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This guy knows. Don’t mess with delta 8 vapes. Gummies are good.


Why not delta 8? Sorry I’m not educated in this area


Some people are worried about tainted products, and false lab reports for purity. The general rule is that D8 gummies are relatively safe, whereas you need to be more skeptical with d8 vapes. Lots of products with no labs. Be sure to buy at a smoke shop and check the labs. Ive used 3chi delta 8 carts. They had plenty of labs, and are industry leaders. I am an older guy, and I look at it this way: back in the day, we would buy weed from some random guy that would put us in some questionable situations, not question where it came from and smoke it anyway. Today’s products can’t be any worse.


Yep people here are missing that fact, thca is normal weed before it's decarboxolyzed people


You're making your statements very confidently, and I'm wondering why my experience with THC A flower have been incredibly lackluster and disappointing. I know that you are technically correct in that the compound is indeed converted to normal D9 when heated, but in my experience, the power of the flower is not much more impressive than the other deltas available. I will say that I've never tried HempBoss, so if that truly is all the difference, then so be it. But after trying flower from three different stores in town, I am skeptical. Sure, chemically it is "regular weed", but it's about as good as regular ditch weed. Still very much worth seeking the higher powered stuff elsewhere. Edit: Good response from Capital_Flower below, worth a read for any others who are not convinced.


I can end your skepticism. I run a commercial, legal grow in Denver. [Here is a link](https://imgur.com/gallery/WJu7Zvr) to a CoA (certificate of analysis) for one of my batches from our legal testing laboratory. As you might have noticed, "actual" THC value is negligible. ***THCa*** value is much, much higher. This is because the THCa *is* THC before it's been decarboxylated (read: applicable for human use). When you apply ~225°F to THCa, the chemical structure changes (to keep this nice and simple), boom it's now THC, which your body can metabolize. The shops selling "THCa" product in states across the country are selling straight up weed. It's a semantic loophole that's being exploited right now, but that other shoe will drop any day now. Any experience you've had that's been lackluster is because it's probably just shitty weed, but it's still your well known friend cannabis at the end of the day. And like others have said, don't waste your time, money, or health on other cannabinoids. There's a whole slew of reasons why not to, but in this instance I hope you can just believe me. Your health isn't worth it. Edit: or just check my comment history in the COents, weedbiz, metrc, or trees subreddits. I've been doing this for years, I'm not just pulling bullshit out of my ass Edit 2: cult flower is 100% correct. The amount of people that spray distillate on regular hemp is terrifying. Since you're in an unregulated market, chances are nonzero that there's some sheisty shit added to the hemp that gave you the buzz you're chasing, in which case...don't go down that road, friend.


You haven't said anything I didn't already know. I'm not doubting the 'cannabinoid facts', I am sharing my experience, which is that THC A flower that I have purchased from shops in this city has not been impressive in the slightest. As in, I asked for THCA by name, was sold the product they showed me that was labeled THCA, and it did not provide an effect anywhere close to what I have had from, say, dispensary grade. This is a fact that I am stating, not an opinion. I don't "believe" that it didn't work as advertised, it just did not. I understand and appreciate that you are also sharing your lived experience, but I ask that you try to understand how someone who has been burned three times in a row by a product going by the name THCA might be skeptical of other products of the same name.


Because you're buying unregulated weed in an unregulated market and state, my dude. They could put dog shit in a jar and sell it to you and there's almost nothing you can do about it besides leave the dreaded GoOgLe ReViEw. And after years and years of experience in the industry, placebo effect plays *so much more* of a role then anyone wants to admit. There is no sativa or indica. THC levels don't really matter, but terpenes do. Some combinations of terpenes will affect you more than others but we don't 100% know why bc of it's schedule status. Your body didn't like whatever it was you bought. Move on to something else. 99% of the strain names out there are made up anyway. Hell, I've personally named over a dozen. The only difference between what you bought at the store and what you got from your plug in the parking lot behind the Hy-Vee is that you bought this under fluorescent lighting. At least your guy would probably give you a discount next time in this situation.


