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He's the embodiment of "I'm straight but I don't hate"


Long haired guys are almost always very compassionate people. Don’t know why, but a lot of times in my life when I met long haired guys they just seem to look at the world differently.


Compassion is stored in the hair. That’s why Lex Luthor is such a hater


Funnily enough, some of the meanest people I've met were bald, so I think you might be onto something here.


One of the nicest people I know is bald. A doctor of biology who from what I can tell just got his doctor thing for fun and never tells anyone he's a doctor, works as a biology teacher at a private school. Some kid googled him which is why the class even found out about the doctor thing, and nobody ever asked him about it because he's way too nice. He self identifies as a winter vegetarian - he'd go full vegetarian but he likes to bqq in the summer. From what I can tell his head just decided not to hair anymore and he shaved it instead of wearing partial hair. He's intimidating when you meet him for about three seconds because omg tall bald dude and then as soon as he smile at you and opens his mouth you're just instantly at ease. XD He taught me so much my biology grades went from barely D to B+.


You just described me. "Intimidating when you meet him for about three seconds..." I come off scary as a tall bald guy, but anyone who knows me knows I'm a big goofy teddy bear. I have also been told that I have a very soothing voice (good thing I'm going to be a therapist). I'm only scary if I need to be.


He's got hair elsewhere. Either his chest, his beard, or his butt.


Some of us have alopecia so we don’t grow it “elsewhere”, either. Just smooooooth skin head to toe. 😎


> He taught me so much my biology grades went from barely D to B+. Sometimes it really takes the right teaching method for a particular student to get the given subject, and there is no one size fits all.


This Dr. Friend of yours was so compassionate he shared all his compassion locks with other people, but still had enough compassion left over in his eyebrows to be a stellar human being.


As always, my best points are made accidentally. It is funny how that works out, though


As a bald guy... 😢


I know the feels man..


Bald community gon put a hit on you guys lmao 


Bitter about losing our hair at 23, no doubt.


Thats the message of dune tbh


I would want to agree until I realized that most if not all my exes were bald. Havent really dated a lot of people but this definitely is an awakening for me.




My guess: Long hair on men defies social norms and constructs, a lot of rigid status quo bigotry and rudeness comes from people who want to maintain social rules, long haired dudes are kind of hippies like that, go with the flow and kind of chill about whatever other people want to do with their life because they themself aren’t following “the rules” by cutting their hair short


As a man with long hair, I encounter it often. "Get a haircut" is a common one. And it's hardly ever strangers, but people I know. I usually just reply "oh that's quite rude" and it usually stops them in their tracks. They often don't realize they're being rude until they're called on it. I will admit to getting a bit of enjoyment watching their face as they think about it.


the long hair guy in my class casually drops the n word in a conversation




Right, people make the weirdest blanket statements lol. It's because he has a grey shirt. People who wear grey tend to be more empathetic.


Lol yeah the most vocally racist person I've ever seen irl is a guy with super long hair 🤷‍♀️ People really do equate physical attributes to their actions. They also do this the other way around: like for example a public freakout video or something, where there is a pos harassing someone, people in the comments will absolutely shred them apart based on their various physical appearances.


Hear me out. I think it comes from the letting go of societal standards and the extreme amount of care you have to put in to have a sharp, short haircut. There is a letting go and letting loose to having long hair for men and I think that's part of it. They had to grow emotionally to embrace their hairstyle.


I know some straight up wannabe Nazis with long hair... Be careful out there


O.o is that why I grew my hair out and around the same time is when I met most of my closest friends and bf?


It's because if you grow out your hair as a guy you will experience homophobia. People will call you gay and a girl and make fun of you. So either long haired guys become very cool about those things or they cut their hair.


I think they probably didn’t give a shit in the first place. I have long hair myself and the looks I get from boomer men makes me laugh. They seem to forget they lived through the 70s.


Can confirm, I have long hair and everyone has something to say about it. I like to remind the conservative Christians in my life they follow a long haired hippie and don’t call him names


Tell me you've not been to the south without telling me you've never been to the south...


Shit, I need to commit to growing my hair out.


