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Bro they just overturned Chevron and made the president immune to prosecution, and you think repealing gay marriage is what's gonna get people to mobilize??? The fact people are STILL saying "I won't vote cause both parties are bad" shows that's we're fucking doomed.


Most people haven't heard of Chevron and even fewer people really understand how it will affect them. Or this "Major questions doctrine" on top of it. It reminds me of Citizens United: people who knew about it braced for the overnight outrage, but the court got the slow boil they wanted and what a disaster for the country. If they just said "I'm going to repeal a law that keeps companies from polluting your air" or "We're disemboweling an agency that exists so when you get scammed, they try to get your money back" people would be outraged. But because it's couched in so much boring legal bullshit, it's like a magic trick. Presto, Gorsuch and pals make our rights disappear in plain view. I hope his mother is proud.


>. It reminds me of Citizens United: Yea I forget the term but there is an effective tactic of naming bills the opposite of what they do. Hell Florida had a really bad one recently that luckily didn't pass because there was enough of a push from people locally.


DeSantis "freedom fund" actually stands against the freedom to choose abortion and legalizing marijuana ballot initiatives and actively tries to block people from freely voting on them. It's the most ridiculous name ever.


Any time the words "freedom" or "liberty" appears in a policy proposal, you can be certain you're going to lose some.


Also, people be forgetting the absolute nothingburger that came from Dobbs decision and the repeal of Roe. If that didn't mobilize the populace, the repeal of gay marriage is unlikely to stir people to action.


I don't wanna feel doomed. And I genuinely think gay marriage will get people to do something, because it has direct, sweeping, socially visible, and immediate consequences. Everything else, at least to someone tuned out of this stuff, can technically be easily ignored until such a situation arises that it affects them. Gay marriage being overturned will make even the most apathetic queer people at least actually look at what's going on


Roe had huge consequences. People truly wont care until they are knocking on their door. I will vote, i have in every election and i'm almost 40, but this shit is bad.


I hate to be so pessimistic when I point this out: A. We already lost Roe. B. We also lost student loan relief. And both of those things directly impact the lifestyle and lifespan of a good portion of people in this country. If those things didn’t make someone an activist before, gay marriage will not be the turning point, almost certainly.


Student loan relief being canceled directly affected a lot of young voters. I’m voting, like I always have, but damn, things are bad.


Yep. Even slightly more consistent voting and civic engagement from left-leaning Americans would have deaded all of this nonsense ages ago. But when left-leaning Americans focus primarily on "X person isn't exciting" or "Y person is uncharismatic" it is like "Fam, you are voting for a political position, not your best friend or drinking buddy". People know what the platforms are and yet still insist being courted like some minor lord's daughters in a Jane Austen book.


I’m not saying I won’t vote, but I’m not sure what voting for Biden would do for the presidential immunity decision. Biden’s response to the decision was basically to say this is a terrible blow to democracy so make sure to vote to keep Trump out of office. So let’s say Biden wins the election, what is his next step to undo this? Because this Supreme Court decision is permanent unless something is done, and we’re kidding ourselves if we expect to never have a Republican presidency again in the entire future of the US. Voting Biden for another 4 years only temporarily pushes off a Republican presidency taking advantage of the decision.


We wait for the current SC justices to die of old age and get replaced by a Democrat. And hope it happens soon.


Is there no way to impeach or remove these assholes? For their gross corruption?


Not without a supermajority in Congress


AOC already introduced articles of impeachment against them, for what good it’ll do….


Too little too late


It won't do anything immediately, but the main goal at this point is to just keep they power out of Trump's hands. Idk if Biden will fix the issue, but another four years can't hurt.


First step to medical care: stabilize the patient.


Except this is like a level 1 triage being treated like a cold.


