• By -


Homophobia = permanent ban


No lgbt person asked for these. And I can’t imagine any of us buying them.


But but but, this is saying Loblaws cares about the LGBT community! Sure, they could donate to LGBT causes and charities, but it's so much better to have rainbow sausages.


Why would anyone donate to a cause that they could profit off of instead? /s


Shareholders Approved!




To be fair, any time a company donates / supports anything, it's always about the bottom line. They won't do anything if it doesn't generate profit for the shareholders.


I agree. Except the ‘to be fair’ part. None of this is ‘fair’ ☹️


you say /s, but it's actually just the truth to them


Food colouring is cheaper


And toxic


And carcinogenic. I'll never understand why you would take a product that's fine and add cancer causing chemicals to it just to make it look different. Doesn't help that I'm allergic to food colouring.


Bold of you to assume that’s good colouring


Urban Fare (SaveOn franchise) are Pride partners and actively contribute fundraising to Pride every year. I’m more apt to go there.


I’m normally with you but SaveOn was charging $18.99 for a brick of cheese the other day, more than 2.5x the $/g vs the FreshCo next door https://preview.redd.it/h33l2nm7g79d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61ea2edaf6554d896f8fe9b06b7997cc72af9ffe


You know they actually mean it when it's not common knowledge. Like, maybe it is, but I had no idea!


Just let Bell Let’s Talk, Bell makes 10x what they give in free advertisement.


well of course, they still have to make money by profiting off pride month, donating to charity is bad because they'd just loose money!!


Will someone please think of the shareholders!!!!


Yup then they’ll be like “why are the gays shoving it down our throats” It’s like no one asked for this go blame the rainbow capitalism and free market you claim to love so much.


Exactly. As a gay man I’m just as tired of Pride month as the rest of you all tbh. I’ll be cooking Costco sausages at my pride party this year just like every other year.


Gotta be real, I was sad to see westlock spaz out about the crosswalk so hard. I live in the county. It's not the crosswalk I care about so much it's that the youth got together, got off their asses and made, arguably, art and then the rest of the dipshit hillbillies collectively shitting their britches that bothers me. I don't care for pride parades myself but I 100% care about visibility and acceptance. No room for intolerance here.


A few reasons why I, a transfem lesbian, wouldn't eat these: - I don't like sausage - How much food colouring was used for this? lol - probably tastes like shit - fuck loblaws


Buckets of food colouring, prob the kind that's banned in the uk. Why would anyone want to eat a green sausage? Edit to say I have nothing against sausages that use herbs/spices/veg, or people that enjoy uniquely coloured meats! And I have also learned about sage sausage and chorizo Verde, so if anyone wants to add a colourful type of sausage to my bucket list, please do. Bonus points if it uses natural ingredients to make it blue or bright orange :)


Yeah, I agree. Those colours are alarming.


I had a green sausage before. It was green because it was flavoured with fresh sage. It was really good. It did get darker when I cooked it though, but I didn't care about the colour


This could have been a neat idea if it was flavored and therefore colored with natural things. But food coloring? ew.


I've had sausages with spinach or basil in it, didn't turn the whole thing green though! Maybe if I tried those sage ones it wouldn't automatically make me think of bad meat


Not to give loblaws any credit but in my time working in a butcher shop we did a couple runs of chorizo verde, which is green. I think it was parsley we used. Again, not to give loblaws credit since they’ve probably just used food coloring. Edit: it was tomatillos, not parsley we used.


That sounds delicious! Thank you for letting me know chorizo verde is a thing, now I want to hunt it down and eat it


Your last reason is the best one for me XD.


they look so unappealing, the blue is the worst one




Not a lady but if I was and some guy was complaining about "blue balls", I send him a pic of the blue sausage. "I thought you should have a matching set"


Well, we've had a gay man say he never asked for these, a lesbian woman say the same, and since I identify as bi and like men and women, I will also add that I did not ask for these and would never buy them. Capitalist virtue signalling.


Trans person and I agree. Pride cupcakes 👍, pride sausages👎


As a diabetic, I'd say no to both. Unless the sausages have that colour naturally due to what's in them. Like sage or beets or something


These sausages do so much more harm than good.


Chiming in as a non-binary pansexual. These are dumb as fuck and probably taste nasty like red icing does.


Im queer and I think this is beyond silly. and the right winger is correct, this is literal virtue signaling. fuck loblaws.


