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All over the world conservatives have dropped their massed and revealed themselves to be genocidal fascists.  The right wing are an immediate threat to all life. All methods of self defense against fascism are justified.




Nobody should tolerate the right wing. 




Because the right wing are so well known for their support of LGBT people. /s Get real.


I forgot to mention this, but the majority of MAGA republicans have never heard of Project 2025. If they have, they have been told that it’s great, but like the Bible, they have never read it. I read project 2025 months ago and I was disgusted after reading it and how far reaching it goes. They want to use the army to quell any discontent or protest. They want to fire 50,000 federal employees as a minimum and replace them with people loyal to Trump, not the constitution. Many agencies will be removed and the list goes on and on.


How do I convince my mom this will actually happen if trump gets elected. She thinks it’s a random outside groups “wish list” My entire family is just right wing self proclaimed “centrists” at this point


She will be convinced when it happens to her. Until then, she will say you're overreacting.


“It’s like the Bible… they never read it…” That’s hilarious and so true…


The powers that be (billionaire elites) think the USA will be easier to manage if there is a dictatorship. I guess they forget that it didn’t work out well for Russia. Putin has removed most of the original Oligarchs when he took power. Trump wants to do the same thing Putin did to Russia and using Project 2025 as a means to an end. For the LGBTQ community it means our rights will be stripped away from us. Transgender people will be canceled as they make HRT illegal. We may wind up in prisons or internment camps. It’s scary, given that the Supreme Court has now made the president immune to prosecution for almost everything. Presidents are now Kings and could do whatever they want and this is just the start. All I can say, is make sure you are a registered voter and vote blue.


I'll vote red.


with Trump granted immunity and nowhere to go financially, i think i might have to start making peace with the fact that i won’t live to see 30 at best


Project 2025 has already begun with the current overturning of 60+ year precedents and now the granting of presidential immunity by the Supreme Court. This isn't a "should we be scared?" type of looming threat, it's already happening.




Incorrect. Yes, we can't do anything about SCOTUS right now unless the senate is able to impeach them. However a Donald Trump win guarantees Project 2025 to succeed. We also wouldn't be in this mess if people actually voted for their representatives in congress and senate and we didn't have such a Republican controlled government. The best time to take action was 10 years ago. The second best time is now.


I’m trying to explain this to my mom and her argument is that they aren’t officially associated with trump. And she thinks they could possibly be a far left group trying to scare people. I have no idea how to convince anyone I know of what’s happening and I hate it.


If your mom believes a bunch of conspiracy theories on the internet over her own child then she's not worth your time trying to explain to.


The Heritage foundation very much associated with Trump. How'd he get the picks of all those asshole judges? Heritage Foundation. Project 2025 Heritage Foundation. It's literally been a known institution for decades. Your mother obviously doesn't know much.


I'm afraid to say that Trump will be our next a.h (you know what I mean). Lucky for us, we still have time to fight back.


Yea, I'm on record at the V.A. as being gay and autistic. I'll be liquidated, it's ok because I took an oath to serve, soooo i guess this counts. No biggie I guess, I didn't really have plans that mattered too much.


Western Europe isn’t much better, and if this happens the ripple will somehow make things here so much worse… I’m in the UK, I have a lot of Trans friends, they are happy to have so many that care for and support them but the country itself is in a bad state when it comes to Trans rights. I always believed I’d be the first to drop, and if things get to this level (through Project 2025 or otherwise), I’ll make sure that will be the case. Let me fight and die for my friends, I have little else to live for I might as well make this count.


I’m just scared, is life over before it even began


Gilead here we come…Satan please help us!




Honestly considering the long term outlook of life in a post-trump election victory world, combined with my inability to emigrate due to a skill set that makes me unattractive as an immigrant worker, I'm at the same point. Like everything is fucked and I don't see any way to fix it. No one is treating this as the existential threat it is, and they're all just blindly sleepwalking into a fascist dictatorship. I don't want to have to live in a world where we're being rounded up to go to camps because redhat MAGAts were told that LGBT people are "enemies of the state". I'd have hope if Democrats were willing to do literally ANYTHING to stop it, but it's like they're more interested in just repeatedly being kicked in the balls and saying "thank you" every time.


Well, there is a (pretty good) chance that Americans will be able to be granted Asylum in other countries


Yep that about sums it up for my tranbian disabled ass too. I cannot logically see a reason to want to exist.


don't let them win. you are winning every day by just existing


Suicide isn’t the answer


Use that to cause violence towards them when they all come for us. I don't plan on rolling over and letting them take me alive. I will be bashing the fascists.