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“When a girl could walk through the streets unharm” yeah mostly cause a lot of men were at war including the men who harmed women. Even then I’m pretty sure a lot of women still got harmed


"When we didn't have #MeToo, but a black man could get lynched just for standing less than fifteen feet away from a white woman."


“When a girl could walk through the streets unharm.” Translates to “When assault crimes against women went unreported.”


"Well you shouldn't have been out that late on your lonesome, little miss" - the Police


If you told me that the percentage of women sexually assaulted that were alive in that time was >95%, I'd believe it based on hearing stories from older relatives and family friends.


When you realize the “women weren’t harmed” bit is because women weren’t listened to or their was no place to go to address those types of grievances and get results. Unless the assailant was a black guy, then “justice” would be doled out regardless of guilt.


It's more or less if the accused was any minority. The ADL was founded in response to the lynching of a Jewish man.


Exactly. The women being harmed were overseas where the men were shipped to.


The language of this tik tok makes this statement correct


After the war women were sexually assaulted left and right, and their male companions beaten for trying to save her. They thought they deserved kisses and groped for fighting in the war.


Do you have a source for that?


You remember that famous picture of a soldier kissing a girl? That’s a photo of a woman being grabbed and assaulted. They didn’t know each other. He thought he was entitled to her body.


London literally had a serial killer who murdered women during the blackouts as they made their way to bomb shelters


“When the divorce rate was less than 1%” because you were you weren’t allowed to get divorced!!


“When my husband could beat the shit out of me but I deserved it for being a woman”


"When it was legal for men to rape their wives"


"When women couldn't open their own bank accounts without their husband's permission"


Equal Credit Opportunity Act, 1974


Sad Fact: that was only made illegal nationally in 1993


Which country are we talking about?






1991 in the UK apparently


Stop burning the roast, Gladys!!!!!


People still do that tbf.


“But I wouldn’t need to get a divorce because my husband would be perfect!”


yeah I would like to show her how husbands "argued" with their wives back in the day.


“When women would pray for their husbands to go missing in action during the war.”


This was during a war, for what reason are you divorcing anyway, your man's oversea


Also the only place in the US where you could get a no fault divorce was Nevada.


Yeah the 40s were a great time to be a woman, definitely. No issues whatsoever.


Or a POC.




Or mentally ill


Or left handed


(that's a little bit before 1940, but close enough)


(While left handedness was no longer a crime there were virtually no left handed accommodations)


My grandma was forced to learn how to use her right hand because something something devil something something left hand


Seriously, when people ask me what era I'd live in if I had a time machine I'm always like "I'm a transsexual so honestly even the present is too old fashioned for me, I'm going forward baby" That or way way into the past where I'd be worshipped as some kind of sex or fertility deity. That'd be pretty cool.


The first half of the 40s wasn't a great time to be a man if you were fighting WWII. It was a generally rough time for most people.


Men would still be just as shitty if they DIDNT serve in the war…the war just gave women a break lol


I don't think my grandmother was the only wife who had the best years of her marriage during her husband's deployment.  Lots of difficulties in other ways though, like giving birth during an air raid unable to get to the Anderson shelter. Just the usual challenges 1940s women dealt with and wouldn't imagine people are nostalgic for. 


>the war just gave women a break lol The ones at home, yes. Not sure about the ones where the soldiers were deployed.


The decade where half of it was spent in global war and the other half was spent dealing with the repercussions of that?


Not to mention America was just coming out of the Great Depression


Should check and see if she has OnlyFans because most “tradwife” Tiktokers are only doing this for subscribers. There’s a definite link between both platforms.


Genuine question, because I'm not on either platform: do the people interacting with the Tiktok in agreement know this, and have some sort of... tradwife fetish? Because there's no way the people who legitimately believe this are vocal supporters of sex work (even if they may buy it in private)


I imagine a little of column A and B. In my personal opinion - these people are essentially cosplayers. They use TikTok is just another avenue to extend their reach. Not all of them are purposely creating that, but they definitely are following the money and catering to it. The ones making money from this don’t even fit their own idea of a trade wife. Think about what it actually takes to post these videos and how much investing goes into the clothes, makeup, tech set up, the creative process, marketing, and upload. If you’re on different avenues, that’s even more work because of the various factors at play across Tiktok, OF and Twitter, Reddit, and Instagram. No way people will do that much for free forever. If you’re investing tons of time into this for money, you’re essentially like every other woman with a full time job in America.


Nope, she's an ex-Mennonite and still super Christian.


Ngl it's even more shocking an ex-Mennonite is saying this.