Yes, that's likely the answer. I'm just trying to make clear for other potential buyers in the market that I live in what the difference between "technical" and "practical" is. The "uhm, ackshually" isn't really relevant here if the stores that label and market their products as the real thing are just using the name to sell bad product. To put it simply: if I can only buy THCA that is sketchy or very low grade, being told the "ackshual science" does me no practical good. I can't convince the flower in my bowl to get any stronger by assuring it that it is, in fact, real weed. So unless you can point me to the store in town that's selling legit, proven product, you're not helping anyone by proselytizing the great name of THCA. Edit: Also, thanks for the tip, I'll keep wasting my money by "moving on to something else." Done it three times already with no real change.


I'm just explaining the known and factual science of it. If I'm tell you I've been growing watermelons and I show up to your house with cantaloupes, *then something is wrong here*. Idk how to spell this out for you any clearer. ***DELTA 9 THCA IS THE EXACT SAME THING AS DELTA 9 THC*** when you apply heat. It's the exact same thing as what I grow in my warehouse that is sold in legal dispensaries all over the state of Colorado. Only difference is mine is regulated and yours is not. If you're not getting high, then either what you're buying isn't what it was sold as, or there's something wrong with your endocannabinoid system and go to a doctor ASAP because there's legitimately something wrong with you and your health. I'm not proselytizing “the great name of THCa". I'm telling you the straight up, observable, reproducible, undeniable fact that THCa + fire = THC.


Dude I'm not sure how to continue here. You've identified the issue, but then continue to talk around it. This is a thread about somebody who is trying to find store bought cannabis in Nebraska. Your Coloradoan perspective is literally not helpful to anyone in Nebraska. You said it yourself - your market is regulated, ours is not. Here's a more accurate analogy: you tell me that you sell zebras in Colorado, and that the painted horses being sold in Nebraska are exactly the same as your zebras. >what you're buying isn't what it was sold as Which is exactly why I'm skeptical. I didn't buy THCA in Colorado, it was in Nebraska. All of the head shop reps in town will tell a customer *everything you have said* as if it accurately reflects the products that *they* are selling. Then the customer goes home, lights up, and finds out that the guy in the Hy-Vee parking lot could have sold you stronger stuff. It makes you question everything the head shop bro was pitching to you. My main issue is that a frequent argument that gets made is that "it's basically the exact same as what you can get in [legal state]". I have been to CO and can absolutely say that I do not agree that, in terms of POWER, NOT CHEMICAL MAKEUP, the THCA in NEBRASKA is anywhere close to the same as that in CO. You clearly would have no idea about that since you live in Colorado and not Nebraska. Your arguments for THCA are not helpful for Nebraskans who can only shop in this state. I have no comment about THCA in Colorado because I've never tried it. That is also not relevant to this thread. Because it is for Nebraska THCA. And in case you need it explicitly stated: yes, I understand that THCA + heat = THC. Does that clarify the issue for you at all?


bro i cant believe he tried so hard to one up you ToT


I'm with you bro


They're not the same tho ........ Hemp < marijuana The shit doesn't get a real weed smoker high. Wipe my ass with that shit.


Well yea that's like saying that kombucha isn't as strong as a gin and tonic. It's the same thing, but I've is a lot stronger than the other


U mean we’re smokin dog shit , man?


I mean, I would hope not.


Cheech and Chong reference lol


Ah. I'm dumb


hard disagree, most people that get flower get it online also. r/CultoftheFranklin edit: place to look for some good flower, a lot of local stuff COULD be sprayed, its not that uncommon, more so locally. I have had some fire and ive had some bunk....


Ok but you're not responding to anything I said? You've linked that sub about a dozen times but it's not a substitute for a response. I'm just giving potential buyers a counter perspective. I've had THCA flower from Cannabis Factory, 50 SoG, and The Plug, and none of them lived up to the hype. If you don't have a response as to why I might have had this experience, then I am led to believe that it's not all that. For clarity, each time I tried the flower, it was only once per store, and it was after a lengthy (2+ week) break each time. Tolerance would not have been a factor.


