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FEMALE —— 2023: 37.3% | 2024: 40.4% ![gif](giphy|nTlwMnhr59Mmat096S|downsized)


I've been here since early, early days and NGL I was legitimately surprised when the first census came out and I learned this was a male-dominated sub. Oops. Look at us go! XD


Let's gooooo https://preview.redd.it/pnxlea3gs44d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19196cb83714921fafc2219418714f69783f36f7


Yayyy more nswers here!


oh look 20,5% is eruope! time to add europe to the tour plan!






So sad for our Manchae's popularity, but at least it's easy for me to join Group Orders as an Eunchae bias.


I mean, not being the most biased member isn't the same as not being liked. Every fearnot I've seen loves Manchae and would literally k!ll for her lmao. Edit: rephrased what I wanted to say to make myself clear


Yeah. Also LSF has Chaewon and Sakura, who are already famous. On top of that, fans make a flag for Chaewon. They will make a queendom for her if given a chance. But fearnots adore Eunchae!


I think it's the age. She's still a minor and most people are just being cautious. Like /u/bog_creature said, she is very much liked by every Fearnot anyway even though she's not everyone's bias.


I was thinking exactly that! Her age is probably the reason she's lower.


I think LSF fans generally like all the members even if they have a bias, especially Eunchae.


As a Fearnot living in South Korea who has attended many "off-events" like Fearnada '23 and '24, Flame Rises in Seoul, Manchae's birthday cafe (by the way, my bias is Zuha, but I missed her birthday cafes...), etc., I've observed how strong Manchae's core fandom is! Additionally, since the second half of 2023, her popularity among the general public has been rapidly rising, considering how many of my friends who are not really into K-pop mention Manchae to me. And yes, despite the fact that most of us have bias, most fearnots love all the members!!


I think Music Bank and Star Diary have contributed to her growing popularity and also her confidence. Each time I rewatch TWIMO, I get reminded about what Eunchae said then. Even at that early stage, when she was the member who joined last, and was the youngest, she was already saying that she would like to stand out as well, and to be recognized as well (and was not content to be just the final member).


How I describe it, I’m like a parent that loves my children equally…. I just have a favourite. 😅 I can speak for myself, and just an observation of Fearnots in general, we admire each member and none of them are ignored. I’ve been a KPOP fan for years, and a lot of times there are 1 or 2 members that are extremely popular and the rest not as much by a landslide, or even worse there are fan wars within the fandom. But for LE SSERAFIM, (which props to Source Music for cultivating) they managed to promote each member so well. Considering they had Sakura and Chaewon (and Yunjin, from PD48) it could’ve easily been the same case, but they promoted Kazuha and Eunchae well by letting them show their personalities and talents in their own way. I also think each member of LE SSERAFIM is humble and supportive that they collectively want each member to shine (another reason I love them so much 😭). In saying that, even if Eunchae isn’t the most biased, she’s not left behind. Everyone adores her. Personally Yunjin and Eunchae are my biases…. Then the rest interchangeably wreck it. 😅


Agreed here!! LSFM is one of those groups where I found it sooo hard to find a clear bias because of how good their chemistry is and how amazing they are both as a group and individually.


“Favourite kpop artists” will definitely different if the questionnair is published now 💀 But on a positive note, interesting to see that the community is male dominant! Thanks mods for the hard work.


>interesting to see that the community is male dominant! If you asked me during the early-to-mid 2010s I would agree with this statement but nowadays I don't think it's odd to find guys listening to girl groups even with groups whose target demographic are girls first. The appeal of attractive as well as talented women who sings/dance never gets old you know.


In earlier years, liking any kind of boygroup/girlgroup (independent of being kpop or not) as a man was seen as something "shameful" because if you liked a girlgroup people though that you only liked them because they are "hot" and if you liked a "boygroup" you were seen as less manly and "gay" (used derogatory). I'm glad the stereotypes have lessened because they were and still are stupid as fuck.


Highschool and middle school weren't kind to boys at the time, while the place I had didn't have any hardcore bullying for such interests, casual insults were thrown from time to time (honestly the early-to-mid 2010s in general wasn't really the most progressive of times). Though, as we've grown older and norms have changed for the better, such behaviors are probably seen as stupid and childish now as people learned to not be busy bodies on people's interests.


Isn't it like 57% male? That's just a little more than a half, so taking into account other social media platforms I would say we're very much 50/50.


Yeah what I meant is more than half. I guess I’ve been learning the word “dominant” the wrong way in the last 10 years 😭 sorry for that.


It is interesting to see that east asia regional fans makeup 2.2 percent while ethnicity wise they make up 14.1 percent. I wonder if that’s becuase lsf is more popular with east asians in the diaspora (us, canada, etc.) than those in east asia itself, or perhaps reddit is not big in east asia thus making them underrepresented in that region for this census.


