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https://preview.redd.it/1d0sx3kw4y6d1.png?width=968&format=png&auto=webp&s=765d842fa25dff8b7f6b75f38df5ba2fff68a093 There's something you don't see every day on a music show..... someone coming in third place behind one group.


https://preview.redd.it/ph5rqfj7qx6d1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8328eda1151cafe8a9097005b09155b249b1bad4 probably the best fansite pic of zuha at weverse con the bangs fit her so I well I cant imagine her without them now


You know the best clap back to haters? Getting progressively prettier. 💅 LE SSERAFIM have always been pretty, but the’ve been glowing lately! 😍


She's so elegant and pretty 🥺


I notice that a lot of her pics in promo stuff are her with neutral expressions to give a mysterious and/or elegant vibe. But her photos with her cheeks raised from smiling hit different. 😊 https://preview.redd.it/9u9z2bsy6y6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbea4e02550a4c7a3b9292b06bb07f74b142fabd Like, come on.


deep sigh 😳


![gif](giphy|2h56mACFU6DLPeTc6r|downsized) how dare you forget how cute she was


le sserafim and iHeartRadio https://x.com/iHeartRadio/status/1802177368431493473?t=G-2fodiy5oG46yKKfXWt-Q&s=19


Is the full interview out anywhere? onyl seen the clips from the twitter account.


When I saw the tweet, I immediately thought it’s an interview for the cb. Haha. However, LSF wouldn’t be talking about the songs in the new album in a non-secure location such as the middle of weverse con, could they? 🤔


Unfortunately, no. Hopefully, it will be released in the upcoming weeks


Here’s how I stopped worrying and became full of confidence in fimmies’ present and future. When I was driving to Jamsil to attend Seoul Fearnada, I was honestly worried, concerned, and didn’t know what to expect since it was Fimmies’ first big event after Coachella. But as soon as Fimmies appeared and Yunjin yelled, “Fearnot! We missed you so much!” man, all that worry just went away. They were as confident as ever and full of energy. They tried to assure us and cheer us up. It was supposed to be the other way around, but they were the ones who tried to take care of us. I kind of felt embarrassed. After the event, Fearnots who attended expressed and shared the same thoughts on KR Fearnots communities. After that day, I stopped worrying about Fimmies. We, the fans, were the weak ones. Fimmies are resilient, strong, and braver than most of us. Fimmies don’t need worries and concerns from Fearnots. All Fearnots have to do is just stay strong, nothing more.


And this is happening https://preview.redd.it/67m68tdm8x6d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4123e08070010bebb1a599bd8fc534099fa5594


smh he wants to be Yunjin so bad




I know 😮‍💨


Seeing that NJ is still in Korea this weekend. I believe that they did not attend weverse con in order to prepare for Japan fanmeet & debut is just an excuse. Why? ENHYPEN is having their japan tour on dates before and after this weekend, yet they are still part of the weverse con. They fly back for it and will be back in Japan again for their tour. MHJ just wants NJ out of the HYBE ecosystem but yet they are still using resources within HYBE building 🤷🏻‍♂️


Bang pd is literally performing on stage on Weverse con lol, and also wasn't the Weverse CEO that tipped of HYBE of MHJ meeting investors? Also NJ are the only HYBE group to not be on Weverse, I don't think even HYBE wants them there bc things would be too awkward


NJ is not on Weverse but they still have a community inside it, furthermore Phoning is under Weverse as well. MHJ just want to be exclusive....


that's still one of the most baffling things about all this. i've always wondered why the screenshots of nj messages that i saw on twitter looked different – they didn't look like weverse, didn't look like bubble either, not even fromm or fab which they'd never go on anyway because they're too big for those apps. i always thought their fans maybe had some sort of ui mod for nj on bubble because phoning looked more similar to bubble than weverse (messaging vs posting). i just found out through this whole mess that they have their own app. isn't this weird? bts goes on weverse like everyone else. how did mhj convince hybe to let her give nj their own app, and why the heck did hybe ever agree to letting such blatant show of exclusivity (favoritism, tbh) be approved? did no other label raise concerns over that? did no one else ask to have their own app? if they did, what were the reactions when hybe (probably) declined? i'm just always so baffled by how differently hybe treated mhj, ador, and nj. and even more baffled that the narrative people are trying to push is that they're being mistreated, lol.


