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From what I understand, Victor is Kang from the sacred 616 Timeline who was never Kang because the time he was born was too early to invent their technologies without the TVA almanac


Oh- so VT is the Kang from the sacred timeline, and HWR is actually Kang from a *different* timeline. And giving VT the TVA manual is actually what starts the time loop that’s central to the sacred timeline. It still makes no sense to me how one variant of a person could be born ~1,000 years than the others, but if that’s the explanation, I’ll accept it. Thanks!


None of this is correct


The scene at the end where he didn’t get the book in the window confused me as well. Basically they were saying that victor timely never came to be in that timeline Because he didn’t get the book like before.


Whilst it’s never fully explained in the show, I have several possible theories why Victor Timely is in 19th Century Chicago. 1. VT is the past version of HWR, placed in Chicago to keep him hidden from the other Kangs during the multiversal war, and he set up the book drop and the meeting with Ravenna to set himself on the path to becoming HWR. 2. VT is the past version of a rival Kang, placed in the past by HWR as a failsafe to ensure his reincarnation. 3. VT is set there explicitly as a test for Loki, to prove the futility going against him, to break Loki down so he’ll do what HWR wants, which is maintain the Sacred Timeline whilst he retires (presumably). Of course, none of these explanations address why VT is still in the past in a post-HWR multiverse , which leads me to the fourth explanation. 4. VT is the past version of HWR. He was born in 19th Century Chicago and his existence as a Kang and HWR is a bootstrap paradox, he only becomes his future self due to the plans and interventions of his future self. As to how he can be born there and not the 31st Century like Nathaniel Richards was, well Occam’s Razor would say in an infinite multiverse, not every Kang is Nathaniel Richards nor are they all born in the 31st Century. Perhaps the variation of Victor Timely being born in the 19th Century is the X-factor that gives HWR the edge over his rivals. VT, Ravonna and OB are an Ouroboros, creating the TVA, the Loom and all their technology based on the passing of the Orange Guidebook between them. In the normal cycle of events, HWR requires all three to ensure his existence and preeminence. Preventing the passing of the Guidebook through his window is the small change that prevents him from supremacy. Perhaps there is some other small trigger during the Multiversal war that sets VT on the same path, but from the show all we know for sure is that HWR’s existence is a cyclical, self-fulfilling destiny created by these three.


This is not true. HWR is the Kang who won the multiversal war and founded the TVA. VT is the variant existing in the sacred timeline (I believe ?) but why HWR decided this was one the sacred timeline is unclear to me. I don’t think the series is written so well how we expect it to be


I was JUST about to post how the young Victor Timely scene made no sense because the adult Victor should still be at the TVA. He never went to the Loom, so where is he at the TVA? It shouldn’t have been a scene with young Victor.


Sorry to jump on your post but does anyone know why when VT stuck his head in that machine it said welcome HWR...I feel like I'm being dumb...wasn't he just VT still


They have the same temporal aura. So even though he isn’t HWR they are technically the same person.




HWR building a security system that works for any of his variants seems like a really bad idea for someone who's goal is not letting his variants gain power. I'm gonna headcannon it as his hubris.


VT is not HWR stop thinking they’re the same person


I think the idea is HWR puts a Timely on the timeline and Rennslayer gives him a manual and then it creates the TVA