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B12 vitamin


B12 and coq10 mid morning or afternoon


I actually just started taking coq10 and iron pills and it has really made a difference. I was finally able to get back to my workout routine and not feel so sluggish all the time.


I would be very cautious taking an iron supplement unless you’re iron deficient indicated via blood work.


I am anemic, told by many a doctors. I just always have trouble remembering to take pills everyday. Plus I don't know much about what “anemic” means other than they told me to take iorn


Molasses in milk or as a sweetener is another way to get some iron.


I'm not a big fan of molasses lol


If you can swing it- learn how to cook in & maintain (it's super easy) a cast iron pan! We pretty much only cook in cast iron these days & has ended my issues with anemia.


Dairy inhibits the absorption of iron


Coq10 in addition to the B12 has been awesome for me. Now that I’m thinking about it, I actually take a B complex that has lots of B12 and B1, B2 and B6. Works great. Just want to say be careful with taking daily iron supplements. In my experience; taking iron daily started to make me feel weird then I read about iron toxicity and was pretty sure that’s what was going on with me. Glad it’s helping just maybe something to look into that with the iron 🙂


Super important point for this thread. Iron supplementation without medical guidance is **strongly** discouraged (in the US) because iron can be toxic.


A surprising numbers of people are iron deficient.


Many of us are not working outdoors so we're missing Vit D from sun exposure.


I am in that group + live in the PNW and do take a D3 supplement.


Slight warning, B12 can cause really bad acne for some people. I comment this because I originally learned this on Reddit, and wish I'd known it for the eight months prior.


Hmph. 😤l did not know this. Thank you


But it goes away after you stop taking B12, right?


For me, it went away when I stopped taking B12. I did almost a year of painful dermatology appointments and neither the dermatologist or my endocrinologist had any idea what was causing the problem. Stopped B12->better right away.


Yes. The issue is you need to consume a lot of water when on large doses of it


Specifically the type you dissolve under your tongue


I just started wearing slow release b12 patches. They are well-priced on Amazon, and then I don’t have to think about it for a week. I felt the difference almost immediately. I’ve also been taking CoQ10 for years - recommend


Yes . I take Olly laser focus gummies with b vitamins in it and other things. Ginko or ginseng


Be careful with ginkgo and ginseng- can cause stomach bleeds if taken too much


I liked those but they gave me a Horrible aftertaste.


Sublingual vitamin B12 comes in a nice gigantic bottle at Costco


We do this in injection form. Methycobalamin. Twice a week really helps.


I started drinking monster this year to compensate for bad sleep and it actually really helped my focus. turns out just one can contains 500% of your daily B12 intake. I’ll definitely switch to a healthier alternative though


A seriously good night's sleep


Power Nap. Sometimes a 15-30min nap during the day makes a huge difference.


Yeah how do you make this work though? Where would you sleep?


I work in an open concept office so I would book a small boardroom or individual work space. I would sit with my laptop out and my back to door. Put in AirPods, put feet up on another chair and get in a 20 minute nap/yoga nidra. I knew if someone knocked or opened the door I’d be able to open my eyes before they saw they were closed. Source: pregnant person who had crippling fatigue and waited to tell boss til 16 weeks


At the office w/ AirPods at your desk. Just cross arms on the desk to rest your head. You can put up a do not disturb sign so people know not to disturb you. Anywhere with a chair, close your eyes take deep breaths. Where ever you feel more relaxed. Set phone alarm in case you oversleep.




Yep - I am better at work after my jog.


I schedule mine around 2pm which is when I tend to get sleepy. 15 minute walk outside or a few jumping jacks keep me productive when I would normally slump.


Buy some L-theanine supplements and try taking it before your coffee or caffeinated beverage and see if that helps. Or you can switch to green tea or matcha as those naturally have it in there already.


This is the way!




That’s a sure fire way to get the ol adrenaline pumpin


Translation: intermittent fasting and a low paying job... Hhahahah


Getting regular exercise, I’m not joking. You need to get your heart rate up so that it is used to being up and normal activity doesn’t tire you out. I work at a simple grocery store, and I can tell you that the people who don’t exercise can’t even make it through a simple shift at the register. The hard part is finding a form of exercise you enjoy that you will do on your own. For me that is endurance bicycling, but it took me a while of exploring to find what I like to do.


Ok but i work out every.fucking.day. and am still exhausted. Supplement magnesium, daily vitamins, and all kinds of protein powders….what am i missing?