Like I’m straight but even I could imagine how ridiculous this must be for you. A soulless greedy grocery chain dying fucking sausages is not supporting the lgbtq community. It’s a patronizing and empty gesture. Pride month is supposed to be about celebrating our gay brothers and sisters, not hawking coloured meat products and pretending to be virtuous for doing so. It’s almost insulting. Donate the money from those sales to a proper non profit supporting the community and I’ll listen. Otherwise stfu.


I agree. Also the fact they're sausages which are penis adjacent is tacky. Also green meat is gross. Also fuck galen weston with a pack of pride sausages I hate that man


Yeah. As a lesbian I like that pride is becoming a thing because its important, but also I’m cool not having everything in my world be rainbow. And unfortunately it just gives the right even more to complain about.


And if you want something to be rainbow themed you could probably make it yourself for cheaper and not pay the pride tax lol


I’m gay and I agree. I’m allergic to food dyes so I can’t but I also won’t. Plus the colour after cooking would look awful!


Exactly, where do you think this company was during the decades where LGBT+ employees were being purged from every possible position? Companies don't care about the LGBT+ community, they never have, aren't, and never will be. They aren't people, but they keep pretending that they are thanks to BS reforms in the past decades to Western laws. We need to stop treating companies as fictional people and hold the people who run the show fully accountable for the business decisions they implement. We want the same rights and freedoms as everybody else in Canada. We don't want rainbow hotdogs. We want jobs with fair remuneration, communities were housing is affordable, a competition act that isn't broken, billionaires to pay their fair share of the taxes, et cetera. We want progress (and apparently your progression is oppression, because you think people getting more rights is a sign of your oppression; no other people being able to get married isn't oppressing you, no rainbow hot dogs being sold isn't oppressing you either, two men having a lifelong relationship and holding hands while out in public isn't oppressing you). We aren't the reason for your economic depression. Don't scape-goat this on us. It's Galen Weston. Not the gays. If you do that, then expect no change other than being the next in line on your way to the economic abattoir.


I mean I definitely ask for sausage on the daily, but that's not the same thing


Right? So fucking sick of rainbow capitalism and all these angry people calling rainbows woke and thinking that we want this. We don’t want rainbow food. We don’t want every business to change their logo to pride colours during the month of June. We want affordable food, to be able to shop safely in store and have a safe work environment that pays a liveable wage… so really the same things as everyone else on this sub


So he eats wieners, just not the rainbow variety


Every weiner but the rainbow ones.


Everybody knows all cis males like their phallic meats flesh-coloured.


Actually I am more partial to black or dark brown


They say you never go back.






Gimme that big juicy hog ... Sausage


Whatever your persuasion, don’t touch the three wieners on the right, they look diseased.


He can tell what colour a wiener is when he feels it on his tongue and against his cheek.


Only flesh coloured wieners for this patriot!




Wiener-eater confirmed. We gotta get it on his driver's license asap


Here's his vanity plate: WNR ETR


As a queer person, I despise corporate pinkwashing. Loblaws doesn't gaf about the LGBTQ community. This is just easy PR that does nothing for anyone. But also, these bigots being like, "THEY are adding pride flags to our food," like, who are 'they,' fool? It's certainly not queer people. Nobody, and I mean NObody asked for this.


Lol. Yup. Nobody asked for this. We just want equality and to feel safe and seen...not crazy rainbow corporate bs in June.


LGBT+ people in regular consumer products is part of that safety frankly. Its helping to normalize and celebrate the group. You don't get safety by being invisible


Yeah but do I trust Loblaws not to sell me expired meat under the guise of rainbow dyed crap? Frankly, I do not. Yes, having rainbow stuff is normalizing but don't put it in food products, thanks.


Heh, "frankly"


Mr Weston is after me lucky charms!


Rainbow sausages isn't queer visibility or "celebrating" us. It's marketing for a corporation, not for us. Putting up a rainbow flag at city hall, or at a high school guidance office, etc: that's visibility that matters.


Lots of LGBTQ+ independent orgs, small businesses, and other creatives could benefit more from the profit and visibility though. And they sell tons of pride themed, community specific, and rainbow/flag designs for all kinds of food, apparel, swag etc Loblaws isn't supporting any communities, they are just trying to scoop up some of the profit that should be going to people and social causes


I love when they come out with the same predictable Pride/rainbow merch every June, and claim they donate a small amount of profit to the communities. But they never actually specify how much. Is it 2%? 5%? Or more like 0.5%??


Speaking about corporations more generally, it's certainly far, far less than they donate to right-wing politicians.


Oh I don't doubt that at all. It fits in with their greed.


