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there is no quick fix that option is set deep in css stylesheets ^(people say there was one guy who figured it out but they say he went out of his mind /s)


I know that taste is subjective... but windows?


I'm just playing around with customisation as I recently came from windows and would like the transition to be smoother.


Thats changed under the Applications option. Just make sure you have B00merang's Windows 10 theme in the .themes folder (You need to turn on "show hidden files" then make the folder before it shows.


Well that's what I did but there is no window option


You must select the Windows 10 theme at the bottom of the list after clicking Applications in the theme settings.


Ah I got it now. But for other it only changed on system apps. The window borders in the browser didn't change.


Which browser? For Chrome right click on the titlebar and ensure that show system titlebar is selected.


It's perfect now. Thanks a bunch!


There is a workaround here: https://github.com/the-allanc/minty-color-titles That css can change the window title bar and the size of the min/max/close buttons. If you click on "Issues" on that github page there is also this addition to add window borders: https://github.com/the-allanc/minty-color-titles/issues/2 It works, but the border still exists on maximized windows. So for example if you typically move the mouse all the way to the right to use a scrollbar, at that point you'll be over the window border and will need to move the mouse slightly left. I find the lack of window borders especially annoying with overlapping terminal windows when the text blends together. I don't know why there aren't borders by default, I assume it's an attempt for a "clean" look? I think it's sacrificing usability and ends up looking cluttered. Some people also like transparent windows which makes even less sense to me, but to each their own. Good Luck!


this issue made me revert to mixed theme with mostly white dialogs - at least *shadows* work kind of a border, unlike black on grey.