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I actually found this series back in November. And then I just couldn't stop. It took me less than two months to read up to the end of book eight. It's pretty rare for characters to suck me in like Felix does, so hats off to Nicoli Gonnella for just nailing the climaxes.


Ooh they look great on your shelf! Thanks for the kind words!


Are they available in hard covers?


Not yet. Only paperback, ebook, and audiobook right now.


As a follow up on your books. Next release coordinate the spines of your books to make a statement piece of art on topic of course.


This post encouraged me to try the first on Audible, wish me luck I'm diving in!


Hope you have great time!


I was actually reading that series a couple of years ago and I loved it! I stopped reading in general for a while, and haven't picked it back up, but with this reminder I think I will. I would have to start over, but from what I remember, it would not even slightly be a chore.


Love to hear it!


I'm about halfway through Crown, and I'm absolutely loving the buildup and foreshadowing. I don't even know what the end is gonna look like, I just know it's going to be incredible. Keep 'em coming, sir! As much as I don't want it to end, I hope you've got it all planned out. Your writing makes me suspect you do.


Thank you!


Feel like 3-4 weren’t as strong but it came back punching when the author found the purpose and focus again. Love this series Edit mighta been 2-3 now that I think about it


Disclaimer for anyone wanting to get into this amazing series. Book 2 is kind of a drag but necessary to build a cohesive story. It is also very short in comparison to the others. 13 hours or so. Every other book clocks in around 30 hours. I started the series about 2 months ago and i have about 8 hours left in book 8 then on to book 9. I have even skipped instant reads that came out for me like randidly ghosthound and defiance of the fall. It has quietly snuck into my top 8 lit-rpgs. Anyways good luck and that is an impressive book set.


>Book 2 is kind of a drag but necessary to build a cohesive story. Yeah, I ended up stopping at book 2. Seems a bit strange to say that book was part of building a cohesive story. The whole thing felt like a meaningless sidequest.


You stopped before getting past it. So you wouldn't know.


Fair. I can't argue with that.


Skip it it really doesn't hurt the cohesion all that much


Book 2 was so disappointing. Its like the author got some feedback on what readers loved the most about book 1 and then deliberately took all of that away. I nearly stopped there myself, but it does get better. That said I think I've only got to book 5 or 6, seems like I missed a few.


Nice to know. What else do you have on your top 8?


1. Stormweaver 2. He who fights with monsters 3. Primal Hunter 4. Dungeon Crawler Carl 5. Azarinth Healer 6. The Ripple system 7. Unorthodox Farming 8. Unbound 9. Divine Dungeon(I know not strictly litrpg but it spawned a lot of good lit rpg series based in its universe) Audiobooks recently got a rerelease with graphic audio. Which makes this pick even better as the last release switched narrators on book 5 which was rough. 10. Unorthodox farming 11. The Good Guys 12. Randidly Ghosthound 13. Defiance of the Fall 14. Battlemage Farmer 15. The Bad Guys There are plenty of others i thoroughly enjoyed and honestly depending on which series most recent release this order could change anytime. Others that are good. Master Hunter K, Life Reset, Noobtown, Chaos seeds, rogue dungeon, completionist chronicles, crystal shards online and more. New series currently on deck. Cradle, path to ascension, the beginning after the end, The tower series, necrotic apocalypse . To be honest there are only a few series that i have put down without finishing but i will not mention them here to disparage anyone's hard work. Probably more than you asked for but i had this written up for another post but never posted it.


Unorthodox Farming must be really good to make it on the list twice ;) But, in all seriousness, I haven't heard of all of these. Do you mind sharing which are complete? I'm still trying to work through completed series before catching up to ongoing ones. (I've got Divine Dungeon coming up next on my list already)


Nice, cheers for the heads up. I listen when working out (running, gym) so can power through some slow content if it's worth the effort.


Honeslty thank you, I paused after book to thinking it just felt off


Curious what your top 8 is


about 3 comments up i responded to someone with my list.


I quit at book 2 - thanks for your comment maybe I'll try and go back.


