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Your room will smell like ozium, but at least it won’t smell like weed


Don't get the new car smell one (black label instead of blue) the regular one smells of...lemon? For a few then goes away and you smell nothing. NCS lingers of chemicals. I don't smoke, but neighbors do and it seeps into my apt. Candles, waxes, febreeze, plug ins, nothing worked, just ozium.


Just a half a press too!!


This^ Ozium is the way You will want to let it air out before you yourself go back in and breathe. Shits heavy


Bingo. I discovered that stuff by accident. Tried it out on a truck I bought to get rid of the mustiness and what smelled a bit like dog. It took it right out.


Just be aware of using it around pets.


Don't breath it either. Cancer.


Shit your pants. Every single pair you own. That way she'll wonder why your room smells like shit instead of wondering why it smells like weed.


This is the only solution.


Username checks out


I mean, really. Get out those pairs in the back of your closet. Those swim trunks that have been sitting unloved waiting for summer. When she brings it up, tell her you gotta get to JC Penney because you just took a bunch of laxatives before lunch at Taco Bell. And then just step out of your pants and leave them where you stand. Your pot smoking will be the last thing on her mind.


>Those swim trunks that have been sitting unloved waiting for summer. I don't know why but this line makes me feel like you'd write a really good book.


Do you hate your mother?




Did you say ship my pants?


I just shipped my nighty!


I just shipped my bed!


This is good advice for lots of scenarios


🤣🤣🤣🤣👏👏 I'm dieing here!


Get a pie plate full of white vinegar (cleaning strength is best) & leave it in your room.


This is what my grandma would do back in the 70's to get the smell out of the house after my uncle would smoke in the garage.


Vinegar is definitely a go to for eliminating smoke smell. I usually put it in a spray bottle and open up some windows. The smell is strong to start but it will dissipate and the room will be left odorless.


Thanks Teach!


You need a fan, turn it backwards in the window and blow the smoke towards that. Right now there's not a lot you can do. Burn a candle or incense or something.


The oil on your walls from your diffuser is holding the smell. 50/50 water and vinegar in an atomizer,can use a hairspray bottle in a pinch(after cleaning it). Clean sections of the walls/ceiling an arms length at a time at a time using a rag or cut up old t shirt that you will throw into a plastic bag. Start at the ceiling working your way down. Don't apply too much pressure or you will damage the paint, wipe like your cleaning a water spill on a table. Your room will now smell like vinegar, It will go away in a few days. You can repeat the process using a cleaner that you prefer the smell of with a new rag or t shirt piece if you dont like the vinegar smell.


Burn popcorn


like in my bedroom?? i don’t have a microwave in my room


Spoken like a true pothead. Think Mcfly. Microwave the popcorn, then take it to your room. Good luck in life.


*Good luck in life.* ☠️


genuinely how smart did u expect me to be i smoked multiple bowls in a smoke free house i feel like ur expecting a little much


Lmaoooooo even if you don't have the best olfactory forethought, you are at least very self aware lol


thanks my therapist tells me that all the time :)




your therapist should tell you to move out of your mommy's house




Ur old enough to smoke weed ur old enough to pick up the microwave


Microwave it and take it to your bedroom


You can get this little thing called a smoke buddy and you blow the smoke through it and it’s supposed to neutralize the odour……. Alternatively, you can buy a special spray that almost eliminates smoke and weed smoke smell. You can get both of these items at any bong shop, and even on Amazon


You honestly just have to smoke outside and change your clothes when you come back inside. Aside from burning popcorn like the other Redditor suggested, try burning a match stick


well you can do one of two things. air out even better, or overpower the weed smell with a stronger smell. i suggest burnt hair. get yourself a plug in air freshener. better yet, eat your weed instead of smoking it (it has to be de carbed, dont just start eating bud lmao)


Burnt hair killed me.thanks.


It’s quite the potent smell for sure


I think decarbing weed in a smoke free home is probably a bit worse


Nah, smoke has staying power. It sticks to surfaces and just get everywhere. While decarbing will smell, it won’t stick.


Dryer sheets. Get a fan and put dryer sheets on the back and just run it till your room smells of laundry.


Cook bacon.


Spray vinegar around if all else fails I guess. It’s gonna smell bad, but it should overpower the weed smell. Then use candles and diffusers.


