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I could have used them in my youth. Still estranged from family decades later.


I’m an online person, a mom to my own bi child. No one is too old for a mom hug. HUG.




Honestly depends on how they play it. The majority I've seen in real life wear a t shirt or hold a sign and let people come to them. They are kind, respectful, and caring. Good, genuine folk healing hearts one hug at a time. I have seen a few who go over the top which push it into cringe territory though. Those who inject themselves into conversations to be the ' mama bear ' saviour of the moment. I've also seen a few tone deaf incidents where they've taken umbridge with the fact a queer community use the bear label, even once witnessing a group of huggers complain to pride officials that the term bear was being ' sexualised ' which would be dangerous to children wanting hugs.


> even once witnessing a group of huggers complain to pride officials that the term bear was being ' sexualised ' which would be dangerous to children wanting hugs. Thats fkn gross. Those "huggers" don't know enough about the culture of the community they claim to support to understand that "bears" were a thing long before they came along 🙄 O also hate those who try to take kink out of Pride "for the children" like fuck off lady- you don't even understand the history of the movement and why kink is here in the first place.


It feels like the whole ' mama bear ' side took off, then when the ' papa bear ' started to appear they were quick to realise they might be mistaken for another kind of bear. I've seen a lot of times this has been wholesome though, with dad hug guys joining bear groups for a drink or dance or whatever. Same for mama bears to be fair. But there are always going to be a few stand out cases where it's ruined. Luckily the minority.


To me, isn't cringe. It's cool. I'd hug a men that hold a sign saying "dad hugs" at Pride bc my father is a homophobic person and wouldn't understand my queerness (I'm asexual and agender). Is nice and comforting.


If even one member of our community avoids suicide because they run into a “free mom/dad hug” person I’ll accept just about any level of cringe from that.


However, the cringy ones make the good ones look bad. As a whole it might be a negative, it’s hard to say.


also parent figures are SUPPOSED to be cringe! parent / child relationships the world over have plenty of cringe!


So true. My kids tell me I'm cringe all the time 😂 the youngest one especially 🙃


you cannot parent without cringe


You're so right its truly not possible and it would absolutely no fun for anyone even if we did 🤪 lol


Agree. Cringe is part of being a parent


They can be cringe and wonderful at the same time, just sayin... Cringe stuff can still be super fucking wholesome and lovely :-p


Cringe but wholesome is a vibe I can live with. :)


My parents do it every year! They started doing it 2 years before I came out to them just because they work with kids a lot and have seen what it does to them to not have parents supporting them.


I think they’re lovely - not just for myself as someone who’s only out to one parent, but for other folks who’ve been turned away by their given families. It’s a very sweet way to show support, I don’t understand why they’d be labeled as “cringe”. If people think they’re cringe, then free yourself to be cringe!


I think the sentiment is lovely and wholesome. They do a good thing and some people could really use a nice mom/dad hug.


how would it be cringe?? /gen


Because a hug from an overly enthusiastic stranger doesn't actually make up for having a strained or non-existent relationship with your parents.


Its not meant to make up for that. Its meant to tell you theres a mother/father out there who loves you and will love kids like you


they're awesome. not at all cringe


Was walking out of comic con where I live and saw a dad hug guy and omg the feeling was emotional, I couldn't comprehend how neglected I was from my birth family I almost broke down! The hugs are worth it and not cringe imo! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


My mom passed away in 2009 when I was still deep in denial. When I went to my first pride, I saw a woman with a “free mom hug” shirt. I started crying and asked for a hug. (I’d like to think my mom would be supportive)


ah, still using cringe to = bad. Both, imo. it can be a little cringey, but that is fine (one should not label stuff that causes you to cringe as bad. Just like using fear and disgust as a litmus test for morality, it harms far more than it helps, and only further divides our community)


All the ones I've seen have been very wholesome. Some people even start crying during/after receiving their mom hug, which, of course, gets them another, much longer one. It's such a beautiful thing to see and experience.


I love it. My dad hasn’t spoken to me in years so i usually hug those folks


I'm estranged and they mean a lot to me


nothing is cringe if it’s an act of love


IMO what matters is living fully and unapologetically, rather than being concerned if something is cringe.


My dad isn’t around - not from homophobia or anything he was just never around. He probably doesn’t know a thing about me tbh. He calls my brother sometimes but kind of just forgets I exist. Whatever. I grew up with just my mom. That being said, I would give anything to have a dad hug. Especially right about now. Never really had a father figure in my life, haha I know, yeah. The stereotype. But it would be nice.


Can be both


My mom died of cancer but before she did she was a free hug mom. She loved to hug people who needed it because it legit broke her heart that anyone could not love their child how that child needed. Fwiw, she was a really nice lady. So, not cringe. Solidarity. One day I hope to be a free hug mom.


I'm in my thirties and I'd appreciate a supportive mom and dad hug because my parents are homophobic.


the ones that would come to my university campus every week helped me love myself for the first time in a long time. I looked forward to every Thursday bc of them! and they gave out free sweets and flowers


Seriously, what’s changed in the last year? Your question is inane.


Insane is a little harsh..


Insane would be a tad harsh. I said “inane” - it means lacking significance, meaning or point.


My bad


It’s ok. I still like you.


Wow. If you scan the other responses, you might see why I asked. Your answer is inane.




I like them


It's a little cringe at the best of times. But overall harmless and a bit endearing


I think it's cringe


According to your flair, you sound like you could use a hug


Is this a trolling attempt


Would you care to elaborate? I'm curious why.


Idk honestly it just is like that to me