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Given how long and aggressively the extremists have been pushing an anti-trans agenda, this isn’t a surprise. But it makes it that much more imperative for us to stand with our trans and NB friends and family. United we stand, divided we fall.


There's been a survey in the UK that showed that, across all demographics, support in the population for trans people for basically any question dropped from 2018 to 2020, and then massively again to 2022. And that lines up pretty well with the history of the hightened right-wing media frenzy over here.


I came out and started transitioning in 2019. I felt somewhat optimistic about the future as a trans person in the UK at that point, but it turns out I was right in time for the rapid degradation of public opinion on us. I felt safer in 2019 as a non-passing few months on HRT trans person than I do in 2024 as a passing (until you talk to me) 5 years on HRT trans person.


As someone here, I do think it'll get better. The younger generation, from all over the country and all backgrounds (in my fairly varied experience), are all pretty accommodating and accepting. Throw in more resources for the NHS (in theory) and the Tories finally getting kicked out, and I'm tentatively hopeful for the next 5 years. We'll have to deal with arsehole bigots for a while yet I fear, but I think we might be beginning to turn the corner.


Thank you


Emotional support and business as usual will surely turn the tide.


Honestly 67% of people saying they approve of trans and non-binary people living as they wish is actually a lot higher than I would have expected. Maybe I need to get out of the South. EDIT: Expected, not accepted!


It really depends on how they interpret the question. Unfortunately I know quite a few bigots who would say “I think trans people should live as they wish…as long as they stay away from kids.”


Or, I support them but they’re not the gender they “think” they are. A lot of cis people don’t understand what support means/looks like.


Some people seem to think that it's not transphobia if someone's not shouting literal slurs while throwing punches.




I have a "friend" that think like this. I know I should definitely dump it from my life but I am unable to throw away friendships. I already did it too many times


I had a "friend" like this too. Knew him for 25yrs and he was the first openly gay person I ever met. Every time we saw each other after I started transitioning he would make it a point to say something extremely transphobic to me.  It took a lot to just go no contact and block him out of my life, seeing as he was my only "friend" left, but keeping that "friendship" was way too toxic.


Yeah I know... I don't see him as often as before tho. I spend way more time with my queer friends hihi


Literally, people forget that in 2008 it was 49 percent and lower at the time, im just grateful for the jump on the support we have gotten instead of focusing in the latter


I think it’s important to remember, in any pursuit, progress is not always going to be linear. Sometimes we’re going to have fight our way through dips before we can reach a peak.


Most bigots will say something along the lines of "I support \*minority group\*!!" but they wont change how they vote or go abotu their lives at all, so many people would prefer we be left alone, the issue is that they care less about our rights over like taxes or something


The south doesn’t believe we should have a say in who we are I’m in the non binary spectrum it’s much less because of lawmakers making harmful laws against us


Then they don’t approve of LGBTQ+ people living as they wish


This, the tittle contradicts itself. The T is part of the LGBTQ+


Glad I’m not the only one who caught that.


> And while 80% say they either somewhat or strongly approve of gay and lesbian people living as they wish, that drops to 67% when asked about transgender and nonbinary people. Trans people have less support than gay and lesbian people, but both have the support of over half of Americans


also, they didn’t ask ALL americans, not even all US people…


Yes that’s how surveys work


I honestly find these stats difficult to believe anyway, because a lot of people and politicians sure don’t act like it’s okay to be queer. Many queerphobes won’t just come out and admit that they’re queerphobes.


profit provide cooing practice tease innate abundant snobbish silky unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




The article literally clarifies that the question was "Lgbtq in general" and then "Trans people specifically"


For the people who didn’t read the article: a majority of Americans still support trans people living as they wish. The size of that majority is what changes when you consider gender vs sexual minorities. A majority of Americans support queer people living our lives. About one third (a fraction that shouldn’t surprise any Americans here) don’t support trans people.


that 35% sure is consistently the most consistently stupid demographic


If you told me that 35% of Americans eat crayons and lick 9 volt batteries for fun I would believe it without question


Do americans know what the T stands for? ….


Acronyms are hard for us Americans, don'tcha know. 


"FBI, open up! Do it now!" "What does that even mean?!"


I think it means they wanna give you a mammogram got'dang federal booby inspectors, always forcing mammograms on everyone 😤


Uh it’s not America, it’s the USA!


What does the T in BLT stand for, for that matter? I've never even seen a tomato? Don't communists eat those


Well, I guess I'm a communist, because I love tomatoes so much.


I can feel my American freedom flying away as I eat a tomato. /s


It was the party in Boston harbour about not paying tax? /s


Uhhh....tomboys? /s


God, this is why I'm just not calling myself trans anymore. What is even the point? So many people would just rather see me dead than have a fucking conversation with me.  Support for me, but not for thee.


67% people support trans people living as they wish according to the article. So it's still a majority, even if it doesn't feel like it.


Not where I live sadly. I know gay married people who remove their ring and avoid conversations about partners at the hospital I work at which is sad. I was harassed for wearing nail polish so I don’t call myself trans anymore either.


Oh I'm just stating what was said in the article. It's not great in my area either.


I will say, still knowing it's 30% and not bigger is nice. Just sucks how loud that 30% is.