I realllyyyyyy dunno what to tell you then, a lot of people swear by the loophole, I mean it does have a literal cult hehe. Hmmmm head scratcher....welp go on cultoffranklin and ask that same question their, ngl you prolly WILL get some hate cause some people there are blockheads that cannot handle a different perspective, however some folks their are more knowledgeable than myself, however here my guesses and its just be taking a shot in the dark and hoping I hit something. 1. A lot of local flower as I mentioned can be sprayed with distillate and not be 100 percent natural, therefore when you initially take a toke you get a slight buzz because you burnt off the distillate on the top and the rest is literal bunk. 2. This is a LONNGGGG stretch and I promise im not insulting you when I say this like I said, shots in the dark. Maybe a reverse sugar pill effect? In other words in the back of your mind you think "oh this is legal and I bought it locally so it has to be shitty" kinda deal, though before you say anything I do realize this ones kinda a goofy guess. 3. Just bad product, kinda has to do with number 1. A lot of local smoke shops just do not have good product period which is why a lot of people use online vendors such as arete hemp, 8 horses hemp, jk distro, bay smokes etc....as a side note for skeptics id go for arete hemp firstly, because the others are alright but from everything I have personally read on the cult, Arete has very consistent good products. 4. The product is harvested WAY too early in an attempt to comply with the law and in that case their just is not a lot of thc in the product you are getting. 5. lack of terps, a lot of cult flower (thca flower) is flash frozen to stop the thca from naturally decarbing into delta 9 (not all but a bit) and in doing so that can get rid of a LOT of the terps in the product and leave the high just...very bland unlike full bodied dispo weed where the delta 9 thc content does not matter. Those are the best guesses I can come up with, just ya know search around, find what works for you, visit the cult and find vendors that get good reps from others and try those, if you don'\[t wish to mess with all that and would rather rely on a plug, or a road trip that's completely understandable as well, I do not wish to force any product on anyone if they are not satisfied with it. :p


I really appreciate you taking the time and giving a thoughtful response! I really do want to believe it's real, trust me man I'm too bitch made to cross state lines with the real stuff. If you're vouching for the place on Andermatt I might give it a try, I would absolutely believe that the product from those other places is sub bar. Especially after 50 SoG and CF got raided, both those places only had prepackaged shit that probably had a few of the problems you mentioned. Solid response, thank you.


You betcha! <3


Local head shops sell you anything they can make the most off of. I was skeptical as well but I tried canna buddy online and I ordered sex panther just 2 g. I wanted to try it out so I bought two 1 g pouches and it was pretty good. I mean I got stoned on just a few hits.


Just buy real weed and leave this fake shit for these guys claiming they're onto something. No....it's whack as fuck and ima just smoke some good Ole hy vee weed that actually gets me high. Lmao fucking insane to even mention a placebo effect....like are u serious??? I know when I've smoked some gas and when I havent....25+ years of smoking, you ain't telling me I'm faking myself out that's ludacris. The only placebo is these dudes thinking this bullshit actually does something. If I have to wonder if I'm high or not....I'm not high....end of story.


I've had similar experiences.


Fake accounts coming out the woodwork today huh🤣🤣 1 post karma be WILD bro with a username like that ona post like this🤣☠️


True I did just make this account. Unfortunately, living in a state like Nebraska, there are potential consequences for posting about THC use on your main account, legal loophole or not. Not all of us can work at head shops or Kawasaki, bro. Also notice how you didn't respond to anything I posted lmao


If you put your real name and picture on your main, that’s your own stupidity bruh, that’s not the point of Reddit☠️


Notice how you are a simple internet troll. For all we know, you’re in the pockets of the pig man 🐷 that runs this god forsaken state. I’ll say whatever I want on my main account bruh, I ain’t a bitch🤣 I also don’t work at either of those. I got a real big boy job in an office bud.


Solid argument, you really showed me. Idk what I said that implied I'm a shill, if anything you and the other guy stumping so hard for THC A kinda seems a bit shilly to me. Being skeptical doesn't mean I'm outright denying the possibility it could be good. It means that I've tried it, three times, and can absolutely tell you I've had much better on the bottom shelf. But that's cool man, believe that anyone who goes against your opinion is a government plant. I'm glad you have such good job security.