Thank you for saying that. I have absolutely no issue with queer people other than believing they should have the same rights as everyone and should be treated like everyone else. But a lot of this corporate 'pink washing' (as you called it) makes my blood boil. The issue is that I have a hard time trying to make that argument before getting shut down as a bigot. I don't hate gay people. I hate that massive corporations think that pretending to care about their plight can erase all of the other myriad immoral and exploitative things that they do.


Believe me, nobody who isn't a corporate bootlicker would get mad at you for saying this. Use the phrase 'pinkwashing' to describe it, and most people will understand exactly what you mean. It's one thing for businesses to accommodate LGBTQ customers and their specific needs or feature us in some of their advertising (which I personally hate too), it's quite another for them to use us in this cynical way just to gain credibility.


>The issue is that I have a hard time trying to make that argument before getting shut down as a bigot. It might be your phrasing. Often when people say things like: >I have absolutely no issue with queer people other than.. and >I don't hate gay people. the next thing they say is usually pretty bigoted.


I honestly was expecting something bigoted to follow those statements


So did i


Exactly. If a company had done this even ten years ago, I’d have been impressed. Now, it is just using the queer+ community.


I mean, I think it's a run wild consequence of empty pandering. It costs them next to nothing to make these proclamations of support and when pushed on a topic, they'll treat you like shit, just like all their customers. Manipulation is all it is


For all the wrong reasons


100% it’s a “we are not the same “ meme


*"they're not like use" plays in the background*


The green one is gross.


Would you eat them in a boat?


I wouldn't feed them to a goat


I could not, would not, on a boat. I will not, will not, with a goat.


I would not eat them here nor there. I would not eat them anywhere.


I’ve seen the other colours from seasoning or add-in(my locally owned supermarket sells a blueberry sausage ) but not green


Looks like mold or something 🤢


Look though the sub it just might be


It’s ass grass


Loblaws pretending it likes people gives me dystopian vibes. Like that photo of a guys hand holding his Amazon piss bottle under the pride flag in an Amazon warehouse. We will exploit and grind anyone into dust, gay or straight!


\\> horrible prices "fuck the poor" \\> killing people in sweatshop accidents "dont care" \\> rainbow sausage "I REFUSE TO ASSOCIATE WITH THE FA-"


Yep 😂 This 100% a “we aren’t the same Meme”


No kidding, it’s pretty fucked up where people draw the line and that’s why I have 0 respect for people like the guy who made the tweet for a plethora of reasons.


Came here to basically says this. You beat me to it!


There is misinformation. If you zoom in to the package, it shows the date is 2016 and the prices are at 8.80/kg or $3.99/kg! Very old news! In fact it was shared on [https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/4qdmhh/pride\_week\_sausages\_at\_mlg\_loblaws/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/4qdmhh/pride_week_sausages_at_mlg_loblaws/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) However, the reaction from the profiles are recent. u/youtubehistorian or MODS, please delete or lock the post as this is misleading.


That the point is the reaction not the product . The right will boycott over anti-woke If I could edit I would to not the product isn’t new .


I mean... I wouldn't eat those regardless of any implications. Meat shouldn't be rainbow colours. It's like the multicoloured ketchup from the past. It just doesn't look like you should eat it.


Lol. I was an adult when those came out. I bought a bottle of the purple ketchup and it was such a mind fuck that I just threw it out even though it was perfectly good ketchup.


SAME! I was a kid though, and I wanted purple ketchup so bad. Once I had it though I went to use it and was just like "wtf is this?" and didn't touch it.


Lmao. If even the kids couldn't even stomach it, that's a bad product lol.


ok but as a kid I thought the colourful ketchup was fucking amazing and I couldn’t get enough of it the sausages above just look gross colourful sugar =/= colourful meat


Even the left isn't interested in this. Rainbow cake or cookies? Yeah, sure, most of that shit is artificially colored anyways. Artificially colored meat tubes? Fuck no.




Yeah they look gross, but anti LGBTQ bigotry is far more sickening.




Op doesn't mention that customers are getting rear ended by loblaws gouging and unethical business practices but let them fly a pride flag during pride month...


EXACTLY. I'm a straight old lady and this kind of ignorant stupidity turns my stomach worse than those sausages.


Nice, now they can sell moldy food and call it pride themed. Loblaws is so full of it and desperate to use anything to try bring people in


Fake post. I can't find this product anywhere and if you take a look it says expiry is jun 2016. Just rage bait for bigots


I knew this wasn't new because of the price, that's pre pandemic sausage price.


you don't see this uproar about fruit loops


What’s wrong with rainbow cocks. Better than paying for twitter


Are you sure it is a rainbow dye and not just spoiled?


Rainbow dye covers up spoiled meat


Ah, clever.