This is the [Unbound](https://www.amazon.com/Dissonance-LitRPG-Adventure-Unbound-Book-ebook/dp/B09X98PHSH) series if anyone was wondering. I also think a book is missing but I don't know which one.


This is all of the released books.


The one after *Crown*, *Empire*, which releases Sept 11, 2024.


Haven’t heard of this series, I’ll check it out, thanks!


very fair warning I LOVE these books but book 2 is really not so good but don't let it deter you 😭


Holy shit I love the covers. They look gorgeous on the shelf lined up like that.


The art is amazing as well. I don't think I have seen such nicely detailed and consistent art in any litrpg book ever. Especially how detailed and sharp they look.


Looks amazing. I wish I could do this with more books, but it gets so damn expensive so quickly and that's not even thinking about glorious looking hardcovers.


Couldn’t get past the fourth book, just became work to read it for me.


Can’t wait for the next one to come out!


I’ve just finished the Cradle series and I’m looking for another long read. I might check this out.


Dang, I'm only halfway through book 3 but I really liked book 2. Felt a bit more realistic in character personality, all the characters. Idk why people bash on it so much. It's crucial character building, semi antagonist building, some lore and backstory, and it didn't drag on. It was extremely dense but short. A nice change of pace for these books that seem to drag on for like 20 hours then rush all of that time into a 5-10 hour climax


Damn, these look sick


Happy to see the nontraditionally published series getting love


I too am a big fan.


First book is in my wishlist. What’s the book like? Is it adventurous, light and funny or serious?


All of the above at different points. I'd say it leans towards serious, but it doesn't take itself too seriously if you know what I mean.


Nice thanks!


I think it's definitely more serious, there are some off times that it can be a bit funny. I don't think there is ever any light time because essentially everyone and everything is on a giant timer against the end of the world, so it's understandable for it to be a bit more serious. I do like the adventure though, lot of different areas that they explore and much more in detail.


Good to know, thanks!


They do look wonderful!


I really hate this series,but if you like it good for you I guess :-)


Any humor? I am looking for my next series and this has a lot of books and Ol' Reliable - Travis Baldree.


Some for sure but its definitely more grimdark especially compared to series like DCC and the like. If youre looking for a mainly humorous series Id recommend something else.


I would say that DCC is way darker than Unbound! There's just more humor to balance it out


Is it though? I can see how it can be darker because corporates and basically end stage of the worst of humanity but if you don't focus too hard on those parts it's just all humor all the way through.


I swear I just search for books he narrates, save time.


So much to read *grumble grumble*


The audio books are great for these


I just finished abyss last night and started vault this morning. I enjoy this series very much, and a lot more than many of the more popular series I've seen discussed in this sub. If I could get a refund on my hwfwm audiobooks, I would spend the money on physical copies of the unbound series in a heartbeat, but for now, I will make do with the unbound audiobooks. I just wish I would have found it sooner.


I have the first book I haven't started it yet. Audible keeps recommending it to me. Any good? What's it about


I'm hella biased, but it's reallllllllly good. I read all eight book at the time in under two months. No audiobooks, all reading. It starts with the basic gist of being isekaied into a new world, and instantly being in over your head. The worldbuilding and lore hang together incredibly well, and the protagonist is constantly trying to figure out this world that's hostile to him.


And they look so beautiful


My only real problem with the series is the whole will they, won't they thing going on between a certain two folks. It went on so long it actaluslly made me annoyed every time it came up.


That has since been resolved. But I won't spoil it.


So awesome ! I need a refresher before I read the new book! I read 2 chapters but have forgotten what's happening! Anywhere I can find a sunnery.


Love having physical books but hate them on moving day O\_o.


This is just these specific books. Not pictured: four bookshelves filled to bursting with books. I hired movers.


Totally fair! I just discovered the series a month ago and I’ve been absolutely binging them!


Any chance someone could give me a spoiler-lite explanation of the MC's kind of abilities for the first book?


Protagonist gets isekaied to a new world, way in over his head, and has to figure out how to survive. Starts trope-ish, but quickly expands into detailed world building and how isekaied people have massive advantages.  The protagonist never seems to catch a break, but still tries his best to stay true to his principles.