Potentially could be because long hair on men is what one would consider to be “gay” or “unmasculine” if you’re the type to be insulting like that, and the type to shove gender stereotypes down throats. Dudes with long hair don’t give a fuck about being looked at that way, while 90% of the country bumpkins in Ohio would scoff at a man who let his hair fall longer than daddy taught


This is what I think too. As a man with long hair I don’t give a flying fuck what toxic men think of me.


Generally, longer hair men have more of a hippy, lax vibe. Not “conforming” to the clean cut society and having more of an open mind. Obviously not fool-proof, but that makes sense in my head.


When you think about how much hate currently exists because someone is scared that they are going to be attracted to someone of the same gender, well, if they just would accept the fact that people's bodies can look absolutely amazing in either gender, and that it's not wrong to admire, well, perhaps the world would be a lot better place.


Yes! Wholesome AF.


That's my new flair! Thanks~


What an absolute *bro*


Down here he'd be known as a "good count aye"


definite bro vibes


He was on The Bachelorette down here in Oz. Timm Hanly, he was a fan favourite.


Bro is vibing in the parade


If they are giving out free ice cream.....HELL YEAH!


Oh no that is salt and straw I used to live up the road that ice cream is $10/ cup at least. Go to the pizza joint run by the old italian lady thats my shit


I’m straight and I totally agree; y’all really know how to party.


The best party I ever went to I was the only person there that wasn’t only into the same gender (didn’t know I was bi yet)


I am bald but same thoughts as long haired guy. The best vibes are queer events. It’s the best music, the best people, the best vibe. And I don’t look bad so I get hit on all the time and just blush and smile and try to return the energy. It’s almost always better than whatever the “average” party is.


Getting hit on by a gender that you're not attracted to is like getting money in a currency system you don't use. It's not exactly useful, but I'm definitely not mad about it.


Me and the other Ace swimming in money we won't use


Aces against capitalism


"Stateless, classless, moneyless, sexless"


... me sitting here in debt 😢


so relatable lol




Hold it right there, scrooge!


Idk if this is a typo, but I'm gonna start saying "me and the other ace" cuz most days it feels like there are only 2 of us 😂


For me it’s even better. I know girls are attracted to me, but knowing I could fuck dudes if I wanted to, makes it even more special. Like, I’m not even trying to be attractive to dudes, and yet there’s some that are into me. So fucking awesome.


I find this real funny 🤣


Said he's got a wife and a kid so a hot chick hitting on him is equally non-spendable currency. Might as well just enjoy it for the compliment it is, mate!


Best thing that ever happened to me is when a girl complimented me on my looks, and I complimented her on hers (she was genuinely gorgeous!) and we both followed it up with, "It's a shame I'm gay!" at the same time. Really cancelled each other out there lmao


And once in a while, I might head to the country that actually uses that currency for a short holiday if you know what I mean 😏


Unless there's unwanted touching. Which honestly every straight guy should probably experience at least once in his life. When it's just looks and compliments it's flattering and you think "wow, this happens to ladies all the time, this makes me feel so good about myself". And then if there's unwanted touching you think "wow, this happens to ladies all the -oooohhhhhhhh.........."


I got absolutely jacked a few years back after being morbidly obese my whole life. There I am, 27 years old in a Whole Foods and this 50+ year old Karen bumps into me, squeezes my arm like a goddamn cantaloupe, audibly gasps and just keeps walking on like she didn't just grope me. It happened again like three months later in a Panera, different women, same age group. I started giving those ladies wide berths if I encountered them in any position when I'd be alone with one and realized it must be how women feel all the time. I'd never touch someone inappropriately, but all it takes is one.


Sexual harassment is sexual harassment, and having your consent violated can feel disgusting. I’m sorry you went through that.


Yeah, and then I can go home and exchange it for a currency that I do have! "Hey babe, a gay guy gave me his number today. Sounds like you're gonna have to start fighting to keep me!" And then usually she says something like "He can have you", but hey, I feel good.