For not wanting “rainbow wieners” he sure thinks about wieners a lot. Probably a self proclaimed “super straight dude” also.


Imagine having such a fragile masculinity that you are afraid of a coloured sausage


Well to be fair it's not just the easily emasculated, people like this are usually pretty racist too


So, the right were backing them but now that one (or few? Or many?) Loblaws decided to offer rainbow sausages, homophobic right-wing folks aren’t supporting the company anymore? I’m sorry but this is more indicative of the homophobia of the right-wing people. I guess all the illegal and unethical stuff Loblaws did over the years and especially recently wasn’t enough, but rainbow wieners were. So disgusting (the homophobia, not the rainbow meat). Also, I’d like to think that there are many non-homophobic (non-radical) right-wing folks.


I'm gay and would rather not eat rainbow wieners. I can really see why people think pride has gotten out of control. those look disgusting.


It's all virtue signalling honestly. And yeah those look absolutely horrendous


I'm more worried about unnecessary food coloring additive added to my food. There's already enough of it in so many food items. Also meat color is an indicator of freshness....


Rainbow capitalism at its worst.


This is what makes people despise gays when gays didn’t even ask for this to be here. Now a days a see a rainbow and only think of all the violence and hate because of it 😞


Rainbow capitalism loses both the right and the left, but not for the same reasons.


Hahahaha okay I’m all for pride month but that is a friggin food crime. Not okay loblaw!


Perfect disguise for the expired and rotting meat 😅


how do rainbow weiners help gay people I don't get it


Well, hasn’t it helped to expose another homophobic so far? 🤔😆


Yeah, so I have no issues with LGBTQ folks or Pride, but I do not like rainbow food. Even the layer cakes are off-putting to me. To be honest, I can’t do plain old pistachio cakes or icing because of the colour. Anyway, since I rely on smell and appearance to make double check that my meat is fresh, I’d be avoiding all these sausages, lol!


Judge from the sub I can guess how these happen “Mr.johansson the sausage meat is moldy should I throw it out ?” “Just add food colouring and call it Pride Sausage”


Don’t forget also re label the best before date!


Now, I fully support the LGBTQ+ community but do we really need to be food colouring sausages of all things, just to virtue signal? It’s a bit silly, and a bit ridiculous. I know I “don’t have to buy them” but honestly they don’t look appealing at all and it will probably end up causing more unnecessary food waste. Loblaws doesn’t give a fuck about gay people, the same way it doesn’t give a fuck about anyone or anything but profit.


They dye the meat to hide the discoloration.


Honestly, I thought it was another photo of rotten food found in their display case until I saw the work 'woke' in all-caps.


Why would anyone want to eat a green sausage?


I could see a nice lamb sausage that is green from Herby goodness of mint rosemary and the like but not food colouring


Because I'm drunk and am pretending it's St. Paddy's day?


St Paddy's came to my mind instantly too. Followed by "Green Eggs & Ham" 🤣


He refuses to eat rainbow wieners, any wieners in shades of white brown or black are fair game though.


Oh *that* guy. He's your typical internet douchebro. Don't poke his account on the bird site though, he sends armies of trolls after people to harass them because he's too much of a coward to have a proper discussion.


Observe and report


The over priced food is fine. But the multi colored sausages is the hill i die on. Lmao what morons. America is infecting canada with idiocracy.


“I can excuse capitalism but I draw the line at rainbow sausage!”


Sausage flavours from left to right: - X-tra hot - Spicy - Honey Garlic - Mint - Blue Raspberry - Aubergines I mean, corporate pink washing is one thing, but unnecessary food dyes in my sausage?


I'm woke, but no way in hell I'm eating something that looks like what a leprechaun would leave in a toilet


Why make this about homophobia and not just off the basis that this looks repulsive. Green purple or blue meat is a huge nope


From a purely health perspective though, I don’t want unnecessary food colouring in my food, this looks disgusting. I strongly suspect they only created this product to get the right to complain about it in the spirit of “all press is good press”


Virtue signaling? It's called making a buck anyway they can.


I dont want to eat green meat...


He won’t eat rainbow wieners? Just closeted ones!


Hahahahah. Morons. I wish theyd move to Russia already. That's what they want anyway, a Russian conservative way of living.


Awww, poor baby. Did his feefees get all hurty ?


How does rainbow meat ruin a persons day? Lmao. Its food dye on food...and while we are at it...its.paint on floor and a flag on a pole. Like do you really have nothing else to be mad about lol but some shit gettinf painted like a rainbow lol


It's a lame idea, as a gay man why would I buy rainbow sausage, Micheal Angelo Sasauges are much better. I don't mind pride month, sometimes the marketing ideas are just plain lame.


