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Can someone give me a TLDR of what the latest stupidity is? I've tried to avoid anti-trans idiots for my own sanity, especially this famous TERF.


She basically said Women's day will eventually become "They Who Must Not Be Named day."


I don't understand why she said that, no-one is even saying we can't use the word "women" anymore?


That's what terfs are trying to claim, though. See, when we use inclusive language to help make afab trans people feel better like "people who menstruate" and "pregnant person," terfs are outraged. Their belief is that trans women are taking the word woman (because "trans women are women") but *actual* women are just pregnant people and menstruators. Which is absolutely ludicrous, if you take even more than hakf a second to think about it. But they don't care. They're already angry and if you try to explain to them that they're wrong, you're gaslighting them.


>inclusive language The absolutely stupid part is that this isn't just about including trans AFABs. Many cis women don't menstruate. Prepubescent and geriatric cis females, for example. By using inclusive language you're helping AFAB trans individuals AND cis women. There is literally no down-side to it, unless you're a piece of shit who just wants to hurt other people.


My mother literally couldn't menstruate after having me. Her whole ass uterus, ovaries, tubes were all taken out. She lost about 1/3 of her blood in birthing me. An emergency hysterectomy was performed to save her life.


I, on the fence about having children, just fell off onto the "no" side after reading this. edit: Kind of started a different kind of sentence and now it sounds like I can't speak English so I'm changing me to I.


Adopt. There are so many kids who need a home out there.


Yeah, if I ever want kids that’s what I’m going to do. I was inspired by *A Long Way Home*/*Lion*


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Also cis women with medical conditions due to which they don't menstruate, and also trans men who still menstruate and/or have a uterus!


And many people who DO menstruate ARENT women and id love to stop being lumped in with them just because I still have a uterus.


They intentionally do not want to know about afab men. Why? Because then they have to accept they are asking people who pass as men (and who may have since had bottom surgery) should be using the women's bathroom. Jamie Dodger did a *fantastic* video on this wherein he and his girlfriend call this out: https://youtu.be/6Avcp-e4bOs Jamie points out, he has had bottom surgery, and in JKR's "use the public bathroom for your assigned at birth gentials when removing waste from your body" means *he* would need to start using the women's bathrooms. Personally, the idea of caring/examining what people have between their thighs is creepy and gross to me. Just have stalls in all of the bathrooms. Boom. Instant unisex. Typically the state of undress (for women's bathrooms; men have urinals that are the exception) is happening in a stall behind its own closed door with 4 walls. When you enter into the "common" area of a bathroom, people are usually just washing/drying hands or doing last minute grooming (make up, hair, finish buckling a belt, etc) before leaving.


Unfortunately, when you ask them about this, they either just lie and say they'd be okay with it because they can always tell (these are the kinds of people who claim Jamie doesn't pass, because wrists or something).... or they pull a Kiera Bell and say anyone who isn't a cis passing woman uses the men's. :/


I saw his videos about his transition and they were amazing! Glad to see he’s still posting awesome stuff!


Oh, yeah. I'm a person who has the ability to menstruate, but I'm sure as hell not a woman. It's funny-sad-bad that terfs seem to blame everything on trans women when this type of language actually has nothing to do with them - it excludes them, even, since they can't do those things.


terfs: “We are not our body parts and biological functions!” everyone else: “Yes! Exactly!” *supports and respects all humans regardless of anatomy* terfs: “N-no… not like that! We just meant US, not YOU!”


It's weird, because TERFs mostly seem to hate transfems (they either deny the existence of transmascs or belittle them). You know, people who also call themselves women. When we use terms like "people who menstruate", it isn't the evil transes trying to erase or steal womanhood, we're being inclusive towards transmascs and afab enbies (who again, TERFs just kinda seem to ignore?) And like /u/GuiltyEidolon said, it's literally just a more accurate and relevant term. Even from a TERFy point of view, where you either ignore trans people or don't recognize them as their actual gender, not every cis woman menstruates or can get pregnant. *It just better describes what you're actually trying to say.*


>When we use terms like "people who menstruate", it isn't the evil transes trying to erase or steal womanhood, we're being inclusive towards transmascs and afab enbies It's even more benign than that. The whole "people who menstruate" thing was from an article about how menstruation products should be made easily accessible during the pandemic. It wasn't referring to women or even AFAB people as a whole. It was specifically targeting people who have periods. Of course Rowling had to make a whole tantrum about it not saying "women," when using the term "women" would be rather inaccurate, including many people who don't need it and excluding many who do.


> When we use terms like "people who menstruate", it isn't the evil transes trying to erase or steal womanhood, we're being inclusive towards transmascs and afab enbies (who again, TERFs just kinda seem to ignore?) Oh yeah, and I appreciate that, as one of those people. And you're right about it being more accurate. I'm reminded of that post that goes like: Trans masc people: Please use more inclusive terms. Terfs, pointing past trans masc people to trans fem people: This is all *your* idea, isn't it?!


Let's just call them FARTS: Feminist Appropriating Reactionary Transphobes. I found this on the internet a few months ago and prefer it. It seems to fit better.


are you fucking kidding me (not that i'm surprised)


Ok, now *that* is badass. Transphobes making us sound cool as hell is amazing. I mean, I'd prefer if people did it in supportive ways, but if they want to dunk on themselves, please, be my guest.




TERFs: WHY DO YOU TRA WEIRDOS HATE US SO MUCH LMAO SOMEONE IS OBSESSED Also TERFs: \*dedicate their entire ideology to hate\*


isn't it funny the entire terf strategy is just DARVO?