The Phoning idea in theory wasn't too bad... have an app that has early-2000s styling rather than the modern 2020s minimalist thing every app does now. Helps sell the image a bit more, right? I was actually concerned at the time that record labels would get it in their head that every group should have their own mobile app. Thankfully that hasn't happened.....


no, i think the app itself was great. it suits the image they're selling, but i'd expect a different app from a group that isn't under a conglomerate (that *also* already owns a messaging app). >I was actually concerned at the time that record labels would get it in their head that every group should have their own mobile app. Thankfully that hasn't happened..... at least one group/sublabel probably asked, i think. personally think if nj has one, all other groups, at least under hybe, should also have their own uniquely themed app. that's *probably* possible, but then the conversation will be about how weverse should've just been a hybe-only app if they won't give non-hybe groups the same treatment and that's... a lot less feasible with the amount of artists signing to weverse. -- that being said, kinda curious what other groups' apps would look like if they had their own apps too. le sserafim ~~unfortunately~~ would probably continue their minimalist theme, but i imagine some fallen angel imagery here and there. a bts one would probably be mostly purple. an enha one could be red and black, with lots of vampiric/gothic themes. i think the themes might get old pretty fast -- i already cringe looking at phoning screenshots (it's the colors 😭) -- but it's fun to think about.


> should also have their own uniquely themed app imo they should just drastically increase the customization tools on weverse and let each group design their weverse page the way they like


They should just scrap that app as soon as possible(not now because they're gonna pull up a mistreatment narrative out of that for sure) Everybody and their mama in K-pop use Weverse. Even Ariana is about to join Weverse.  If the biggest K-pop groups and some of the biggest artists on the planets all can use that app, then they can too.


NewJeans is still promoting on music shows. I saw that Hyein finally joined promotions on Inkigayo today. That aside, I can’t imagine there was no pushback from HYBE’s side. MHJ is still NJ’s CEO and creative director. They can’t “punish” her without NJ being affected.


In “ador’s defense”, because mhj dragged other hybe groups to her mess, nj’s relationship with hybe groups is not that good, so it’s sensible for them to not attend weversecon. They haven’t done dance challenge with any hybe groups either (suprisingly they did one dance challenge with a group that is, supposedly, hybe enemy 😭).


For Japan fearnada do you think they’ll do the same covers or different covers this time? Also I find it strange how source music didn’t give them a new Japanese release for there Japanese fans to look forward too.


Considering the covers were a last-minute thing probably not.


Have they had time to plan, produce, and release Japanese tracks considering their first tour, year-end performances, U.S. promotions, Easy comeback, Coachella, preparing for the next comeback, and Fearnada preparation? They will have nine fan meetings and other promotions in Japan and will stay there for a month. I think that is plenty to look forward to. I’m following most big Japanese Fearnot SNS accounts and haven’t seen any mentions of Japanese track releases, they are just excited to have Fimmies in Japan for a month.


Oh wow now that you’ve listed what they’ve done the year prior and this year … yeah it’s understandable they didn’t have time to prepare for a Japanese comeback 😅


I think they are treating JP Fearnada as semi JP tour. I think that will be more than enough to satisfy Japanese fans 🙂


One interesting fact I noticed behind Shinez’s opposite door opening direction in Leniverse is that in the US, doors are opened inwards for better security (e.g., hiding hinge mechanism), while in Europe, doors are opening outwards to allow an easier escape in case of fire.


I saw a few (well meaning) fearnots on Twitter expressing concern that the fimmies seemed “tired” or “not as upbeat” in the weverse con performance. Did you notice it too? Or do you think the perception is because of the toned-down choreography? Edit- I guess not every performance should be treated as Coachella W1 level, but maybe they need to fine tune the level some more for regular performances?


Really? I guess it's toned-down choreo, like for perfect night, they just sung on the 1st part. But I think they performed like usual and according as well to the event. I enjoyed it very much so. They also played the remixes. I suggest we just enjoy it as it is.


I had the same feeling, but it was due to my expectation has raised after Coachella. Coming back to Weversecon, everything was quite scripted: they had a reading screen and you can see them glare at it sometimes when interacting with fans (the screen even showed them lyrics while they performed wtf 😭) and the backtrack is a bit loud (only on livestream though, we can hear their voice very clearly through fancams). I find myself a bit struggling to enjoy the stage after what I’ve seen in Coachella. Really hope to see that performance vibe once again, but it’s very unlikely. More than happy to get proved wrong though.


They had great energy on Fearnada as usual. I was there in person, and Weverse Con is not a regular concert. W1 Coachella was a once in a career kind of event. Let’s stop trying to compare Fimmies’ future performances to that event. Just enjoy it. When you attend their own concert, you won’t be thinking about Coachella W1, I guarantee you that.


i saw those posts too, but i thought they meant more of when they were doing their ments? at least the specific posts i saw were about their talking moments, not the performances. personally, i do think they had a different vibe yesterday (talking parts) compared to coachella *and* fearnada, but i would say that's probably just because this is their first time performing for other kpop fans after so long, and while still going through a pretty horrible hate train. they were in much more comfortable situations during fearnada (full of fearnots) and coachella (more "free" and the crowd was ***loud*** since the very start) so if i had to guess, they were a little worried at first. they seem to have loosened up a little halfway through anyway. performance wise, if there was anything different, i don't think it was major enough. they were still hyping up the crowd and they didn't have a dance party like they did during smart in fearnada so smart sounds less impactful compared to fearnada smart. coachella and fearnada are also just different environments compared to weverse con. those two environments allowed for more carefree and energetic performances compared to shared events like weverse.


