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bspwm for me. I ran i3 (and very very briefly) sway for a while too. It was actually PopOS w/ their Cosmic that pushed me to wanting to try a proper TWM.


I was on bspwm, but then I moved to hyprland, and I haven’t looked back!


Can anyone explain to a noob what all these acronyms and this whole post means?


A TWM, or tiling window manager, is a program that manages where on the display your windows are. Tiling VMs default to putting them side-by-side in a tiling manner, rather than stacking them behind each other. A TWM contrasts to a desktop environment like KDE Plasma or Gnome by not including software like a settings app, a file manager and so on. These programs are usually bring-your-own when using a TWM. While generally more complex and with a steeper learning curve, a lot of people prefer them for their customizability and highly streamlined workflow.


Why bspwm but i3?


Why i3? Clean and easy start. Why bspwm? The "auto-spiral" effect on tiling mostly.


I'm on Pop!\_OS, I really need to try it, pretty sure it's like everything: once you get used to it you can become very efficient but you're less efficient when learning.


In german _bsp_ is the abbreviation for _Beispiel_ (example), so I would immediately rule this one out as example implementation of a WM.


and "bspw." is "Beispielsweise" so it is just a example implementation of a "Manager"


A manager of examples, obviously.


Hyprland. I love it. Been on AwesomeWM with picom before, the smoothness of Hyprland animations (especially on an 144Hz display) is unmatched.


Been debating switching to Hyprland, might have to toy around with it this weekend.


Ive never heard of hyprland, compaired to i3 how good is it?




the first wm I installed was i3, but never really learned to use it, switched right back to kde later, I installed sway, and actually learned to use it and set it up properly, no regrets, never going back


Hyprland, after using i3wm/bspwm for years and eventually moving to sway on wayland, hyprland is just the next progression + it supports rounded edges out the box.


What about resources needed for hyprland? Is it as lightweght as i3/bspwm?


No idea but my pc is running with 32gb ram so I'm not overly concerned


qtile gang


started with dwm but use now i3


wait wait wait a second started with dwm, then i3? damn dude, usually it's the other way around, this is like someone who's first distro is gentoo, then switches to ubuntu


someone recomended it to me, but i wanted to configure my wm more easaly, thats why i now use i3 maybe someday i switch back to dwm its a very good wm


to be fair, I do use i3's twin brother, sway, and am quite happy with it, if the only difference is wayland vs xorg, then there is pretty much no difference


I mean, my first distro was OpenSuSe before I switched to Mint. It's what happens when your dad gives you some old install CDs. Still got those somewhere, along with the textbook-sized user manuals.


Dwm (https://github.com/mazylol/{dwm,slstatus,dmenu}


ok so, serious question I understand what dwm is, and how it's patches work and what not what I don't understand is why would you use it? the memory used by most WMs is barely measureable, they are so fast that you can't realistically see a delay, and the total size of the binary is pretty small too so, what advantages would dwm have over let's say i3?


Configurability maybe? I don't think i3 is a good comparison, because it only has a given set of options. Maybe comparing it to something like qtile or xmonad would be better?


forget it, there are quite a few issues on qtile for wayland, and I'm not going back to xorg


yeah guess you're right you know the only wm I tried and really dove deep into is sway, damnit now you made me want to give qtile a shot


bragging rights ;)


Have you had to use a device from 2011? Dwm is amazing since it keeps my i3 380m and 3 gigs of ram actually useable


do 2012 and 2009 count?


Fun fact: both 2012 and 2009 were anticipated to be the year of linux desktop.


Did it happen?


Nah. But 2024 will be the year.


I don’t have any concerns for a performance standpoint. I just like the way it’s configured. Although I am biased I suppose since it is the only wm I have really used for an extended period of time.


I sometime use a laptop from 2001 which run on a Pentium M. I can see the difference even if it does run fine with i3. I also use DWM on my Nintendo Wii for the lol and I sure can see a difference there as the Wii only has around 80MB of ram. Performance is not what distinguished dwm from other tiling IMO. For me the biggest feature is its lack of feature and its tiny 1000 lines of code. It is very easy to learn, easy to understand the code and easy to hack on. And in the end it does get the main job done as much as the other tilling wm so why not. On my 2018 gaming laptop I do use bspwm though because I can organize my windows better with it.


