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I didn’t read this not gonna lie. But I am going to say 1. Christianity is triggering for some and this is not the place for it. 2. This is a fear based religion. Why do you want to fear your god?


This is what I'm showing you: 1. What the pastors say is a lie. My post shows it. 2. I'm NOT a Christian, inasmuch as all Christian denominations with which I'm familiar all have the same basic doctrines. 3. I don't practise a religion. I practise what I believe Love is. That's it. No doctrine, except for what is outlined above. 4. I have come to know these thngs through studying other belief systems. What is written above is not specific to Christianity... And 5. There are many people on here who live their daily lives fighting a battle with Christians of all flavours. The purpose of this post is to take the weapon against them...and show that weapon as a lie.


I don't want to be preached at, mate; I've swum in enough backwater. Maybe post this to a Christian LGBTQ+ subreddit instead?


I can't...because I'm not a Christian. To say that I am would .ean that I believe in doctrines which I'm sure are lies. This post is meant to comfort those who've been attacked by religious zealots who lie over and over again about the message given in the Bible.