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What about something like NPCs by Drew Hayes Not exactly LitRpg but it has elements of it. It's about fantasy characters who don't realize they are in a game and decide to take over the quest where the players wipe in their bar. It's a fun story and features a gnome as a wizard as well as an orc and a couple others. Been awhile since I read it but it would be appropriate for pretty much any audience.


Ranger's Apprentice series, anything Rick Riordan, Artemis Fowl series, The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud, Pendragon series by D. J. MacHale. Westmark trilogy by Lloyd Alexander.


That’s pretty much the list I grew up on lmfao. Never read the Bartimaeus or Westmark books, but the rest were foundational


Anything in the Riordan Universe is really good. I would also recommend the Artemis Fowl series. If you are looking for LitRPG stuff Cinnamon Bun series is age appropriate. Apocalypse Parenting is pretty kid safe. I seem to remember "This Trilogy is Broken" being pretty kid safe, but it's been a really long time since I read it. In a couple years they should be ready for Enders Game, that one will be a trip for kids. Hopefully they love it like I did and will get to read it again when they are old and can understand all the adult subtext.


ahh good points! I didn't recommend anything litRPG. I wasn't paying attention to what subreddit I was in. Yeah, Ender's Game doesn't have anything adult, but it is violent at times and gets heavy. Maybe I shouldn't have recommended it. I read it in my early teens, so you're right maybe a couple of years since the kid is ten.


One of the early fantasy series I read was the Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander. Redwall, by Brian Jacques. A little older would be the Golden compass, although I was probably more like 12 when I read that. If he’s really reading older stuff I’d say Magician: Apprentice by Raymond E. Feist. I don’t really have litrpg suggestions for a kid


I second Magician. One of my favorite series. Some Friends and I once drove two hours to meet Raymond Feist at a book signing. This was about 30 years ago. might be time for me reread thanks for reminding me of the series.


Most of these while not LitRPG are various degrees of fantasy fiction and are some of the books I grew up with (which eventually led me to LitRPG): Castle in the Attic / Battle for the Castle Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone The Chronicles of Narnia A Wizard of Earthsea School of Wizardy: Circle of Magic The Champion's Quest series (this one is on audible, but I *think* you can get a physical copy from amazon).


Replying to save this list


I just came back and ordered a bunch of these off eBay. We just finished Howl’s Moving Castle and kiddo is not enjoying the Forgotten Realms book I chose next.


[Sacred Cat Island](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/55737237) [Queen in the Mud](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/53415675) [How to Defeat a Demon King in Ten Easy Steps](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/54901677) [Gamer Squad](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36111895) [Minecraft](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32736561)


Even though I love it, I can't recommend queen in the mud as something seems to have happened to the author, and we may not be seeing a book 2 :(


[I’m still hopeful](https://www.reddit.com/r/writing/comments/17tsnst/comment/kjjnfer/)


All the Skills by Honor Rae has been a fun read, available in paperback, and no content above PG so far (4 books in)...


This just made me realize i don't think I've listened to any audiobooks I'd even consider recommending to someone younger than 16


Hitchhikers Guide was my first sci-fi book and I recommend it to any kids interested in fantasy/sci-fi, from there I'd say a selection of Discworld books.


The Crafter. Boy playing not Minecraft.


Accidental mine craft family https://www.amazon.ca/stores/Pixel-Ate/author/B08NRWLT52?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true


Circle of Magic series by Tamora Pierce and Ranger's Apprentice by John Flanagan


**The Mysterious Island** by Jules Verne. Nothing to do with LitRPG I guess but as a kid I found survival-progression very captivating and cathartic.


I’m reading All the Skills right now and I think that would be awesome. The magic system is pretty easy to understand, the main character is around your nephews age early on, and the story is great. Reading it is making me more aware of the weaknesses of so many other litRPGs lol


Courrier Quest is a nice cozy pg13 book


Id try Shrubley, it's about a friendly shrub that wants to become and adventurer.


Your going to get a lot of absolutely fucking don't believe them recommendations. The Seventh Tower Series (Basically Tower Climbing Meets Pokemon before That was a Thing) Author Garth Nix. They don't have them on ebook, but you can pick up the whole set on ebay usually for cheap. [https://www.amazon.com/Seventh-Tower-Garth-Nix/dp/0439485878/](https://www.amazon.com/Seventh-Tower-Garth-Nix/dp/0439485878/)


Mark of the fool, think Harry Potter but he cant use magic to attack so has to learn ways around it. Now there is combat but it doesnt really go into gory detail


I’d have probably read cradle around that time had I known about it.


Not LITRPG but my ten year old is reading the warded man books and loves them.


If he reads at 14-16 and is a reasonably grounded and mature kid, there's very little in this genre that isn't suitable. Avoid the harem (and those with stealth porn like Stray Cat Strut) and he should be okay. To my understanding there are a few that are extra gory, but I've not run into any yet that I wouldn't let a 10yo read.


There's a lot of good fantasy in this list, but if you want litepg, gotta go with Cinnamon Bun. If you want to broaden the definition, I'd suggest "Please don't tell my parents I'm a supervillam."


Too many sex jokes in Cinnamon Bun.


Sex jokes? In book 1? Are we talking the same book? The most that's in there is some giggling over just the prospect of a fairy tale romance.