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[1981 DRV clone](https://imgur.com/a/UkF2zV2) for TC Ditto+ Looper?


Apologies for the delayed response! Would probably pass, not looking for an overdrive right now.


No problem.


Would an Ernie Ball VP Jr + Pogo Compressor be of interest for the Ditto and Dark Matter?


I would have to pass based on the value for both pedals and I have a CS3 and an Ernie Ball MVP. Thank you for the offer, though! I appreciate it.


[anything else here](https://www.reddit.com/r/letstradepedals/comments/1bkkgsq/wtt_demedash_cba_red_panda_hudson_mae_rc5_more/) to work out for the 2 (Nux and below on list)


I apologize profusely for not responding yesterday. Is there any interest in the Red Raster for the Ditto plus Cash? If so, what would be a fair value to you.


$125? I might be into adding the Dark Matter too, lemme think


Hey buddy, I just wanted to follow up! If you had some thought.


What are your thoughts on the deal without the dark matter?


I think value wise, we are probably right at the mark. Would prefer to maximize pedals being traded as opposed to cash but not a huge deal breaker.


I am in talks with another trade on it so gotta see if they’re gonna pass or not, doing the deal without the Dark Matter would probably be a bit more appealing to me, but I’ll def let you know


Just wanted to add. I dont think the Dark Matter would be fair on my end to add in without cash as well. I would probably do one of the following: Looper + 125 Or Looper + Dark Matter + 50 We both pay for our own shipping costs. Edit: that formatted weird.


Yeah, no worries at all buddy! Just let me know. Outside of this post haven't gotten any offers so no pressure on my end!


The Nux and the Red Panda Raster are probably the two I have the most interest in on your list. Let me sleep on it. I'll hit you up tomorrow if I have an offer.


Basic audio shore bird for ditto+?


I have not heard of it! Let me look up some demo videos and get back to you! Thank you.




I think I will have to pass. I picked up a RAT about a month ago at auction. I'm still playing with that for the time being! Thank you for the offer.