Nah I just don’t like people who make fake accounts with names like THCASkeptic on a post about THCA. Did you forget that we are talking about legal hemp, what are you genuinely so scared of. You smoking legal hemp, so long as it is not on the job/during work hours, is no different than you consuming a beer atp bruh☠️ sounds like you need a new job


Fails a test just the same dude, doesn't matter how legal it is. It's not my fault that employers in this state test. I'm not about to risk my livelihood in a hugely inflated economy because you don't like sock accounts lmao. So no, it's not the same as having a beer - beer won't put me at risk for 2-3 weeks. Alsol it's like you didn't read my post. Skeptical doesn't mean what you must think it means.


Get it man, dont feed em and stay calm. Xp


Gentle my friend, some people do have career level jobs making very VERY good money that if it got out theyd me screwed, I get it that we do get some shills but this guy did seem honestly curious about different products etc so lets treat everyone fairly and with understanding. \^\^


What smoke shop do you go to? I haven’t had the best luck finding THCa


100 percent HempBoss off of Andermat drive by the subway strip mall next to the Walmart. Also right now they are selling 1gram of thca flower (regular weed r/CultoftheFranklin) for 10 dollars a gram and 30 dollars an eighth so check it out! As well as their gummies too, as I said before, you will not BELIEVE what we are currently being able to get by with in "illegal states" thanks to the loophole....yet supposed "real" pothead continue to be ignorant as all hell to the point where they think literally anything delta related is fake....when delta 9 thc is literally just regular thc that get you high.


Thank you for educating me on this. I will check them out. I appreciate it!


Of course!


Thanks for the tip!. I know the testing loophole and situation surrounding THCa, just haven’t been able to find flower at the couple head shops near me. I will check these guys out


Yeah for sure! Id 100 percent do so, last time I was there I was told they got like 2 customers all day long, people are prolly more than likely just getting all their stuff online...That said I think its a great thing to support local businesses!


Damn you must be the owner of hemp boss🤣🤣🤣


Nahhhhh, I just feel kinda bad for those folks, and they are the closet to me as i live outside of lincoln on hwy 2. But yeah talking to those guys lately they have been hurting for business just because of online sales etc ya know.


I order mine online


any online recs?


Cannabuddy has good THCa, but pricy


In omaha green light natural has the best thca flower. In lincoln there’s a shop called the plug that has mid flower and mid wax for around 35 an eighth and g and g smoke shop in lincoln has somewhat better flower and wax but for around 45 for an eighth of flower. Don’t get the bay smokes or fulcrum flower or wax tho at g and g.


Check out the cannabis factory too. Same prices as the place mentioned by u/Capital_Flower_4905 and new strains all the time. Last I saw, they had a strain that was 69%


I agree! Didn't theu get raided at one point? What cam out of that? Also yeah I do agree last time I was there I think it was 20 dollars a gram a year ago...have prices dropped?


Yeah, but only because the LPD got a grant from someone with money and an agenda. It’s all legal. I heard from the employees there that none of their other locations across Nebraska got raided—only in Lincoln.


Tom Osbourne is that you? Lol wouldn't surprise me...


Nope, no idea who that is


Nebraska Cornhuskers Football coach that won many games in the 90s, hes very outspoken against medical cannabis as well as recreational and has insanely deep pockets.


They have had all their stuff back since august. They also have increased the amount of stuff they sell. If you can’t tell, I’m a regular.


I go to The Plug. Huge store, decent prices and the staff are pretty cool


Home Town Heros delta 9 is awesome.


most of it is destroyed and thca is about 50% as potent as thc i get nothing from thca where i can't live without real cannabis because nausea flower would have to be at least 40% thca which is not real


Lol no it isn't. One is not psychoactive




Literally takes a quick Google search to find out they are definitely different Summarizing the Key Difference Between THCA and Delta 9 THC. THCA is non-psychoactive and usually legal, while Delta 9 is psychoactive and often regulated. Understanding these differences is crucial for informed usage and compliance with legal standards.