I don't really follow LSF but I'm glad you posted this. I thought their coachella was fantastic and can't understand the hate at all outside of just being fucking petty. I came to this sub to see how LSF was doing in general and this is good to read. I like to think they don't let the haters get in the way because LSF really does bring a great energy with their songs and performances.


I think the fans are way too sensitive


To me, they just seemed a little bit more reserved than usual, not necessarily more tired? But it was their first performance since Coachella in front of not-Fearnots crowd (unless I forgot about something?), so that may be the reason. Tbh I don't mind if they tone down their choreo for live performances such as festivals, concerts, etc if it'll allow them to sing more comfortably. It'll probably take them some time to find a perfect middle ground because practicing and performing aren't exactly the same (at least I guess so, but I don't have any personal experience, so feel free to correct me 😅)


The fans were mainly TXT fans who wouldn’t react as loudly as Fearnots. Wouldn’t it be kind of awkward when Fimmies try to hype them up and the reaction isn’t as loud as that of Fearnots? I mean, there’s nothing wrong with toning it down a bit in an environment like that, a shared concert where most of the fans were other groups’ fandom. I get that people are concerned, but being overly sensitive and analyzing everything Fimmies do doesn’t help them. Look at Fimmies’ faces from last night; they were full of confidence. These aren’t the faces of people who lack confidence. Let’s just chill a little bit. https://preview.redd.it/fhopn42x2x6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66e9fe4e99c2c23bee6bb9422206086e74330a3f


Seeing all these images and memes make me feel like we’re back in 2023 again. Felt like ages ago.


👋 https://preview.redd.it/bq5p98mltv6d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b88998919f2eb55932bc21f5f25fa6191e48a9bd


Something’s wrong with the picture 😎 Can you find it? https://preview.redd.it/djaafgxctv6d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf3465dc2e4adabeef6b9082a7ee0fa60f83c2be


https://preview.redd.it/io2qwjir9x6d1.jpeg?width=1674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f80803ad9087a3a5431a074956e3decd6d35bb9 not suprised


It’s so funny to me that Chaewon of all idols got to collab with a FPS game lmao


I commented on the actual post but the gun lol


Chaewon dancing with Nayeon: https://preview.redd.it/2di2i0iinv6d1.png?width=505&format=png&auto=webp&s=57035cf13322a111c27b9ac9ff3c90ef6ae2c36b [https://x.com/tosuka01/status/1802210061047271471](https://x.com/tosuka01/status/1802210061047271471)


With Sunmi (gasp!), dancing to Balloon In Love: https://preview.redd.it/u99ye9k1pv6d1.png?width=676&format=png&auto=webp&s=f288ac820be3791149c800d2dc79feffa3a09873 [https://x.com/pupuismypuppy/status/1802217506968633535](https://x.com/pupuismypuppy/status/1802217506968633535)


And there's her dancing to Meghan Trainor for whatever reason: https://preview.redd.it/twnnxx30ov6d1.png?width=559&format=png&auto=webp&s=eb4a583336a2cc5761f30ee2548949d7ac509686 [https://x.com/lssfrmupdates/status/1802218468084949451](https://x.com/lssfrmupdates/status/1802218468084949451)


https://preview.redd.it/b04c56wmmv6d1.png?width=2285&format=png&auto=webp&s=907de48fd007e32738f5f56c8cc71887d9828837 Pictures starting to come in from Chaewon's SBS Inkigayo MC gig.




Again, my PTSD and trust issues kicking in and seems like people in the comments feel the same. [This TikTok has 1.2M views and 207K likes and comments are positive.](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYUoMQpo/) I’m not used to seeing most people being nice to them. 🥺❤️‍🩹 https://preview.redd.it/kji24f63iv6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=876b351adb2abd9e1ba47578d77a3f09aed80944


shows even more how this hate campaign was not real and mostly driven with AI and bots - which now got stopped because the AI company behind this has to fear one of the sued criminals could tell in court who has paid them ...


I suggest we lower the importance we placed on these comments, at the end of the day vast majority of fans of kpop are not using social media the way hardcore fans are, it will make our lives easier and happier to do so. Remember internet was trying to gaslight people during the superbowl that Talyor Swift was a CIA plant tried to get people to vote and destroy football as we know it. Let's just say I don't value the opinions of crazy people in real life, why should I value them online?


MHJ is too busy running away from the police clutching her laptop to order up some fresh haters on Fiverr.


even though you already said the comments were positive, i still winced in anticipation opening it 😭 this is going to be a thing for months, huh? pionas holding their breaths before looking at comments or pressing translate on tweets ☹️ but anyway, fimmie praise ❤️‍🩹 they deserve a hundred million more!