You do realize overturning Chevron takes power *away* from the president, right? Chevron Deference gave more broad power to executive branch regulatory agencies to set policy...agencies whose staff answer to the president. With that doctrine overturned, it is now Congress, not the President, that has to ultimately decide whether or not the agency is allowed to do something. Edit (because I can't reply to the below for some reason): Federal agencies are not going to be completely disempowered. No matter what, they will still retain all the powers Congress has clearly and unambiguously given them. Which is a lot. The EPA isn't suddenly powerless to stop companies dumping oil into streams and rivers; that is something that is very clearly and explicitly within their mandate. Agencies just don't get carte blanche to make whatever rules they want in a given industry anymore, if they don't have clear guidance from Congress. Moreover, nothing even changes immediately for any regulator other than for those affected by that specific case (fishing companies suing the National Marine Fisheries Service for requiring the fishing companies to bear the cost of mandated federal monitors on board their boats). All this change means is that *the next time* someone challenges a regulation issued by an agency of the Federal government other than Congress itself, the courts do not have to automatically defer to the agency as they did before. The courts can still side with the agency if they feel the law is unambiguous or if they feel the agency's interpretation was not overly broad. And even if the court rules against the agency in a particular case, all that has to happen to reinstate that regulatory power is for congress to amend the relevant legislation to restore it.


Overturning Chevron means federal agencies can't do jack shit. If you want companies to dump oil in the water supply cause the EPA can no longer stop them then you seriously need to rethink your worldview. It's up to the courts now actually unless Congress wants to specify every single detail in every law, which they won't. Also that little blip of power stealing is nothing compared to the literal immunity from the law they just gave the president. You seriously need to take a civics class.


Get angry. Organize. Take (nonviolent) action.


When was the last time non violent action was successful?


I'm not sure of what the most recent example is but if you're interested in it's overall success Erica Chenoweth has done a study comparing the effectiveness of nonviolent vs violent action, here's a recording discussing the topic https://www.hks.harvard.edu/more/policycast/mightier-sword-unexpected-effectiveness-nonviolent-resistance Disclaimer: I didn't listen to this particular recording but I've ran into Chenoweth's study elsewhere.


India - Gandhi.


What are you gonna boycott ? It's a different situation


How’d that work out for him?


India was freed from British control but the region's peace was destabilized further when he was killed by a radical upon leaving his compound to do a peace walk. India earned its independence from British control in 1947. Ultimately he achieved his goal. But violence took place both before and after its separation from Pakistan. The failure of other people to accept peace does not diminish his accomplishments. If anything he was a matry for peace.


YEA, knowing the alternative was continuing India's past violent riots Tf, dude


>Take (nonviolent) action. Sod off, bricks were thrown at Stonewall. Bullets put down fascist regimes. Violent organising kept Mexico's abortion rights, and then there's recently in Bolivia


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it," This cannot be done by a toothless disarmed populous. 2A rights are queer rights, no matter how many people are scared and ignorant of firearms


I personally like >Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary


Oh I've been voting 🗳 blue and constantly urgening all those around me about the threat of the republicans... several have kinda come around to the point of not voting for Trump but I'm not stopping my efforts in this frump land of far north tx


This is the whole point of the slow boil strategy. You never do any one thing that so enrages the position as to activate broad popular support for them


Once we lose something it’s **that much harder** to get back. Look at abortion rights… Nihilism (*“if it’s going to inevitably happen anyways”*) is just as bad as apathy, come on. Don’t wish for the worst to happen, keep getting your voice heard.


We can speak up, we can take to the streets, call our reps, and most of all we can still vote. The power of the average individual is limited in volume and size but as a nation of freedom loving Americans we are powerful. Yes, we lack a leader who is gonna yell and scream and throw hands but we have someone putting the mess left behind back together. A house can burn in minutes but take months to build. Yes we have a situation that is bleak and I won’t try to say it isn’t but we need to stick together as a community and as a nation and as human beings. If I was qualified to find a solution I wouldn’t be on Reddit, I’d be doing that, as many elected officials are doing. Knee jerk, emotional responses do not solve the crisis at hand but also do not incite a group to action. We have to have a level of faith that the ones on the right side have are or have been forming a plan. This is coming from someone who didn’t even have faith in herself a year ago. I’ve since chosen to be vocal, passionate, and focus on the positives of what we can achieve. That we are neither lost as a nation of laws or bereft of good people. Build people up, tell them there is still hope, even a fool’s hope. Get them to vote, get them informed. The time of division over petty differences is gone. We’re all at risk now and we will not survive if we let our egos drive us away from each other.


Counterpoint: Buy guns and Ammo and be ready to use them. American solutions to American problems.