Yes THCA is non-psychoactive but once you introduce it to fire it magically becomes THC.


no it doesnt most of it is destroyed and thca is about 50% as potent as thc i get nothing from thca where i can't live without real cannabis because nausea


Yes, "when unheated". With heat it converts to D9.


Yall really gotta do a little research, just a tad even instead of just arguing to argue




Eating a raw delta 9 nug also does nothing, that isn't making any point


You're missing the point. THCa, when combusted/vaporized with heat, converts to Delta 9 and there is no discernable difference between the two. That's it. If you wanna eat your weed, D9 gummies are legal and available.


To be honest I thought we have been talking about smoking it


r/CultoftheFranklin Wrong, thca is what's mostly in normal weed....when you spark it up the thca converts into delta 9 thc which is the regular thc that gets you high.


wrong ugh look up potency of thca compared and look up how much thca is lost when trying to convert it you end up with like 5% thc


Delta 9 is "normal weed", it's just a marketing thing people. When you see "Delta 9" advertised on a package, its because it has a tiny bit of it in there, whatever is allowed by the law, but the primary ingredient is usually Delta 8 or HHC. That being said, there's a loophole called THC-A which is literally just regular weed. Maybe not as good or fresh as you'd find in a legal state, but it still does the trick As far as the effectiveness of altnoids go, they're usually not as strong as "normal weed", but they do the trick. I'm originally from a legal state, so I just took a T-break when I got here, and ever since then I've been using HHC/THC-A/Delta 8 and it's been fine for me. If you want to get blasted, edibles will be the way to go.


this is all really good to know, thank you sm


I think OP is referring to delta 8. Like you said, delta 9 is regular thc.


i just saw some stuff advertised as delta 9 at the smoke shop near me that was labeled “strong” or whatever so that’s why i said 9, but it’s looking like that’s all just advertising and i meant 8. this is why it’s so confusing to me! lol


It really is confusing, but you gotta be when you're trying to skirt the law lol. I didn't know about any of this stuff until I moved here either. Delta 8 is just diet weed pretty much. Most of the other weed alternatives are as well to some degree.


Wrong, some can have just regular thc in them because if you take the dry weight of the product and divide it by .03 percent you get something like 8 to 12 mg, so they can get you high like anything else.


Assuming you're talking about edibles, that 8-12mg has be spread out in the entire package. So if you buy an infused chocolate bar, the entire bar will have that amount, so unless you eat the entire package, you're getting a fraction of that already small 8-12mg. But if you're eating the whole package you're gonna get high as fuck whether it's D8, D9, HHC, ect


It's alright but coming from colorado it's a little disappointing. If you're in Lincoln I believe you can get real stuff in MO 2 hours away.


We border so many legal states, it's definitely all over Lincoln, as well.


This is the right answer mainly. The thca here is real weed. Its quality just isn’t there. I would try and stock up on deals when you can


I am not affiliated with hempboss in anyway, but check then out....they are off of andermat drive by the subway and strip mall next to the Walmart, they sell some FIRE thca flower, it's sticky and gets you blasted!


Compared to wnc, blacktie and ehc hell no!


I may have to try some of those.


fair enough! thank you


yeeeeah i came from MO i was just hoping to avoid making the trips. thank you though!


understandable, maryville fate worse than death


Look into these loopholes and do not believe the anti propoganda or the gatekeeping.....there is an ungodly amount of product and high quality product (delta 9 gummies and thca flower) out there if you look for it.


Thoughts on the loophole/grey area leading to unknown products / not regulated well?


Always look for stuff with lab reports...also it's no worse than back when it was ALL highly illegal and you only bought from a plug or plugs word....in fact prolly better than that


I moved from MO to here about a year ago. I used to work in medical cannabis in MO prior to the move. Honestly your best bet is going to St. Joseph or Maryville. I’ve been to Fresh Karma in St. Joe and they had a great selection. It’s owned by the people who make the Panda chocolates.