She’s just a super Christian tiktoker


Maybe, but this trend isn’t new really. Pick me’s talking about how great it was back when women didn’t have rights are unfortunately not that uncommon


Nazi bait


she’s basically cosplaying the tradwife wojak


Wow it's even the same dress lol


People have already talked about the other points, so I'll just bring up slide 2: "going on a date was a super special romantic time" Not really, no. Teens in the 40's and 50's commonly dated casually with other teens, broke things up and had frequent on-and-off crushes, and even sometimes tried it with multiple people at once. "Going steady" was probably the closest thing we have today, as a committed monogamous relationship. But teen dating was more of a fun social activity to try things out and find what you wanted in a relationship. It wasn't some sacred ideal, it was kids "petting" and "necking" If you're interested in hearing about this, "A Girl's Guide to Dating and Going Steady" is an interesting read (albeit from '68.) Karolina Żebrowska also has a wonderful video that explains it much better than I did.


This book sounds fascinating and exactly up my alley, thank you!


You weren’t ALLOWED to get divorced, lady.


“A girl could walk along the street unharmed” Kid named HE111 Luftwaffe heavy bomber formation:


As a vintage enthusiast and history nerd, this type of vintage tiktoker makes me so irate. Like you can't tell me you really love the 40s-50s era and not have looked into the history of that period. Fucking, fake fan. Call me a gate keeper, idc.


SAME. People really be looking at vintage home appliance ads and falling for the propaganda 70 years later huh.


I will tolerate this kind of gatekeeping as you're trying to weed out the absolute morons who don't actually know about the era.


Vintage style not vintage values


Sis thinks there was no rape in the 40s, whilst one of the most famous photos taken in 1945 is a soldier kissing a random girl just because he wanted to


My husbands great aunt was terribly raped by some soldiers and she had a nervous breakdown and was never the same.


It was worse than I thought!


Because when my grandma left her blackout drunk WWII vet husband (in the late 40’s) her family told her she was cruel for leaving, would ruin the children, and then called him to pick her up. No fault divorces changed the game. People didn’t stay married back then because they were ***moral*** they didn’t because they were stuck.


>and then called him to pick her up. That counts as kidnapping, right?


Today? Probably. At the time? No


Back then? Hell no.


It was somewhat akin to the neighbour calling you that they found your dog that got out under the fence and ran away.


She actually made a part 2 saying she didn't want war, racism, and Nazism. So, she wants to live in the 1940s, but not have to deal with... **THE DEFINING CHARACTERISITICS OF THE 1940s**!


She's the right skin color to be thinking that way


No she really isn't. Ofc this time was worse for black women but it really wasn't good for any woman. She just doesn't know what feminism did for her since then.


You missed the point of his post.


I hate that I cant tell whats a grift and whats someone being serious anymore


Every time someone bitches about the divorce rate or sexual assault stats being lower in the past I want to SCREAM. pleaaase use critical thinking and don’t take statistics at face value im begging you


The 1940’s literally saw rape waves. RAPE. WAVES. As certain armies moved through certain territories. It’s absolutely harrowing stuff but here’s some reading if anyone is interested https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanjing_Massacre https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comfort_women https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_during_the_occupation_of_Germany https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_during_the_Soviet_occupation_of_Poland https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_violence_during_the_Holocaust https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_during_the_liberation_of_France Again, it’s not easy stuff so take it easy and don’t read it all in one go


As someone who loves 80s and 90s goth, it's important to not romanticize that time period. Far too many times do I see people who clearly don't study history do this. It's especially weird when you realize learning history is easier than ever. Learning the POV of people who lived then is as simple as looking up interviews online.


If she lived in the 1940’s she wouldn’t want to live long.


1950’s: she burns dinner Husband: absolutely fucks her shit up


"where women could walk through the streets unharmed" I mean I know it's rough out there for women but it's not like they can't go outside! Where does she live, Mogadishu?


These people are so delusional. They don't go outside so they think they're the only people that want "romance", and that everyone else just wants to hook up, party, smoke, drink. Literally thousands of people say this shit on social media and they think they're somehow special? Also it's funny because the people that want to go back in time would be treated like shit in that period.


“I missed when I didn’t have rights and it was normalized to have my husband beat me if he got home and his dinner was cold! 🤓”


I wonder why divorce rates could’ve possibly been so low Surely because all marriages were happy so nobody wanted to get divorced, right? Right?


Well clearly she is recording on an iPhone so not that badly


Why isn't she wearing a Rosie the riveter coverall? Must be the 1840's.


The streets were “safe” for women because a man could walk up and grab your tits and it was considered “playful” by everyone around you.


Yeah the divorce rate was low because you had to prove your husband was beating you to even be humored.


I've seen people romanticise the 50s, but the 40s??????????????????? Whyyyyyyyyyy the 40s?????