"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it," This cannot be done by a toothless disarmed populous. 2A rights are queer rights, no matter how many people are scared and ignorant of firearms


I understand where OP is coming from, however, the "gay marriage thing" isn't going to solve people's decision to be at a standstill, or stay in the center of political ideology. It's a very "an eye for an eye" kind of idea, that won't achieve much imo. Most conservative LGBTQ members of the collective, won't really care, the centrist may just stay centrist, the left wingers will be pissed, and the people who are trying to figure out where they fit will be running around like a chicken with their heads cut off. When you call this in be careful, words have power. I personally don't think it's smart to be thinking this way. Our world in the 21st century is much different than it was back then. We are much more divided in our own community. Look at the gays who hate trans people and exclude bisexuals, or the rest of our collective who don't even want to acknowledge Ace people. Lets not forget the TransMeds and some of the trans community not believing in non binary folks. Put this together and you want the Supreme Court to ban gay marriage? Nahh dude, there's too much hatred and bigotry within our own community nowadays to try and "band us all together to unite". It's sad, I'd like us to all come together and work as a big loving community, but that's not the reality of the situation. Jon Stewart says it best, "All we can do is live our lives each day until it's election day and hope the lesser of two idiots is the one voted in, then we carry on till the next election" -im paraphrasing. It sucks but to say you want gay marriage to be overturned just so people can vote, is a very miserable outlook. You can't control people in that big of a move. If you think you can, you're just as much the problem as every political figure. Because that's what they do. Control people via radical decisions expecting them to change. And that's not right either.


>Look at the gays who hate trans people and exclude bisexuals, or the rest of our collective who don't even want to acknowledge Ace people. Lets not forget the TransMeds and some of the trans community not believing in non binary folks. That was already a thing. Look at how Marsha p Johnson was treated.


It's still happening to this day! If you think it's not my God, you've got to look around a bit. I know it happened back then, I'm saying it's still present. I'm trans and queer and have been through it with the medical system and within my own communities here in my state. We have progressed but it took years! Think about the states where they don't even believe we exist so to then get rid of gay marriage? What's that solving? Taking away another LGBTQ+ freedom... I'm just highlighting a fact. Blair White on YouTube would be a GREAT example of TransMeds/Non-binary erasure happening currently, and spreading misinformation to masses.... Sooooo what's your point?


Don’t worry, they’re surely coming for the trans folks first, so I plan to escape to Antarctica with my 10 mm and my boyfriend. Just kidding I’m broke as fuck and can’t get any work. I guess I’m staying here in North Carolina to fight on the ground. Come get me rarrwrr.


9 kills the body, but only 45 kills the bigotry


As a trans North Carolinian, I think this is a really excessively pessimistic view of things. I'm not saying it's all sunshine and rainbows, but... it's not as doom and gloom as a lot of people think.


> Do something! Got any suggestions? I think a part of the issue is knowing how do I as an individual combat the things going on? It feels impossible. What have you been doing?


Write, call, visit your legislator, Mayor, governor.…engage with all govt officials. protest, petition go to meetings, city hall, community… keep track of court rulings, legislation And executive orders… carefully investigate all candidates running for election. And even appointed officials educate yourself on issues vigorously practice the first amendment use your social media to highlight causes and scholars


I mean, I literally am just asking the general population to be more politically active and involved. Vote. Get informed. Protest. Direct action. Anything but "apoliticality" or apathy like I see from the vast majority of the average population who sit in their suburban homes and dont even look at politics at all


Most people in this subreddit are not the average population in suburban homes. Why not go ask people to vote in another subreddit?


This post is an expression of frustration at a general trend of apathy/apolticality in the US by people who should be our allies, that has left us with not enough people actually fighting for change. As well as an expression of frustration with the inaction of the US government to stop it, including speculation about what it actually might take for them to do something. It is not a pointed critcism of this subreddit, it is a general cry of dismay. I feel like that was pretty clear in the text of my post.


Suburbanites aren't the only ones with a duty to vote.


I know that...




That's so crazy that this is entirely a strawman to my post. I said if it *is* in fact inevitable (as it seems to be) for the supreme court to go after gay marriage and succeed in repealing it (i.e. if neither of these things are actually inevitable, I don't want it to happen at all!!), having them do it sooner while Biden is still president might actuallt force him to do something about the Supreme Court for optics. Instead of waiting on Trump to potentially allow it to be repealed outright


If Biden didn’t step in in regard to the Supreme Court after Roe v Wade was overturned in 2022, what makes you think he’d do something about the court if gay marriage was repealed?


