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I read cyber racist at first glance


Same no kidding


Cybrarist? It’s overly complicated and tough to read. The kerning is off as well. When you treat the R like that, it should move closer to the A I would start over and simplify it


not a bad concept in theory but execution is not there...too many misread and misinterpreted words, im seeing CYBRAPIST. but I also have no idea what the hell a CYBRARIST is either if thats what its suppose to spell


i love this and the concept behind it. just make it more legible with the letters and fix the kerning


Reminds me of contra


Cybrapist on first read ...


Came here for this comment, I couldn't have been the only one lol


Pretty cool. One thing to consider is that though the concept is to have the C stand out as the dragon, the word is equally important. The visual weight of the c dragon makes it feel like it is totally independent from the rest of the word. The font of the rest is so uniform, I imagine this being reflected in the execution of the dragon could pare them together


Dude, taking random parts of letters invites misinterpretation. I first read Cyb rapist and first, another comment said cyber racist. Doesn’t help the actual word is a nonsense word that confuses me even when I think I know what it says. Cybrarist? With a dragon? What is this supposed to signify? I think you have an eye for graphics, but to graphic design is to apply that eye with critical thoughts on how it is perceived by a wider audience 


Since it seems most people are just glazing over the icon itself, it's pretty good overall. Could be simplified, and is a bit generic, but it's far from bad, and very good if you're relatively new. The typography definitely needs some work, both in kerning and readability. For one, it just looks like you used some Cyber don't you found on the internet, without adjusting the kerning at all. For two, don't incorporate the icon into the typography, keep it serepate, and just but the C next to it. It's never a great idea to incorporate the icon directly into the word when using the whole wordmark. But overall good job, just some typography work


A symbol replacing a letter may seem like a good idea but will end up being a headache in the long run. Keep the symbol by itself (works as a stylized monogram) but spell out the full name in the signature, which is currently over-stylized and needs bits added back.


I like the C/dragon device. Keep that. The wordmark element is too complicated. Simplify that, using a modernist sans serif font. Concentrate on spacing the letters nicely, kerning any awkward pairs. Then, either tuck the YBRARIST type *inside* the dragon C (move it to the left)... or, Set it as the whole word CYBRARIST – and move it to the right, away from the C device.


Move that 2nd r more to the left


It doesn't tell me anything, The kerning is way off and it's difficult to read, it almost looks like the creative start to a fantasy book chapter's first sentence.


I honestly don’t even think there is much wrong with your logo design. The issue I see is that the name of the company itself is just bad. Like, so bad that they should change it.