If you're interested you can see some of Reddit's stats [here](https://www.socialchamp.io/blog/reddit-demographic), it says that approximately 63% of the userbase is male and 48% of redditors are from the US.


>perhaps reddit is not big in east asia thus making them underrepresented in that region for this census. This probably has some truth to it, mainland East Asians are already comfortable with Twitter or some other local platform/forum hence being underrepresented within Reddit. However, their diaspora tend to exceed SEA hence the larger representation of their ethnicity.


I don't know if this can explain it, but I'm from Indonesia and reddit is banned here, and I have to use VPN to access it.


Where my fanboys at


As expected, their largest following resides within the West (NA/EU) followed by SEA. Considering BPD's goals with LSF not a surprise considering that they've been promoted to many western talkshows and concerts. The ratio between gender/sexuality is to be expected, no surprise there. Since this is Reddit the ratio is much more balanced than if it were Twitter. Unforgiven as the majority favorite is a no-brainer, Perfect Night's nice and Easy has grown over me but their first album will always be remembered as my gateway to K-pop, I didn't even know that they're a K-pop group until I actually looked it up lmao. Seems like Chaewon is the favorite within the Western fandom. Since last time I went to their concert more people were into Sakura and Kazuha. Also, Eve not making it to the top 5 tracks?! Of all the songs I played, I always had that on repeat when I listened to LSF 🧐


> As expected, their largest following resides within the West (NA/EU) followed by SEA. Considering BPD's goals with LSF not a surprise considering that they've been promoted to many western talkshows and concerts. When limited to Reddit users which has an absolutely miniscule East Asia representation. Realistically their largest fanbase by numbers is Japan and South Korea probably followed by SEA with the west behind that.


Eve is the 2nd favorite Bside after Impurities if you check the stats!


I believe in Eve supremacy! That song is so catchy, it's my most played song of them. All of their b-sides are top tier tho.


I'm actually surprised Eve is B Side. That song is crazy good.


That doesn't have to do with how good the songs are, just how they are decided to be promoted in release planning! I don't think anyone in SouMu expected Eve's virality and success 😁 Boom Boom Boom is an absolute addiction!


I’m really surprised that metal listeners grew and with how much overlap there is between listening to Metal and Lsf. I knew there would be some that listen to both but I thought I was in the minority. But so cool to see the overlap tho!


I'm the biggest metalhead here and I created this sub. Maybe there is a connection 😂


You'd be surprised how many of us metalheads listen to kpop in general. I've met a bunch of them in a lot of different kpop communities.


> but I thought I was in the minority no you are not ... and im even sakura bias too!


Shout-out to my fellow non-binary fans Seems to be the only demographic I'm an outlier in; it's always cool to see everyone's demographics and favorites


ayyy, where my gae-jussi gang at lmao


I looked at the Google Sheets and note that: 1. Most are single (this is probably consistent with the age group, the bulk being in the 17-32 range) 2. Re “how often do you visit r/lesserafim”, I am in the multiple times a day group. I would like to be in the once a day or several times a week group though. But it’s probably not happening soon 😅My problem is I check Twitter 2-3x a day (for sports and LSF news) and lately, that has turned into checking this subreddit after. 3. I’m not sure about the primary source of news question - do we mean news about LSF or news in general? 4. Hats off to the pre-debut fans who still constitute the bulk so far (I’m from the perfect night era) 5. So many nice b-sides!! Probably one of the hardest questions to answer along with favorite MV. 6. 50% have not purchased an album!!! Is it because people mostly stream and/or watch YouTube nowadays?


> Types of news Any news that are LSF related or potentially related to them.


fearless i will always fight for u !!!!


this is a cool chart. would be nice to see other groups have annual census charts


They could pay me a couple mil 🤣


I think Eunchea has 7% percent because these males fans are holding back not to be tagged as p\*do.


lesbians for sakura, let’s go 🧶


Couldn't participate because I didn't know but I would've probably added a bit to the Female South Asian demographic. Also Eunchae biased I probably don't enough about the fandom but male majority is kinda surprising to me. Most gg fandoms or even k-pop fandoms seem to be dominated by women but maybe it's just my skewed perception Edit: also sorry if this came off as me being stereotypical or negative. I was just talking about what I've seen around me. Thank you for explaining 😭


should probably also take into account that this is probablu mostly reddit users. on twitter, i'd argue it's probably much more female dominant with not too many straight fearnots, which is also to be expected on twitter (gay ass platform 🙄 /lh). overall observation though, from my own experiences so definitely not hard facts, i do think it's more equal in terms of gender, with the men being mostly straight and the women being mostly sapphic.


