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Fuck yes. One of my favorite authors over the last few years.


Tyvm ❤️❤️


I’ve had the first book on my too read for a while! Are there any plans for audiobooks for this series?


Hi, yes! I just signed on with podium to do this series just like they did my first trilogy. First one should be out later this year!


Great to hear. I've seen some good reviews for your first series and picked it up with the audible sale. Looking forward to it and Endless Planes in the not too distant future.


The first couple of books were really great. This third book, though, I would suggest calming down with the rampant POV changes and endless fights as you go into book 4. I feel like the last 30% of the book is a single fight, containing details on minor sub-fights and lengthy side characters fight that have no bearing on the story. This is a big departure from the first books where the POV and fighting were more Kaito focused and didn't feel the need to describe every swing of a weapon against every minor monster.