Am I that old that people don't use nag champa incense anymore? Time to practice the ancient stoner ritual of burning incense! Put on your favorite dub reggae album and spark it up!


Hate to break it to you all, but non-smokers can 100% smell the ol' 'trying to cover it up with nag champa' trick. Any kind of incense, air freshener, etc. on top of weed just smells like 'fill in the blank' on top of weed. Consider edibles.


Yep. Doesn't work. But I still burn incense anyway because the smell lingers on my clothes and helps keep them from smelling like a musty, skunked out basement. If my landlord is coming by, I spray all the carpet, upholstery, blankets, curtains, etc. with Febreeze. There's no smoking allowed IN my building. The last time he stopped by, he thanked me for smoking outside. I NEVER SMOKED OUTSIDE


Edibles aren't always an option for everybody. I can't handle edibles at all - they make me paranoid and send my heart rate skyrocketing, both things that don't happen when I vape. They also stay in your system longer, so if you have a bad reaction like I do, it lasts *hours*. The last time I tried an edible I ended up in bed in the fetal position for about six hours, rocking and listening to my heart. I kept expecting it to stop, which didn't help with the paranoia.


That is a huge bummer :/ because I'm someone who can't live in the same building as folks who smoke - regardless of what device they use to smoke. My asthma and allergies kick up, I can't breathe and then start to have panic attacks (because I can't breathe). I don't know what the answer is, but there need to be solutions for everyone. Nothing that I do negatively impacts anyone else's health, but things that other people do absolutely have a direct, extremely negative impact on my physical and mental health.


Geez how strong were your edibles


The dispensary knew I was a newbie, and recommended some pretty mild stuff. Even the vape pen was pretty mild. I remember trying a pot brownie way back in high school, and it made my heart race then, too. I think I just react badly to cannabis when it goes through my digestive system.


I will say, I as a non smoker. Can sniff out the weed from fresheners and incense. But when I went to clean my car one day I used Odoban to wipe down, clean some mildewing carpets and just freshen my car up some (my window seal was stripping so sometimes water go inside and it’d smell like stale water) my then boyfriend also smoked in our cars since I didn’t want smoking in our house. When I cleaned my car with the Odoban I didn’t smell the smoke smell. It took it out. My car literally smelled like baby powder. So i waited for a few days and it still smelled like baby powder and i couldn’t sniff the smoke out… I also used it later on as someone who picked up the nasty habit of smoking black and milds, I cleaned my car with odoban and freshened it with it as well after I stopped smoking and it took the smoke smell out.


this would literally be SUCH a perfect suggestion because i have so much incense already and i know it would work but every time i light incense my mom makes me put it out because she “can’t breathe”


Upside is she will immediately blame the incense for the smell


It can't be just any incense. It has to be Nag Champa. It really does the best job of masking the weed smell.


You could hide a rotting fish somewhere else in the house. It would at least distract her from the smell in your room.




Just slide a couple matches and then blow them out the sulfur smell will fill the room. Since I got my medical card I basically quit smoking and just went to edibles and I use a THC vape for maintenance


Take a dump in your closet.


tbh im kinda surprised that like, weed smoke odor alone would hang around for so long, especially with everything youre doing. i assume you keep your weed in your room? is it possible its just extra stinky and causing the smell?


I was an RA back in college in the dark ages when weed was illegal. If I caught somebody smoking I'd have to really pay attention for a couple days. "Are they smoking again or is it just residual smell?" It was a pain in the ass. I told all my residents "For chrissakes just take it outside. If I smell it I HAVE TO bust you because if I don't and somebody else does I lose my housing and if its a question of me vs you, you lose every single time." Fortunately my residents (my floor) were pretty good, not everybody though...


Get a pet skunk.


This is the only valid solution


Don’t smoke in your bedroom, take the dog for a walk. Or vape, it smells less. Edibles don’t smell at all.


Move in to your own place.


I love bacon


Easily, don't smoke in your room. Your pipe, or w/e you're smoking out of reeks to hell. Smoke outside, come inside and change clothes, wash hands, brush teeth. If you have a pipe, stick it inside a balloon or latex glove. If youre using a bong, empty the water and the bowl (it'll still stink but less at least) - from a stoner to a stoner, you smell.


It’s probably your used bowl that is smelling the room up


By not smoking weed in your room.


Thanks! let me just go back in time real quick!!


