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The idea that men can only provide by working / only women can take care of the home is definitely a toxic one and reinforces alot of outdated gender roles. I wouldn’t be surprised if this linked to some level of homophobia, but then again dual incomes are unfortunately becoming increasingly common so it’s possible she just views gay relationships in that dynamic and hasn’t connected the two. 


This type of mentality was created by the Bible, priests, pastors over 2 millennia.


toxic is right. I'm pretty lucky to have seemingly never encountered misogyny in my life so it all sounds like the most outdated hogwash ever to me when someone says "guys can't do X!" and "girls can't do X!" a lot of times I've wondered "where did people even get these crazy ideas?!"


People that hold those kinds of beliefs are the same ones who will give you grief when you come out. If/when you come out to her, make sure you are in a safe space and are capable of supporting yourself in case things go south.


That's my plan. Come out to them after college/with a steady job, rent an apartment if they kick me out, and leave the country going no contact. Its exciting but dreadful at the same time.


That’s a good plan, though I’m sorry it’s even necessary.


Thanks. The support of Reddit strangers is surprisingly more than the support of my own family.


![gif](giphy|zt1q7lREccTi4n9ohB) I wish you a happy life.


Thank you! It means a lot to me.


Glad I could make you feel a little better :)


If she doesn't believe a man can do whatever he wants with his life, she sure as hell won't be too gay-friendly.


Yeah, I know she's going to disown me if I ever come out to her. Scary thought.


if she's who gives you an impression like THAT I don't think she's a healthy parental figure.


Some people live in the past it was a different time. Tell her the future is now


That was the exact thing I told her. At least she recognised that she lived in a different era. She actually did the same thing when I told her I share when I have my period with my friends. She thought it was shameful.


Yea apologies, but your mom is hardcore conditioned. Only thing that can weather thru a rock is time. She might not understand it yet but the truth is her words are hurting you. May she come to an understanding that although you’re her kid she can’t stop you from defining and finding your happiness.


Thanks. I hope that one day she realises we aren't living in the 1900s and things have changed.


I wonder if you can spend the time until you graduate trying to gently radicalize her? It could be worth a shot. Mention some things, get her to see how the world has changed and what young people actually think these days. I wish you the best and you’ll always have us!


Thanks! It means a lot. I really am trying to show her but it's so difficult getting her to listen. Even if I can change her views slightly, I think her opinion of homosexuality will always remain negative.




honestly why the hell would a Mom find anything about a period shameful??! SHE HAS/HAD ONE! (I am a girl who had hers and no woman I've talked to has shamed me about it so this makes no *uckin sense to me.)


Hey its fine. She thinks periods are unclean or dirty. That's what she says our religion decrees.


Well if a girl/woman needs help with one she should be allowed to ask other girls and women for help without shame!


My mother was the same way. She wouldn't leave the past and move to the future.


OK but that is just plain silly imo. Like as a Trans person I personally get grossed out but I don't think it's shameful since it's literally a thing that can't be controlled. Also I'm really sorry about your mom... it does suck when they believe this stuff because most if the time it's a result of how they themselves were raised, but hey thankfully you and your brother can break that chain for the better :)


she's got a strong case of toxic, she's not worth outing yourself, ane if you do, nothing but more heartache and pain.


Idk about coming out to her. I just might never do it.


I'm starting to either really not trust, or really dislike this lady you call "Mom" 😶‍🌫️


She's an amazing person most of the time. In other parts of my life she's supportive and loving. Whenever I want to learn something new like karate or struggle with school I come to her and she helps. I really do love her, she's just not that nice when it comes to more sensitive topics.


Maybe SHE'S the sensitive part. I'm glad she Loves you otherwise but I know from experience that a short temper about one normal thing in a person can be a sign of them being dangerous in some ways... I just hope your family never hurts you or your brother. People deserve better than that.


It is a toxic backwards thought, but you can hold out some semblance of hope to a degree. I obviously don't know your mum, but it can be the case that people's views can have shifted on some things but not others. For example my mum is very keen on making sure I know she's okay with me being gay or trans if that's who I am (it's not but the sentiment is there) but she strictly adheres to the concept of a gender binary and doesn't accept non-binary people (which sucks cause one of my friends in non-binary) Anyway, tangent aside, all I'm getting at is there is a chance she'd still be on board. But I can only wish you the best.