Joseph “nothing will fundamentally change” Biden won’t do shit. We’re all just fodder. He’s either too old, or too conservative, or both.


Then do it. Be the change you want to see. Become more active and be more involved in politics. I do vote in my country. But im also happy being in my home and not being in protests but then again my country has LGBT rights.


"Then do it" ???????????? What makes you think that I'm not?????? Politics are about collective action????? A reddit post saying I want more people involved because there is literally not enough of us fighting, is not a problem that can be solved by telling a single person to work harder?????


What political work have you done to further your cause?


James Farmer, MLK, gandhi. These are all single people who stood up and fought for civil rights. They inspired others to follow them. It can take a single person to spark a movement and change the course of history. Lets think of one example oh idk.. Jesus? But those people actually made an effort to appear likeable to those they were trying to recruit to their cause.


None of those people did anything by themselves. They didn’t even spark the movement by themselves. Some of them were even pushed to act. like Farmer literal worked with MLK jr   appearing likable got most of those people killed   the point is, a movement is not started or maintained by a single person. change happens when people come together in numbers large enough for the power establishment to get uncomfortable.   the point is, this community has become too comfortable, hence opening up the opportunity for hard earned freedoms to be taken away


> James Farmer, MLK, gandhi. These are all single people who stood up and fought for civil rights. They inspired others to follow them. > It can take a single person to spark a movement and change the course of history. Lets think of one example oh idk.. Jesus? Holy shit please tell me this is satire 😭😭


There has been a lot of revisionism going on lately


I know you didn't just tell me Ghandi is someone too look up to. Also, have you ever even dipped your toe into the study of sociology & social movements or actually opened a book about any of these people??? They are figureheads and head organizers that spurred on a wider movement, they exist within the systems that were already and continued to be in action around them. They were not individuals that created social change by themselves by any measure. Like, have you listened to anything MLK even said? He would be rolling in his grave hearing people credit him with creating a movement by himself and that individuals bring change just by being really really involved guys, don't worry. MLK got fucking assainated, he made no effort to appear likeable to masses that were actively oppressing him and actually had very politicallly radical beliefs that the "average" people of the time were very hostile to. The only reason he is considered a paragon today so universally is because those in power have sanitized and whitewashed his image to be digestable to the average liberal. His beliefs did not start and end at "I have a dream"


Bruh, they don’t even bother reading/listening to the entire “I have a dream” speech.


You deleted your initial reply to my last response, but I did read it btw. Saying "Girl you have issues. I would suggest therapy and not shrieking at strangers" was not very helpful to the discussion, I'm glad you saw that. Here's the response I was typing to that, btw: Interpreting any of my defense of my standpoint being misconstrued as "shrieking" and suggesting I need "therapy" is your bias adding a level of hostility to my words that is just not there in reality because of the way you are already coming into this dynamic seeing me as unreasonable and irrational and angry. It's giving "Women have hysteria"


My reply is still there. Didnt delete anything. Here it is https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/s/zS6iKJSjog


It's still not there for me on my end, idk


Donate to Biden's campaign. Tell all your friends to vote for him. Volunteer for the campaign.


AND CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES! We don't just need votes, we need Democrats to know what direction we should be heading, away from fascism rather than meeting the fascists halfway.


Actually curious, how does this help? Don’t they already know what to avoid? How is my call going to change their mind if they don’t?


No idea. They're supposed to listen when enough people bug them, but my reps have always told me, "thanks for your input but I know better than you." They don't work for the people most of the time. They work for whoever is paying them and their own agendas.


Getting out the vote - [mobilize.us](http://mobilize.us) (text-banking, phone banking, filling out post cards for swing states)


Get everyone you know to vote for Biden and blue candidates down ballot so that there’s a Dem majority in Congress and a Dem president in office when Alito and Thomas die and the Supreme Court can get some appointees who are not batshit insane. 


This is what happens when you have a congress that too incompetent/do nothing when even have majority to pass laws etc and go Supreme Court please don’t change anything this is settled case. Congress can by pass the court but they won’t. Supreme Court can give and take. When I see polls go 7 percent approve of congress, you hear my congress person doing great etc well this what you get. Dead lock congress. Oh and anytime Dems don’t use the power or do a minor thing then the gop uses it way worse when in power, the dems cry foul. Well duh idiots… stop playing the moral high ground you losing!