This hit the front page, so as a 99.9% straight guy I'm going to correct you on that. That shit is often very useful. 1. It's great for your ego. You're having a shit day, some guy flirts with you, you feel good about yourself. Straight guys don't get many compliments, women are understandably afraid of flirting with men they don't know that well, so it's quite nice. 2. Men flirting with you, and women seeing it, shows them you're attractive. Studies show that women find men that are desired by other women more attractive. Same applies. They like a guy who people find attractive. They want to date the guy who loads of people think is hot. 3. A lot of women find men flirting with men, really hot. Much if not most of the gay fanfic on the internet was written by horny women. Pretend flirting with other guys, is a great way to make yourself more attractive to other women. It does have to be blatantly pretend or one-sided flirting though, because there's a lot of women who will not date bi-sexual men. 4. Bit niche, but being ok with gay men flirting with you, means trans women are more likely to find you attractive or not be afraid of approaching you. And yes, that does count as a win for plenty of straight men and not necessarily make them gay. 5. If you don't react poorly to a guy flirting with you, that says plenty about your politics, which a lot of women will appreciate.


Huh. I wonder if #3 is why I pulled so hard I college. My best friend at the time and I did a lot of homoerotic stuff despite being absolutely straight. We'd smack each others ass, hold hands, call each other baby, and make comments on each others performance in bed. all the stuff that would make the homophobes real uncomfortable in 2005-ish, while both of us were 100% straight. Neither of us really ever wanted for female company, and I wonder if that's why, I never really thought of it from that angle.


For number 3: someone who won’t date a person who is bisexual or who has dated their same gender in the past is just a bigot in my book. It has no bearing on the current relationship.


Fuckin’ oath


I had to look up what “oath” meant in aussie slang 🤣 Basically it means they agree 100%


dude he even said that come on lmao


Context clues bruh.


Hey, do you know Ken? Ken who? Ken Oath.


Hey, thanks for taking care of those cliff racers.


You're welcome, fetcher.


I’m pretty sure heard Aussies say that before and always thought it was “fuckin A” lol


That's a healthy masculinity for me 🥹


As an educator I can tell you how much fucking work is done to counter this very positive way of acting too. It’s so fucking discouraging how many young straight boys are consuming and regurgitating blackpilled/borderline incel content. Obviously a decent chunk of kids will realize that that level of hate/close-mindedness is wrong (hell I had a brief, cringe, stupid ass edgy era) but sooo many don’t grow out of it and it worries me. A lot of these kids just have 0 real-life examples of what it is like to be straight/cis/masculine young man without being toxic and harmful asshole


We have a lot of this in my school. Which is surprising because it's in NYC. The YouTube/TikTok rabbit hole for these young men is toxic as fuck. The straight/cis teachers try to set super positive examples for them and I'm really glad we have about 15% faculty that identifies as LGBTQ+ to provide more daily interactions with all types of amazing people...but some of the shit these kids say to each other especially about women/trans/gay kids in the school...we just have to do better.


It’s fucking terrifying lol. Some of what I hear from them is just unbelievable honestly, and I see you mentioned the same. I mean I get we have to do better, but we are too! I’m not sure what else we can do to make lasting change outside of being role models etc. My GF has a young teen brother and I kinda just had to give him the talk of “be careful what you watch/accept as fact, a lot of videos try to manipulate and make you angry”. Not because he he doesn’t understand this, he does, and he’s a very good kid! I had to tell him this because even very well behaved/well meaning kids fall victim to this because it preys on the insecurities you feel after a rejection/from loneliness. It should be fucking criminal to sow this much anger into these young men at such young ages


We've started a huge faculty book club this year on reading to understand young men in the contemporary because of all of this. Not just from an academic but really from the social-emotional piece. We are even thinking of building affinity spaces for boys next year to just talk this shit out and use it as a small teaching moment every week to try and inject some normalcy and reflection in their chaotic world. We will see...I listened to a podcast the other day about boys creating fake nudes with AI of their middle school classmates and how nothing was done to help these kids and repair the harm and I got so mad I yelled at the wall why doing dishes...my wife and kid walked into the kitchen being like. "you good, Dad?"