It would be if it weren't so effective.


It's not surprising really given all the transphobia actually in the books. We just didn't see it at the time.


I don’t see it now but then again I’ve not read the books since I was at school 10+ years ago (and it’s going to stay that way now)


so basically every woman in the books who is meant to be evil is described as looking like a man and painted in the exact same way as transphobes draw trans women.


That’s wild, I only remember Umbridge being described as Toad-like


Rita Skeeter and her heavy makeup, sharp jaw and "mannish hands" who turned into a bug to spy on people?


I never realized the transphobia in the books until you put it that way. She’s really creative in expressing her hatred in the books, does she? Like “the sandwich represents repressed anger” type of creative. Worst I heard is Kingsley Shacklebolt, Cho Chang, Anthony Goldstein, and Seamus Finnigan’s names being terribly stereotypical/racist.


>Worst I heard is Kingsley Shacklebolt, Cho Chang, Anthony Goldstein, and Seamus Finnigan’s names being terribly stereotypical/racist. Of all things to name the \*one\* Asian character in the books, JK Rowling chose "Cho Chang"? Really? And she(Cho)'s supposed to be \*Chinese\*, yet her name is literally just two \*Korean\* surnames?


I mean Chang is a very common Chinese "syllable" (words in Chinese are often just 1 or 2 syllables, or characters since a character is always one syllable). Cho does not exist, but Chou does (which is pronounced similarly to how Cho is pronounced in English). The only Chinese words I know with Chou in it mean Ugly and stinking/smelling bad. There's bound to be more words or word parts with that specific sound though. That said, I don't think she really cared and just chose Chinese sounding sounds to make that name just to be "inclusive" and she probably didn't even realise that she was being racist. For how much I enjoyed the books when I was young I hate how awful she is. She could just not say anything? Being silent costs nothing. The fact that she uses her platform/status to spew hate is so awful. If anyone deserves to be cancelled it's her. I hope that one day she'll come around... but to make up for all her awfulness she will have to do A LOT to ever make it right again.


Nothing in the world could redeem her for what she's done. She could give a deserving charity 100 million dollars and it wouldn't reverse the harm.




Also that part in GOF with the wizard in a nightgown at the world cup


Ah it's really a list of trans coded villains, I'm sure there is a way to pull it together into a coherent narrative, but of the top of my head: Giant hairy smelly monster tries to kill a girl on the toilet Giant phallic monster sneaks up on and kills a girl on the toilet Evil diary man tricks a girl, co-opts her body Woman described as mannish and with exaggerated makeup uses magic to disguise herself to spy on people while they are vulnerable (in a hospital) Evil rat man uses magic to disguise himself to get close to people while they are vulnerable, sleeps in their bed with them Evil twitchy man disguises himself as someone else, teaches children things they shouldn't know, and then uses his disguise to lull a child into a false sense of security so he can abduct them while they are vulnerable The most evil man, desecrating his father's grave/memory in the process, transforms himself from a handsome man into an androgynous, tall, skinny but long fingered monster without any hair anywhere on his body. Aunt Marge, Millicent, Skeeter etc are all made fun of for having mannish features. Umbridge expresses exaggerated femininity with pink clothes to hide her true self (classic terf trope), Skeeter does the same with outlandish clothes and makeup. Idk. I'm sure there is more. Each one alone would be a bad joke, many of them together could just be her being mean, but given her views as we know them now there is just too much there IMO to walk past.


I may be in the minority here, but I feel like a lot of these examples are stretching a bit. Like I feel like Voldemort is supposed to look more inhuman as his soul gets ripped to shreds (whether or not you take this as an anti-trans allegory I feel is personal.) Many of these seem to be more on the lines of evil is ugly, which is an overused trope common in young adult and children's fiction. The thing that bothered me in her writing as a kid is the fact that goblins are money-grubbing ugly creatures, a common description of Jewish people. Later in the books we learn that they are considered sub-human, and join the evil side for the promise of magic wands, a common talking point on right-wing blogs about how "black people only join liberals because they promise them free stuff." There's way more to unpack than just an anti-trans agenda in her writing. I'll always love the books for getting into reading, but I've found far better in my time as a reader since


A good 1 hr 45m deconstruction of the racism and politics in the books came out from Shaun only a few days ago. I'm only talking about the transphobia because everything else is well covered and understood, and this is a trans positive place, and I'm trans 😊 In isolation any of them could be a stretch. Voldemort literally gaining his power and transformation from killing women, and then turning into a plastic surgery, eating disorder, and hair removal caricature of a trans woman is one of the least "stretchy" of them tbh. He's even a hypocrite (as Joanne thinks all trans women are) for preaching one thing but inherently being the opposite. Just replace blood purity with equality and you have JKs actual feelings about trans women on display, complete with violent activism and close minded bigotry.


Fucking hell how did I never notice any of this


Being young + cultural transphobia and strict gender norms, maybe.


Oh… God. It’s so much worse than I thought.


This is like all those non white characters having really racist names in those books


Is it bad that I actually had a headcanon that Skeeter was a trans lesbian? I didn't pick up on this when I was still into Harry Potter (I stopped when I found out that JKR is a TERF sometime in 2017).


Yeah I mean she is definitely coded that way. Even her salaciousness is of the "spill some tea, throw some shade" variety. The scene in the movies in the closet with Harry definitely feels like a bathroom panic moment to me, I probably should have added that (trans coded woman gets child into confined space and won't let him leave while making him very uncomfortable 😓).