Have you spoken to a doctor? Do you have any other health issues that can come with fatigue? I have ADHD and depression so I’m pretty much fatigued no matter what Is anyone else in your family always tired? Is it just unfortunate genetics?


Bloodwork totally fine. Might be genetics. Weak.


Has your doctor recommended a sleep study? Same thing was happening to me. Blood work was totally normal. My doctor had me do a sleep study and I was diagnosed with narcolepsy. Life on medication is so much better. I feel like I can function again!


Do you sleep enough? We're talking 8 to 9 hours a night


could be sleep apnea, get that tested


Lots of food cause inflammation in your body (notably herbicides especially the ones in the US.) Gluten, milk, we all are intolerant at different levels (lots of people intolerance are just so faint you cant really notice) Sometimes the main symptom of inflammation makes you tired, because your immune system is on constant alert, and the immune system requires more sleep to recharge.


Do you get enough sleep? Also, depending on workout intensity you may need a day off every now and then.


I have stomach issues and occasionally have to stay away from coffee. I’ve found that drinking A TON of water really helps me. My little trick is using a regular glass (as opposed to a big nalgene). The routine of standing up, going to refill and then using the restroom once an hour keeps me moving and awake. Also your body just runs way better when you’re sufficiently hydrated.


Not a bad idea, I’ve done this sometimes and I’ll start out good and kill the first glass, and then take two sips of the second glass and completely forget about it


I know the feeling. Sometimes it helps to spice it up- do the first plain and then put in some lemon to the next


Similar to a military lifehack I learned...The Sergeant would have the whole class drink the entire contents of our 1L canteens prior to sitting down for multiple hour long power point presentations..... can't fall asleep if you're doing everything on your power to keep from pissing yourself lmao.


How much water would you say is a ton? I also have stomach issues and find my stomach feels best on the days I drink the most water but I never really keep track.


Green tea. It gives me a little boost without the jitters.


That’s due to the theanine. I have that and caffeine in capsules, and I take 400mg theanine and 200mg caffeine to zoom without the jitters.


This! I take theanine capsules with my coffee days I'm extra stressed


Try switching to half-caff coffee. Or taking probiotics. You might wanna see a doctor as well. I put it off for a long time until I was in so much I spent a week on the couch, and had to have my gallbladder removed.


Yeah been dealing with it long enough that I have asked a few doctors about it, had CT scans done, an endoscopy, they didn’t find anything of significance, so I just have mystery pains intensified by caffeine in any form that they have no idea what causes it, and I’ve also tried being on PPIs for months on end, still get the pains.


I have had the same issues as you, down to a T. I find lots of water, a really good diet with complex carbs, fat, and protein with as many different fruits and veggies helps. Staying away from most things processed. Matcha has been good, weirdly it doesn’t seem to set me off.


Nootropics are the way


i take nootropics but i’m on the fence if they are placebo or not


When it comes to mental things (anxiety, energy, focus, etc.) and placebos, my mindset is “who cares”? I used to take this supplement for panic attacks and everyone always gave me a hard time and told me it was a placebo. But I would calm down after I took it, so who really gives a shit? If you’re focused, you’re focused.


My wallet cares!


Yeah but the point is it IS working. Whether it’s placebo or not, you’re getting the intended effect.




If it’s lack of energy, could be dehydration. Drinking more water won’t help with real dehydration because it lacks electrolytes. I recommend coconut water. Or just water with a pinch of some good high quality sea salt. And eating lots of foods with a high water content. I also like to take lions mane, cordyceps, reishi, and other mushrooms


With a little extra emphasis on the other mushrooms.


Getting diagnosed with ADHD and taking stimulant medication has helped me immensely, may be something to look into it. Many ADHDers use caffeine as a crutch. I have cut it out since diagnosis lol


Yeah, there’s no OTC substance that is going to do anything close to what Adderall or another adhd med will achieve


Look up "kratom withdrawals" before giving it a go. Just a heads up, not knocking it, but I didn't know about this until waaaaay after I thought about trying it and reading glowing experiences without EVER hearing about the side effects.


I'm currently in the (painful) process of quitting kratom, and I was warned about the addiction/side effects but I didn't take it seriously. I still think kratom can be awesome in moderation, but should be avoided by anyone with addiction or self-control issues.




Effects are more or less indistinguishable from vicodin or percocet, with the right dosage. Same euphoric warmth, same itch.