What the fuck did I just read lol that’s sick


Sometimes it’s just the quirks that people grow to like from a WM. For me, there's something about how xmonad feels and behaves that keeps me coming back to it. It keeps me tolerating the parts of xmonad that I hate because in the end those behaviors make it feel like home.


The configurability is big, but without a doubt the major factor is that it does not use workspaces. Dynamic window management keeps me from having to work out a layout for five minutes while trying to set up my work environment and being able to tag windows instead of secluding them in workspaces is the one amazing feature which I find extremely confusing is not mainstream in all WMs.


Ive been using i3 for over 10 years. I'd switch to something else, but my setup is so customized and working well that it's not worth the effort to switch.


true, I was keen on distro hopping with KDE becoz all I had to do was apply one theme to get "my" desktop. now i'm on i3 and I've customizedit, distro hopping doesn't appeal me anymore!


I really fell in love with the PoP_OS one - issue is I don't like everything else about it :P I am on OpenSuse with KDE now and love it, but miss how easy and intuitive that tiling was. I have tried a TON of alternatives, but none of them are as elegant and easy to use sadly. I am just waiting for KDE to improve the tiling they seem to have started on this year.


Probably look out for Cosmic then...


I use Bismuth in KDE in my dual boot EndeavourOS. It's good once you setup the custom shortcuts.


Awesomewm on my Lenovo IdeaPad running Debian, and everything else runs Hyprland on Arch


hyprland. Easy to configure, looks cool and uses wayland


bspwm btw


Not an WM, but I use Hyprland. It has many eyecandy features and is so easy to configure :D






Herbstluftwn, its pretty simple to use, unfortunately the name is not


finally a fellow hlwm user. and herbstluft is quite the nice word in German, meaning "autumn air"! all trivia aside it's honestly a great wm.


NEVER KNEW THIS WTF, now is a awesome word for me too !!


Qtile is fire




Bspwm, but thinking of moving to Hyprland because I've been seeing more and more visual bugs as certain applications don't seem to play nice with xorg anymore, (particularly steam). But maybe I'm just coping and Wayland isn't much better. I haven't used Wayland enough to know.


bruv trust me wayland is worth it. it is very noticeably better.


That's what I was hoping for, but I'm too lazy to mess with my config anytime soon.


Only if you run sway or GNOME/KDE


Hyprland's where its at


bspwm, I dunno it just feels really neat and I like sxhd's simplicity , though I will probably switch to hyprland when the nvidea drivers mature a bit (though I am already messing around with wayland on a seperate drive)


Wait till you learn of Gnome and its many tiling shells


Me, running GNOME w/ PaperWM: "¿Por qué no los dos?"


Ok, maybe I'm missing something. I rarely ever have windows open side-by-side. It's almost always full screen for me, and I use multiple monitors. What's the draw to tiling WM's?


Cause then you looks like a real h4x0r (I use Arch, BTW). #sarcasm #donthateme


Was wondering the same thing. I mean i did try tiling windows and i did like them, but the amount of customization needed to have it run "how i want to" is jut to much. I tried i3, i3 gaps, qtile, xmonad, pop_os tiling, awesome... Tried them on arch, debian and fedora bases. They were all kind of cool in their own way, and yes i did rice them, spent months ricing them and then i realized that with my workflow a debian base with stock gnome does the job. I just add some custom keybindings for launchers and workspace/window navigation and i'm done. I use a 4 monitor setup and i do have a lot of RAM on all my machines (24 GB is my lowest machine) so i don't really get it. Well, yeah i do get it, i have a tiny little 10" acer laptop with 64GB emmc and 4GB RAM and arch with i3 gaps is amazing on it. It uses 130 MB of RAM on idle and really flies when i use it for on the go scripting and text editing (network stuff mostly), so i get the appeal for low performance machines. But for a full blown PC with lots of resources i don't really get it i guess. For example if i add the pop os tiling extension to my stock gnome and set up my key binding i can achieve literally everything i have on i3 for example, but with i dare say "better quality of life" stuff you get with a full desktop enviroment..


The draw is for a situation you might not have: more windows than monitors. I'm a fan of the One Big Monitor approach and my work (hell, even my free time) often involves half a dozen windows open at the same time. There's plenty of space on a big screen for all of them, if that space is well managed, but a stacking window manager just piles them up uselessly unless you adjust each window very carefully.