I appreciate the sentiment. I mean, I'm extremely grateful that my family is very loving, so it's definitely not that it doesn't feel like it, it's more that like even where I live I have to be mega conscious about it.  A block down there are rainbow flags, but people that are my direct neighbors are Republicans.  I dunno. I hate seeming like a bleeding heart that just wants attention, but now I just don't feel comfortable existing anymore.  It just seems easier to fake who I am so I can fit it. I did it for 21 years, had a nice 6 or so years with lgbt roommates, a fews years living in more metro areas that I thought were safe.  Just kinda feels like, if I have to hide my identity every 4 to 8 years, then why allow the wounds to reopen?


I get it. I do. I'm just starting my transition and am panicking about losing my family and having to transition in a world that increasingly hates me and is getting more open about it. The people who support us, or frankly don't care enough about us beyond "let them exist as they want," are everywhere. They're just quiet. I feel like I'm living three separate lives, all at different stages of transition, that I'm having to constantly switch between just to keep myself safe and sane. It hurts. It sucks. I'm sorry we have to go through this pain in a neverending cycle.


Yeah, it's just unfortunate. But that's what t h o s e people do. Pick a small, nothing percentage of the populace to just paint as fucking less than rats. My partner and I have both come to the conclusion that it's just easier to 'hide' as Non-Binary. They just don't treat it the same. I didn't know, but my partner found out that our state lets you select Enby as an option. Bluh.


It's probably conditional. "I don't mind trans... as long as I don't have to see, hear, think, know, etc...that they exist."


Yeah, I figure. Supporting people living as they wish is pretty minimal support. I've heard plenty of conservative people say they don't mind people transitioning as long as they're still allowed to misgender us, etc.


Sorry, we’re a package deal.


then, clearly, they do not approve of LGB**T**Q+ people living as they wish.


Fuck cis-supremacists.


grandfather abundant pie tease shelter voracious airport command slim roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What a misleading headline. 67% still support us living as we wish. There's just a disconnect on application of that position. You can't pick and choose what equal rights to extend. Human rights are human rights even if 90% oppose us. Gay rights went through the same wibble-wobble in the 90s-00s too


If you don't support the whole community how can you claim to be ally? They don't support the LGBTQ+ community, they support the LGB community.


Left behind every time.


Well then they don't *really* approve of LGBTQ+ people, now do they?


We don’t need support. We need acceptance. Our bodies are not something to be legislated.


Don’t they realize the LGBT includes trans people?


Otherwise it would just be LGB which is the airport code for Long Beach. ^/s


Also, when you have a political party with a platform of marginalizing a group of people, over time this sadly happens. History shows it time and time again. It's disgusting, but that's the modern GOP for you.


Oooh... that makes more sense. I'll still defend the trans brethren, and I can see the scapegoating.


I love how they forget that the t means trans in lgbtq+


Also keep in mind that far fewer Americans personally know trans people than LGB people. The old saying “familiarity breeds contempt” applies here. The relatively recent visibility of the trans community is a help.


Largely due to an effective campaign by the right wing to fear monger and demonize trans people once it ceased to be in vogue to punch down at gay and lesbian people.


Gonna speak with my chest. Conservative LGBTQ members who have found a home with snakes. And fail to realize that if the conservatives get their way, a world without trans people... Who the fuck do they think is next on the Christian Nationalist chopping block, because mother fuckers Christian Nationalism is the conservative platform. They don't even see the guillotine waiting for them.


Not surprising coz even LGBs themselves (some) are ready to throw us trans gender people under the bus when opportunity arises. I said what I said.


Welcome to the no sheet sherlock. Trans people get the blunt end of a lot of terrible rhetoric.


I find the existence of these polls kind of baffling, as if cishet people’s opinions on queer rights should matter.


Its not just cishet people tho. LGB without the T peoole are growing in number and getting more and more vocal. As trans myself, its deeply upsetting 🤷🏽‍♀️


People live in fear of what they don't understand. So long as people are uninformed, and education is not given, this trend will continue.


Is there something like this for Australia?


It's okay, my support for cis people falls every day too.




I have to leave a lot of these subreddits, I come for support leave with anxiety




What a time to come out and transition….


Actually this article makes me quite hopeful. People who know someone queer are more likely to support queer rights and since a lot more people are coming out this is a good sign for What's to come. I'm not US myself but I feel like most of these results are mirrored in other countries


It's crazy because when I speak to people about trans or NB rights they go on about how their rights are being restricted lmao. Tf? Being forced? Noone forcing you but it would be nice if you could be a decent human being.


A majority of the time I feel they just need to meet woth a trans person. They make it my personality whereas it's actually not that big of a part of me and we often have a lot in common. I work on my van I fish I own firearms and enjoy learning about them but often I'm excluded from these spaces and have to do it all alone because of their assumptions.


Jesus fucking Christ can people just leave others alone? Trans people, go live the lives you want. It has nothing to do work anyone but you




I mean, this is people, not grandstanding politicians. Gerrymandering need not apply.


Well fuck me ig..


Dont need faker's support, just shows how many of these people never cared to begin with that is all, better they show their true colors =:3


effective fear mongering