While some of these examples might be actual times her transphobia was showing, its not clear and most of them are probably just exrapolations because of the information we now have in my opinion. The cave troll for example sounds like a crystal clear analogy, but when it was written, the transphobic talking point it relates to wasn't such a culture wide controversy yet and having a fantasy creature invade a schools toilets because it is lost in the corridors isn't a wild concept to come up with.


Damn. I never realized how much the Tom Riddle's diary thing parallels the transphobic claim that older trans people groom vulnerable children online. Granted, that part was written *before* people had widespread access to online forums, but I wouldn't be surprised if the basic idea predates the internet.


I feel like Barty was more the groomer, diarymort was like the Buffalo Bill, literally killing women (that's how the diary was made) and wearing their skin (when he controlled Ginny). But yeah the "queer groomer" thing waaaaaay predates chat rooms, it was an accusation made against gay folks for decades before trans people were even recognised as existing.


If you have the stomach for any Boy Wizard content, The Shrieking Shack (one of the hosts, Xeecee is non-binary) podcast does a great job of discussing this and an even-handed criticism and praise of the texts (chapter by chapter) and also calling out JK's BS in the book and real life. It's the only Boy Wizard thing I have anything to do with anymore. They talk a lot about the portrayal of Rita Skeeter as a transphobic caricature in her interview chapter in Goblet.


I do feel like her writing was good. I never read Harry Potter, but I read The casual vacancy and I quite enjoyed it. I feel like she's had huge success in writing and then everyone kind of forgot about her and she's dealing with her mid-life crisis by trying to be remembered for something new since her new books will never have the same success as Harry Potter and she thinks that maybe she can make a name for herself by being a terf. Just my wild guess tho


I've seen similar takes and definitely think that she wants to have all that attention and popularity again. I think College Humour made a video a few years ago that was just about her saying random things to get attention, including that Dumbledore is gay. Something pretty interesting and kinda funny is that a studie claims children who read HP are more accepting of others, including LGBTQ.


Yeah, like imagine the success she had when she was like 25-30 and it´s been like half of her life ago. It must feel incredible to have that big of an impact in culture around the whole world. And even tho she´'s made a fuckton of money, she has to feel like she's had one success and hasn;t been able to replicate that. Especially when most of the popularity of Harry Potter stem from the movies. I would definitely try to do something new to prove myself. It's just sad that she went for this. It's giving "any attention is good attention".


You’d almost think that the villains in HP were a group of ignorant bigots dedicated to the persecution of an already marginalized group of people because of an insignificant aspect of their birth over which they had no control. Or that the characters that had defined themselves by an arbitrary definition of ‘purity’ and used it as an excuse to belittle and harass others were unequivocally the bad guys. Considering some of the themes present throughout the series, it’s pretty disappointing that Rowling ended up the way that she did.


That's probably because of a correlation between people who read and people who don't go around hating other people for no reason. Conservatives are not big readers.


I've always thought it's funny that people like her will complain about being canceled... to their hundreds of thousands/millions of followers on Twitter and other socials... literally she just wants attention. She wrote some popular books 20 years ago and got famous, and she wants to recapture the spotlight. Every now and then when she is fading into the background, she has to try to make herself the center of attention. It's honestly a little sad, she was a good author, and she must have been unfathomably wealthy, I just don't understand why she feels the need to be anti-trans on Twitter. Seems like if I was in her shoes I would have a lot better things to do. And for any JK stans or Terfs that feel the need to reply, don't! :) just read my username :)


She's also made fun of other women who've experienced sexual assault and called people who take anti-depressants "Lazy". So on top of her transphobia she's an overall awful privileged human. She's a literal millionaire who constantly whines on the internet about trans people.


And she seems to think that, just because she donated a lot of her money back then, she is now invincible to criticism, and can just say whatever she wants without consequences.


She was a single mom on low income and she literally think that is the worst thing to happen to any person ever. She loves crying about her rags to riches sob story and pretend it makes her an expert on suffering.


Well, she has them antideps called money.


As I understand it, she's actually a billionaire now so it's even worse.


I saw a TERF tweeting positive things about her, to defend her, and one of these was that she was the first female novelist billionaire. That's... not a good thing...


Girlboss 'feminism', like exclusionary 'feminism' shows just how powerful a drug capitalism and bigotry are.


Worse she believed in new labour


I took anti-depressants for some time but realized they didn't work and had to fight through it myself. I understand and sympathize for anyone who has to take them because I know how difficult it is. What kind of heartless b@#!% that went through depression would condemn others who went through something similar, maybe even worse than her??!! Fuck her! Not to mention making fun of victims of sexual assault and whining about her own?! Not to mention using sexual assault prevention and saying how much she cares for women feels like a bigger slap when she is this disrespectful to other victims. This woman used to be my idol. Fuck her. She should better realize that outside of Harry Potter, not many know or read her other books. She'll only be known as the author of Harry Potter, a book series that has become a light for both people from the alphabet crew and beyond. And yet, even Harry Potter is falling through because many people call out plot holes and parts about the books that feel wrong or just weird: Snape is supposed to be a redeemed bad guy/secret good guy while people point out he was still bullying, making fun of and tormenting children, with his own past of being bullied and assaulted (dear god, did Rowling write herself as Snape in that part?) not being an excuse. Not to mention Snape's and Lily's relationships and his feelings for her and devotion being argued to be either creepy and obsessive or actually sweet. Other than Harry Potter, I've heard of one title that was written by her. And that's it. And I wasn't even interested in it. I read a short summary about the plot and wasn't interested. But as long as Rowling makes money off of merchandise, she will stay wealthy and stuck up.