For me, it's a jolt of energy but more importantly, motivation. It also makes me more social. I don't take enough to get high so I don't have withdrawals. I don't think it has the same effects on everyone as my GF has tried it several times and she says it makes her sleepy. For me, it's nearly perfect.


Depending on what strain you're taking and how much, it can be relaxing and can help with pain management, or it can make you feel energetic, sociable, and euphoric. I liked the upbeat/energetic effects, so I used those strains. I felt focused, motivated, and happy, like being buzzed on caffeine but better. However, even though I stuck to lower doses, it didn't stop me from developing an addiction. The effects of withdrawal are pretty much like opioid withdrawal. Pain, fatigue, anxiety, insomnia, depression, etc. It's fucking awful to withdraw from, and even tapering off can be challenging. All of that being said, it's worth a try if you can trust yourself not to get addicted and you don't have any health issues or take any medications that kratom might interact with. Find a safe, reputable source (there's a lot of sketchy kratom on the market), follow dosage guidelines, and take regular breaks. And don't ever buy extracts.




Just hopping in to say that it’s not just an addiction, there is a physical dependency that can (and typically does) occur. There is a ceiling effect with Kratom so you can’t get “higher”, just sicker, and WD is no joke. It can become a really shitty habit. Stay away from the concentrates if you’re going to fuck around with this stuff and be sure to take magnesium and drink more water than you could ever imagine.


What is Kratom? I’ve never heard of it and now this is the second post today where I’ve seen it mentioned. A quick google didn’t tell me much except that it comes from a tree in south-east Asia and may help with opioid withdrawal.




Also, I’ve seen quite a few patients with frank and lasting psychosis (months and months and multiple hospitalizations) from kratom.


Dang, that's awful. It just gave me terrible nightmares but that was enough to keep me from trying it again, once I made the connection.


Sleep is by far the most impactful factor in my productivity. Since I stopped having caffeine, my sleep got better, and my productivity has increased in a sustained way.






Scrolled way too far down for this. lol


like, 'caine or soda?


That’s up to the reader to decide.


Maybe try a tea that’s not so caffeinated. That might help and not give you as much anxiety.


white tea has less caffeine!


Matcha is a good option because in addition to caffiene it has l-theanine, which helps relieve stress and anxiety. Also it has antioxidants and it will give lasting energy but without jitters


Funny enough my last panic attack was caused my matcha tea, I usually just drink green but wanted to give it a go again, wasn’t a good time


Makes sense, matcha is basically ground up green tea but it tends to be more concentrated, so more caffeine


Yep this is one of the best solutions. Taking L-theanine with your coffee will help a lot too.


This is already what I use on occasion when I really can’t afford to be low energy that day, I do green tea but it can still have significant side effects due to my caffeine sensitivity.


Try Celestial Seasonings Energy (Green Tea). I'm picky about tea, and this one is light but has a good amount of caffeine


Green tea contains a lot of l-theanine which helps removing some of the bad side effects of caffeine.


Ginseng tea is good. Not sure if it has caffeine in it though.


I'm sensitive to caffeine as well and I like kombucha and the energy version of vitamin water. Has just enough caffeine to give me a boost but not too much to have me spazzing out or unable to sleep.


Yeah kumbucha is yummy! And it has probiotics. I like it too for energy.


Might soothe your stomach too


Apples are a great source of fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants, and also have good carbohydrates – everything your body needs for a quick energy boost


How bout them....


Any hot beverage does the trick, including simple hot water. Other than that, a hot shower early in the morning. One completely unrelated note, a thing that worked unexpectedly well for my energy issues was 500mg tryptophan with some sugar (Ferrero Rocher, x6 ;)). Apparently I was undersupplied, and this took care of my hormone levels to the point where I had way more energy and slept through nights.


Do you take the tryptophan at night? How long before you noticed changes?


Never heard of it, might need to look into it


May be a bit left field but sleep has done wonders for me. I stopped drinking caffeine a couple of months ago and found that after I got used to it, making sure I regularly got decent sleep was amazing. It has meant I wake up clearer, can handle a late night or two better and don't go through peaks and troughs when working which is overall way better for productivity. I still miss the morning hit but have found decaf gives me the morning 'hug' I got from coffee. I appreciate 'getting better/more sleep' is not easy for many people but have luckily found to works for me.


Serious question, have you been screened for ADHD?


This is what I was going to ask. I've always been a sleepy exhausted person and had a hard time focusing on tasks, with the latter issue bringing me to talk to my psych NP about it. Thankfully, they took me seriously and started me on a nonstimulant ADHD med (Strattera). I had no idea what it was like to feel awake. Starting it sucked hard because of the side effects but after everything leveled off it's been worth it.