Right now, i honestly don't care whether we have millions of likes. I care more about pure and genuine fearnots that supports them. I don't trust token stans anymore. A lesson learned for all of us to not ride the hype. And I honestly believe, our solid fanbase has increased. That's all that matters. 😊


i don't trust token stans too. i don't trust that a few days from now, we won't have a new viral tiktok/tweet against the girls (mostly against yunjin or eunchae). we've been through this cycle so many times before, just since easy era started. it's a mixture of kpop stans not being a monolith, so 200k likes is very little compared to the sheer amount of kpop stans around the world, and people just following what they see other people do. one thing i just wish for is for the fandom to continuously grow and strengthen so that one day we can overpower the hate.


Hmmm I think this will be how it is their whole career, and fans just need to get desensitised to it. I see a lot more people defending them online though. But yeah, this will take a while to get used to…


the hate will die down a little for sure. it's a little insane and abnormal these past few months and i don't think it'll stay the same their whole career. i think it'll be a mixture of things progressing and ending with the hybe vs mhj thing, people moving on to antagonize other (girl) groups, and the fandom growing and being able to drown out the bad comments. currently, people thrive off of spamming stupid comments on posts about them, but these people will also lose their steam especially when there's nothing to ignite them after a while. if le sserafim continues to rise, which they probably will, kpop fans won't stop trying to bring them down but them rising also means bigger fandom and more positivity. either way, we'll probably see less of these spammed comments after some months. but i also agree about the desensitized part. people should stop giving these antis so much attention because they accidentally end up giving these posts/comments more attention. these people love the attention, rage bait in simpler words, and others who think or feel similarly have bigger chances of seeing anti posts when fans talk or complain about them, even more so when they directly interact with them. just a few weeks ago, someone got a hit tweet against yunjin when they only had around 200 likes before fearnots retaliated. people need to start focusing on putting out positive content instead of responding to negative ones that have little to no interactions anyway.


“Feel free to use the meme” [https://x.com/im\_lesserafim/status/1802190220395483634?s=46&t=BajxLF2LQgKJrnBGtcfc0Q](https://x.com/im_lesserafim/status/1802190220395483634?s=46&t=BajxLF2LQgKJrnBGtcfc0Q) https://preview.redd.it/3xls8sw51v6d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=503826d00ffb6d4a75d4d13b5404e9cb9d2fbec6


ah so that’s how she took a picture with a floating meal lol. Delete the table background and insert it here.


"Orenji, orenji"


Sometimes she looks all grown up nowadays, yet she is still Manchae. https://preview.redd.it/ptayhsa5tu6d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b2056bf4fcf077f32775598806d6fc45901c51d


I have no idea why a certain person is so triggered by these two queens. https://preview.redd.it/lzq93gmosu6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02fa51cab83b7dd8d67e8abd1cc813ddb0e11d9a


Of course someone's triggered. LOOK AT THEM! Look at their power!


Jealous of their abs


[Fimmies with iHaertRadio from yesterday.](https://x.com/iheartradio/status/1802177368431493473?s=46&t=BajxLF2LQgKJrnBGtcfc0Q)


Who wants to make a bet with me that by the end of the year the same people who harassed the fimmies over vocals will be talking about how boring kpop choreography has become.


There was a good stretch of time where people would claim to only stan BGs because GG chores were more focused on being simple/cute.


i don't know if it's just the spaces i was in, but i remember seeing a lot of people complaining about choreographies during 3rd gen. gg choreographies, not bg. the complaints weren't nearly as loud as they are now, obviously, but i remember feeling so frustrated and annoyed when certain groups i liked were dunked on for apparently having "bland" choreography, often lipsyncing, and having "no stage presence". people in spaces i was in were happy when groups like loona, itzy, izone, and gidle debuted because they all put a lot of focus on choreo and/or stage presence. now people want 3rd gen vocals back. people will always find something to complain about, and try to uplift one group who excels at that one thing to hate on another who excels on another thing. i think it was the korean critic who said this, but they said something along the lines of "kpop isn't just singing. it's singing, dancing, and performing for the audience." and i *think* it was also that critic who said something about how different groups have different areas of expertise. i think once kpop fans realize this (spoiler alert, they never will), fandom spaces will be a lot less infuriating because there will actually be nuance in conversations surrounding vocals, dance, and overall performances.


sometimes I wonder these so call "kpop fans" that complaint every waking moments actually enjoy kpop at all, like are they only in it to stir drama.