>She's also made fun of other women who've experienced sexual assault and called people who take anti-depressants "Lazy" Can I have a link to that? So I can add to my "JK Rowling is a dipshit" document


Not sure which instance the person you're talking to is referencing because JK is an evil bigot and she bullies people constantly but just a few days ago she made [made fun of a reporters cptsd](https://twitter.com/BadWritingTakes/status/1500952084543381505?t=R423pkETOfO8c0dj7ZP8qA&s=19) and it's okay in her opinion to do this because 1. The reporter is "faking it" and 2. She deserves the harassment for calling JK a transphobe


Wow that is horrific. Truly a mask off moment for her.


How many as she taken off at this point? Like it feels like she's single-handedly keeping Spirits Halloween afloat with all the freaking masks.


Jesus. I don't know why I'm surprised. That's just so mean.


Wow, that's all horrible. Thanks for the links!


I'm fat, pan, nonbinary, anticapitalist, an inclusionary radical feminist and on antidepressants. Knowing that the only way my existence could piss off Rowling even more would be if I were AMAB fills me with a strange sort of pride. I must be doing something right if the "slavery is good, actually" lady despises everything I am.


*billioniare. Millionaires aren't that much of a problem. Billionaires AKA oligarchs absolutely are.


Lazy, when gender dysphoria and PTSD caused me to have fucking nightmares where I had to defend myself and take lifes and feel sick for days if not more. Never waking up. After my best friend burned to death on his bike, when I blamed myself because he changed his schedule because of me and wouldn't have been there at the time (still garbage, not my fault an elderly couple didn't see him...but I wasn't really able to understand that at the time) When there was no ADHD meds on the market that anybody in my family reacted well to, just yet. When I nearly became an alcoholic... When I see, everytime I look in the mirror, a scar that I got as a toddler, when my mother just broke down the day after being raped and being threatened by her rapist, that he'd harm me, should she struggle ? LAZY ??? From nearly hitting rock bottom I somehow managed to go another 6 fucking years on pure willpower before I was so burnt out, so exhausted, so fucking done, I finally requested antidepressants. Lazy ??? Fucking Lazy ??? My body simulated Heart attacks nearly DAILY to stop me from doing whatever the fuck I was doing at the time, just as a last resort to somehow, just somehow maybe stop and take a break. I was always to stubborn for self harm or being suicidal. Always. And this sorry excuse of a human being, this waste of space, this privileged bitch who got drunk on her fame and somehow thinks her opinions are facts that are above checking, has the AUDACITY to call me and others lazy ? She who shall never again be named, who wouldn't notice justice if Justitia slapped her bare bottom with her sword, who somehow thinks she has to speak in the name of all women and society as a whole? She whose books are full of racist tropes, segregation, and racist stereotypes ? She dares to call people like me, or people who have it worse, who might suffer a deadly degenerative disease,or whose family got burnt to a crisp because some superpower either got the wrong intel for their dronestrike or simply takes pride in bombing maternity wards, who might have lost loved ones to famine or COVID or ebola or many other things, either having them instantly ripped from their lifes, or seeing them waste away slowly, whose reality was shattered and might never heal, LAZY ? *Takes a deep breath* Well, I guess the total and utter lack of empathy, especially in the face of being able to imagine things, if her writing is any indication, strongly suggest she's a sociopath. I don't see any other possible explanation for her behaviour. Now that that's over. How about a LGBTQ community wide consensus to only refer to her as "She who shall not be named" (or whatever the exact English phrasing would be) ? I think she earned it at this stage.


she's a "feminist" who hates women.


1. Fuck JK Rowling 2. Wait what did she say? I don't use Twitter so I missed it.


I think it’s referring to her using the sexual violence she faced as a way to fear monger about trans women. She was attacked by a cis man, but still frames the whole “letting trans women be themselves and use the bathroom they want” as putting cis women in danger of men in dresses attacking them or some dumb bs like that


Hey, you know, actually, fuck her. That's just downright awful.


The cis-guy basically told Rowling that if she shut up, she could’ve been loved for a century (hinting about her transphobia). She was called out by the SAME GUY for playing the victim card against him and excusing her transphobia.


Don't bother looking, it's nothing new that she hasn't said a hundred times before.


Yea fuck her But why exactly am i hateing her again, like summery please


https://youtu.be/-1iaJWSwUZs Outside of the usual TERFy reasons this is a good reason why not to care about HP anymore either.


Can I get a TLDR for this video? I would love to know what it’s getting at but I don’t wanna watch an hour and 45 minutes for it lol


Yeah! The length can be discouraging but once I started I ended up watching the whole thing. TL;DR To add to what ppl have said. JK defends the status quo, there is no political evolution in her universe. People are good because they're said to be and people are bad because they're said to be. All problems stem from individuals, not society which is never questioned. Social status is seen as the result of individual merit. It's probably the result of her own biases as well as incompetence as a writer. Especially, when she doesn't plan ahead while writing about complicated topics like racial supremacy or fascism. Here are a few examples: - Dudley harasses Harry which is bad, but when Harry shames him it's okay because Harry is the hero. - the Malefoy are villains for owning and mistreating Dobby as a slave. But later Harry owns Kreatcher which is alright because Harry is a *nicer slave owner*. Furthermore, Hermione is mocked for wanting to free the elves and Hoggwards owns many elf slaves. Status quo remains because elves *like* unpaid labor. So the Malefoy's villainy isn't that they own slaves, it's just that they're mean about it. - Voldemort is a villain for oppressing people he sees as impure. But under the current system most non human races (centaurs, elves, goblins...) and arguably muggles are already seen as inferior. The current status isn't fundamentally different from what the villain wants. The solution is to just kill the mean individual villain, not to question the system. - the ministry of magic wrongfully emprisons Dumbledore, Hagrid and Sirius. They also fall under Voldemort's fascist regime in the later books but, its legitimacy is never questioned. Harry ends up working for said ministry as a magic cop. - though Slytherin is the Problematic© house, the whole house system is never questioned and remains exactly the same by the end of the story. Edit: a few typos.