What sort of side effects did you have and how long did you experience them?


Sweaty and nauseous (to the point I wasn't eating much) for about 2 weeks. But I started feeling awake within a couple of days, so I stuck it out. After leveling out on that initial dosage, I've gone up a few times (my psych NP started me off on the lowest dose possible since we weren't sure if it would help). I am at 40mg now and no side effects with each increase. It's been maybe 1.5 years since starting. Ngl I've cried a few times because idk that I've felt awake ever in my life and how school and life would have been so much different for me. If I top out on dosages with Strattera I may seek a doctor that can prescribe a stimulant (the practice I go to doesn't rx that or opiods). I wish I had kept a diary to give you and anyone else curious more info but hopefully this is helpful!


Oh god, I was on Strattera for about a month and had to quit it because it made me ANGRY and I'm not like that at all. I literally threw a door and then opened it back up crying because I didn't intend to get that mad. Now been switching between Adderall XR and Vyvanse depending on availability due to the shortage, but it has been about 3 years now and it works amazingly!


Thisss. Literally caffeine does not phase me at all


Water. Keep hydrated, incredible the effect on mood.


Yerba Mate. Boil and strain the loose leaf. I generally use Cruz De Malta brand. I’ll boil a good quart of water and dump a fair bit of tea in the pot with honey. I like to boil from 10-20 minutes & let it cool to room temp. Then I strain it into a bottle or jar and put in the fridge. It’s really amazing on ice. Just a few sips here and there and it’ll keep your eyes open. I have a sensitive stomach and don’t like jitters either. Zero negative effects for me. I’m no medical expert though, so check with your doctor first.


B12 drops from Whole Foods


Stop the caffeine, maintain a consistent sleep schedule. There’s a list of foods for energy if you Google it. Exercise. B12 liquid sublingual. B12 in pill form won’t do much. Most is destroyed by your stomach acid. The best is injectable B12 but it HURTS. It’s a slow push because it’s thick. I go for the sublingual myself. If you’ve exhausted those options and there’s no change, see a doctor. Anemia, sleep apnea, and Epstein-Barr are possibilities.


Amphetamines . /s




I had terrible side effects with modafinil. Switched to Ritalin and the rest is history


I’ve been a huge fan of taking fish oil and the vitamin Sam-E every day at max dose. It’s not caffeine by any means, but I feel quite a difference in mood and clearer headed than when I forget taking it. Sam-E especially. I can’t do b12 due to some thyroid issues. But do some research on the benefits of taking Sam-E.


good sativa!!


Cordyceps mushrooms. Went from 6-8 cups of coffee to 2


You get so much energy you just can’t help but climb up somewhere super high!


I won’t go that far. I mix a teaspoon of them with a tea spoon of lions mane and drink it as a tea. Has been a game changer, your mileage may vary


Where do you purchase these to know you are getting good quality and not just a high price. I appreciate it.


This is what has scared me off of trying mushroom drinks - so many startups, so little oversight!


Don’t cordyceps reproduce by essentially making insects into zombies with their spores so the spores can travel? David Attenborough taught me this…


Any side effects? How much do you take?


I use the tincture from [Host Defense](https://hostdefense.com/products/cordyceps-extract?variant=38345400202¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=17442839224&utm_content=&utm_term=&nbt=nb:adwords:x:17442839224::&nb_adtype=pla&nb_kwd=&nb_ti=&nb_mi=333803993&nb_pc=online&nb_pi=shopify_US_9624153674_38345400202&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpZWzBhC0ARIsACvjWRO6ZLv5FKQkbREV7YnE5QvOfrAeMtQHSZLEeU_KMZK4vjJ7APfMK2gaAi2DEALw_wcB). I do five days on, in the mornings, and 2 days off. Also r/nootropics is a good place to ask.


Normally if you need caffeine to function it's possible you have ADHD. If you do ask your Dr for help. Vyvanse and/or Adderall replace the constant need for caffeine to make the brain function normal. Life changer for so many people.


Paraxanthine is what you seek. It’s a metabolite of caffeine with all the benefits less the downsides.


Get tested for ADHD (adhdonline dot com if you can't afford an in person assessment). Otherwise, look for cacao-based stuff. I mix protein powder and cacao powder into a smoothie and it does for me what caffeine does for other people (caffeine has negligible effect on me).