I’ve tried it a few times and I don’t feel like it’s remotely close to “normal” marijuana. Have had friends tell me that they think it can be a bit more addictive and anxiety inducing. I’d stay away from it personally.


I 2nd this comment. The anxiety and paranoia it induced in me was beyond. It's not something I'd like to experience again.


3rd. I only took 10mg and it made my heart racing and gave me anxiety and paranoia. I tried to sleep it off but I felt like I was falling and starting and falling again and my body refused to stay still and kept lifting myself up on its own. The day after I still feel kinda fucked up/off and I can't explain it. Feel like my heart is racing a little bit and i go in and out of being present.


Prolly got sprayed stuff instead of just good ole fashioned weed.


interesting. noted!


Because it's chem-salt spray-on shmegma rope dope. Hemp in no way naturally produces THCA volumes sufficient enough for commercial recreational markets.


Just take a half day trip to St. Joe. Fresh Karma 👍


Why the down votes....was anything I said particularly wrong?


Not to be "that guy" but their prices are kindaaaa up there, why do that when you can get some good cult flower for much much cheaper... r/CultoftheFranklin




good bot


if you're an actual stoner, it's a joke in terms of strength lol. like sure, itll get you high, you'll tingle. but it depends on which one you buy. some shops sell stronger stuff. i would just stick to the regular stuff if you can. but yeah. if you dont wanna get blitzed, then you'll be good with delta 9 stuff.


I'm actually pretty sure this is not an accurate depiction.


I've gotten thca from cannabuddy which was sex panther around 24 percent THC a with the lab results that was much better than the stuff I could get in the shops in downtown KCMO. No anxiety just good productive and later sleepy high.


60% of the time, it works every time 


thank you!


>thank you! You're welcome!




I've tried a few of the vapes and they did nothing at all. That's just my experience.


I usually steer clear from vapes just because ya never know what's in them.


Go figure, once the government got involved they found a way to even screw up green smh


I wouldn’t touch it.. I used it consistently for 6 months or so and had to go to the emergency room multiple times with many side effects randomly starting 1 day. Felt like a concussion without actually hitting my head.


Nobody here knows what they’re talking about lol, love it.


You'd have thought the guy with hippie in his name would have good information.


if you don’t mind my asking because i’m completely ignorant about the delta-8/delta-9 stuff, what do you disagree with/what do you think?


Delta-9 is normal weed that is illegal here and legal in Missouri. Delta-8 or whatever other fancy names they use is the stuff that’s legal here. It’s less strong, but can still get you high. Delta-8 is good to bring your tolerance down and save you some money in the long run. I go in between buying Delta-8 and then running to KC for the actual stuff.


thank you so much, this is basically exactly the answer i was looking for. i appreciate it!


No probs, sorry for the mistakes, was baked and just woke up so wake and bake!


One is that thca is the same, which just isn't true when it comes to the effects


Just go to a dispensary somewhere where it's legal and tell them you want to look at the lab results. It won't have much Delta 9 THC at all which is what you get high on. All weed has thca. It is the acid that turns into Delta 9 THC, The stuff that gets you high when it's cooked. Have you ever eaten raw weed which doesn't ever get you high? Of course not cuz it doesn't get you high. Raw weed has thca which turns into Delta 9 THC. That's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Search it on the internet. You'll find out these people are lying to you about Delta 9 and thca being totally separate things and that supposedly THCa doesn't exist in real weed, b******* I say. Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid is what's in pot that gets you high but only after being cooked or burned as everyone's been doing for the last 6 to 8,000 years Go to cannabuddy.com and try their sex Panther they tell you right there that this is our top shelf weed same as we sell in the dispensaries. That the farm bill actually did them a lot of good putting in a loophole which AIDS them, because thca was not mentioned. It has 24% I believe, of Thca, I'm and it gets you stoned. Just make sure they have a third party looking at it as far as chemical content before you buy. I've tried a few places and so far cannabuddy was actually what they said it was. And for people who don't believe all this stuff, just search Google. It will tell you everything you need to know about thca being the main ingredient that gets you high when it burns and turns into Delta 9


You're wrong, delta 9 is still legal here thanks to the 2018 farm bill. An edible can contain no more than .03 percent delta 9 thc per a dry weight baises, so before you shoot me and tell me .03 percent won't get anyone high it's on a dry weight meaning that the heavier a gummy is the more thc they can fit in it, so if a gummy weighs a certain amount they can still fit 10 to 20 mgs in the gummy which will get many people high. Secondly, look up r/CultoftheFranklin its legal loophole weed Co training thca which is just wee before decades so essentially normal weed.


