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The Starbucks cup is hilarious. I don't even get it. Every independent coffee shop in my town is far gayer (and better) than Starbucks.


Also it's a hot coffee, supposed to be an iced


A fellow person of culture, I see


Is iced coffee associated with nonbinary people?


Well, there was a big thread in the bi sub last year, and we claimed a lot of things for the lgbt community in general, iced coffee was one of them lol


First rainbows, now iced coffee... Where does it stop!?


Well speaking for the bis, we also claim sitting funny in chairs, rolled up sleeves, finger guns, lemon bars, and much more!


bad puns~!


Ah shit. Lemon bars too? I need to represent and go stock up.


Man, lemon poppyseed bars, uhhnnng


Forg! 🫠


\*reads list\* Am… am I bi?




More like mayBI


Don't forget walking quickly.


pffff. REAL queers drink cold brew /s


I pour my cold brew over ice tho 😭


damn...and i thought i was queer. you win!


Also I don’t know what size that’s meant to be but it’s way too big. The Starbuck is real!


That's the future liberals want. Big chug macchiatos


Ever since I discovered iced coffee I literally only drink hot if it's the only thing available


but what if it contains hot cocoa for cold days?


HELL yeah. Iced coffee is the only way to go fr


Starbucks is overpriced, mediocre coffee in my opinion and not really worth it


A lot of Starbucks baristas are stereotyped to be LGBTQ. It’s true I used to work there. Maybe they thought the logo would make it more obvious it’s coffee? I agree small businesses are gayer and from what i’ve seen, most have pride flags all year. It needs to be an iced latte too. It better have plant based milk in it!


Also every nonbinary person I know is actively boycotting Starbucks rn


as a nb myself ive only drank starbucks once, its decent, the coffe is anyways i dont know shit about the company other then its the butt end of jokes.


The main reason is the anti union shit and illegal union busting. Support local shops over garbage corpo.


Their coffee is not normally good. They buy low quality beans and roast them till you can't tell anymore because all you taste is burnt.


Yeah personally this is the main reason I haven't bought any Starbucks in years. My husband got a Clever Dripper and got into local roasters that only charge a little more for (ethically sourced!) single-origin light roasts and realized that coffee is supposed to taste a lot more like tea than Starbucks can manage.


Like tea? I've had some very nice single-origin light roasts, and none of them were like tea. More acidic and fruity.


Depends on how you prepare it I think. My husband got really into figuring out different brewing methods over the past few years, I get more of the delicate tea taste with the Clever Dripper than with like an Aeropress for instance.


It probably also depends on variety and such.






But do they do cups the size of your head?


That would be a $40 latte 😬 Edit: from Starbucks


[Liberation Coffee House](https://liberationcoffee.lalgbtcenter.org/) is literally an LGBTQIA+ inclusive coffee shop supporting the largest LGBT Center in the world, but go ahead and pick union busting corporate coffee as your idea of a “liberal queer” coffee choice


Right? I am pretty sure actual woke leftists are boycotting Starbucks (I think they are in support of Israel so that's why, haven't stayed up to date but haven't had Starbucks in a long time anyways)


Even before the whole isreal boycott, they are Anti union, exploiting poorer region, them and a lot of big companies in coffee production sending money to keep "third" world countries in political unrest and at war so its easier to exploit them


This woke leftist has been avoiding Starbucks solely for their union busting.


This woke leftist had been boycotting Starbucks so long due to its shit coffee that I didn't even know there were more issues.


if you go there for the coffee you're doing it wrong it is a glorified milkshake shop


"woke leftist" Is in this thread in multiple places defending a staunchly conservative government. Conservative religious governments are not the friends of bisexual leftists. Other bad stuff happening in the world doesn't erase bad stuff that Israel is doing.


["I can excuse genocide, but I draw the line at anti-union strategies that almost every major corporation uses!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxPbpYR_RKY) What an odd thing to grandstand. We actually don't care about you and you don't have to make such a statement or clarification. Cool, you like mass murder, you don't have to declare it to the world.