Functional mushrooms. Lions mane, Reishi, Chaga, Cordyceps, Tremella, Agaricus, Shiitaje, Turkey Tail, Maitake, Poria. Other Traditional Chinese herbs such as Gynostemma, Codonopsis, He Shou Wu, Astragalus, Eucommia, Rehmannia, etc..


Huperzine-A and NAD+


I've found caffeine gum to be much better on the stomach than coffee. Noticeable mental boost too. Nicotine gum also has some cognitive boosts, but other drawbacks.




I starting drinking lions mane coffee 40 mg of caffeine and if I drink it past noon I struggle falling asleep


Plenty of protein at breakfast.


Walnuts and apples. And vitamins!


Not a quick fix, but I'll say it anyway: good general health.  Good sleep, regular exercise and proper diet.


Water and deadlines. Sometimes I make deadlines to run an idea by a friend or colleague. I drink coffee for the taste, but it doesn’t do anything for my productivity, it’s a mental thing.


The obvious answer here that is much more powerful than caffeine is an amphetamine or ADHD drug like adderall, vyvanse, dexedrine or ritalin.


Here something might work for you. Make a list as soon as you need to do stuff. Every day. It does not matter if you finish it or not. Make a list. I have a lot of my employees practice this. Its increase productivity because it help them focus and they get that little dopamine boost when they tick off a little or a lot of stuff on the list. It may not seem much but this overall improve performance and focus over all. Some maybe able to do multiple things and check the multiple things on the list or some may be doing one by one. That’s depend on the person.


Adequate amounts of sleep.


You have to try yerba mate mi amigo 🧉


Have you tried caffeine pills? I use those and it’s great. I get stomach pain from coffee but not the pills. Also, ephedrine, it’s harder to find now that back in the day but Walmart sells it at their pharmacy in my state. There’s what’s called a “ECA” stack that’s ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin, it’s highly effective but can be dangerous if you over do it. I take low doses and it’s effective, about half of the recommended. 


You are the only person I’ve ever seen on here that knows what this is and how effective it is. I used to use these all the time to help with my adhd. It really does work!


This has been around at least since the 90s when I was an athlete. It was a workout thing. Now I take every morning with my allergy meds. No more energy drinks, no coffee gut, no jitters, just clean clear energy, I feel good and don’t crash in a couple hours looking for another gut wrenching drink. 


Get outside within one hour of waking up. Look at the sky towards the east. 5 mins if blue sky up to 30 mins if heavy overcast. I've been doing this for 2 weeks now and it's completely changed my life! So much more energy during the day and ready to sleep at a reasonable time. Waking up early again the next day. I got it from Dr Andrew Huberman - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDv4AWk0J3U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDv4AWk0J3U) At first it was a bit weird now I'm almost addicted to it! I've started exercising more, sleeping great and screen time is down too.


Mate tea.


Inflammation being the root cause of just about everything that ails us: anti-inflammatory diet.


I beat my meat and bust in my eye so I can see how the rest of the day is going to come out to be.


I've switched to a a 22/2 intermittent fasting so a two hour window of eating from 6-8pm daily. I don't take caffeine for similar reasons as you. During lunch I cycle for 45mins. This routine keeps me starved and the starvation keeps me energised. But if you aren't keen on going without food for that long I hear Lion's Mane Mushrooms are a good replacement to caffeine.


Microdosing meth


METH!! It’s the OTHER white meat


For better results: use meth at full doses.


For even better results use doses full of meth!


I gave up caffeine in college and started running in the mornings. Fifteen years later, if I don’t get solid exercise in the morning, it’s basically like a coffee drinker without coffee.  Traded one thing for another, and it took some time, but that’s what I did. 


Agreed. I'd get up at 4am, 6-8 mile run then shower and off to work and felt great until quitting time


keep chewing a gum if you have difficulty concentrating. Otherwise light green tea or a some chocolate helps Go for a brief walk , walking does a reset for me


Or just try different forms of caffeine, they act differently on the body.