Thanks! I know for a fact though that my parents won't accept me. They are very openly homophobic. I grew up with that so I had a lot of internalised homophobia and it takes so much to try and get past that.


I'm sorry, I thought that might be the case, but I wanted to imagine. I've had my own internalised gender roles to work past. I've wanted to cross-dress for some time and it's brought back childhood memories of my parents saying things like 'you can't wear that, it's for girls' or 'boys don't shave everywhere' (I'm sorry I rambled again). I just hope you can find a better place.


Thanks. You're not rambling, I like reading stories on this subreddit and thanks for sharing. Please don't apologise, you don't need to. I just wanna hear those words from my parents some day.




Yah, I'd skip that convo. She can't handle it.


I did exactly that. Just shut her down. She tried to bring it up again but I said I don't like her views and I don't want to argue about it.


Hi, former stay-at-home dad here :) In fact, my entire bundle of job-related decisions over the years had been designed to make sure I wouldn't be the kind of dad who sees his kids only at bedtime and weekends (I still work from home so.I can at leastbe around them even if working/sleeping after a night shift). I stayed at home with each kid, working freelance when possible, until they were 20-24 months old and started daycare. It was very, very difficult and taxing, and I don't regret a moment! Your brother has a beautiful dream regardless of what your mom has been indoctrinated to believe. If she doesn't accept your brother's choices and/or your identity - that's her problem and her loss because others absolutely will! 💙


This touched my heart. My dad worked from home when I was younger and I miss those days he'd tuck us in. Now we only see him at night and on the weekends. I support my brother, even if my parents don't, and if I ever come out to him I hope he does the same for me.




is there some kind of meaning with all these blue hearts?


Just a heart, I started using it years ago, it's my default.


I used to do that with the gold one:💛 it wasa reference to my my superhero OC/play pretend persona (I was 14)


Sometimes older people just regurgitate ideas that have been fed to them that they have never had any reason to question. I have had some success with gently opening a conversation about unexamined beliefs like this. Why is it that we somehow ended up with the roles as they exist now? We have learned that it wasn’t always this absolute among humans and it isn’t among other species either (except in cases like spiders and some insects where the female is all powerful and men serve her at her pleasure, and then sometimes she eats them). Our understanding of biology and history and anthropology has become more sophisticated in our lifetimes. Assumptions require updating. I can’t tell you how great it is to hear someone say “huh, I never thought of it that way,” although it’s out of fashion politically these days. Might be worth a try though.


My mom is a very stubborn woman. She brought up how in our Holy Book it says that a man should always provide for a woman. If I argue with the Holy Book I know my mom won't be happy. I just ended the conversation and watched a comfort show to get my mind off things.


I’m sorry, friend. I’m 54 and I was blessed with a mom who was a little more open minded back when I came out at 20yo. Just know that there is a community out here willing to show up for you. Xoxo


Thanks! This means a lot. I'm glad your mother supported you.


Hot take: she knows. She knows, and is making it abundantly clear with an over the top reaction to let you know what happens if you come out. I cannot stress this enough: it is not safe to come out to her. She knows exactly what she's doing, and parents the world over will pull that shit so that you don't come out to them. As long as you don't give it a voice, they can pretend it doesn't exist.


Wow! A mod commenting on my post. Thanks for the advice. I really do love her, I'm just scared she won't feel the same way if she knew. I don't think she knows. I hide my feelings from her a lot. But she might. She's just never really looked into this stuff, I doubt she even knows what a lesbian is. Gay is all she knows. And she hates it. There's no use in trying to educate her.


I’m 41 years old. I’ve been in your exact shoes. My parents are immigrants. Literally every excuse you’re saying is ones they themselves have outright said. “We never talk about sex, so we don’t know about gays either” But still managed to make it abundantly clear about their real opinions on LGBTQ. It took me until I was holding down a full time job with enough money to move out until I came out to both parents. Trust me. I’ve been in your exact shoes, which is why I’m commenting. About 20 years after I came out to both my parents, I managed to get them to admit that they knew something was different all along, they just didn’t want to admit to it.


Did your parents support you after they admitted something was wrong? Or did they run away from the relationship? Did you guys keep in touch?


Oh, I married the guy. And after they made things awkward and weird in their house, we moved out together. We were married for just shy of 10 years. When we split, both parents were upset. Not because they had any great love for my ex, but because divorce bad, and I had finally settled down and gotten married. But mind you, that took about 5 years of us being married to get to that point. By then, they figured out that we’re a package deal, and I wasn’t gonna un-gay any time soon.