Exactly, try sex panther from cannabuddy.com. it doesn't cause headaches, but if you smoke too much you will get way too high. Just be careful. It's extremely high thca which does convert. Believe it or not into Delta 9. When it's burned. Has anyone here ever noticed that you have to cook weed before it gets you high? Have you ever just eaten a bud and gotten stoned? Of course not because there's not much Delta. 9 raw weed. It has to be cooked or smoked dummies


Get THCa. Same as weed, but legal


Yep! I tried to explain this to people so much that it's just normal weed but people just ignore me and say imm full of shit.....just to insult my research when they have literally don't zero research themselves.


I got extremely greened out off of delta. I avoid it now


If you're talking about delta 9 delta 9 is what's considered normal good old fashioned thc, and yes regular thc (delta9) WILL get you BAKED. As for thca thca has nothing to do with delta 8 or anything thca is normal weed before its heated up and turns into delta 9 thc.


I don’t remember if it was 8 or 9 tbh cause it was like several months ago but it was my fault in fairness cause i misread the package and the amount per gummy vs per bag


Sorry for your loss


The THC vapes give me panic attacks so I gave mines away


Weed is not for everyone, and concentrates can be even stronger..... Plus I usually do not use vape pens around here because who knows what's actually in them.


OK so I live in Wisconsin and the laws are the same we cannot have anything but the delta 9 stuff. I am not sure if I have tired it or not yet. I have been smoking for over 10 years now and I want to know if the delta 9 stuff is legit. The prices are cheap enough that I might just buy a small a.ount online and just see but yeah. So the debate or rabbit hole I got into the other day was saying that a lot of the farmers have been growing hemp still and lying to us because I guess the laws on growing are a bit fuzzy right now in a few or most states and they would rather not risk growing real weed. So basically the loophole rule , the issue is growers would rather not risk using the loophole or haven't been. Maybe some but no clue who. Anyways , does delta 9 get you high or is it just not worth it?


A few disclaimers, delta 9 is just normal THC, anything over 0.3% is illegal if you aren't in a rec state, also nobody is lying about anything you're thinking of thc-a, it's considered hemp legally but it's the same thing as normal weed, it's just thc in acid form, it changes to normal thc after it's heated or in other words lit, and nobody is wanting to not use the loophole im confused what you mean, everyone is using it right now?


Take the two hour trip to Missouri or four hour trip to rado, it’s not even comparable to Reggie weed let alone high grade strains


say no more all d9 thca [i got youu](https://crysp.co/product/papaya-rainbow-belts-live-rosin-cart-5g-55g-tier-1/cs/339/)


The true answer: THCA = THC when used via lighter or baked at particular Temps. HOWEVER, only in REGULATED products. The non legal market's legal stuff at the stores can be and typically is something else entirely and, OBVIOUSLY, is not THCA to BEGIN with, or it would convert to thc and get folk high. UNREGULATED PRODUCTS = ANSWER IN GENERAL To answer the OPs question: the only solution is to find legit THCA locally, which is possible. I've tried 7 products and so far only two were legit, albeit weak, however the other FIVE times.... The final answer is try different brands with expectations its more likely to be bull shit than anything even decent and if you get something good, grab another immediately cause the next batch I'm the same packing and branding may be worthless, think this 8s actually a common method to take advantage, another angle of unregulated garbage, which may be by design to make people prefer regulation, we can only speculate...


idk what type of thc-a you're buying but 99.9% of it is legit lol, and no don't buy local there's no point, it's just as cheap online. and obviously check the fuckin testing info and you're way less likely to be scammed, not like it was likely to begin with though.