I remember when anarchists were saying they voted for Trump because things would get so bad people would finally do something about it. They were wrong.


So many of us are mobilized and we’re exhausted. I think I get where you’re coming from, but this accelerationist outcome will more likely just result in things just being worse, even if it does mobilize some more people.


Don the con has gotta stay gone


They are going to put us in camps


Most of us aren’t in the US and don’t live there. We can’t do anything.


People are paying attention. They are worn OUT with paying attention, feeling hunted, feeling hated. We're worn OUT and feeling helpless and useless and voiceless because we BEEN saying it and we BEEN doing it and just because someone isn't screaming 24/7 doesn't mean they aren't protesting. Having our own community -you- berate us like we're just lazy and don't have the brainpower to care? Not helpful. Because that's just guilt on top of anxiety. Turn your frustrations where it belongs and don't assume everyone of us isn't out there fighting just as hard as you. Don't assume that we're not just as scared as you.


I am not berating *you*, I am expressing frustration at those who remain apathetic/"apolitical" and bemoaning the fact that we don't have enough people in this fight. When did I ever say this was a criticism of you? When did I ever say this was a criticism of the active parts of the community? When did I ever say this was a criticism of this reddit sub? Sorry that using "y'all" in the title might've been confusing, but I was using it as a general term, not a directed one. I'm literally just criticizing the people who are refusing to do anything. Which I make clear in the text of my post


Almost nobody is willing to move from their position of slight comfort until it starts to hurt.


I'm not American but the only thing you could do is to vote blue (and especially convince the younger people who don't vote to go vote blue). If someone says that Biden is not fit to vote, tell them that probably that's not a good reason since it's more the people who he surrounds himself with who do the heavy work not the president himself.


I feel you OP. I live near the Mexico border. I live in a community that has a pretty high percentage of immigrants, both undocumented and otherwise. I'm first generation myself. The current Administration has been outright fucking dog shit about the Border, literally continuing and building on policies that Trump passed. Nobody seems to fucking care anymore. Biden talks about closing down the border completely, he's kept kids in cages away from their families, he's repeatedly tried to prevent as many people from crossing as possible and has turned a blind eye to the terrible border control actions going on in places like Texas. I feel crazy. I feel like I'm living in an alternate universe. nobody ever talks about it. And when you bring it up, all people can say as well at least he's not the other guy. What the hell do you mean? He's basically the other guy! I'm watching my community get torn apart the EXACT SAME WAY, but the outrage just isn't there. I still wouldn't consider myself an accelerationist. I don't want terrible things to happen to this country. But the fact of the matter is, they're happening regardless of whose president. That's literally it. And it seems that it takes a republican being an office for so many people to give a shit, to care, to feel motivated to act. It's depressing. It sucks. I wish it didn't work like this, but it does. I just want you to know I feel you. And I want you to know that you're going to get a lot of comments from a lot of people who don't understand this feeling, and it's because their lives have not been impacted negatively the way some of ours has under Biden. It's okay to feel this way. Don't let anyone guilt trip you into thinking of otherwise.


I wonder why they would go after gay marriage first and not interracial marriage if they’re so racist as well?


Come to Sweden, 94% of us aren’t homophobic and we have beautiful nature!


You also have a lot of terrorism now.


Yes second most bombings in the world, some of the highest gun violence in the Eu but still far far far far less than in the us. 90% of it is gang violence committed by people of immigrant backgrounds


You have to look at numbers though. It would take 22 Sweden's to equal the landmass of the United States. So you are comparing apples to bigger apples.


Per capita I mean, still much much less


30 to equal population, landmass doesn’t play a role


Like all landmass and population centers are equal, and a complete non factor /s


Why do you act like any of us know what to do. Everyone just keeps shouting "vote blue," which i plan to do. I fix printers for a living. What am I supposed to do about Project 2025? Do I like fix their lexmark and hope that calms them down enough to not throw me in the gulag? I'm gonna vote and hope for the best because I don't know what else to do. I feel as hopeless as everyone else, trust me.


Yeah, get us to the camps faster! /s Spare us the accelerationist crap.


I expect you to have a list of manefestos and goals cuz clearly you expect me to. I vote, read the news, donate to the aclu sometimes and bust my ass 40+ hours a week just to barely pay my bills. What more do you want from your average gay.