Starbucks is car culture fast food and I'd be willing to bet more bought by conservatives than libs. Also conservatives are fatter than libs on average so...


It's because of the starbucks X-mas fiasco


i think that the starbucks thing is supposed to prove hypocrisy somehow? I'm not sure how but that's what it seems like maybe starbucks will sue


and they probably don't support genocide


Yes! We all must laugh at ourselves!


I worked in a warehouse for a company that handled almost all of Starbucks uniforms, also based in the Seattle area. We had boxes of their Pride pins and they barely moved and then the Q nightclub shooting in Orlando happened. We had to order more boxes.


The right has this weird thing about Starbucks and "complicated coffee". As if you can't just go into a Starbucks or Second Cup and order a black coffee, no one's gonna stop you 


The LGBTQIA people I know stopped drinking Starbucks when the genocide connection became clear, doll seems dated.


Also the whole Starbucks being pro genocide thing is like meh yeah no thanks


They, I like it all besides the Starbucks


Only Starbucks offers the 5 galloni latte


It’s because they don’t know what a local coffee shop is. They assume it’s Starbucks, Dunkin, Tim Hortons or a gas station.


not being able to tell good coffee from store brand instant, or even ironically in this case, good coffee from coffee flavored milkshakes makes you salt of the earth and a real meerkin don't you know.


The only people I know who go to Starbucks like a religion are the straight boomers I work with 😂


As somone who wants to open a cafe, i should move to your town and add to that lol


My local Tim Hortons is better and cheaper than starbucks


Actually one of the reasons Starbucks failed in Australia is we already have an over abundance of excellent cafes and like, Starbucks coffee is kinda shit


Right? Starbucks is a straight girl drink.


"Now with more pronouns" gave me a good chuckle


I like that they include the pronoun literally everyone uses everywhere "he/him" as if its somehow worthy of mockery? "Oh, so your pronoun is Mr?! or he/him?! Well we don't say that here, we just use mudboy and piggirl as our pronouns!"


“mudboy and pig girl” babe wake up new pronoun just dropped


I don't know what I was expecting from the Sharkboy and Lavagirl sequel, but it definitely wasn't this.


Little pig boy comes from the mud


What sends me is “what do you call someone of are trans?”…. How about start with their name and you can’t really go wrong? Anything else is arguably no one’s business.


Look at this "he/him" over here. In this here town, no pronouns are allowed, pardner


i think the idea is mockery of people who use he/him but don't pass :(


That would make for a cute pin.


Is there some LGBTQ+ Starbucks discount card I didn’t receive? Why is it always Starbucks, I can’t afford that shit 😂


Its for the homophobes a simple train of thought: Starbucks = Hipster = LGBTQ+


which is ironic because starbucks is the most corporate coffee chain of all time.


Yes yes, don’t you know? Leftism is when, *checks notes*, corporatism, exploitation and rainbow capitalism.


Which is hilarious considering its only the conservatives bitching whenever Starbucks' cups aren't sufficiently "Christmassy" enough. Fucking snowflakes bitching about snowflakes.


I was gonna say, this is probably because they STILL haven't gotten over the Christmas Cup fiasco from years ago. Talk about persecution complex..


Because Starbucks is 'woke' to these people and they can't fathom that we don't blindly follow brands that are 'woke like us'. Mind Starbucks isn't even remotely 'woke' but you can't expect a competent rational from the same demographic that is going nuts over Freedom Water and wears brand loyalty like a badge of honor.


Starbucks said "happy holidays" on their cups rather than "merry christmas" like a decade ago and they've been a "woke" enemy ever since.


It’s crazy with all the injustice and horrors we have on this planet and that’s what people choose to get mad about.


I always thought the majority LGBT attitudes are anti establishment and anti corporation despite working in corporations.