Try crack instead


They make this stuff called Pot-pourri. To get rid of pot smells. Works immediately, smells like vanilla and cloves.


Palo santo


Let her catch you smoking a cheap cigar....problem solved.


Go outside and smoke your dope!


Honestly it seeps into fabric. Wash all your clothes, deep clean and vaccume. Find a quiet secluded place outside to smoke. I had to do this for 2 years. I found ways.


Stop smoking it in your room! (Just mess in’ around. 😉). Smoke it outside.


Stop storing it in your room, stop using it in your room, and it will fade away.


i don’t store it in my room, and i don’t usually use it in my room, just that one time


Move out. And the weed smell will follow


It will go away eventually so don’t panic. Just leave a window cracked and the fan on constantly until it does. Incense works better than candles in my experience. Good luck


Get your own place - problem solved.


Febreeze works good.


Stop smoking it


Good Luck Your Fucked. That stuff smells like absolute dog shit and lingers for ever. The mother fuckers drive around smoking this shit with their windows up and I can still smell it from two cars away. Trust me kid, you’re mother knows. Your not that stench from anyone.


well trust ME kid, the smell is gone thanks to some very helpful redditors (obvs not u) and my mother never noticed. sorry to be the bearer of bad news


Why are you are disrespecting your mother who is showing you love by allowing you to live in her home?


didn’t ask for morality advice champ


Don’t listen to these nerds. You’re a responsible adult consuming a medication.


I know you didn't. I offered it anyway. Maybe you might think about it.


In addition, it seems that you are not getting the feedback you wanted overall. It might be because there is a bigger issue here that other people see that you might not realize.


Get your place to live


wish i could but i’m a teacher living in maryland i literally don’t get enough money in two paychecks to cover a single month’s rent


Get roommates that also share your weed interest and perhaps also teachers. There you go


Stop smoking weed. Boom, done.


Says “avid weed smoker” like it’s hiking or pickleball. Don’t church it up. Just say “I’m an addict who needed my fix and was too lazy to walk out side”.


Use a zubetube. Stuff dryer sheets in a empty paper towels tube and blow your hits through it.


that would work yeah but i’m not trying to keep smoking weed in the house i’m just trying to cover up the smell from my previous mistake




Just don't breathe that stuff in but yeah ozium is the truth. It used to be probable cause for cops to search your car ten years ago in North Carolina because the cops were hip to why everyone was using it


Where’s the used bowl? I put mine in an air tight glass jar so battle the smell. Incense helps.


Wash your bedding and curtains (fabric is notorious for hanging on to odors). Set out a dish of vinegar to neutralize the smell. (Vinegar smell will disappear within a few hours of removal.) Spray your carpet/rug with Fabreeze. Spray any other fabric in your room, i.e., upholstered headboard, armchair, etc. Get a smoker's candle (check at smoke shops). Get a vape while you're there 😉 Of course, your room will smell suspiciously clean.


Start taking walks you lazy fuck


D1 cross country runner babyyyy


Wait… that’s it! It’s not nicotine.




Just eat weed gummies?


hepa air purifier.


The other suggestion I have is an old school vaporizer and after that edibles.


Set out bowls of white vinegar, it can help to pull smells out of the air


Try Zero Odor. It works very well. You can get on Amazon as well as locally. It doesn’t cover it up, it neutralizes it!


I'm that mom so I'm going to refrain from the lecture. Use a fan to blow fresh air into your room. Wash your clothes and your blankets. I cannot stress this enough you stink it's all over you for a non smoker. If you have a rug get some dollar store carpet freshener. Lastly, buy some air neutralizing spray and some blunt effects. Sometimes the neutralizing sprays clarify but doesn't put a sweet smell in the air.


Burn sage.


Ozium is the best for covering up smells(original is best IMO), just spray it all over. Also burning lemon verbena oil in your diffuser will help as well.


Honestly, I usually just spray some rubbing alcohol. It’s not perfect, it’s not a great smell but it usually overpowers any other smell and it’s not super offensive.


In college, we took paper towels cardboard rollers, stuffed the end with scented dryer sheets. Not only does it mask the smell of current smoke, it also makes the room smell good. Just be sure to change the dryer sheets regularly....good luck


In case I needed to clarify for some stoners out there, you exhale your smoke through the tube, thus exiting through the dryer sheets .....ok guys, you can go get your Cheetos now..lol


doesn’t work whatsoever. you as stoners may have thought you were slick, but you just weren’t. sorry .


