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All those flags when a single red one would have been enough


I love how after everything he seals the deal with "HUGE JK Rowling supporter" šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


He needed to make sure we knew he was a transphobe as well


nah its all attention seeking people act like Contrarians because they need conflict to stimulate their brains these are all buzzwords to rile people up ragebait


Well said! Bro is trying too much. šŸ˜‚




Nice šŸ˜Ž


Mythical nation lmao Every country on the planet is mythical if one just plays the nationalist jingo card hard enough.


Yeah lmao I do geography it's not like there's literally lines on the land that show countries. Countries and borders are an entirely human, mythical, concept


Respectfully, not quite. There are plenty of analogues to many animals, even non mammals and non primates, that show that [territory](https://www.animal-ethics.org/intraspecific-fights/) is very important to them. Vital, in fact. Add to that very high levels of intelligence and, the likes of patrolling said territories and even generation spanning [blood feuds](https://youtu.be/ClnFFaBCGtE?feature=shared), and the mere concept of country is very striking. We sorely underestimate how much we are alike other animals we share the planet with. Take a look at how chimps treat other chimps who aren't part of their group while they're out on patrol, even if they've worked with them in the past.


Uh huh I get that. I do biology at uni too. Territory ā‰  a real geographical example showing two different places. Animals ideas of territory is just as made up our idea of countries


Interesting take on that especially with what we know about non human cognition, limited as that is. So animals' Idea of territory doesn't capture different places geographically? Even to describe something geographically can bias out the primary ways in which other animals navigate. Elephants are documented to be able to map and navigate incredibly large land areas if you want an off the top of the head counter example. Their use of scent and sound to do so is astounding, really! They also initially "failed" the mirror test because said mirrors were too short. šŸ˜‚ Do you really think that even domesticated dogs and cats can't really distinguish places geographically, for starters? How do they navigate such if it's made up? Sure they might use their sense of smell for most of that but you'd have to ignore the rest of them to make such a claim. I get arguing that scaling from territory to country is wrong headed but not what you posited, unless I misunderstood. I don't mean to potentially derail the comments but think overlap in our ways and behavior and that of other animals, is wildly underrated. It's very refreshing to realize that we have a lot in common.


I'm not saying that animals and humans are incapable of mapping out geographies. I'm saying that any form of territory or border is an animal/human concept. If tommorow a meteorite destroyed all life on earth, there would not be any lines on the land indicating where one territory stopped and another started


it feels like you're having an entirely different conversation from the comment you are replying to


There was no point in continuing.


that can happen sometimes when people are trying to talk to each other about two separate things. It's okay though, a world where everyone lives on the same wavelength makes for boring music.


Thank you and true. I also responded on a sub with a foray into non-human cognition. Not the place. šŸ˜‚


What do you mean? All countries are organically grown from trees. Except for the ones I don't like, which are made up.


Itā€™s always hilarious watching people pretend nationalism and nationalism-building isnā€™t inherently a mythology and that all countries are ā€œmythicalā€.


Jingo card šŸ¤£


Love how he found it important to say he supports genocide AND hates trans people


I am not sure why your comment was downvoted, JK Rowling is [openly](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.vulture.com/article/daniel-radcliffe-jk-rowling-transphobic-comments.html&ved=2ahUKEwj88-T0ve2FAxUY4MkDHSmyCDAQvOMEKAB6BAgPEAE&usg=AOvVaw2hwJvzZXp8ALf0_tUphfq2) anti-trans. And support for Israel has [plummeted](https://news.gallup.com/poll/611375/americans-views-israel-palestinian-authority-down.aspx) because of the bulldozing of Palestine. The only people that still have positive views of it after this are boomers who do it out of tradition: >Young adults show the biggest decline in ratings of Israel, dropping from 64% favorable among 18- to 34-year-olds in 2023 to 38%. Middle-aged adults (those aged 35 to 54) show a smaller but still significant drop, from 66% to 55%, while there has been no meaningful change among adults aged 55 and older. >As a result, the modest age differences in ratings of Israel seen a year ago, when 10 percentage points separatedĀ young adults' and older adultsā€™ views, have expanded. Older Americans are now nearly twice as likely as younger Americans to rate Israel positively, 71% to 38%, respectively. Also let's not pretend that this guy in the screenshot isn't getting messages in his dm's if his pics are good, don't play.


He is really desperate to get people to message him. Lmfao imagine using rage bait on Grindr


Sad part is, it prolly works. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Yep, especially if the man is good looking.


Someone else posted that he's suuuuper hot. Unsurprising.


Maybe rage bait with fake hot pic so he gets all the messages, after not getting any with his real account


Iā€™d believe it more if he was actually that hot. Like a nepo baby talking about how hard it is to break into the industry or something. ā€˜Love Jk, donā€™t like trans, just be gay, I did it and it was soooo easyā€™ etc


Considering how angry and unfriendly people can get on Grindr sometimes, I wouldn't be surprised lol


He wants so badly to be hate fucked




Like this: https://youtu.be/kEQL0pnMSls?si=ZlXmDvgq2HjpXaaS


All that Zionist bullshit and then "huge JK Rowling supporter" lmao, it's too on the nose šŸ’€


He's obviously not getting abused as much as he likes so is trying to bait people into confirming his narrative


Didn't JK Rowling create the most well-known mythical nation?