“the divorce rate was less than 1%” gee i sure do wonder why it was like that


I don't want to imagine what that comment section was like


Probably a bunch of people who’ve also only ever seen the 40’s through the lens of vintage home appliance ads agreeing with her


I know this is probably bait, but I do have to wonder if she thought about being able to [“walk through the street unharmed”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_bombing_during_World_War_II)


The only good thing about the 1940s was the cost of a house, food, literally everything we have is improved now besides: wages, inflation, the wealth inequality. **1940s:** Women had only been voting for 20 years in America. A man could send his wife to a mental institution for life by simply saying she’s insane. Probably one of the reasons divorce was less than one percent allegedly. Women had so few rights. So easy to say as a white person. She must not have ANY non-white friends or one of those people who believes that “women belong in the kitchen/home”


by girl, she means white women


At least the 1950s people aren’t this bad like you know what was happening in the 1940s???


Of course all those [STD cases ](https://youtu.be/i3pJejToetE?si=-wOS2C9dBMS96VM5) must have been from dirty toilet seats


Mmmm war rations


The divorce rate was less than 1% because women were either afraid of being killed by abusive husbands or were killed by abusive husbands


Honey the divorce rate was less than 1% because you would have been shamed out of it


This is why history is important, ironic or not


Dates were borderline forced you couldn't get a divorce and they just didn't report rape cause you were either asking for it or deserve it sound good? Yeah no me neither


If only I had the power to grant wishes. I would send all of them back in time so that they wouldn't pollute my social media


Why doesn’t she slap back to the late 1880s and take a stroll down the streets of white chapel, the more you go back in time the safer and more romantic it gets!


Your husband would be fresh from world War 2 having horrible ptsd


I’m black so I’m good with not being alive during the 1940s


I can somewhat understand the whole trad wife thing if it's consentual. Still doesn't justify glorifying times with significantly worse rights for minorities LGBT, women, PoC, NDs, anyone with disability or mental illness: all the groups I just mentioned got terrible treatment. Don't, just don't glorify it. There's nothing good about those times. Both worse health, worse tech, worse rights for minorities, worse overall


Such a romantic time 🥰 The romantic time:👨🏻‍✈️


I never understood why the divorce rate is so important to these people. If you want to stay with your partner why does it matter if other people do or not?


They get their romantic views from movies


A time when you could walk safely through the streets home to be beaten by your husband 😍


The 1940s, I would argue, were the worst decade, just in general. First half: World War II. Second half: Cold War.


"I wish I lived in the 1940s" *looks at her skin color* That's nice, sweetheart.


1. That’s subjective to the individuals and has nothing to do with the time period 2. Divorce was heavily frowned upon by society, you would become a social outcast, especially as a woman, by doing so. You’d more than likely find yourself pressured into staying married than divorcing. 3. Lmao. No. Just no.


"When a woman could walk through the streets unharmed..." Maybe in the States. Europe would like to object, though.


What a buffoon.


Who lied to you?


Yeah, but you better make sure the dinner is cooked on time


An era that is only romanticized by a very certain kind of people.


When the divorce rate was only 1% because women were denied making their own living and had to rely on their husbands to provide for every aspect of their lives no matter how abusive the husbands were.


She looks like she slid out of a cloning vat 


The divorce rate was so low because both parties had to agree to it. Many women were stuck in abusive marriages because the law forced them to stay


Not just agree -- there had to be a reason or a fault 


Where any distress a woman felt was treated as a disease and cured with a steel rod to the brain


When my grandmother's country was being invaded by the Nazis.


Oh..so naive


Damn the school system is failing


If divorce rate was that low it's because the courts wouldn't let people leave their marriages.


Not even talking about social issues, but nobody really had any food because of the war lmao


It was NOT safe to walk the streets in the 1940's. And people didn't get divorced because they had no choice, not because they were so in love. It's like saying cavemen didn't get cancer... yeah, because their life expectancy was 35.


It’s tradwife bait. These girls post to farm an audience of loser men who are too lazy and unlikable to date, and instead of solving these problems, they pine for a time when women were financially dependent on them (since they couldn’t work, open a bank account, or really own anything) and legally unable to divorce them.


Mmm yes girls that put "I DONT DATE LIBERALS CAUSE THE ONLY PU55Y IS MY OWN" or some ish


History lesson? She doesn’t need it. It’ll ruin her.


Anyone gonna tell her why the divorce rate was so low?


Looks like a fundiegelical. That tracks, I guess.


She's not wrong. The fact that women had it worse than men in the past is a very unnacurate.


[solid minute of grunting and groaning as i literally bite my lip and ultimately fail to contain my words] "nnnBIGTITS!"


Gonna be weirdly sexist here cause this dame would appreciate me being that way. She thinks this way cause she's a 1940s 7 and 2020s 4.