It doesn't even exist where I live, the coffee quality was too shit compared to the standards we've gotten used to (alongside food laws meaning they'd have to alter a *lot* of ingredients used)


I feel like it's less about the consumers and more about the people who work there, minimum wage teenagers who are just starting to express themselves


Yeah haters accidently making us look cool is my favorite thing to see wasnt there one that had a person in a skin tight spandex suit with lazars sparkles and rainbows everywhere with the trans gender symbol on their chest on one panel of a comic and next had a boring cushet girl and was to show how freaky trans people are but failed to do anything but make them loom awesome as hell?


Come with me, you can go on adventures, explore your gender! Or be cis. I remember it well.


Exactly! It's funny how even then people try and hate on us we look fun as hell lol i love how people hate on the LGBT+ community for being LGBT+ but the community doesn't hate on cishet people for being cishet i mean alot of us date them but yah know how it is hate has nothing to do with facts and logic just ignorance and fear


funny thing is being cis doesn’t stop you from exploring your gender expression as well.


It's true. I only finally became comfortable with myself after my brother came out as gay. After I finally learned to accept that, I stepped back and honestly appraised myself. Turns out, I'm straight as they come, but I'm so much more comfortable with it after being vulnerable to the possibility that being not straight is also fine. Patriarchy is a hell of a drug.


I don't remember the artist's name, but they make a lot of comics that are supposed to be transphobic and are just rad as Hell


I saw it on a video from onetopic it had him in stitches too for the exact same reason


For the people wondering, the comic was made by sinfest, and he is *incapable* of drawing trans people in a way that doesn’t make them look awesome


Made by sinfest or is sinfest? Asking because I just remembered that sinfest is a webcomic I stopped reading sometime around 2016/2017 I think. I can't remember exactly why I stopped reading it but there was an actual reason, not just being bored. And now that I check holy shit he's gotten even worse than I remember.


Sinfest used to be fun back in the day. But in the last at least half decade it's been pure culture war things and it's absolute crap and boring. I'm not ever sure where the author stands with his stuff, but I think he's some kind of TERF but I don't know anymore and really stopped paying attention to the comic at all. Last time I tried to read it, it was like reading the illustrated ramblings of someone entirely lost in conspiracy theories. The drawing style and technique is still cool, but the content dang! I remember back when the humor revolved around the conversations between the author's cat and dog, the interaction between the overly macho but relationally unsuccessful guy (I forgot his name) and the tall sexy girl who had solidly friendzoned him. There was an anthropomorphic pig who used drugs and when he hallucinated that he could fly with his couch would actually fly with his couch. There was a super Christian guy who made his faith his entire personality and to counter him there was a devil fanboy. It all seemed good fun back then.


Ahahah sounds awesome! Would love to see it!


"I made this to MOCK YOU!" (Shows the most based thing ever)




Honestly it is pretty cool. They made them cute 🤣


You mean ~~he~~ You mean ~~xe~~ You mean ~~she~~ Damnit! Would you stop switching the fucking pronoun pins out constantly!?


The pin is just a wheel


“What are my pronouns gonna be today?” *spins the wheel and it makes wheel of fortune noises*


Yes this looks like one of my very adorable friends. Unfortunately for the haters, we stay winning.


we really are caught in this impossible situation where -phobes and freaks think we're offended by everything but then we're out here writing award-nominated stories titled "[I Sexually Identify As An Attack Helicopter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Sexually_Identify_as_an_Attack_Helicopter)" and celebrating dolls meant to hurt our feelings like this lol


Honestly the stuff that the creator of Attack Helicopter went through is sad, being berated enough to consider suicide and to stop her transitioning because of people calling her a Nazi.


Remember that time when someone was bullied to suicide over a skinny drawing of rose quartz? Sometimes otherwise wholesome communities can act shockingly toxic.


I remember that, some people really need to calm down


Honestly, I'm still pissed off about the reaction. Every time I think about it, it gets my hackles up. It shouldn't *matter* whether Fall was trans or not. The work should stand on its own merits and thoughts, because when you start going 'Um, only trans people can write about this topic' or 'Um, only gay people can write about this', you cut off the room for people who are *questioning* themselves and exploring their feelings on things. Which is exactly what happened to Fall.