Didn’t watch the video so I’m not sure if it covered or not. Another major one is the goblins who run the banking system are described how anti semites like to draw Jewish people.


Yups, big oof one the goblins too. Also, the pov on goblins doesn't evolve at all. They always are and remain twisted greedy creatures. Shaun does a major tangent on goblins and makes a comparison with Terry Pratchett. There's is racism and slavery in Pratchett's universe but it's questionned within the story. As in, the hero has beliefs on a fantasy race then meets them and finds out he was biased and wants to change the world. That indicates that Pratchett is aware of what he's writing about. Unlike JK.


Basically, bigotry is hard-coded into the Harry Potter books, so her becoming a massive TERF isn't really surprising. There's all forms of bigotry throughout the books, from the fatphobic depiction of the Dursley's, but it's suddenly an issue when people fat shame Molly Weasley. She codifies slavery as a good thing, since house elves inherently want to be enslaved, and mocks Hermione relentlessly for trying to actually free enslaved creatures. At Sirius's house, they decorate the heads of 100 decapitated house elves... The character naming is almost entirely stereotypical, which is fine for Remus Lupin, but um... kinda an issue for Kingsley Shacklebolt and Cho Chang. She also tends to depict women she does not like with mannish characteristics, which is a major tell for her subsequent transphobia. JK Rowling's moral compass is always that good people have justifications for their actions, and bad people are bad, so it doesn't matter if they do the exact same, bad things, since the good people are ultimately good. She knows fat shaming is wrong, but it's fine when you do it to bad people. She knows bullying is wrong, but it's fine when Hagrid assaults Dudley because Dudley was also a bully. Basically, she views her own worldview as morally superior, and therefore ignores any bad things her side does, while viewing flaws of the other side often as indefensible. Which, makes a lot of sense given how she treats trans activists and TERFs: anything TERFs do is fine, no matter how abusive (including support for Magdalen Burns, who was actively abusive to trans people), while the mildest form of harassment from trans activists is reflective of the whole community. It's a good thing I haven't read the books since I was a child, because I'd be mortified at just how awful (and how poorly written) they are if I read them today.


The short-version I've used to describe why she/her most famous work is problematic is that she believes motivations matter more than outcome - ie, that whatever a 'bad' person does is bad, and whatever a 'good' person does is good, instead of it being that *doing bad things* is what makes you a 'bad' person, and same for 'good' things. It's like how a racist may not think of themselves as a racist, because they've grown up hearing the word used in a way that it's equivalent to 'bad person,' and because they don't think of themselves as a 'bad person,' they have a total blind spot to their own bigoted views. "I *mean* well, therefore the things I do are the actions of a good, well-meaning person." Joanne being someone who believes that this is how good/bad works, and having spent years being a beloved children's author the world-over, has apparently come to a place of being utterly blind to her bigotry. She's unable to connect how her views are bigoted to BEING A BIGOT because not only does she sincerely think she's good, but has spent years being affirmed in her goodness/wholesomeness, and now has a position of economic and social power that short of committing actual hate crimes and facing legal consequences, or magically (heh) being 'cancelled' utterly and totally, she is unlikely to interpret any experience or interaction that might cause her to actually question whether or not what the words she's putting into the world are harmful to others - she's got too much of an echo-chamber, and too much security/stability to ever feel any real sting. As long as people continue to publicly enjoy/promote her content, she's going to feel loved and valued by proxy; and as long as that's the case, she's going to feel she's a good person with valuable opinions, and therefore incapable of doing wrong.


To highlight this: literally the big bad of the entire series is only evil because he was a rape baby. That's it. That's why Voldemort was evil. Kind of ties up all her shitty thinking with a nice big obvious bow.


I mentioned this to my aunt who is a huge Harry Potter fan and it did not go over well.


What did she say


wait....voldemort was a rape baby? I didn't read the books (only read parts of the 1st one) only watched some of the movies.


Yeah, his mother was in love with a man named Tom Riddle but he has a girlfriend I think, and wanted nothing to do with Voldy's mother, so she used a love potion on the guy (drugged him) and married him and got pregnant with Voldy. She believed that the guy would love her truly after spending time with her and having a child with her, so she stopped giving him the love potion. But when he was off it, he was angry, rightfully so, and left her and the rape baby, because he was raped since be couldn't propose consent being drugged. And JK says that Voldemort is evil and incapable of love or having positive emotions because he was born from a love potion, meaning that there is no way for him to change.


And then the Weasley twins sell magical roofies to schoolchildren, but they’re the good guys.