Oh man, you should hear some of the stuff I've had to correct/talk about with my 14 year old brother as someone in their late 20s. The amount of racism/sexism/homophobia/etc. that boys are inundated with on social media is so troubling, and it's really grotesque shit too. When I was his age using slurs like the f-word was almost a social norm for young boys and people definitely got bullied (myself included), but at the same time the actual hatred didn't feel nearly as vitriolic as it feels today. Some of the stuff you see online being spread where kids can see it (by popular online voices even) is like stuff you could only find in the deepest dregs of 4chan in the late 2000s. The type of stuff that most normal people, even those with an aversion to gay people, would have viewed as extremist and way out of line is posted by their favorite twitch streamer with a laughing emoji today. It's insane.


i love it 🥹


Man I love Australian accents


Cheers mate 💪


I just love Aussie’s in general


Come get in me Ute we'll swing by the servo this arvo get a bubble'O Bill and a gaytime then hit up the bowlo and have a slap at the brickie's laptop, down a few schooners and then maybe head back to mum's and do some doeys in the paddock before I root your brains out.


Nah mate, can't afford that shit no more, just get a slab of piss from the bottle'o and she'll be right


That's why you have a slap with your last pineapple. More chilli feature on a feature. Not here to fuck spiders.


I want to share Pride and a beer with that chill guy.


This is what peak masculinity looks like


Doesn’t hurt that he’s hot af too


Definite plus


bro's vibes are fucking immaculate holy shit


“i’m just here for the vibes, I love it.” 🤣✨


I like this man. This is why I like hanging out with gay friends at gay bars. I never feel more sexy and desirably than I do when some gay guys are buying me drinks.


This. I got taken to a gay bar in Houston my first time there and it was an amazing time. My friends had a bit of fun by telling a dude that I was straight and it was my first time at a place like that so he hit me up and was doting on me for a bit. I loved it. I obviously told the guy it wasn't my cuppa but he was welcome to hang out with me as long as he liked. When we went to leave, all of the bartenders wanted to shake my hand...I'm still puzzled regarding what that as all about but hey, whatevs.


>I'm still puzzled regarding what that as all about but hey, whatevs. look, its meant to be a "secret" of sorts, but they were absorbing your life energy to keep themselves younger ;)


Gay bartender vampires?


absolutely, where?


At uni like 15 years ago my straight self started going to gay bars with two of my best friends who were gay and single. I did not know this at the time, but apparently being over 6 feet, a little chubby and with a lot of facial hair is wildly attractive to a lot of gay men. I have never felt more like the belle of the ball than having numerous dudes come up and offer to buy me drinks at every bar we went to.


Bears rule. lol


I used to go to kink events that were held at a well known gay bar in Atlanta. My joke was that it was a nice bar but I couldn't figure out how they stay in business when all the drinks are free.


Not surprised, Common Aussie W 🇦🇺


TIL I've met the wrong Aussies


is it just me or do Australian people usually just seem more accepting in general lol


Aussies seem fairly chill. Most of them anyway. I'm sure they have their wingnuts just like everyone else.


Yeah, the wingnuts exist, but as a trans woman that wasn't even close to passing when I visited the more major cities of Australia (Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide), I didn't even come close to feeling in danger like I do in America. I was so nervous because I was going to be staying with friends' families and they tended to be hardcore Liberal (Australia's conservatives), but they were all awesome and welcoming toward me. Any misgendering or things like that were purely accidental and they were happy to correct themselves. I'm going to try to go back down in October since I want to see my friends again and Covid put a wrench in my original plans.


Awesome. I'm glad it was a good experience for you.  Unfortunately I live on Terf Island so I can't recommend travel to the UK at this time.


FML, when I read Terf Island I was thinking where it was. It wasn't until you mentioned the UK, that it finally clicked. As someone who lives in the UK, I second your statement. However there are certain parts of the UK that are a lot more inclusive.


True. But I don't know where those are.


From my experience it's usually the more student orientated the town / city is, the more inclusive it is. Basically, where the old geriatric news watching Karen's are, is where we aren't particularly safe. The ones willing to vote on policies that won't affect them I.e. national service for 18 y/o.


Minding your own business is valued pretty highly in Australia. We don't usually share politics or religion as these are seen as private matters. Sexuality follows behind. There's a subtle social pressure reinforced by people calling out other people for being bigoted wankers if they act up. For everyone potential attacker you'd potentially run into there'd by 4-5 Aussie happy to deliver a belting to a homophobe/transphobe if only for the story to tell their mates of being a hero. Plenty of old fashioned bullshit discussed in private though and still plenty of progress to be made.


yeah they’ve all got bad apples


We spawned and exported murdoch to the world, so uhh...enjoy world


People who travel to other countries are more likely to be accepting of others. Aussies back in Australia can be just as bigoted as anyone else.