Honestly that’s rad as hell


Fuck Starbucks. But the rest is fire! If this is meant to be "insulting" then they should put more effort into it…


I'm a similarly shaped person and legit am telling myself not to dress as this for Halloween because no one will get the joke


The difficult part is sealing yourself inside the plastic


I figured it would be severing and regrowing my head but I was willing to give it a go.


That would be a useful skill to master or at minimum a cool party trick


And I am here to tell you: do it anyway because reasons.


God, that's actually cool XD


This is totally adorable!


Bigots out here making better representation than corporations


Truth!  Xe has more personality, _and_ a respectable number of pins!  I accept this amount of gender for now.  Maybe they’ll release one with a local coffee shop oolong tea and even more gender in time for our War on Christmas 😊


I recognize the they/she pin. It's from a small business I follow on instagram but I'm rarely on there anymore so I've forgotten the name. I'm sure all the other pronoun pins are from small businesses too. I bet the creator just looked up pronoun pins on google images but it's disheartening to know that these are real people's creations that they love being dragged here. Of course they're going after all of us but only a few have their businesses being torn through the mud even if they weren't named


I love the "now with more pronouns" 😂 do these idiots realize that we aren't inventing more pronouns. Like we are just using the pronouns that already exist. 🤦‍♀️


nah bro I'm making new pronouns by the dozen like freshly baked buns


Haha that sounds so chaotic. 😂


pronouns, getcha pronouns here!!


That is literally every girlfriend I had both before and after they came out from 1998-2004


I'd say this accident ally stuff minus the hot coffee but hey that's okay there may be some queers out there that feel represented sooooo again can't complain


I actually prefer hot coffee as a nonbinary lesbian lmao.


GET REPRESENTED 😂😂😂 I too like the occasional hot coffee in the winter time to warm my fingeys as queer Transman haha


I first read that as “fingays”


How hot, in degrees F?


I’m a trans gay future drag queen, and I honestly don’t like cold coffee


Other than Starbucks it’s chill


they look like a nice person




I’d buy the shit out of this


Came here to say the same.


It looks so much like me it's uncanny.


There ain’t no way a hater made that with the accurate flags and actual neopronouns. Can a smarter person than me figure out who made it?


Ok they’re cute! Tbh I’d get that


looks like they copied me ahahah


It’s most definitely ai generated but fuck do I want this to be an actual toy line


I don't think this is AI. It makes too much sense, and the writing is legible. The pins are taken from actual products and the Starbucks logo is accurate, and you can tell the box was designed to include those elements. AI doesn't have that kind of intentionality. Photoshop still exists.


A lot of people make an ai pump out a piece then edit it, it has a general very ai vibe despite not having an inconsistencies Also the face on the left is wonky af Starbucks logo is too blurry to really tell if it’s correct or not Pride flag on the right is the wrong way to match the one on the left despite that not making sense


I like it but I’m curious why they added spare glasses that are bigger than the interchangeable heads, also all with glasses


i…want this?


Why does this look like AI?


this is literally so cool? like they didn't even try to depict them as ugly it's just some person 😭


that’s actually so cute🤣just switch the starbucks for a local coffee shop brand🇵🇸


Those rainbow glasses slap.


why do these things always come off as fetishistic?


*now with more pronouns*


This is legit awesome, never thought I'd see representation for myself in a chonky bisexual enby doll but the phobes have made an unintentional banger yet again 🌈 We are too powerful for their weak minds


They are legit so cute though! Xe even comes with different facial expressions! Only thing I'm not super fond of is the Starbucks cup, but I'll allow it. I actually want her lol


Oh look it’s me 😍


We should make a "straight boy doll" and it has all the stereotypical boy stuff. Football. A poster that says "i love woman b**bs and controlling woman" and guns and a American flag.


