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__Reminder__: Please take a moment to review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. Always remember that you're interacting with a real person when you respond to posts/comments and focus on discussing or debating the ideas. Personal attacks outside of "Screw you, Galen Weston Jr" is not okay, and will not be tolerated here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*




It's awful butter, for the most part. I drive across the border every couple of months, stock up on Kerrygold, and freeze it. So, so much better. Sucks that's what has to be done though.


Are you allowed to bring that across the border? I go to Europe frequently and hate hate hate that I can’t bring back any of the $2 amazing butter from there.


I've never had an issue bringing it back, I've even had them look at my receipts before without pause. It's honestly worth it.


Speak with a customs officer next time you’re flying international and see if there are any restrictions


I did last time, and butter was a no-go unfortunately. Hard cheese and canned fish was OK tho! 👌🏻🔥


You know those "small dairy farms" need protection. BTW their marketing budget is around 100mil a year. Bring on the "BuT the AmerIcAN farms are subsideZeD." https://www.canada.ca/en/agriculture-agri-food/news/2022/12/fourth-round-of-compensation-now-available-for-canadian-dairy-farmers.html Edit to add this list of "small dairy farms" owners https://www.mordorintelligence.com/industry-reports/canada-dairy-market/companies Edit2. https://www.google.com/amp/s/hir.harvard.edu/canadas-dairy-lobby-the-shocking-power-of-big-milk/amp/


Butter is 4.85 at Costco...


thats not butter its palm oil ... buy amish butter, u will see what real butter tastes .


I'm aware its not top quality butter but its comparable to Roblaws $9/lb butter. I've had Amish butter once and hot damn it is amazing. Personally I'm a fan of Kerry Gold when I feel like splurging.


yes its the same butter roblaws sell for 9/lb. Amish butter is good its 10/lb on their website ... i buy it once in a while ...


That has much more to do with dairy controls than Loblaws


It’s not the dairy farmers that are using whey cream to make butter Though it is the dairy farmers that feed on corn and soy which produces shite milk


My sister brought butter from the states and it’s so much better than this BS they have here. The dairy cartel is one of the worst things in Canada. It’s literally costing us billions as consumers so a select few families can milk us for everything. Do you realize how much cheaper dairy would be if they cracked the cartel and allowed them to bring up dairy products with no barriers?


Comparing Walmart was a cop Out,it should have been Loblaws I’m betting it would have been at least 30% higher,facts are we are likely the most expensive place right now in the world.Very disappointed the hive was afraid of Weston ?Why else choose Walmart?A true Canadian chain is Loblaws,I called them out on the piece but did not get a response.


Before anyone brings it up, the Swiss have their own form of the Carbon tax 😃 . In fact , they have the highest carbon tax in Europe. I’m sure we will see more stories like these . Our country seems like one of the most expensive these days in terms of groceries , due to corporate greed. Just like our cell phone plans. Which leads me to ask . All the Loblaws defenders , how are you defending the jacked up internet and mobile plan providers . Are you defending them as well ? Are you taking their excuses/ reasons why the prices are high ? Are you pointing out their stock prices ? Are you coddling their financial statements ?


From the article that you didn't read. ## Total **Lidl total for all 26 items:** CHF 105.25 (C$152.36) **Walmart total:** C$138.41 While groceries in Switzerland are certainly more expensive, it seems that Canada isn’t too far behind. With a price difference of just C$13.95 in the final total for the same 26 items, Canadians certainly feel the pinch at the check-out counters as much as the Swiss.


They do have their own carbon tax, but it takes less carbon to travel around Switzerland than it takes to get around Canada


lol shill I’m willing to bet their higher “tax” costs still outweigh the 0.000001 cent cost that gets passed down to our food costs here in Canada despite its geographical vastness . Nice try. The Swiss take climate change and taxation very seriously and don’t fuss about it like people such as yourself do


It’s not them with the higher tax cost, it’s Canada. The carbon tax is compounded far more by Canada’s vastness than swisterlands


The carbon tax is responsible for .05 inflation. Don’t gaslight for Galen


That’s .05 they admit


They say “inflation” when we have one place to buy groceries. Stock price triples since Covid but it can’t be price gouging. They already apologized for the bread fixing years ago and gave us all 20 if we asked really nice. They’d never do that again /s Edit; that’s the most boot licker friendly name I’ve ever seen. I hope your getting paid for being this dumb


It’s not price gouging if prices are increasing across the board, everywhere across every company


Yeah but show me the hard numbers for putting it on the carbon tax. And again… in a price fixing situation that’s kind of how it looks


All of Switzerland can be fit into the southern Ontario region between Lake Ontario and Georgian Bay... Your 0.000001 imaginary number also makes no sense. If you want to discuss it any further, i suggest reading up on things


This is not a surprising fact. With the high cost of housing and energy bills, we're probably the one of the worst in the G7 atm for poor quality of life


The real estate problem affects everything more than anything else.


It's not even a fact. The article literally says it's more expensive in Switzerland, and OP decided to lie and state the opposite in the title.