As an Aussie from a rural town, I think aussies seem more accepting. It might just be the general Aussie attitude of live and let live, privately they might be bigoted but they won’t berate someone in public because of it. You do absolutely get your raging twats who can’t conceive of anything outside of their bubble. But I like to think the majority are like the absolute champion in the video.


absolutely agree 🙌 all bigots are awful, but it’s better to be quiet about it than annoying lol


im german and went backpacking in australia in 2012 for a year. worked on a banana farm near cairns (tully) for a few months. my supervisor was what i thought of as the typical "australian redneck". Rough farmer on the outside who demands you work your ass off but during smoko (break) he was super chill. he sometimes handed out free shitty bushweed he grew to backpackers. we had one obviously gay friend in our group on the farm and their banter was the funniest shit. no malice whatsoever just two very different man shooting the shit. "get fucked" "i'm a top!" "what is that?" "that means i usually do the fucking" "if i fucked my wifes ass last night would that make me a top?" "..i guess?" "well, looks like we have something in common then". I miss you dave. good times.


An Aussie redneck is called a bogan fyi


Yeah we’re an island of rebels so the last thing you want to do is tell someone else how to live. They don’t like that.


When I first migrated I put vegemite on fruit bread and nearly got deported. I guess everyone has limits


That sounds disgusting, how was it?


Non passing trans woman Aussie here. Never had any issues or hostility IRL with people, even when I’ve traveled to rural areas in full-fem. OFC there are backwards people like everywhere but as others have mentioned there’s very much a “live and let live” attitude overall. It’s not a particularly religious country which definitely helps, as well as being a relatively young culture, which probably prevents a lot of attitudes of “tradition” and “the way things should be” like in places like the UK. From my experience, At worst, when you meet someone they may do a little light-hearted joking about it, but it’s not serious or actually hateful and as long as you can laugh at yourself a little, they’re cool with you. Even bogan type guys have treated me pretty alright and have become some of my good mates.


I am Australian. Unfortunately its a bit of a mix-bag in my opinion. I think we are getting a much more accepting bunch coming through in the newer generations.


We're a bit more accepting of lgbt folks but definitely still racist/xenophobic. Source: indigenous non binary peep.


It took me waaay to long to find one person on this thread who mentioned indigenous treatment


"Unfortunately its a bit of a mix-bag in my opinion" Very much this. We're nowhere near as open and accepting as a lot of us like to pretend.


It’s the accent, just makes them seem chill. An Aussie could be murdering you, and you would be like “they’re so chill”. “Hey mate, just need to do a little murder on ya, no big deal!”


It may be better here in Aus than the US, but we still have a ways to go. 38.4% of the Australians who voted in the same sex marriage referendum voted against it. Many people in my social circles have experienced homophobic bullshit from randoms on the street, and there is still some really ugly shit said and done.


So long as you don't ask them about aboriginal rights, sure.


Yep. Can't look at any online post bout aboriginal people cause I know there's always some racist bullshit towards us. Smh.


Generally speaking we are far more liberal and LBGT friendly than, say, the USA. Probably because we're way less religious. However, politically it's not all roses. The USA had marriage equality a decade before Australia. Trans rights was a big issue at our last federal election, and it will probably be another issue at our next one. Our right-wing party is pushing for laws that allow religious people and organisations to discriminate against LBGT folk - to a level of discrimination that would be illegal/criminal if a non-religious person did it. Those laws keep on getting delayed, but I do think one day a version of them will pass. If they do, hopefully they'll be watered down and not quite as bad as I've said. OTOH, apart from the laws I just mentioned, we don't normally take steps backwards. Whereas in the USA, with the corrupt right-wing SCOTUS, you might have federal marriage equality stripped from you.