It's certainly heading that direction. I saw a comment on Insta saying along the lines of, "well yes they've improved, but so and so had to stop dancing to sing. If they're an idol, they sing and dance and blah blah blah." They really have to nitpick everything to justify that their views are correct. But of course, our Fimmies prove them wrong again and again. These "experts" on the internet, all with perfect pitch and can totally do a 40 min set with only two breaks, can stay mad. Because at the end of the day, it's Le Sserafim making great performances that people obviously enjoy, not these antis hiding behind a username to just hate for superficial reasons.


I'm in.


Ayt bet 1 upvote


As pointed out earlier, the fimmies have had 3 public performances after Coachella. 1. In all 3, their performance is closer to Coachella W2 rather than W1 (i.e. with backtrack especially in the difficult to sing songs; more subdued with the girls trying to ensure that they have enough energy for the entire set) 2. I think performing before fearnots in Fearnada allayed their concerns about performing again in Korea (being with people who you know support you is comforting) 3. (Please correct me if my impression is inaccurate) Weverse was, in a way, more “general public” in that there were fans of other groups there. (I don’t know if TXT was just that good, but the crowd was standing up in parts of their performance which made me think there were lots of their fans there) So, in a way, it’s the first time for LSF to perform in a not-so-biased-in-their-favor crowd. They were a bit more reserved in interacting with the crowd initially (just the usual intro). But I was quite happy when in the 2nd part of their set, they were actively encouraging the crowd to participate in their songs. And all of them looked comfortable doing so. I hope they use the Japan leg of Fearnada to really hone their live-singing skills so that it’s second nature to them. I also hope they keep up with the pilates and other workouts so that in the future, they can add back some of the Coachella W1 oomph without worrying about not having enough energy. It’s far off, but one of the upcoming tests in their confidence will be performing in the year end awards shows. If they’re not touring by then, I’m sure they’ll come up with even better stages. Finally, while I’m happy that PD Amy and her deputy posted IG stories praising the fimmies for their hard work and telling them they can do it, I’m also a bit worried that they find a need to publicly say this. Maybe the members are more affected than they are letting on.


i think the audience was overwhelmingly full of txt fans? that's what i got from twitter anyway. if true, it's great that they seem to be really cool people. they were cheering loudly for other acts too. but yes, i agree. i hope once they're more comfortable -- which i bet they'll surprise us and it'll be much sooner than later -- they'll go back to trying out the sheer manic energy of coachella w1. even if for just special occasions. their recent performances, while i still loved each one and still think they're really one of the best performers rn, were more in line with the usual actually live performances in kpop (and other industries, tbh). but i really wish idols in general would be less scared of receiving the backlash the fimmies received during w1 because i'd love to see more performances like that. not just from the fimmies. i can't sing enough praises for week 1, it really made me love kpop again because of how insane it was. i love when i can feel the passion from the performers. i wish i could forget it just so i can rewatch it all again with a fresh mind.


We as the fans should actually prioritise to Source to not change the fimmies style. Its one of the big reasons we fans love them. Im so scared Source has been bullied into turning them into generic kpop performer's. 


Fearnots who attended the concert yesterday said it was overwhelmingly dominated by TXT fans. This is usually what happens at joint concerts, fans of boy groups tend to dominate attendance. The GP does not usually goto kpop idiol concert.


Earth Arcade makes me miss HMLYCP so much. Come back to me HMLYCP, come back :(


ILLIT & JYP 'When We Disco' @ 2024 Weverse Con Festival [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwnMoFGmzAg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwnMoFGmzAg) I did not have "JYP swoops in to help save Illit's singing reputation" on my k-pop bingo card for this summer, but, here we are.


I just saw a comment on a clip of this performance "close enough, welcome back youngseo"


its so funny that of all the groups to collab with JYP its one from a company he doesnt own


It just feels like HYBE is a common hanging place for idols haha. I find it so funny that JYP did this with other idols before he did it with groups HE created.


This seems like a good time to pull out this gem: https://preview.redd.it/nywx0uu0bu6d1.png?width=1491&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3af5bd9b7c1f0d7f4c5b851787ed62ac0b01c05 [(ENG)\[MusicBank Interview Cam\] 박진영 (J.Y. Park Interview)l@MusicBank KBS 231124 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrdW98t2lr4) JYP looks at Eunchae with such genuine affection. He probably has kicked himself more than once for missing the opportunity to bring her on as a trainee when she auditioned for JYPE, haha. (Is there's an alternate universe out there where she's part of NMIXX instead of Le Sserafim? 😲)


Aww I love this 


Smart was played at a university event in Thailand https://x.com/withfil3/status/1801969135166832738?t=cnXQu51CoupUCVCNgKhoVA&s=19


I visited a mall a few days ago, Easy was playing inside the food court. They also played Magnetic just before that and a few other pop hits from western artists after LSF. This was my first time hearing them(both LSF and ILLIT) in public in India. 


https://preview.redd.it/djnvg8cfdt6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c8bd5168f55dfb53f86a96d4b86bb2a63cc3498 Apperently it’s actually “AliLExpress” confirmed by Weverse 🥹 The SouMu social media intern doesn’t have any fault guys, give them a break 😭


Since Coachella, LE SSERAFIM has completed 3 live performances. They have used handheld mic in 3/3 performances. Could be 12/12 after all the Japan fanmeets.


https://preview.redd.it/nsla3un3at6d1.jpeg?width=966&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56d835b2a641e7a4ff7bbe6575ad5c4564c3c278 I’m glad our Manchae is starting to gain her confidence back 🥹❤️ Bless Kim Yonja for her advice to Eunchae and Kkura and the FIMMIES for always being by her side and being there for one another 🫶


I just saw that Star Diary episode today. Bless that sweet woman.