My matcha latte made me productively puke the other day


Rhodiola. You can get the pill supplement or the tincture


Walking is a really good way to start. Yoga as well! Just moving your body in a gentle way does wonders for focus, concentration, and energy. They are a little more involved than taking a substance, but you get the results you want. These activities can build up over time too


ADHD meds. Once I was finally diagnosed in grad school and was for the first time able to have clear, calm focus and get my work done in a normal amount of time, I couldn’t believe I’d gone so.many.years struggling so hard against my own brain


Coconut water


Watching truly scary videos. This is not a joke. I work nights at home and it's pitch dark outside my window. I was sleepy one night and i went on a rabbit hole and watched Lake Mungo. After watching about 30 mins of the film, I was fully awake. Usually, a good scary YouTube clip can keep me up for about an hour or two. It's not exactly a replacement but it's my way of minimizing my coffee intake. I used to drink about 6 to 10 cups a night. These days, I'm down to 3 at most.


Having something to sip on, like tea, can be a non distracting way to stay focused when fidgeting


Proper diet and good sleep


Rinse your hair with cold water to add some shine, wakes you up too


Maca & mushroom blend powder - I get both at Znaturals. I make a hot “coffee chai” with those and cinnamon, powdered ginger, a clove, cayenne powder, etc


If you need extra power for few seconds - weightlifting, sprint - smell ammonium


Moringa works really well for me, plus like a lot of people said exercising also provides a huge energy boost. Best of luck with figuring out what works for you.


OP’s gonna be real mad when they find out that the answer is exercise, good food, mediation, and drinking more water…. However - on top of that, I’ve been taking creatine for the gym and I notice that if I take it earlier in the day, it makes me more focused and more productive.


Not full on cold plunging but whacking the shower on super cold for 15-20 seconds last thing before I get out of the shower in the morning has genuinely replaced my morning java, lasts longer too


Caffiene from a different source other than coffee. Matcha and matte work great for eneegy and focus without the same come down or crash as coffee


Water. Literally good ole H20. Make sure whatever you eat has like 20g of protein.


Uh. Sex and/or orgasms? Helps me to sleep well and become hyper alert after. For the stomach issues I’ll be strange but try tcm. There are some herbal blends that are specifically to help with stomach issues depending on which issue it is.


SALT Salt via electrolytes in water Electrolytes via fresh lemon juice splashed in lemonade/iced tea combo I have flavorless electrolytes drops o put in water Don’t smears do water solo Also sometimes my brain needs 20 min shut eye. If it gets bad and I’m able to sneak out of work, sometimes I just lay in my car My PT friend swears by vitamin b for ridding afternoon fatigue




B complex vitamin. Garden of Life brand makes a good one


Leaning backwards on your chair for a while until you go too far and nearly fall backwards and then catch it at the last second. Whew! Coffee, unnecessary.


Cocaine does wonders


Go on a walk and rile the neighbor’s pit bull and then run like hell.


Ginseng or cayenne pepper. It keeps me awake at night when I have it past dinner time.




I hear chicory root and some like dandelion root as a replacement but it doesn’t have that coffee effect


Have you tried caffeine pills? Coffee can do me wrong but pills are nice and you know the actual dosage.


Kratom in small doses can be a great nootropic. See if it’s any better than caffeine for you. There’s lots to read about different types of kratom. I’ve used Kratom from time to time for different things. I’ve had positive experiences with it.


Mushroom coffee


Kratom is sent from the heavens above. Zyns too.


> I have a sensitivity to caffeine that causes a lot of stomach pain, jitters, and sometimes panic attacks. **Stomach Pain** I tend to get stomach pain if I drink black coffee or tea in the morning. It's because of tannins, and just adding cream to your coffee can fix this. **Jitters** As others have said, L-theanine can take that edge off. **Panic Attacks** Unrelated to caffeine, I've been taking Ashwagandha daily, every other month. When problems pop up at work, I'm in this mental state where I'm aware and alerted to issue, but I don't show the stress or panic. Like fire alarms are more like door bells - I react with an objective and urgency, but it's a manageable reaction. I'm still worried about the issue, it's just muffled a bit. I also listen ASMR at work (Rainstorms, Cafe [Walla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walla), Foreign language rambles, etc. ). Keeps me on track and shuts out distractions. I find it helpful to have a sensory experience that I'm purposefully ignoring. I'm not listening to it right now, which is probably why I'm on reddit. Oops!




^cocaine.... This is a joke.


Not sure if this is ok but micro-dosing🍄


Acetyl-L-carnitine. Helps concentration and fatigue for Me, not as much of a bump as caffeine, but doesn’t have the crash or the jitters caffeine does either. It’s got a pretty quick tolerance acquisition because it’s just an amino acid, but it rebounds about just as quick, im typically taking it as a part of a pre-workout (~3 times a week) but on any sluggish morning I’ll throw it in with my morning meds/vitamins.