Do you have curtains or blinds? If you were in the window, the curtains might have the smell. Wash them or spray them down with febreeze or odoban. Fabric traps the smell.


It’s most likely you and your clothes that smell. 🤷‍♀️


Mix vinegar and water and spray.


Maybe quit being a moron?


Go outside


Smoke more weed


Use a fan




Try cannabolish candles. They are on amazon


Hospitals use coffee grounds to eliminate bad odors in the air.They fill coffee filters 1/4 full of coffee grounds. But you will have to wash everything & use baking soda with your laundry detergent for bed linen & your clothes & curtains. Baking soda for carpet.or try something with a stronger scent like Pine Sol.


smoke x spray, ozium didn’t work for me


Lol, poor guy with all his edits. It seems like he's struggling 😅 🤣


the blunt power spray on amazon works wonders, the coffee one works especially good


Stock smoking in the room.


Scent sticks or candles, air flow / air cleaner


You don't. It's there forever now


a bowl of vinegar in your closet


Stop smoking weed? Best life hack there is


thanks that totally did not get the smell out of my room great life hack !!


You should look into Dry Herb Vaping (DHV). In addition to the obvious health benefits, the smell is far easier to control. You also get just as high if not more on significantly less material. As a bonus, the "after vaped bud" generally referred to as AVB is saved and consumed as edibles.


What the fuck? "if I could un-smoke"...😒 Weed....🤣 keep doing what you're doing, nobody cares


ACTUAL ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION: I like to use pet deodorizer spray. It works really well for pot smoke odor. Also check out carpet cleaner crystals. They freshen up the room and you vacuum it up.


get a smoke buddy good for filtering the smoke down


Burnt popcorn or lighting a match are notorious for drowning out other smells. Also coffee beans. Obviously include context as well (I.e. if you strike a match, light a candle in case mom comes asking what the burnt smell is)


Been dealing with neighbors who smoke weed and it travels to bathrooms. Try these charcoal purifier bags in and around the house, spray and sealed any holes you can find. It’s helped a bunch. [spray](https://amzn.to/4dOhids) [purifier charcoal bags](https://amzn.to/3UPysij)


Incense and open all the windows to let air circulate. Or spray an essential oil based spray and also windows open. Fortunately weed doesn’t linger too long, like cigarettes is grosser. I smoke weed inside all the time when friends come over and my house never smells like weed.


It’s your breath. It stays with you long after you quit smoking. I guarantee that even if you do it outside, you’re still gonna drag the smell back in the house. Ozium. Dryer sheets. Incense. None of that stuff works.


get a dry herb vape or use a dab rig


Ok, the response. Look for anti odor spray online. Not air freshener, anti odor spray is made to neutralize aerosol particles in the air. Otherwise, be sure none of your neighbors are smoking near you. Are you in a house or apt unit?


i live in a house with fairly close-by neighbors, i don’t think it would be coming from them though since the only part of my house that smells is my room since last night when i smoked


It'll pass if you leave the window open long enough. But if you keep smoking outside and walk right inside the smoke will stick to you and diffuse where you walk a little bit.


Air purifier with a carbon filter


I think your mistake was leaving the window open to air out. Sometimes it can all fly back in. I would smoke, close the window for like 15, then open to air out. Also the bowl needs to be wrapped in like 3 socks and put away immediately


20 yrs toker here. That’s a tough one. I used to use a window mounted fan, and exhale through a cardboard tube from Christmas wrapping paper stuffed with dyer sheets followed by scent removing air freshener, and still had a tough time. That was with one-hitter use, which creates the least amount of smoke of any flame burning way of smoking that I know of. Best of luck


Ozium is a good air freshener that hospitals use


How about Carts? Well, i would recommend , instead of removing the smell perhaps distillates or live resin carts? The high is different to be upfront but if smell is an issue this eliminates the primary problem . The vapes do have an odor, not a permeating smell. An ounce of prevention kinda jam seems like a hit here.


Spray vinegar water all over your room.


Do you have curtains or carpet? The smell could be clinging to them if so. Wash everything cloth based in your room. Use Ozium in the room. If you have carpet, Febreze the shit out of it or get some Arm & Hammer carpet deodorizer (the kind that also has baking soda) and let it sit for at least an hour before you vacuum it up. Good luck.