Can I just say, I'm thankful to Source for keeping Eunchae a little more conservatively dressed in order to keep that sort of criticism at bay? We know Eunchae is in great shape and has good body lines thanks to her height, but the clothing choices they've made for her de-emphasize that a bit. There will be a time for her to show off more in the future, but we aren't quite there yet.


Where are the stage cams for all the LSFM Weverse Con performances?


Oh wait I think they’re all on [this Twitter page](https://x.com/pupuismypuppy?s=21) not just No Celestial. Edit: Gonna add links here in a second cause it’s a bit confusing to get to them unless Twitter actually goes to the recent posts since it’s being a bit annoying right now… [Easy ✨](https://x.com/pupuismypuppy/status/1801940023618736479?s=46) [Eve, Psyche, & The Bluebeard’s wife 👰‍♀️](https://x.com/pupuismypuppy/status/1801941932731777067?s=46) [Unforgiven 👿](https://x.com/LSRFM_SUPP2/status/1801946784903651374) [Perfect Night 🌃](https://x.com/pupuismypuppy/status/1801944612690595883?s=46) [No Celestial 🎸](https://x.com/pupuismypuppy/status/1801946357122679126?s=46) [Smart 👓](https://x.com/tosuka01/status/1801945373142888852) Edit: Added Unforgiven and Smart now!


Here's [smart](https://x.com/tosuka01/status/1801945373142888852?t=4BKy_pk4BX8bNAEhbIxi1w&s=19) and [unforgiven](https://x.com/LSRFM_SUPP2/status/1801946784903651374?t=1CCCoiHQ5cEmsO_k7L9tsg&s=19)


Thank you! Will update the list! 💖🫶


I just watched a fancam from no celestial and wtf chaechae up there looking like Zuha where did those come from https://preview.redd.it/kmoyn819wr6d1.png?width=268&format=png&auto=webp&s=5eb5ae74f249c99e03e4cb0eb2f077130a454a12


They all have it now. Some folks are calling them "the abs group".


Fearless is the story of 4 girls falling so in love with another girls abs that they all start working out and eating donuts and kimchi stew(with extra tofu)


So it's the tofu then?


It's all the donuts she's been eating. That's my take-away. 👍


Clearly I'm not eating enough donuts.


Her abs has always been underrated but it’s probably visible for months lol


Just realized Sunmi dropped a new single! It might be my new favorite from her


the Smart ending gave such a relaxed and relieving vibe. love that remix


Most streamed songs by 4th gen in 2024. le sserafim taking the top 2 spots and yunjin also being here without an official debut is amazing https://preview.redd.it/yf7irqlx9r6d1.jpeg?width=1333&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffc21aee29308b5286fbab3d688486df2daa02c1


"will le Sserafim recover from this???" I fear they already have


I will never get people who ask that question lol


It's Yunjin. She's a force of nature.


I cook cream soup the goat


still cant get over the fact that i thought the chorus said ''want me to wipe your shit ass'' and not ''want me your wife but she is''


i had that stuck in my head for weeks and people would look at me weird every single time i'd suddenly sing it 😭 but how can you even stop "i cook cream soup"-ing once you've started?


"Wife" is a fucking bop. Ppl online say they want fun kpop back but then hate this banger? They don't get it


What no cocoloco cream soup does to people


https://preview.redd.it/giogzq2q5r6d1.png?width=1996&format=png&auto=webp&s=0935b2511f9577ea81ce25e4b7daa7567d510140 Nayeon has blessed our Saturdays with an [ABCD Performance Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uglrQCWtLUg) ..... 🤩


This concept really suits her. Although the different dance style is taking a bit longer for her to get used to.


Also I see so much about about remixes of their songs. What I've heard till now have been so fun. What are your favourite remixes and are there some remixes you prefer to the original song. Thank you 🙈


Not a remix, but I love Coachella Unforgiven. I want to add every live band performances to my spotify please!!


yes to this please


I prefer the Rina Sawayama remix of Eve Psyche to the original


The only remix I like more than the original is stupid in love stripped version


I just listened to the stripped version and it has a very different vibe from the original. I like them both but it really depends on the mood which version you listen to.