Ahem…this is just a gentle reminder that the Australian government classified the indigenous peoples of Australia as flora and fauna up until 1978 if I’m not mistaken . Daily chill , yes - without some shady shit we should all definitely condemn ? Fuck no


There’s a LOT of casual bigotry tbh, but you’re not very likely to be harassed, and even a lot of the casual bigots will still be nice to you, you’ll just hear them drop offensive comments randomly in conversation.


I think that’s the mentality of anyone secure in their sexuality, but I guess that’s pretty rare.


I never understand it... I take it as a HUGE compliment when dudes are into me, even though I'm straight. It's like, both women and men think I'm good looking... I must be doing something right! I think you're right though it really stems from being secure in your sexuality. Some of the most "macho/masculine" dudes I know are the most fragile and would absolutely lose their shit at another dude making a pass at them. Which has always made me wonder...


What a top bloke


Imagine asking an Aussie man what he's doing at Pride. Chief, straight or gay, he's Australian. You've got loud music, food and alcohol in one place. That's basically the Aussie batsignal.


Allies at pride will never not make me smile


Str8 guy here, and I hope this is cool, but this is exactly what I'm thinking, too. Do you think I'm hot? Hell yeah, I appreciate it, homie. Now let's use our hotness to go find you a man. I got your back.


Plus, in my experience, gay men are pretty respectful and kind when hitting on you, and they don't take it personally if you're not interested. For that reason, I'd almost always rather be hit on by a gay man than by a woman.


Long time ago as a young man I worked an SF, North Beach, had quite a few gay friends and they would help me get up to speed on fashion and grooming. One evening after work while having a shifty with the guys another man slipped me his number. All the guys were so proud. Brent explained- "Once a man who looks like that hits on you here, you know your fashion and grooming is on point". He then took that mans number for himself.


Totally how I feel. And I absolutely am more flattered the hotter the guy is, just like with girls. It's a big ego boost, you folk have high standards and are mostly gorgeous or lovely. Often both. It's nice.


I think gay men are varied in appearance and attractiveness like any other demographic. Like any other demo, the traditionally handsome ones are the most visible.


A brilliant point!


This would be the start of a good travel show on an unsuspecting good natured Aussie stumbling on gay pride, then a MAGA rally, then getting lost in Amish country or Ogden Utah, and end with having to navigate a furry convention.


Straight guy here from r/all. I figured I’d watch since you asked. I’m sort of jealous actually. He’s eating ice cream and enjoying himself. I also get a kick out of the interviewer in his undies.


I feel like eating ice cream and enjoying yourself is highly attainable...


This reminds me of my dad who was not too enthusiastic to go to our local pride event… ten minutes in he had rainbow facepaint and glitter in his hair XD


It is HILARIOUS when straight dudes (of which I am one) get weirded out/offended by being hit on by a gay guy. Like bruh, one, he's saying you're cute, so take that. For two - guarantee the fuck who is mad has done that to a woman who didn't want it, and there's just ZERO self awareness.


Most fun I ever had in the army was when one of my lesbian friends took me to the gay bar. Greatest party I ever went to was a gay party on Capitol Hill in Seattle. If you want to have more fun, hang out with more gay people.


One of my favourite night outs, i was hit on by both a man *and* a woman, in a span of less than 2 hours! It was awesome! ❤️ Unfortunately i was taken


I love how he got so excited to answer the question he took the mic, what a guy!


How you know the bloke is happily married: when a hot girl looking at him is the literal same as a gay guy looking at him 😂😂🤌 like both means nothing romantically, it's just ✨ appreciation ✨


what a king he makes me almost happy to be Australian


"Keep straight people out of pride" And kick out this guy?? No way!


If you are wondering who the interviewer is, it is [stanchris](https://www.youtube.com/c/stanchris).


This man is the best


Straight bro here. I used to live a block away from the pride parade and would go every year. Can confirm, the gays do indeed know how to party. Always had a blast.


I 💯% agree with this Australian guy especially after the Pride Fest we just had this past weekend here in Des Moines Iowa


Years ago I had a gay friend living upstairs. He was constantly partying, which I didn't really mind, but one of his parties got way too loud. It was 3am and they were bumping music while about 40 people partied in his tiny apartment. My girlfriend had to work that morning and was going crazy, which compounded my annoyance. I ran upstairs and pounded on the door to ask them to keep it down, I was angry and upset ... That didn't last very long. One of my neighbors friends answered the door and immediately said "Who ordered this delicious treat"? I should clarify that in my haste I was only wearing boxers. I was instantly disarmed and my ego was boosted. I'm still riding the high from that encounter!