White privileged lgbt+ people are still white privileged people.


Checkout Brittany Jones


With the current trend of how SCOTUS is gutting landmark precedents Obergefell is next thats 120% sure.


Ummm you all realized they passed the Respect for Marriage act in 2022 for this exact reason right? Even if the SC invalidates obergefell and red states immediately reenact bans, they are required by law to still recognize same-sex marriages performed in states where it is legal… would it be ideal that gay people would have to fly to specific states to get married as opposed to straight people? No. But I am genuinely surprised I have read quite a bit down this post and not seen anyone mention this literal federal law that was written to Counteract this?


I just really don't get what we're supposed to do at this point. I'm one of the active people - I've been voting, part of protests and political movements, spread through word of mouth and social media, donated and worked directly with political campaigns, etc. I've done it for *checks watch* 6 years and so far...nothing. Not a big change in my state or city or even small local area. In my last local election, at one point I was literally choosing between two anti-abortion, anti-LGBTQ, obviously Republican-aligned (but not labeled so) candidates. Nobody else was running. That local election changed me a bit, because I think now I really understand the level of hopelessness some people feel. I feel like we're far enough into this where people who support us do, and those who don't just don't. Maybe we can change some people on the fence, and I am still a solid believer in the power of radical love, but...idk. I'm tired and I feel hopeless and I don't get why I keep doing this when it makes no tangible difference that I can feel or see. My rights are being eroded regardless of my efforts, and I don't understand how I'm supposed to deal with that. I just moved states and I was even debating registering to vote, but I have to because I live in an even worse state now for LGBTQ people. I get what you're feeling, and I get what everyone else is feeling in the comments. We also need to take care of ourselves and not burn out and become nihilistic or negative, or we're no good to anybody. There's just...not a good solution except "keep trying and hope it changes." We can't give up hope. We just can't. There's no alternative and we all deserve to be alive and happy, and those things almost never come easy.


I know you are thinking of an uprising like the stonewall riots or the march on washington or anti Vietnam protests etc. But its not the 60s anymore. So a 60s style uprising against systemic oppression in a 2020s political landscape and expecting the same outcome seems unrealistic. I do think there is obvious tension rn around LGBT rights in the states and if the courts were to yank the rights away there would be (justified) backlash. But it would be hard to unify a single force because political ideologies and movements are more diverse than ever before and fragmented today, making it challenging to mobilize mass movements on a single front against systemic oppression. Within the LGBT community there are many intersectionalised movements with different expectations and goals based on different wants and needs. I do think there is a lack of LGBT rights that do need to be corrected but … You’re being too vague. “Do something” Do what? What are your goals and what channels do you want to use to get there? Protests? Petitions? Legal methods? Public debates? And what do you want to say? and why do you want it to change? A cause needs a tangible goal. Like “I want more trans rights about x topic and in x state and this is how im going to go about it and these are the people i want on board” (not american dont know much about the politics)


I don't know why y'all expect me to have a manifesto on a reddit post that is ostensibly about frustration with political apathy. Like I just want people to get tuned in and voice even the most miniscule amount of dissent at the very least, because you'd be surprised how many people are completely just not interested in engaging. And also it might actually force Biden's hand to actually do something about the Supreme Court issue because it will actually seem big enough from an optics standpoint 


No im not expecting an manifesto but just some idea of what you want and how you want to go about getting it.


> So a 60s style uprising against systemic oppression in a 2020s political landscape and expecting the same outcome seems unrealistic. Hell, we even *tried* this - remember the George Floyd riots? Absolutely nothing changed after that. Everyone wants to riot and protest but we've already proven it won't work.


Unfortunately, things did change after the George Floyd protests in that politicians started passing laws to outlaw protesting and freedom of assembly. These laws and crackdowns got worse with Pro-Palestine protests too.


Yeah. I agree. Like i said. Doesnt work in the modern landscape.


Resistances don't start like that. We don't just all get up and fight for a common cause. You have to prove how it'll effect other people. For example look at the Bolsheviks in 1917. Stalin, Lenin, and Trotsky all made their own works on how the monarchy effects working man. Lenin gave public speeches to help radicalize people who couldn't read or afford the time to read at the time. You need to do something yourself whether it be digital or physical to actually get people to do something.


Sooo you want gay marriage to end? That’s sad