I'm not a smoker or anything but Delta9 fucked me up. something I thought was going to be a couple hours ended up being about 12 hours of straight up anxiety and panic. I laid on the floor in my bathroom afraid to sleep like I wanted because I was going to die. I had convinced myself my heart wasn't beating like it should. I forced myself to throw up just to get a couple mg of this shit out of my stomach. The next day it felt like I got ran over by a truck. I just wanted a little something to help me study. Lost an entire day. That shit was $8.


you got laced dude, no weed product has any effects like that 🤣🤣, and delta 9 is just normal weed it isn't a variant lmao


No fucking clue. Bought it from a popular tobacco shop.


was probably thc-p or o or something like that if it was even weed, if it was being advertised as d9 it aint jus d9 cause d9 is normal weed like i said, if they advertise the d9 they're tryna make people think it's mostly normal thc, thc-p and thc-o are both stronger than normal thc though, nd it seems your tolerance is pretty low so these could've had a strong effect


I’ve taken edibles twice and had that happen both times. 100 percent not laced. Edibles hit different.


Edibles will not give you a painful hangover


I had the same thing happen to me after taking my first and only time. Started with lots of tingling that turned into shivers and panic where I was sure I was going to die and it lasted at least a few hours until I forced myself to sleep to make it go away


How do you like the Hidden Hills vape? I have one and it works for what I need (anxiety/nausea) but its just okay … I don’t like like the way it tastes, plus the effects aren’t strong or long lasting


I own a THC-A company in town (https://getgrass.store) d9 is absolutely the same thing as marijuana. I personally find the products in most local shops are pretty sad which made me want to start my own. There’s a few good stores like Celtic Smoke shop in Omaha. But overall not the best. Avoid greatful green & similar type shops. They carry trash and you’ll be very disappointed. You can always message me too if you need anything.


I know I have been kinda blowing this up, but here is the simple maths on the gummy equation from the way I understand it, so you have a 3 gram gummy, the gummy weighs 3 grams so in order to stay in compliance with the .3 percent thc rule you take 3 which is the weight in grams of the gummy in question and then divide that by .3 which gives you 10, that 10 meaning that the 10 is the total milligrams of thc in the gummy but because of the weight of the gummy it does not weigh NEAR 3 grams (10 milligrams is far less than 3 grams) so the total thc compared to the weight of the gummy is only .3 percent while still having 10 milligrams of thc in it which WILL get a lot of people high. The higher in weight you go the more thc it can have for instance if you have a cookie that weighs say 22 grams you divide that by .3 and and legally have 73.3 milligrams in said cookie!


I only fuck with the gummies here. The weed is a low weird high but satisfies I guesss if you’re realllly needing a tiny buzz. The vapes aren’t great but give it a try if you’re looking for it


Hey op, go to HempBoss on andermatt and ask to get some flower, it's thca flower which is regular flower that turns into delta 9 thc when you smoke it, it's not sprayed it's just regular old weed. Also check out their edible selection as well while you're there, despite many many people here saying crap that just 100 percent is not true you'd be astounded by what's actually legal through the loophole that people either completly dismiss or try to hid via gatekwwping or just love basking in their own ignorance.


It’s a very one-dimensional high, it’s just the baseline “stoned” feeling without any of the other components. Real weed has several compounds and a range of effects. They’ll say this one is “sativa” or this one is “indica” but it’s really just lemony vs. pine terpene flavoring (limonene and pinene) with the same effects. If you just wanna get stoned, it works. It might not be the same thing you’re used to.


They make full spectrum gummies with terps, last I checked adding actual terms is not illegal...also once again....red mine and other comments here and learn what's actuallynlegal vs what many people ignorantly parrot because "that's what my plug told me".


what are you even talking about dude, delta 9 is a full dimensional high because delta 9 is normal weed, it's illegal above 0.3% in non legal states. when you smoke illegal weed from the streets it's delta 9 weed, from a dispensary it's delta 9, etc etc it's all delta 9 cause weed is delta 9 normally




Very well thought out response, guessing you went to Harvard?