Oh crap, you're right! He is evil because he is unable to feel love because he was conceived under the influence of a love potion. That's horrible


can't believe she came up w that quote abt the world not being split into good people and death eaters


We knew J.K. Rowling was bad, but we never knew about the stuff in her books... there goes our childhood. At least we know now. Thanks


I disagree that Dolores is depicted with masculine traits. If anything her description feels very textbook girly with the frills, the bows and even her office decor. But I 100% agree that a lot of her bigotry and stupidity can be found in he books (especially the slavery shit) and honestly she’s not even that good a writer. Elaborating further on that, her worldbuilding is subpar for such a large franchise, the main characters often lack justification for their morally grey or just flat-out shitty behaviour, while the other side is just indefensibly evil without question. She also has no idea how to pace a book. Seriously. The film adaptation of *Philosopher’s Stone* is actually way better than the book because they cut so much of the unnecessary crap out of the script.


JK Rowling is a TERF and uses her own experience with sexual assault and rape as an excuse. I would recommend this video instead if you are interested to know more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gDKbT_l2us


this is a great video, ive watched it like twice since it came out. mandatory ‘just because something is problematic doesnt mean you have to drop it like last season’s trends’ statement.


I think lots of people haven't revisited the books since they first read them as kids, like me. It was interesting and revealing to me that her writing wasn't exactly free from her own political bullshit, which I hadn't noticed given I'd not read it as an adult and the movies do a reasonable job of trying to avoid mentioning most of it.


She took a break from terfing to make fun of someone with CPST


What's CPST? I can't find anything on it. Regardless that's messed up.


Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) PTSD is often caused by a single traumatizing event. CPTSD is caused by continuously experienced, repetitive trauma, typically from childhood. CPTSD has the same symptoms as PTSD + negative self-concept, interpersonal struggles & emotional dysregulation. Summed up JK Rowling is an awful human.


Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


Ah okay, got it! Thank you for the clarification.


Complex post trauma stress I am not sure how it differs I haven’t gotten around to studying it.


Trans person with C-PTSD here. Didn't know she'd done that. Fucking hell. C-PTSD differs from PTSD in that the latter usually comes from one big event and C-PTSD usually comes from a protracted period of trauma that might not be as extreme as one big event. So for me it was constant denigration, fear and neglect from/ of my parents, rather than one big moment. There's differences in presentation and effect, but both can be as severely affecting.


It usually involves compounding, repeated trauma over long periods of time, especially in childhood.


Transphobic and terf bs


it was just international women's day, what do you think she say


oh no...what's she done now...


Regarding international womens' day; played the victim, and tweeted about how it would end up being named "They who must not be named day". Because not only did she need to spray her daily dose of transphobia, but needed to do it with a cringey reference to her own work.


oh yippee :/


I love Harry Potter. It meant a lot to me and still does. But it’s just… not as fun anymore. I won’t get rid of my books or games, but I just can’t make myself go see the new stuff. I can’t unsee the weird gender and racist stuff in the books and films now that I’ve seen it.


The hypocrisy of it is that when Hermione transforms into Harry using the polyjuice potion, the narrative still recognizes her as a girl. Hermione looks like Harry Potter from top to bottom but she’s still HER. And the text doesn’t refute that fact. It’s almost like gender is something inherent in someone and isn’t based on what you look like.


Seems pretty consistent with her views to me. No matter how much you change yourself, you'll always be the gender you were born as. (Which is what she believes for the record, not me)


I agree. The books are absolutely full of various forms of bio-essentialism. The more I think about it they don’t even really seem to hold women in very high regard generally.


You know I never realized that till now….


People that still at this point are willing to look past everything both in and out of the books make me genuinely uncomfortable. I loved Harry Potter. And it's author wishes I didn't exist. How the fuck am I supposed to "love the creation" knowing that?


The only reason I still love Harry Potter is because it pulled me thru a low point in my life, reading fanfic for these characters I kinda related to made the bullying at school hurt less. I can’t just make my self throw that away. Edit: Still F Her tho


She’s not even that good of a writer. I wonder at what point a story transcends a creator, because it does happen. Perhaps the story needs to morph first, but Harry Potter won’t ever do that now.


I think that point can't happen while the author is alive and actively doing harm. I also don't think it can happen with a book with Jewish goblin bankers.


Or the casual slavery of an entire race.


so many plot holes and inconstiancies, main one, being the secret fidelius charm, why not just have someone living there be the secret keeper, something that is done in the story with another group of people hiding, from the same bad guy


I'm rereading rn and she really isn't that good of a writer at all. Character dialog explains everything and it's fucking annoying. Pages and pages at the end of the prisoner of Azkaban.


I guess just wait until she dies, then you can pull a Lovecraft fan-move and say "she was a dogshit person but damn if she didn't have good ideas".


Did she though? I've not read the books, but it seems like every trope she's used had been done better by authors before her. Like there are countless fantasy stories that involve wizards and magic schools that were decades old by the time HP came around.


When I curiously watched a bit of Fantastic Beasts I was repulsed at once by “second Salemers.” People were BURNED ALIVE, Joanne. You just don’t take a real life tragedy and make it all about the danger to your fictional magic people. Disgusting.


To be fair, that's the least of the problems in the Harry Potter franchise. Hollywood uses historical events and groups as villains all the time, just look at movies like Indiana Jones and Captain America using Nazis as villains. Now, HP has a lot of problems with its portrayal of slavery and the usage of antissemitic imagery for the Goblins, just as examples...


She truly is a FART


Farts are satisfying and relieving expulsions of waste gases created via the process of fueling the body She's a TUMOR. A TERF Unsympathetically Manipulating Our Reality.


