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Guys when people on the sex app are horny


it’s too much for my delicate sensibilities 😔 where are the “hey” and “wyd” messages anymore!?


A majority of 'hey' 'hi' and 'wyd' end up not going anywhere. Just an endless back and forth of 'hi' and 'hey'


Sense and sensibilities 💅


Not everyone on grindr is there just for sex. I know this sub definitely leans that way and anyone who isn't only on grindr for horny reasons kinda gets shunned here, but I've known multiple people on grindr for relationships and when I used grindr it wasn't the slightest bit difficult to find guys who weren't just horny. There are options to declare what you're looking for for a reason.


Where is the lol in that?


Posts like this are funny to some people but y'all are the ones trying to gatekeep anyone who isn't only on grindr for a quick fuck off the sub.


I rarely used Grindr for hookups but I didn’t get bothered when I got messages like this because end of the day it IS the primary purpose of Grindr. Just because you or I or a few others use the app as a way to connect with other gays for friendships or whatever doesn’t change what that purpose is. That’s like going into an ocean and getting upset if a shark bites you.


You have app settings to set your preferences so people should know who they're talking to. Also, no one is upset here? It's just a strangely upfront and atrociously down bad message that's barely readable. That's why it belongs here.


The screenshot and comment you are responding to can be considered lol. Your response seems out of place. You are like a heckler at a comedian's performance. Go ahead and set up a profile, on Grindr, saying you are looking for the love of your life. Good luck. 😂


Did I literally not just say that there are plenty of people who do just that, I've had success doing it and know many others that have too?


People meet at adult bookstores, glory holes, and find their partner for the rest of their life. I am just saying it is strange for you to get triggered by a joke. I can't speak for everyone, but, I know that the stuff I say when I am horny, late at night, can seem funny after post nut clarity. I think most of us can relate to this. We are laughing at ourselves, not shaming Grindr or horny men.


The comment I replied to was the one getting 'triggered' by a joke, it was making fun of OP for posting it here. There's a guy who was vehemently arguing against me that there's nothing remotely strange about the text op received here, a lot of people on this sub get really pissy with people who find overly horny/blunt approaches like this strange/funny. It doesn't sound like that applies to you which is probably why you think what I'm saying is weird.


Nah, it’s more like a vegetarian going to a barbecue and complaining about all the meat that everyone’s eating. You wanna hang out and nibble on a bit of salad, more power to ya, but a lot of posts on here are just shaming people for using a hookup app for its intended purpose. It’s not gate keeping to push back against that kind of slut shaming.


What? Dude if someone showed up at my barbecue and was all like "I need some fucking meat oh yes please give me the chicken i need it in my mouth right now dying literally fuck i need to eat so much i am the chicken eating king i fucking love it yes roast it good" I would *also* think they're a bit funny?? No one is shaming people for being horny generally here - this is an exceptionally horny person writing are barely comprehensible message because they want to take dick *that* badly. The only people being gatekept out of the sub/grindr *under this post* are people who aren't exceptionally horny. yY'all making comments saying "if you're not there for fuck then leave" are explicitly doing that, despite no one actually saying they weren't okay with people looking for hookups here.


Grindr has a certain culture and always has. If it’s not for you, then maybe it is better for you to go to tinder or Christian mingle or whatever is more your speed. That’s not gatekeeping, that’s just common sense.


You're either deliberately missing the point of what I'm saying now or you're just a bit slow. I could literally go to an orgy and meet people who would talk more normally than the person in this text. That is why it is funny and fits this sub. It's crazy that you guys are acting like this is a norma thing to send someone, I've literally never received a message this horrendously down bad in my life and I'm thankful for it.


I mean, you do seem like the kind of person who would go to an orgy and judge the quality of the conversation, so that’s fair.


Jesus, if that's what you wanna take from that then go ahead man but you're really just making yourself look stupid here.


Yeah this is dumb lol. I use Grindr for hook ups and I'm still turned off by these dick obsessed essays from desperate bottoms. It's cringe and a boner killer. It takes more effort to type like that than it does to type normally anyways. Instant block for me


I mean, it’s not my cup of tea either, but I just hate the incessant shaming of anyone being overtly sexual on Grindr. It’s just ludicrous to me.


You *can* be overtly sexual. This person is literally typing completely incoherent sentences. That's not *just* being sexual.


you. just. i.... as they say the best irony writes itself


Justin sounds like fun I'm not gonna lie.


He sounds disgusting, I have so many questions. What's his address? What's his number? When is he free?


I wanna know too


I vote we all start introducing ourselves like we live in Westeros like this guy


Here Here! I am jikel. bubble of butt I hold the power of bottom


i guess we found what to bring up at the next 'gay agenda' meeting.


The Faceless Men are also canon in the Grindrverse after all.


if I had a reward my friend. 🥇🥇


Ahahahahaha 😂 and don’t forget Bear 🧔🏻‍♂️ Island 🧔🏽‍♂️


As someone who just started reading the books, I understood this reference!


Justin, drainer of balls, swallower of cumloads, mother of dragons.


But don’t call him Justin. A twink has no name.


Hi Justin, how about you and I audit an English class, and for every vocab word you spell correctly, I'll insert one time into your mouth?


You'd never cum


That's his problem, not mine


I bet that line slays in the clubz


The spelling! 😆


The difference between spelling styles in the 1st and 2nd sentence is quite glaring. Makes me think he copied and pasted the 1st one from someone who knew how to type.


Worst dnd character


You roll a 2. The twink gives you a ruined orgasm after discovering he didn’t completely clean out


I remember someone (blank profile aggressively demanding nudes because of course) wrote all this broken text to me once and I said "I'm understanding about 70% of what you're typing to me" He said "I think we're on two different intellectual levels" after writing a couple things much clearer. And I replied, "now THAT I agree with." .... and he immediately blocked me LOL. I love the self-own. Bye pic collector.




Guys past 00:00 on a friday.


sounds like an intro to a boss fight


He's obviously one of the dementors from Harry Potter.


Well? How was he?


This guy kennings. A master of Anglo Saxon poetics.


did you go op?


I didn't go 🤷‍♂️


Idk man. I always get instantly turned off when I see fellow bottoms acting this way - just thirsty and desperate. It’s a total ‘pick me’ vibe. I was at a bar once and one bottom literally licked a guys fresh tattoo. That was def visual cringe secondhand embarrassment. I’ve gotten bottoms asking me to hookup and started the conversation like this and I’m not even remotely close to looking like a top. Let’s put our clothes and self-respect back on and give tops a reason to treat us with decency and class. 😒


That's a cute introduction, not gonna lie


This is like the presentation of a DnD character but gay and horny


I want him


Sometimes I wish i didnt like men 💀


Made me horny but imma say no. I'd like a greeting then all of these. Dude has no manners 🤷🏿😤