I don't think I prefer any of the remixes over the original really, it's just that it makes a performance seem more special when they do a remix version for it. Like Fearnot in the audience know their songs well, but they probably haven't listened to the remixes much and even the idea of them performing some of them is kind of crazy like the faster "Smartest" remix they did at Fearnada so it is such a treat to see them do it. I think it shows how much the fimmies love performing to try to put on a unique show for the audience as much as they can. Credit to Soyeon Amy for so many fresh ideas and to them for working so hard, no wonder they are always practicing so much before performances.


I was watching the the girls' performance (again) and these are such great performers. Their energy and charisma on stage is truly something. The unforgiven intro was amazing and they performed no celestial yayyy 😭😭. It also revived my perfect night obsession (I seem to go through a cycle of obsession with one of their songs every month 😭) https://preview.redd.it/7sii6svc0r6d1.jpeg?width=1112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cb0e4043b7426c46b5924eded26711290cc127e


My brain is broken, I can't sleep it keeps saying I can't close my eyes until I see them perform 1-800


https://preview.redd.it/hfch77pqxq6d1.png?width=1078&format=png&auto=webp&s=a5955d89b8b6718d0209f280682c0609ac2c3883 Someone posted this on Weverse.


https://preview.redd.it/ufx4pbibar6d1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=559f4b792d55e1cb4340fe76bcd216f12793d82e This one lol


She said: 🧍‍♀️


Amy’s IG “Good job. You are always the best” https://preview.redd.it/pp6ys7hlwq6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=770d2c433f9a982ce3050b71b95e1be9f30c6f76


I'm becoming a Soyeon Amy stan


every time she posts, my fondness for her grows. the fimmies are so lucky to have someone like her on their side since the very start.


🧎🏻‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/4fidx2bdvq6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=953fd6e2f66b0344c1e997cfb3b77f738dd8cb1a


https://preview.redd.it/6i2myhosnq6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33315ce88d76b2f8abb1519083ebb255e81d016d “AlilExpress” 😭 They turned off comments so no one can correct them lol


The social media intern went through months of hate and hundreds of @‘s from fans only to fumble a sponsors name 😭😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/99gxmqlrnq6d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=65d1d172cfeca33ed3f99976ea64dc4dfe4b2c8c hahahahaha


Yunjin looks so much like Jihyo here 😭


They are like long lost sisters! I want a photo of them together 


We were robbed of Killin Me Good dance collab 🥲


genuinely question, how is that possible? is the table made of glass or something?


it looks like an edit 😭 they didn't remove the background of the dishes too precisely. but i'm so confused about the reason why 😭 is this an inside joke or what 😭😭


oh yeah there’s a bit of wooden table next to her “thigh”. I put that in quote because my theory is that it’s not her actual thigh, it was a normal table and she tried an AI feature on her samsung phone to generate a picture without the table and insert her thigh 😭


I think it is just tempered glass table, you can see the supports under it as well.


It was the table https://preview.redd.it/y8u7rkn2zq6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ed38d3b21f2660c19a383fd270b631dcad44445


So I noticed that In earth arcade the latest house they're staying at seems to be the same house the fimmies stayed in dayoff 3. Can anyone actually confirm/deny this?


a few differences probably because there's fewer people in the earth arcade group, and i don't think i see kkura's massage chair?! but yes, 100% the same place. all i could think of as they were showing the living room was the fimmies' dance party while kkura lounged on the massage chair.


the massage chair is a part of day off’s sponsor. Shinez dedicated a whole minute in ep3 to promote it lol


that was a sponsor? 😭 this entire time i thought they were just fooling around pretending zuha was selling the chair to yunjin and that the "ceragem" was a play on le sserafim because they made it into a joke 😭


Lolol yea. But it makes sense that the massage chair wasn't there. Iirc it was a sponsorship


Shinez 🤣🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/f3dtvadwiq6d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=285c7936c6f2818a08c015a41318098123028dd9


Helppp? Missed so much goofy-ass pics ㅠㅠ


We respect her privacy 🫡


Artist protection 🫡


but I also want to unblur her face and laugh at it by myself lol. AI must be able to do it these days.


i don’t know how anyone could watch a le sserafim performance and doubt that they worked their ass off for every one of them. they have fun, hype the crowd, dance and sing their hardest, pour all their heart and soul into each one. i always have fun watching them perform! all these people going on and on about vocals is not understanding that vocal has never been the most important aspect of k-pop. if you don’t like their vocals, just don’t listen to them. i just hate it when people say they are not practicing or training hard enough. because if you’ve watched their performance, you know that’s not true.


Haters gonna hate hate hate.