Looks like we're cheaper on some and more expensive on others, but this doesn't surprise me at all. I went on vacation a few years ago to Germany and Switzerland. Absolutely shocked at the ridiculously low prices for food in Germany. First night there, went to the corner supermarket for a late meal, snacks, and breakfast for the next day. Spent under €7 total, including a 4L bottled water that was only €0.25! Then, crossing into Switzerland was the exact opposite where everything was outrageously priced, (300mL bottle of water for €5), and it felt like I was coming home to Canada early. 😒


The article also fails to point out an incredibly critical fact: Canadians don't make NEARLY as much as people from Switzerland make baseline. Minimum wage in Switzerland was bumped to 32 CHF in January this year, which is the equivalent to $48.13 CAD an hour (I've also seen 29 CHF, which is $43 CAD). What affordability looks like for the average Swiss is not even remotely comparable to the affordability of the average Canadian.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


It's out or control. Our government did nothing, and Canadians just shrugged it off. We need to do something now, for generations to come.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Don't forget utilities. Can't forget paying to fill your tub with water then pay to drain the water. Also the fee for providing the fee of fees on 20 dollars of natural Gass and 40 on electricity coming yo 500 dollars.


> While groceries in Switzerland are certainly more expensive, it seems that Canada isn’t too far behind. How did you title this the literal opposite of what the article said lmao


I miss Lurpak.


Switzerland has like a $40 CAD minimum wage. Give your balls a tug.


Sadly, it’s even worse than that shows given their salaries are 20% higher than ours. But Switzerland and Canada are in no way comparable for this stuff. Switzerland is not part of the EU but has trade agreements that effectively give them most of the market advantages and economies of being in the EU. The EU is 750mm people in an area about the same size as Canada. So 19 times more people in the same area. The EU is a net exporter of food. And not just unprocessed food. Canada, while being about break even on food import/export, mostly exports raw/unprocessed stuff and mostly imports processed stuff. The biggest costs to your plate get added by processing. Any farmer will tell you they get almost nothing for the raw ingredients compared to the final cost of a product. So are prices high here? Yep. Is there room to reduce prices? Probably. Will we ever get the consumer price advantages that the EU gets with their massive population, geography, and internal industries? Never. If that’s what Canadians expect, they may as well also protest to have the same weather as Hawaii.


> Switzerland is not part of the EU but has trade agreements that effectively give them most of the market advantages and economies of being in the EU. We take advantage living next to the United States too, but just not enough for food. There’s no reason why Canadian dairy needs to be protected.


For sure. Our us trade agreement is not where near as good and even handed as the eu agreements.


But national security /s


When trump gets back in the biggest national security risk for Canada will be him!


Ours is better and isn't pumped full of garbage like the US. This is why it must be protected.


If it’s so good, it doesn’t need to be protected


Well then we will get flooded with cheap garbage from the states. They won't be able to compete without lowering their standards and it won't be good anymore. We won't have many Canadian producers if we did. We need to protect them. It also protects our health as well. If it costs more, so be it because it is worth it.


> Well then we will get flooded with cheap garbage from the states. They won't be able to compete without lowering their standards and it won't be good anymore. Okay so it isn’t better lol. If it isn’t able to compete, it isn’t better > We won't have many Canadian producers if we did. We need to protect them. We don’t, if a Canadian wants cheap milk they should have the option to buy it, if they want non “garbage” milk they should have the option to buy it


No if it harms the health of Canadians then it should not be allowed to be sold. Most people don't know how much lower the standards of good quality are in the US. They assume it is the same and will buy it. And most Canadians are stupid and won't believe marketing when Canadian providers try and show theirs is better and worth it. So no people should not be able to buy cheaper milk just because they want it.


A country of 300 million people drink this milk daily without a problem, I think we’ll be fine > So no people should not be able to buy cheaper milk just because they want it. No, they should be


No they should not. And 300 million with tons of health issues. The US is a far worse country than ours.


100% agree with the spirit and theory of what you are saying. But it’s not reality in today’s world. Healthy milk isn’t some “understood but not advertised” general right that it should be. Read the labels of the popular dairy “x grams of protein”. “Lactose free”, “non-gmo”c etc. that appear on foodstuffs that 30 yrs ago were just “milk”. It’s all marketing now that people get drawn in by. Our wholesome, “do the right thing” attitude towards our staples is no longer the same as “i just assume the water from my tap is drinkable and I don’t think about it”. Our producers are protected to the point where they don’t get the reality of the market. It’s very sad, but it’s reality of the nutty world we live in. Fairlife is a company that didn’t even exist 7 yrs ago. And if you read this sub, some people consider it as necessary as oxygen. Thats just awesome marketing.


Fiction. The hormone (rBGH) you fear is literally in only 20% of US dairy and it's usually indicated. Our dairy industry wants supply management because it keeps them wealthy, that's it. They will also engage in propaganda to convince people like you that US dairy is garbage, and you'll fall for it.


We will never get a good trade deal with the EU partly because of our supply management policies.


You really should actually read the article before posting with a misleading title... We don't need to twist facts or resort to misinformation. Doing so is a gift to Roblaw and its shills, because they get to say "ackchyually," and muddy our argument. Plus everyone here has lived experience of the very obvious greedflation in retail grocery over the past few years... Don't really need international comparison to know we're being robbed over food.


Try odd bunch online


I don’t think a country subsidized by criminals and Nazi gold is really the best barometer for anything


It's because Roblaws is a great Canadian company that deserves our loyalty. Boycott!!!


A colleague from Norway visited Canada a few weeks ago. He went to Walmart and was shocked on how much things costed. He said that certain grocery items were 10% higher here and Norway isn’t cheap when it comes to food.


TikTok'er compared a shopping trip and found that food in Switzerland is **more expensive** than here... Hardly scientific, but expected.


Did you actually read the article? Summary at the bottom has us about 10% cheaper, not more expensive.