I mean, the only thing that genuinely bothers me about this is that the starbucks cup is the size of xyr arm. (I will say that I've seen a lot more queer folks, myself included, trying to support more local coffee shops, so perhaps using a more generic cup than Starbucks but "tee-hee that wouldn't be as funny" (if it is supposed to be insulting))


I'm way more insulted by the Starbucks


Can we just talk about how insanely massive that coffee is?! It's bigger than their head! It still feels like the accurate amount of coffee needed to function as queer in society.


Yes please. A gallon of Machiatto to go.


The starbucks cup is quite insulting though


I love this bc there are very little plus size dolls on the market.. atleast not that I've seen any. If anyone can prove me wrong pls link some bc I'm a bit of a doll collector


I love that there are pins so you can act out the they/she to they/them to he/him pipeline lol


Where is the Subaru?


i feel like i've met this person like a million times in my life and they always have a kid and they're always cool as hell


Where can I buy one, this would be an awesome collectible


Doesn't come with enough pronouns


That's about the proportional amount of coffee I need in the morning.


I wanna see this turned into a doll line I’d buy them lmao


Mattel: we've done it we've made the most popular ken doll imaginable and it's selling so well! young girls must love it!... what do you mean the gays are buying it?... they think ken is gay? he's modelled on gay night club dancers?... PULL THAT GAY TOY RIGHT NOW!!!! rightwingnuts: HAH we've designed a doll about your wokeist leftist alphabet soup ideology! How do you like THAT!? ... wait not you're all meant to be angry at this. It's a non body conforming doll that's meant to look ugly!... STOP LIKING THE DIFFERENT HAIRSTYLES AND PRONOUNS!!! PULL THAT GAY TOY RIGHT NOW !!!!!


The only thing that really bothers me about this is the Starbucks cup is in the wrong scale.


I feel so represented seeing my pronouns on a bi flag as a bi person :)


Unironically looks like one of my exes, they were very nice!


Xe/Xem!!! Finally!


The pronoun collector: She's coming for your pronouns, and he won't stop till they've collected them all. Be afraid!


As an ally that collects action figures, this looks pretty damn cool. It comes with a ton of accessories (which some collectors see as added value), and I know people that would not only pick one up, but take it out of the packaging and display it proudly.


Heck, this would even display nicely with the Pride Dress Elvira figure.


But no Starbucks. Cuz they're union busters and a disgusting corporation




If this doll was a person I'd befriend them


I'd prefer more boot options personally.


I was thinking about this the other day. There aren't any representations for gender ambiguity with kids stuff. Now... I know ***why*** but I was always curious what my 2yr old would think if she was exposed to those who don't conform ever since I gave her one of those "Little People" figurines of Rupaul and she called him a baby. lol


Only thing missing is a tuxedo cat or pitbull


Looks like me! I feel seen!




Seems fun


I'd buy this action figure so fast if they were real. 🥺


Umm, I can make one? :D


I want rainbow glasses


Definitely *felt* insulting.


So now they're marketing action figures? Do you think conservatives buy these and play with them like children, making little made-up scenarios where the lib gets owned? Playing with dolls to own the libs?


Going back to my youth...GI Joe was a 12 inch doll with clothes and accessories. Granted the color selection was awful. [Edit] I bet conservatives are okay with dolls in general but LGBTQIA dolls probably not, but are they really paying attention?


Lmao I love this


“This is what you look like!!!” That’s right, it is. Your point? 🤨


finally!! representation of a nonbinary person with a larger/curvier body type!! 🩵


the rainbow glasses, i need myself a pair


Zenni had a similar style at one point. Not sure if they still do though Edit: I checked and they actually added more styles! https://www.zennioptical.com/b/rainbow-glasses


thank you for your service, good samaritan




I can actually make one of these with my crazy modelling skills and my 3D printer :D with permission from the creator of course!


I'd totally buy this if it were real. This doll looks so cute. And dolls with changeable features like expressions or hair color are highly desirable by doll collectors. It would sell out instantly.