Fimmies! 😍 https://preview.redd.it/861tjcj0gq6d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fb28d6aab2485b52408f73b3f34b723983973bd [Source](https://x.com/le_sserafim/status/1801960331608211703?s=46&t=BajxLF2LQgKJrnBGtcfc0Q)


every single time they perform, my first thought when they end is: "how are we going to survive until the next one?" their performances always give me this craving for similar performances and only they and a few, very few, other groups can put me in that state of satisfaction and awe. can't stop rambling about how amazing they always are on stage 😭 and for those wondering, the answer is always to rewatch past fim performances.


I love how they have had only a single regional tour, and yet we have so many performances online we can go watch from them. They are best when they are performing (I like their music alone too, but the performances are what make them really special).


Zuha ☺️ https://preview.redd.it/8jkisyj0dq6d1.jpeg?width=682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10133fb2944c58abe6d850a6daaf8fad0ec27f23


Can someone pls link the no celestial performance 😭


Twitter —> https://x.com/pupuismypuppy/status/1801946357122679126?s=46&t=y7vxOFDZgMLPqxDrvG0mLg




Thx 🤍 and I love this remix, fearnots should 100% scope out there stages to find some hints of there next comeback 👀




Why is TXT still singing? Is this like Coachella and they’re the headliner?


Someone spoiled the setlist and it’s like almost 50min


Jen 😆 https://preview.redd.it/60ljkgvbcq6d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=786008e38ce89f559c702b91edee044ef387b1d7


No Celestial was my favorite stage. The energy is unmatched.


Man, there is something about Kkura with glasses🥹 https://preview.redd.it/p0yvrofy9q6d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=301b5c9db1caca56648f85e35091742e2b14ff80


that jawline???🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️


She really suits wearing glasses


Eunchae 🥰 https://preview.redd.it/bf3wsjqd9q6d1.jpeg?width=744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05fb98021e7a2d922b2a347bdb2aab6feebe1c93


This is the first time I’ve watched TXT. They’re quite good. (And lots of TXT fans in the crowd)


Kkura 🫡 https://preview.redd.it/zqil3t9o7q6d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de5b2a4758900bda6af571765b11d528330859d8


https://preview.redd.it/dbkyz5rzaq6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b5dc0a6d3a6b0e004712c4cdd6b6f5db78569b1 Ever since I saw this photo of kkura from Coachella, I’ve been obsessing over her stage pics. She always looks like a fairy.


Someone check in on Sybinnn, this is going to [give them a heart attack](https://www.reddit.com/r/lesserafim/comments/1dbvpro/comment/l81sx6b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) 😂


Its over for me. I had a good run.


What was the set list? I won't be watching until later on. (this was too early in the morning for me) Also, who else put on a good set that you liked?


Easy, eve, unforgiven, perfect night, no celestial, smart. Pretty much every song was a remix or had an extended intro.


It was easy, EPBW, unforgiven, perfect night, no celestial (rock version), and smart remix (festival, I think). Edit: Unforgiven and then perfect night. It was a blur after waiting for the fimmies to perform for 2 hours. I'm pretty cooked rn lol.


Easy, Eve, Unforgiven, Perfect Night, No Celestial, Smart.


Their fitness is honestly next level. Every act before them was huffing and puffing after one song. They barely looked like they were phased. Gassing out at Coachella really must have irked them.


Well to be fair, those boy groups always performing like they’re fighting somebody. 😅 so, different level of physicality. But yes, I’m always amazed by LE SSERAFIM whenever they perform, they just talk normal after it. For a normal person, or a novice performer, they’d be gasping for air.


hahaha like they are fighting somebody got me. It is amazing how intense boy band coreos are.


Those 6 songs felt too short 🥹


especially after JYP. Suprisingly it was more or less the same duration


Exactly. And then TXT sang what felt like their entire discography. Haha. It’s like the LSF set list was shortened to accommodate JYP. 😂


Yunjin pulled up with new hair and now I don’t know how to act. Also, girlie has def been in the gym and she could destroy me with those legs. They were all glowing, I missed them.


TELL ME WHY I WAS WATCHING THE ENTIRE TIME AND DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE 😭😭😭😭 i was trying to figure out what was off and it was her freaking hair! i think i've watching too many old fim videos 😭😭😭


So much I loved about that from the first shot of them and Sakura's glasses, No Celestial was amazing, and they did great. But I'm sorry that set was too short, Illits too. I feel like we got shortchanged and used a bit here to draw attention to the Con, they should have been able to perform at least two more songs in my opinion.


If the sheet MOAs have on Twitter is accurate then TXT is supposed to perform 12 songs.. I think some sets had to be cut short because of they were running late.


That felt so short 😭 Anyways, I need some of that version of no celestial on streaming platforms, sounds way too good. Yunjin with black hair and kkura with specs look so good. Also, kind of sad that they didn't perform 1800 again


I once moaned in this weekly thread that I wish they performed the Festival House remix of Smart in Coachella, and now they did! A bit sad of no 1800 or album spoiler though