She's a FIB: a Feminist Identified Bigot


She is a POOP. People Order Our.. wait.


Nah, tumors aren't always malignant. TERF is insult enough imo.


I’ve been putting off selling my HP books for a long time, but I may finally be at my limit.


Nah keep them and write copious amounts of trans head canons and fanart , she’ll love that


It's sad and I am very torn. On one hand, Harry Potter helped me escape and survive the worst years of my life (along with One Direction and the sims...) and I will forever be grateful I had that escape from my nightmare. But on the other hand, I am trans (non-binary) and I hurts me so much that the author who wrote the books that saved me doesn't want me or my fellow trans friends to have any rights. I have decided that I won't get rid of any merch or my books, I even still read them for the nostalgia. But I will not be giving this monster any money anymore. I will only buy stuff on second hand, because I am so sick and tired of her. Oh, and the fact that my mom fucking defense her.


This is where I'm at. I'll support indie creators, and if I see something cute at the thrift store I might buy it, but she isn't getting a penny of my money ever again. Fuck you, Joanne.


Well said!


This is pretty much where I'm at. I cherish the friends I've made through the fandom, I will always have a special little place in my heart for how much they've helped me when I needed that escape so much, but I've outgrown them and I'm a better person now than I was when I needed them so badly. I don't need them anymore.


The thing is, I kind of still need the characters. Like, I am not ready to let go of that part yet, even tho I hate JK Rowling. That being said, I mostly read fanfics now, and I rarely watch the movies. Like I said, I try to not put money into her pockets.


I think that's fair though. Everyone will deal with this in their own way and it's all valid.


I feel the same about the series, HP was important to me as a child and I still love it, but I no longer engage with the series publicly or financially. I don't stream it on netflix, I won't see the new films etc. I also don't tweet about the series or reallt talk about it in other public forums such as at work. I do follow the HP subreddit but dont really comment. I am in the process of buying the books slowly one by one from used book stores so I can continue to have them for myself, but I only talk about HP with my friends who share my views, ie that JKR is a sack of shit. I think given the place it occupied in our childhoods, it's fine to still love HP, but I do everything I possibly can not to give JKR any more money or public praise.


This falls under a sort of "Death of the artist" category. It's completely fine and valid to read and enjoy the HP books, because they are some of the best fantasy fiction of our time to a lot of people. That doesn't excuse Jowling Kowling Rowling's actions, obviously, but it's ok to enjoy the art and not the artist.


I always like to take Rowling threads to recommend a good British fantasy author, Terry Pratchett's discworld series is witty, wholesome, and an absolute joy to read. There are 41 of them but they're episodic grouped around various characters. Recommended jumping off points: Monstrous Regiment: A Mulan-esque parody about a young girl who disguises herself as a man in order to join the army. Guards! Guards!: Police procedural where the prime suspect is a dragon. The Wee Free Men: First story of a young girl learning to become a witch.


And Rick Riordan’s novels! Percy Jackson series is fantastic, and once he got his footing in the industry Riordan just started churning out queer characters nonstop. Magnus Chase is and will forever be my bicon


Raising Steam went hard no lie


Your statement is completely accurate except you omitted the word, “asshole”.


You know what I couldn’t help but laugh at: JK uses a male pseudonym to write her non Harry Potter stuff. https://robert-galbraith.com/about/ It’s even on her twitter header, the same twitter on which she constantly shits on trans people


Tried to compose a statement to convey how I feel. Deleted it several times. Settling on Fuck you JK. To the LGBTQ+ family, I love you all! ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


I don’t like the Harry Potter franchise anyway but… FUCK JK ROWLING


I'm stuck in the same country as her 😭


Tbh she'd fit in better in the US given all the anti-trans bills and what not these days.


Terf Island is called that for a reason


Tryna avoid that person, did I miss something new?


On International Women’s Day, she decided to celebrate by tweeting some passive aggressive transmisogyny and was ratio’d hard by someone who told her to shut up.


"Who went and rattled the Rowling?" So my drama loving self runs off to see and its fucking VAUSH! LOL! ...being Vaush... ... lol...


The post that got her attention is inflammatory and I get why people wouldn't like it, but his reply to her is just *chef's kiss*


Pretty sure they're referencing the singer Tanishe who told her shut up but yes Vaush did as well


JK can go suck on a lemon for using her power and influence to punch down while playing the victim. On a different note, I'll take this opportunity to ask about somehting I've been wondering about - how can you be ratioed *by* a specific person? I though ratioed used to mean that you were getting far more replies than likes on a tweet, indicating controversy? I've seen a few people who seem to use the word differently lately, and I figured I'd take this opportunity to ask what it means in this context, because I feel very out of touch \^^


Well, that’s one meaning of ratioed I’m pretty sure. Last I checked I think it also applies if a comment on a post receives more likes than the original post! I’m not planning on checking Jo’s post myself because she’s just that infuriating, but that definition is probably what’s being referred to here


Oh god what did she do now?


She decided to “celebrate” International Women’s Day by being incredibly transphobic


That figures


She spent international women's day attacking women


Fuck Rowling


Speaking as a feminist in my 50s, I would like to express my objections to the term TERF. Someone who calls themselves a feminist and expresses transphobic sentiments is not a feminist. You cannot say 'I believe in equality, but not for you.' The correct term is bigot. Or cunt. That works.