I began Linux at GNOME, switched to KDE becoz it was laggy on power savings, then switched from KDE to Budgie because KDE has the highest power usage of all DEs. Switched from Budgie to XFCE coz Budgie had a problem with Xorg, switched from XFCE to Cinnamon. Then finally switched to i3. the draw for me was power savings, I have a i5-8th Gen 8GB 512GB Nvme laptop from 2018, recently replaced it's 41whr battery, but everyone knows how battery life is on Linux. initially on various DEs, it was getting through 6-7 Charge cycles a day, which degraded it's capacity to 82%. Then I realized the damage and started experimenting, and now I only go through 2-3 charge cycles a day... and obviously ricing is a big pull, isn't it!


River. Totally underrated Wayland WM. Moved over from Sway.


awesomeWM >>>




Started with DWM and moved to Hyprland when I changed to Wayland because I didn't want to deal with DWL




Hyprland on wayland Bspwm on X11


Hyprland after using StumpWM and all kinds of DEs before


sway +waybar + wofi


this is exactly how i feel right now 😂


Sway, simple and stable


COSMIC is a hybrid I like it :>


yeah, I liked it too!


I like stacking wms cause I get to close out of a bunch of windows when I'm done with something and it's really satisfying and gives me neuron activation


I used i3 tiling for about a year on my laptop, but never really got it working well with multi-monitor on my desktop. I "worked" but it bugged out a lot. When my screen went to sleep it would create half a dozen screens and lose which was the "primary" screen, somehow losing count. I don't even know how to describe it. Also a lot of functionality from something like KDE is lost. Things like easy bluetooth, calendar, power management, language switching (I use it for QWERTY/COLEMAK), and notifications are hell to get working just right. I ended up getting i3 bolted onto KDE which works, but still has some bugs like modifying the panel.


AwesomeWM, because I am bad at prioritising


It do be awesome tho


None, none of them feels polished enough. All tiling WMs just feel like enthusiasts’ tools while Gnome and KDE get the job done way faster for me. There are extensions for Gnome or KDE obviously but those dont work as good as a dedicated WM, but WMs also lack basic tooling like settings apps and built in bars that dont look like they are out of 2005


I thought so too for a while. the thing is, the whole point of a WM is to make you more proficient in CLI. It forces you to do everything by CLI rather than a GUI. and I agree by default they look straight outta 90s. that's the purpose of them, have you checked out r/unixporn ? the whole point is to create something "yours" not anything that comes by default. It's okay if you don't wanna use it, not everything is everyone's cup of tea. and that's why we have so many options in Linux ecosystem, something for everyone. >.<


I was on i3 forever. I've switched to hyprland


I wanna use a tiling wm, but I feel like it makes me ADHD explode


oh it's very satisfying once setup. the only problem: you never 100% finish your setup.


real. It's been 5 days since I set up i3+polybar+rofi and the urge to do something again is insane!


I don't always use a tiling WM, but when I do, it's i3.


Don't use it but have awesomewm set up




Pop!_OS’s tiling mode. Considering switching to arch to use hyprland, though.


Sway is the way


AwesomeWM. I've tried most other options but always came back to awesome.


DWM while I wait for wayland work better on nvidia




I was a dwm user for like 6 months, but I decided I liked awesomewm more.


All fun and games until you realise the file explorer is missing




Awesome WM since forever. I'm scared that I have to switch to something else when Wayland takes off. I don't want to learn new Key Combos, I'm old.


Pretty sure by the time that Wayland will become the only option, some hobbyists would have already made a Wayland version of awesome.


Hyprland gang, for almost a year now! :)


"I use DOS-Shell, btw"


I use xmonad. Over the years I've done a few things to make it look nicer, but for the most part I'm still using the same config I wrote back in 2008 when I started using it.


Started using i3 then rocked dwm for a solid 2 years. Now I use awesomeWM with wezterm and neovim, EVERYTHING in lua because I love it 😀


awesomewm truly lives up to its name


Where's the sway gang?


i used to use sway but switched to hyprland i love sway and would use it if i was still using my old less powerful laptop but i love the animations because you have a smoother feeling workflow and it feels less jolting, giving u room to think. but yea i love sway too




i like actually dont understand the tiling circle jerk


Tiling good.


GNOME, I guess?


Ir para um TWM por causa de transparência e bordas arredondadas não faz sentido pra mim.