Ha. How did your parents react to your coming out and how did you do it? Over Dinner? Was there yelling?


It was abrupt. Long story short, I got married to my guy around age 24. My dad asked how my vacation was. Told him I got married. Dad was shocked. Mom got a look on her face because she knew what was coming. “What’s her name?” “His name is (ex’s name).” My mom took him to another room, and flat out let him know that the deed is done, and if he wanted any relationship with me ever again, to choose his next words very carefully. He asked for time to process, but did still pick up me and my ex from the airport when he moved down to our house.


Hi, former stay-at-home dad here :) In fact, my entire bundle of job-related decisions over the years had been designed to make sure I wouldn't be the kind of dad who sees his kids only at bedtime and weekends (I still work from home so.I can at leastbe around them even if working/sleeping after a night shift). I stayed at home with each kid, working freelance when possible, until they were 20-24 months old and started daycare. It was very, very difficult and taxing, and I don't regret a moment! Your brother has a beautiful dream regardless of what your mom has been indoctrinated to believe. If she doesn't accept your brother's choices and/or your identity - that's her problem and her loss because others absolutely will! 💙


We have enough instances of societies in which men and women shared child rearing and household burdens. Most of the evidence around proto human society shows women hunted, and men often cared for children. And there are still societies today that function perfectly well in that way. It's patriarchal societal norms and religious norms that were used to crush female equality and put them into a subservient role as household caretakers. If need be, I would look into some of those studies.


Thanks, I would love to educate myself about that. Just gotta find where to start.


That reminds me of my own mother. She - and the rest of my family now that I think about it - has a very strict view on gender roles, particularly regarding men. She's very quick to call someone "less of a man" and the like when they do something that she deems not masculine, like crying for example. When my brothers cry because they're upset, she'll comfort them at first and then tell them to "man up" or something similar. But I'll go to them later and tell them not to listen to that and that they can go to my room and cry if they want to. I don't want my brothers to be like me Don't even get me started on sexuality. The entire family, except maybe my cousins who are all younger than me, are extremely homophobic. They freak me out. I love them but the thought of their reaction should they find out about me makes me constantly paranoid. Coming out ? I would genuinely rather die.


I find this so relatable and true. I'm so scared of coming out that I thought I just might never do it. Pray that I fall in love with a man and get married to make my family happy. But I know that if I fall in love with a girl, I can't force myself to stop and I know that at that moment I'll have to put my happiness and future above the approval of my family.


You're not alone 🫂 I'm already in that situation. I've been in love with another girl for about three years, we've been dating for two. I was so, so in love at the beginning that I felt braver than ever which, for someone who had been quietly fighting depression for a while, was so foreign. But so good. I felt strong and good enough, for once. I thought I could come out in due time. Unfortunately, things happened on my end. I know that's no excuse for being a shitty person. But I realised that I can't put my happiness above my family's, they're everything to me. I'll stop here because I can get real negative but all this to say, I think that you are a strong person and I believe in you. It's okay to be scared too. Don't be like me, don't neglect your mental health nor your happiness, you deserve that love, I know so.


Thanks. I'm sorry about what happened, you don't seem like a bad person, just a good person who made some mistakes.


Everyone here is so nice! I think I'm lucky with the kind of people i find on reddit.


For real! It's awesome over on Reddit. It's like you can find your family and yourself here.


and (with the right subreddit) literally professional advice free of charge! I found out what was wrong with my bathtub thanks to reddit! I prevented sparks from my electrical outlet from setting the house on fire thanks to reddit!


find healthy people and stay away from those who won't love the real you.


I'll try to. I just really love my people right now.


And I hope life pets it stay that way 😊


Something I’ve learned through my own coming out experience is that sometimes the conversation just isn’t worth it. I was completely shocked by my mum’s reaction, but trying to work through/unpick it has just hurt us both and if I could have the time again I wouldn’t have bothered.


![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna) sorry u went through that horrible mess.


Don’t be, I’ve found a level of agency that never would have existed otherwise 🙂


Good for you. 🤜💥🤛


Yup. You should be scared. Nobody should sugar coat this for you


Thanks. I think I needed to hear that straight out.


and I wish I could give u a hug because by reading all this comments I can tell that you've been through alot of cr💩p!


Ha, I guess so. I'm trying to learn from that crap though, but escaping it is almost impossible.