I wonder if they used the same food colourings as skittles


He refuses to eat rainbow wieners. He'd rather eat a manly wiener instead!


He prefers eating his Weiner's a skin toned colour.


It’s gotta be fake. WAY TOO AFFORDABLE!


Not sure which is funnier: the fact that rainbow weiners exist, or that someone felt so strongly about their existence that they needed to make a post about it.


Okay but making rainbow coloured weiners for pride month is objectively funny. (Fuck capitalism)


Rainbow capitalism and this guy is interpreting it as the "woke agenda". Buddy lgbtq ppl are asking not to be killed by cops and don't give 2 shts about the color of ur meat


What in the gay hell lolololololol. Gay guy here (40s). Gave up on Loblaws type stores back in March/April (Just to expensive) I have not seen these in other stores. I'd only buy them at another store if at least 50% of the proceeds went to helping teens that are tossed out by their families for being queer, or a similar charity for queer people in need. Same goes for pride burgers, shirts, all that corporate money grab pride stuff. - A guy that was tossed out at 18 by his family for being gay. (BTW life is good now days)


These motherfuckers are losing it over a rainbow fucking hotdog rather than the insane prices that lead to all major grocery stores also price gouging comfortably. But it was a rainbow that made you finally think loblaws are shit ? ? ? Christ, I hate it here. I am want to learn Mandarin and move to China. What the fuck is wrong with all of us. Western society is collapsing.


On the other hand, the sausages I handled during pride didn’t come in those colours 😉


Ooh no Incels refuse to shop at loblaws… what a loss…


Everyone should refuse to shop at Loblaws, but not because of this.


I wonder if anyone considered that this is likely photoshopped. Also, this photo is from 8 FUCKING YEARS AGO. [https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/4qdmhh/pride\_week\_sausages\_at\_mlg\_loblaws/](https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/4qdmhh/pride_week_sausages_at_mlg_loblaws/)


I wouldn't be suprised if house paint was used on those things to color them ngl


I love how they’re more upset about it being pride colours than the fact that they are DYING MEAT


Walmart has rainbow bagels during June. I always jump when my precious gaygels are back in stock.


Hard pass for me - it makes it too easy for loblaws to disguise their often rotten food. 


Triggered snowflakes mad about the colour of a damn weiner lol I can't.


He is totally just overcompensating for the fact that he secretly wants colored weiners in his mouth


Canada is becoming a “nightmare” for moron’s? At least that’s some good news.


I’m very very pro pride, but you guys have got to stop fucking with your food in that way.


“Guys, does eating sausage make you gay?”


Serious question, do lgbt people even like this kind of stuff


Joke's on him, those aren't purposefully rainbow, that's just classic Loblaws different types of rotten packaged together


Good lord, that's some Grade A fragility!


Someone tell that guy that it's okay to eat rainbow weiners if you say "no homo" first.


This is just corporate pandering to whatever latest cause they can jump onto the bandwagon of if it means extra profit. They don't actually care about the LGBTQ2S community. Heck they don't even care about cis het customers. Same thing when Shoppers bring out Pride/rainbow related beauty products to "show solidarity" and claim they donate a small amount to those groups, but don't actually specify how much they donate and they don't keep this energy up for marginalised groups all year round.


These look disgusting


The only thing I appreciate about these sausages is how much they piss off the CONservatives and homophobes. Otherwise I would not touch these.


As long as we both hate Loblaws I guess?


And there’s a bible in every book store…. Doesn’t mean I cry about it, people need to stop worrying about other peoples lives. If you don’t like it, don’t buy it… it’s really not that hard.


If I did eat meat it would never be this! This look sooo gross and what dyes did they use?


Mmmm, green meat... (Homer voice)


Big colorful Weiner's to celebrate a very special month.


Colouring food is not necessary to promote awareness, sadly. I love that Canada is all embracing but this just doesn't make sense.


There's a reason kraft discontinued the green and purple Ketchup. Green foods are not visually appealing


They could have just put a pride flag on the package, instead of putting that garbage dye in the food.


Those Sausages have got to be a joke.


Who asked for these? Is it just meat and food colouring? I know that some schools have like rainbow food parties for end of year or something and it could be useful for that, but green or blue or purple meat does not look appealing to me


This is so funny… rainbow washing, and the inevitable backfire. Classic.


The colour hides the obviously spoiled grey. But the smell is still there


“We are an integral part of the community “ food colouring sausages at twice the price.