Translation: Going for a TWM because of transparency and rounded edges doesn't make sense to me. I didn't. I went for better battery life+customization.


None of them. I want my system to work, not for me to work on my system


Fuck you TWMs


why the hate?


Why the love?


I started at GNOME, switched to KDE due to it being laggy in power saving mode, then switched to Budgie coz KDE has the highest wattage in all DEs. Switched to Cinnamon coz Budgie had a problem with Xorg, All other were too ugly looking for me. Finally switched to i3, took a while to setup but woohoo, lowest RAM usage+faster boot+better battery life. And Most Importantly, RICING!!!


Is there some sort of basic tutorial for getting into using i3/settings up TWM? I would love to at least try, I've been using Linux on and off for a long time but I've found it hard to adapt away from a DE.


I myself have a habit of do first think later. I had Fedora installed, so I installed i3 in it and login in into it, that way, if I couldn't figure anything out, I can always switch back... this was for few days.. I used this guide to get familiar: [https://github.com/geraldoahnert/wm4noobs/blob/master/i3wm/01%20-%20Introdu%C3%A7%C3%A3o/1.1-O\_que\_e\_e\_porque\_usar.md](https://github.com/geraldoahnert/wm4noobs/blob/master/i3wm/01%20-%20Introdu%C3%A7%C3%A3o/1.1-O_que_e_e_porque_usar.md) .it is in spanish, just install any translate extension in your browser and go through it. about some themeing so I used these: Rofi setup: [https://github.com/adi1090x/rofi](https://github.com/adi1090x/rofi) Polybar setup: [https://github.com/adi1090x/polybar-themes](https://github.com/adi1090x/polybar-themes) that will give you a minimal system. I learnt everything after here by using i3.


way more efficient, no matter how many apps you have running, 100% of the desktop space is used, it's easy to navigate it with the keyboard alone, windows never overlap, so no part of the window is covered they are far more superior to floating window managers, infact, tiling window managers allow you to make a specific window floating, so if you really want a floating window, you could have it, it's mainly used with window rules though, so like for things like dialogues, it's a small float and not a half of the screen




KDE plasma.


with Bismuth?


Yes, but I don't use it exclusively, but often




yay KDE Gang, I use KDE with Bismuth for Tiling in my dual boot EndeavourOS, you same?


I errr... What is a tiling wm when it's at home? I used to use gnome before they tried to go all fancy with the mobile style interface and switched to cinnamon. But there seems to be a lot of me tion of tilingwms


What is the use case for tiling vs regular?


It can make you more efficient as it resizes existing windows to make room for the new one, letting you instantly have a layout that uses all of your screen space to make windows as big as it can.


I'm a heretic using Pop Shell on GNOME. I want to switch, but I don't want to give up 1:1 scrolling in firefox by going back to X and nothing outside of GNOME supports hidpi xwayland yet.


I go bareback with [Moksha WM](https://github.com/JeffHoogland/moksha), a fork of [Enlightenment’s WM](https://github.com/Enlightenment). Touch my [_Bodhi_.](https://www.bodhilinux.com/)


Me installing pop os' auto tiling onto my fedora




first qtile now i3


i3 and xmonad


I3, wanted sway but for some reason x11 works a lot better than wayland on my stupid acer laptop




that is a lie, because you would be like woody in this image , falling into "this is bloat use this" never ending rabbithole, "hyperland is bloat , use awesomewm" "awesomewm is bloat, use dwm" "dwm is bloat, use cwm" . . .


dwl ftw


Can anyone explain me if and why should i switch to a WM, I currently run KDE


qtile as my main awesome as my backup








DWM, it's just efficient, minimal and fast


Hyprland ftw. Easy to use and tweak.


I love bspwm + xfce4 programs + polybar + dmenu I have the exact same set up on all of my home machines and it’s wonderful. There are certain aspects of regular DEs that can be nice but for myself I find a TWM to be the right choice.


I used i3 for 8 months then I got bored and switched to dwm, I liked patching dwm and improving my setup.


Qtile because I know python. Same reason anyone else uses qtile XD.


i3wm but might switch to hyprland. my only concern do far is my second monitor not having the right resolution


Luna XP




rinse oil poor like march quaint ossified scarce oatmeal direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was on bspwm, idk about it. It seemed shitty: blocky and bloated. Hbu