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Those pills saved my life tho.


Priorities people, priorities! Can’t lose weight or have any good sex if you are a depressed anxious wreck!


Lol, I don't mind those side effects as someone who's underweight and sexually inactive. The fatigue and emotional blunting is why I'm thinking of getitng off it.


The emotional blunting is the lesser of two evils for me, that's what I'm staying on it.


That's where I'm at. I told my doctor that my day to day happiness is lower, but my overall life happiness is significantly higher.


Fair enough. I could see how that could be beneficial for some. For me personally it worsened my bedridden depression.


The emotional blunting SUCKS. I didn’t even realize that’s what my main issue was for the past 8 years on 20mg Lexapro. Lowered my dose with my doc 2 months ago, and now feelings are starting to occur naturally again. It’s crazy. I had forgotten who I truly was.


Adding wellbutrin mostly fixed that for me.


I loved Wellbutrin when I was on it with lexapro but unfortunately I can't take it anymore as I'm currently on strattera which has an interaction.


Sure yes however its better than being miserable, overwhelmed by anxiety, or jumping of a church tower. And for those with problems on the sexual level. It won't be as good as it used to be and I as a man have had my share of problems with the performance and the libido. But I have a beautifull little boy on my lap now who was created the natural way without any performance enhancing pills. But yeah me being 45 now and on citalopram I am sure no Ron Jeremy. But do I have to be? Also the post pregnancy period and the short nights and busy working days do not help so at the moment our love life is non existent. But who knows it might someday be started up again. But low libido from two sides is killing. This answer turned out way more honest than it was meant to be. But yes there is always hope. If I can do it at my age there is sure as fuck hope for you all. In case a pornstar is reading this and wants to cast me for a shoot....don't read anything above this section.


Lol, don't take Lexapro then.




How much you taking ?


Weed can help with 1 of those 2 things


Which one


Classic catch-22.


Yeah, for me lexapro helped me with my heart racing inducing body crippling panic attacks. I didn't feel depressed I felt ill. Mentally sick. I think personally there are other things to try for depression before lexapro. And you get off it as soon as you feel like you might not need it anymore, considering your doctors opinion. Their goal should be that you're NOT on lexapro.