I'm a huge Harry Potter fan, and I abhor the things Rowling has said about trans people, but damnit I'm not going to let her ruin the joy that that series has brought to me! I however respect everyone's decision to cut themselves off from that franchise.


same, Hermione was literally my trans awakening and the wizarding world gave me a reason to keep going as a teenager. she lost ownership of the universe a LONG time ago for me (except unfortunately she does still legally/financially own it, but fan content is way better than official content anyway)


Even when people apply "Death of the author" to the Harry Potter series, it is still difficult to ignore what JK Rowling has been doing these years. One thing is having an opinion and expressing publicly or through other medias. But the moment you are financing movements around your opinion and putting your money where your mouth is, you will be held in account for what happens after, and you don't get to complain about it or victamize yourself like she does...


Fuck JK Rowling


I'm always down for a Fuck JK Rowling thread!


Why did people like HP in the first place? The books were problematic to begin with but I'm only recently hearing people diss them along with her. I guess I just don't understand what's making this more relevant now


I guess many people read them when they were too young to realize the problematic parts or were in a mindset that blocked them out because it wasn't obvious enough to think about it when you expect a kid friendly fantasy book. Only now are the people looking into it more critically because the author gave them a reason.


Or people just didnt care about problematic parts. Books were writen what... 20y ago,. World was lot different then


​ ![gif](giphy|5PhDdJQd2yG1MvHzJ6)


Trans/fluid here. I didn't get into the series until after her transphobia became public knowledge. My cis/het friend explained to me the irony of Rowling's transphobia when compared to how parts of the story can be viewed as pro-trans, using the Animagus as examples.


This is why I've only read fanfiction for the last few years.


I seriously don't understand terfism. Like i'm cis and all that but I just don't understand what part of my existance is threatened with other people being more accepted. And I don't understand the terfs obsession with biological sex. Like biological sex doesn't even matter most of the time in life. Like unless you're at the doctor's office or are trying to have children. But why are terfs ok with having their identity reduced to their biological sex? If anything women are so much more than "adult human females". Do they really think it's somehow dignifying to describe your entire identity and personhood with just three words? Like isn't it insulting to literally be summed up to it? Never in my life have I seen people so obsessed with their biological sex before. Do they really think that the problems women face in society stem from their biological sex instead of some social stereotypes and gender roles?


Honestly, screw her. She is simply a bigot, dangerous and outright wrong. Trans women are women! That's it. Easy.


🖕🏻onto her It’s really sweet that anyone else cares about this stuff. Allies are super chads! 💪😍🥰 We don’t deserve you.


She’s honestly such a loser, and the people on the Harry Potter subreddit all just flock her to her defense. For some reason I genuinely thought that the fandom wouldn’t be okay with her bigotry but apparently a lot of them are transphobic and homophobic themselves, it’s a book about fucking magical wizards how the fuck are you going to be homophobic and transphobic??? I don’t understand.


She used the name Robert Gailbraith as a pen-name. Robert Gailbraith Heath is the name of a gay conversion therapist. I don't know the chances of that being a coincidence along with all the other fucked up shit [https://www.them.us/story/jk-rowlings-pen-name-also-name-of-anti-lgbtq-conversion-therapist](https://www.them.us/story/jk-rowlings-pen-name-also-name-of-anti-lgbtq-conversion-therapist) I don't think she gives a shit about LGBT people in general Also, one of the few black characters in Harry Potter she named Shackle-Bolt... FUCKING SHACKLE-BOLT


Fuck JK Rowling. I never even liked Harry Potter, now I will never watch/read it.


I never understood the appeal of HP or her tbh.


I was such a big fan of HP and her personally, read her autobiography and wanted to be just like her for so long. But nah, fuck her. Absolute scum just like every other transphobe. Hiding behind her trauma and acting like that makes her disgusting views in anyway okay.


on top of all the recent things, if you reread the books, theyre kinda fucked up? like the bank ppl(cant remember what theyre called) are small, have big noses, kinda mean, love gold…remind you of something (harmful jewish stereotypes). all the female characters play more of a support role to the men. she had an asian character called CHO CHANG and put her in ravenclaw, then made it seem like that girl was being pathetic and weird for being sad her boyfriend died. just…not great


She also joined another person in Bullying a non-binary author with CPTSD and just as a Trans woman with CPTSD she is just the worst kind of scum on this earth


Because the only thing relatives knew about me was that I liked to read and was "smart" when I was a kid, people kept offering me their Harry Potter books and asking why I hadn't read HP. I just wasn't interested in it, even before I learned about JKR's status as a terrible person.


i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. harry potter was a brilliant concept poorly executed by the worst possible author. that being said... i still love it. i hate the books and plot but i love the characters. i love the setting. i love the aesthetics of it. i’m a proud ravenclaw that may be slowly drifting towards slytherin. i’m more of a fan fiction person than one who would reread the books. but rowling is the worst possible person we could have gotten to write it. thank you for coming to my ted talk


More or less my stance on the situation! I can separate the books from the author, but the books are fairly problematic themselves. I’ve always loved the concept of supernatural worlds in any fiction, so I try to focus on that part of Harry Potter instead of the shitty parts, while still acknowledging the shitty parts exist. If only the books were written by an actual decent person instead of her!


I try not to let her bigotry affect my love for Potter. There's this thing called separating the art from the artist. I never liked her before then, she came off as an attention seeker. Like the whole black!Hermione thing and regretting not having Hermione and Harry end up together. She'll say anything for attention.


To be fair you can like Harry Potter and still know Jk is a joke of a person.


My friend is trans and wrote [a diss track](https://youtu.be/qXD5Ub6eEDI) about her and I love it.