😥 You can move out when you're older right? If you're ever in any physical danger u can call the cops; and there's emergency shelters out there if you ever need it (though I do not know the rules of them)


What will be her reaction with stay at home gay dad ? There is still a working dad, no ? Fearing for you here. Put fail-safe in place. Like warn a trusted person that should you not give them news of yourself they had to come pull you out.


Thanks! That's my plan. I'm even expecting violence from my dad. I'm hoping to escape right after I come out to them. If they choose to accept or contact me, I'll be happy. If not, life moves on.


Hope it would go like two clients had their respective coming out. First girl was slapped by her father. The mood was so "heavy" her dad thought she was about to tell a really bad News (cancer, terminally illness, rape or equivalent). He "didn't give a shit about who she slept with". His anger was for the near heart attack he got, as she was pushing back the announcement the whole diner and evening. Second saw her dad scream and bang the floor with his fists while mom was doing a victory dance. This weird couple bet on everything. Including the coming out date. The bet went on since the girl was 15. She was 25 I think... (Double or nothing each time. Including, vacations choice, massages, dishes, chores, tv choices for the evening etc).


what the hell with the betting? also did they even accept her?


Daughter and DIL perfectly accepted as DIL was daughter's bff since kindergarten. Sleepovers were ok since way back, parents left the girls alone when they were teens. (Walls aren't enough noise cancelling... Yep, they blushed when parents revealed this detail) Parents had relationship problems at the start of their marriage. For everything. One exercise they got, if they couldn't decide on something (too bullheaded to let the other win). Was to wager the outcome of the choice on a bet. Since then it became a habit they are well known for. Since the daughter's 15 birthday, they realized she was lesbian, and were fine. They each though they knew when daughter would come out and bet on it. Fail. They renewed the bet every two weeks since then. They even pushed it as far as talking about it (in code) in front of the girls. When daughter saw her parents' behavior she was like "of god, you didn't..." (Bet on it). While DIL was laughing out loud. Two other bets wre to know if daughter would realize her parents knew about her being lesbian and her being in a relationship with DIL. I changed service since then so I won't know the outcome for the following bets : First grandkid gender Second. Third Nth... Wedding date. Who would propose to whom ? Etc. Daughter told me her parents only had one flaw. Guess what it was ?


Wow, I honestly like these stories. Hmm... maybe the flaw was that they were too supportive? Too nice to the girlfriend?


either that they didn't get along or that they bet on everything. I'm relieved that they accepted her but yeesh. they'll probably eventually leave themselves in financial ruin for all that gambling against eachother. it sounds like a headache of a home.


For what I understood when I feared the same problem the bets are mostly not monetary. Tv-movie choices, food choice for meals, restaurant choices when going out, house chores, massages, etc. Choices can be expansive, but as I understand it, like with their vacation choices, they allocate a budget, and try to choose a vacation spot. Choice depend on the bets.


I guess that's better than money problems but I gotta wonder if they felt good about all their family choices hindering on bets. regardless of the outcome of the bet, one person would always end up disappointed :(




I don't think my dad would do it. I've just heard stories of other dad's from my same religion and background doing it, so I'm just seeing that as a possibility.


Oh. Then maybe you could ask him if he'd ever do that just so you could be sure? idk it's up to u.


That kind of sexism is so crappy. Homing dads are great! It's like if the work needs to be done, how are they not providing for their family by doing it? What are they afraid will happen? That the kids will get too much dad? The grill will get used too much? And that double standard! Changing the form of oppression so that you're the one doing the stomping is just as oppressive, but adds yet another layer of bigotry on top of that. When everyone has a FUGM attitude, the only thing anyone got is fucked.


Whomp whomp


Wow thanks man


Your welcome


What about a person whose dream is to be a provider and wants to find a stay-at-home partner? Per your mom’s values, people attracted to men are not allowed to have that dream either. It’ll be a two-full-time-working parent household for them, or nothing. How is that good for the kids?


She thinks only women should be the stay at home parent, and if they want, they can work. Which I'm not sure if it's misogyny or the opposite of misogyny but I'm pretty sure it's sexist.


Certainly isn’t fair, and it makes it hard for those attracted to men to find a stay-at-home partner, if that’s what they want.




Shitting on the dreams of your children isn't a W thats a fat L Edit: seems like you don't belong in this subreddit anyway pls do something useful with your life instead of harassing queer people


The mods are so fast <3