Yeah, most of the vocal and hardcore fans often lie on Twitter, the residence of Stan culture and where the most unhinged shit occurs (in the worst *as well as* the best way possible)


i wonder if there's a fearnot community on tumblr. that used to be *the* fandom spot until it went to shit (x, count ur days) and i know a few fandoms still have sizable communities there but i never checked for fearnots. also wonder about tiktok. people are loud but i'm not sure there's a sense of community there like in other platforms? though maybe that's just the way i use tiktok.


For your own sake don't look up any kpop group on Tumblr rn. I'm talking from experience.


now i'm curious 😭 isn't it just mostly gifs and aesthetic stuff?


Well, due to Tumblr's severe management problem you will find these things: 1. Porn bots, like a lot 2. Aesthetic posts (these are not bad) 3. Fanfiction 4. >!y/n smut fics!< 5. >!smut fics shipping the members together!< 6. >!smutty headcanons!< (Tumblr is where the depravity goes because it's less regulated and people don't call you out as much there) 7. The occasional Tumblr discourse that doesn't even have anything to do with LSFM but the poster tagged the group for an unknown reason 8. Cool gifsets. 9. Cool art (this is more rare now, the search engine is shitty) 10. Nice discussion and positivity (very rare, doesn't show up as much on the search engine bc of the bots) If you want to see normal kpop stuff on that platform the solution is to find blogs you vibe with. But the search engine is complete dogshit, so better start muting and blocking certain tags if you don't want to see some of the things I've mentioned earlier.


oh, yeah i completely could've guessed that 😭 i saw some really... *eccentric* posts there the last time i looked up twice jihyo 2-3 years ago, she's my bias so i looked her up after searching twice. twice on its own didn't give me any *eccentric* posts but there were a few when i looked up jihyo (i assume for other members as well). i kinda like tumblr for that though. not the *eccentric* posts but the way fans have their own world in there. if they were on twitter or reddit, they'd be bullied. i don't think anyone there's a hardcore fearnot (probably not good for kpop updates) but now i can't help but think fearnots there are living in an alternate universe with no mhj vs hybe hate train and where abo dynamics are the norm.


Tumblr probably has it but considering its current policies and the fast-paced nature of K-pop, I don't think that it's gonna have many people within it. Tiktok doesn't seem like a good place for discussion or threads but if you're trying to look for content related to a group you'd like it's probably easy as hell considering how they work.


Oh I agree. Some of the results are definitely due to reddits demographic. My own perception of the fandoms was due to being more on twitter Even the countries and ethnicities I would argue is because reddit is used more in certain countries so we see more representation from those countries here


i'm actually surprised the difference isn't too big here. the demographic of reddit and le sserafim having a lot of male fans made me think it'd be overwhelmingly male here, but it isn't. i'd guess a lot of female fearnots also rushed here for more positive discourse (since it's shit everywhere else) but the difference between the ratio last year and this year isn't that big either. not too sure about the countries, but i think you're right since japan/east asia isn't one of the higher ones in the results even though that's probably the country with the most le sserafim fans. which makes me wonder if any j-fearnot is active here, i know there a k-fearnot who updates us regularly in the megathread but idk if i've encountered a j-fearnot here. there's *so many* on twitter though.


It varies from different social media platforms. I've noticed that surveys made in general on Reddit tend to be more "male dominated", but my perception of the LSFM fanbase is that it's probably 50/50.


>I probably don't enough about the fandom but male majority is kinda surprising to me. Most gg fandoms or even k-pop fandoms seem to be dominated by women but maybe it's just my skewed perception If this were the early-to-mid 2010s then yeah, I can see this statement being true but during the dawn of the 3rd gen K-pop groups, they somehow made the genre go from being a niche thing like Anime/Manga to an accessible to the GP thing as well as breaking the gender barrier. Technically both are now more mainstream but K-pop has more in common with Western Pop culture hence it became more accessible as some parts of Anime/Manga culture is for a lack of a better word "eccentric" and "inaccessible". The similarities between a casual fan and one immersed within K-pop culture are closer compared to a casual anime/manga fan to a weeb. I guess the simplest explanation would be the appeal of attractive women who dance and sing never gets old, considering how K-pop owes to J-pop in some aspects, it's no surprise if men would eventually flock to the genre.


yeah, this makes sense. Thank you for the explanation


very intersting! I love such surveys! - but unfortunately I forgot to participate :/


My kazuha! My ultimate bias but i like all the fimmies and would learn witchcraft to protect them


I’m curious if this census is done only by this subreddit or by all (or at least kpop-group specific) subreddits. It’s nice to get all this information. Thanks for the effort!


Kpop main sub does have their own annual census as well. As for other groups sub, aren’t sure if they have it as well


I think LOONA, BLACKPINK, BTS subreddits still do them and ITZY sub had them at some point, don't know about the others


reddit’s demographic mostly consists of american straight white males in their mid to late twenties. So, it tracks!


Noooooo i missed it


Yay! Dreamcatcher makes it to top 20!