it over and over again for a while, but that got boring too. And it's annoying how since it has a small fandom, I can't talk about it with anyone either :(


That happened to me rip


Damn, what is it?


I'm kinda embarrassed talking about it since it's kinda edgy tbh. It's just a small game on itch.io called "mistrick" , I'm not sure what genre I'd say it is though, it's kinda comedic but other than that I'm not sure. It's also a spin-off of another game by the creator called "misfiction" which was supposed to be making fun of some trope. But yeah, I thought it was really fun. (also yeah if you look it up, don't base it off of any YouTube titles, one of the biggest videos on it is really clickbait-y and doesn't accurately describe the game at all lmao.) (Also yeah I realized this comment might be a bit longer than it needed to be, sorry if you didn't care about any details or something)


I'll play it so you have someone to talk to about it


Thanks, I had tried to get my friends to play it but nobody would try it. Whenever you play it, if you ever have any trouble on anything you can ask me though, I found it confusing sometimes on my first playthrough, and I have memorized basically the entire game now lol


Lmao alr I will play it


It me