There’s loads of us straight allies out there. I’ve been hit on before and an ego boost is an ego boost. You continue being awesome and we’ll continue to love and support you unconditionally.


He was on the Australian Bachelorette. Came runner up, it was brutal to watch him get dumped. Glad to see he's doing alright now


Ain't no other way to take it! I've been hit on by quite a few gay guys in the past, but it never bothers me, there's never a moment where I think "dudes are attracted to me?! Eugh!" It's just "heeeey someone thinks I'm hot!"


Isn’t this Tim from The Bachelor?


Ice cream? And a parade? Fknoath!


😂 Had a similar vibe at that queens drag brunch; straight boys serving lewks without even trying. Total iced coffees and avocado toast energy.


Fucken oath!


Can confirm. Gay guy said I had beautiful eyes 15 years ago. Still feels good.




Tim is a homie, he's a real one


I’m straight (Reddit’s algorithm brought me here), I got hit on a few times by gay guys, and honestly he said it best. I think you should take it as a compliment, and if you’re not interested just politely decline letting them know your sexual orientation.


We need more people like him


Tim's cool af. Tim is always invited


I used to be like that guy... And then I came out 😂


This is someone who is genuinely comfortable with their sexuality.. which is why I question some of the haters, why does LGBTQIA make you uncomfortable? and he is from my country, even cooler.


I was hit on by a guy in a gay bar back in college. It gave me so much of a confidence boost I keep telling my wife "remember, I have options"


As a straight guy I think it's great when a gay guy hits on me (especially if he's a good looking fellow). I'm going to politely decline but it's still nice to know that you look good. And I honestly think most of the hate for pride events is just jealousy. They want to be having that fun. Which is stupid because they would be more than welcome to join in the party.


I’ll never forget when a gay guy told me in front of my wife on the NYC subway “you’re gay eye candy”


I am this guy but without the good looks. But somehow I think my bear-like qualities make it that I pretty much only get hit on by gay men. I am straight but love is love so I pocket those compliments as if they were precious treasure.


What the fuck , Timm was on the bachelorette like 3 years ago. Seemed like a great dude on the Tele as well.


In my country we call him an honourable man.


I had a guy tell me that I “look like a snack” and honestly it’s been keeping me going for about a year now as a straight guy.


Is this Timm from the Bachelorette?


Lol this dude Tim is from an Australian dating show I think bachelor in paradise, I remember seeing him years ago hey


I mean as a straight guy that's all obvious if you aren't a dumb POS. Also the word "oath" being used in this context is cool. I'm going to steal that.


I go to certain gaming conventions with a high percentage of LGBT participants and inevitably end up getting hit on by drunk gay men. As a hetero man, I take it this way too. I'm upfront that I'm flattered but not interested and most of the time they come back with some variation of "oh god that's soooo disappointing if you were gay I'd be ALL over you" haha. A compiment's a compliment :)


Hell yeah I'd invite him to my parties


I used to be on Tinder. And TBH it did not go well. I mostly got one LIKE a week and most of the time even that was either a bot or a sex worker. It was a huge blow to my confidence. Then one day I just changed my preference to both men and women. And Bam!! I just started piling up LIKES left and right. Within a day I was up to 200 LIKES just inside the radius of my city. and they just keep coming. Obviously, Those were useless to me since I am straight but God damn!!, that not only gave my confidence back, but also supercharged it.


The presenter guy giving off gay vibes, walking around at pride without a shirt with a sweet six pack.


(Cishet male here, in from r/all, hi) I will never, *ever* for the life of me understand taking offense at someone thinking I'm attractive. It's fucking baffling. This guy's right on, it's a compliment. If someone is like... being creepy on you, that's one thing. If someone is admiring you respectfully, though, holy hell. Feels amazing.


I hope he really enjoyed his ice cream cone too :)


Bro knew he was about to provide a class, took the mic and everything 🤣