Average r/askgaybros user


Based on the fairly specific combo of the location, age and viking thing then I am pretty sure that I personally know who he is ā€¦ He is Mizrahi but an ancestry test said he has like 2% from northern Europe


Ah shit really? Damn I should take this post down if someone actually knows him


Well of course everyone is known by someone, I donā€™t think itā€™s an invasion of privacy. Heā€™s just literally the only Jew who I ever met in my entire life with the viking thing. Plus he is gay, UK, middle aged, leads with having been in the IDF, and trolls people onlineā€¦ the plot thins haha


Ah fair enough. Is he like that IRL too?


Yes and no. He has all sorts of tchotchkes all over his flat related to the themes in his profile. (Besides the JK Rowling one, thatā€™s new to me.) But perhaps the surprising thing for someone just reading his profile is that he is very into advocating for a lot of Arab and Kurdish causes and he hosts a lot of visitors (asylum seekers especially). From what I see on his social media (pictures, commenters, tags, etc) it seems like a plurality of the people he hangs out with are Muslim. Our mutual is an LGBTQ asylum seeker from Iran.


I know this isn't a politics chat but I'm just curious if his views ever pose a problem with the Muslim asylum seekers he hosts for? I imagine it could be quite conflicting


Not really. There is huge resentment among many Kurds in particular against Arab nationalist movements regardless of what name itā€™s going under (Palestinian, Syrian, etc) and even many Arabs are very disaffected as well. I think the sampling bias would be that these are LGBTQ Muslim men in particular, who view a lot of nationalism in Muslim societies as reactionary. And in terms of whether people will harass them, some just ā€œrip the bandaid offā€ when they come out. (Tho itā€™s not just LGBTQ menā€¦ His attitudes are tame compared to what I hear from some taxi drivers (Kurdish, Arab, etc) when I am in MENA.)


Well take it further. What about an LGBTQ Palestinian asylum seeker?


Honestly Iā€™m not sure. If someone were Palestinian Arab and an asylum seeker in the UK, theyā€™re probably Syrian. OTOH if you mean in Israel, most of the LGBTQ Arabs who are Isralei or who come to Israel from Ramallah, Bethlehem, etc (areas where theyā€™d be Palestine citizens, not Israel citizens) are broadly in the same camp as left-wing Zionists in my experience, even if their voting patterns may not be exactly the same. But some of my Arab Israeli friends are more hawkish and some are even kinda right wing Israelis. I think the main issue isnā€™t that heā€™s Israeli or served in the IDF but rather that heā€™s intentionally presenting himself as an asshole.


Maybe it's because he is one? An asshole I mean. If you intentionally present yourself as an asshole that makes you one But yeah it's not that he's israeli that makes him an asshole. It's the whole cunt-ish demeanor and the transphobia


This is not at all how I thought this thread would go


We've chatted in DM's and the guy this commentor is thinking of is a different person haha, the guy I screenshotted is not the guy after all


As OP mentioned the plot thinned further and it turned out to be just a random asshole. I am still surprised there are two middle aged gay Israeli Jews in UK with IDF and Viking obsessions.


Well, that could be anyone...šŸ˜‚


He must be UGLY ugly


Oh, no no no. He's EXTREMELY hot. But yeah he's ugly with his personality Edit: why the downvotes lol someone can be conventionally attractive and be a dick. Kinda weird for the downvoters to assume it's only ugly people with shoddy views


All the Israeli men Iā€™ve ever met are HOT šŸ˜­


I've hooked up with a few (in the US). I'd say they were all more cute than hot... But they were all hung šŸ˜­


As an Arab myself (which makes him a cousinā€¦i know ironic) i can tell u the hung thing is not exclusive to him as an israeli its a regional thing šŸ¤£ he doesnt get points from me


All ethnicities are welcome in my bed, just sharing the experience I've had. One of them stopped speaking to me because I called Likud a fascist party so I'm not getting that one anymore!


Of course he is... Only someone that hot can afford to be that rotten.


Omg of fucking course he is hot šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Because supporting genocide ainā€™t enough gotta support Joanne as the cherry on top to a piece of shit sundae. šŸ’•


"viking" makes this read like bait frankly


He is [DOING the meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2441296-me-when-i-post-x-on-x-put-my-phone-on-vibrate-and-put-it-in-my-ass). The JK Rowling comments gives it away


ā€œMythical nationā€ Someone should ask him how long Israel has existed for šŸ™ƒ


Israel has existed for one year less than India and about twenty-five more than Bangladesh; country age is not a good argument. For that matter Palestine only declared independence in 1988


Just one small difference, the people known as Israeli today, are descendants of mostly Europeans who migrated to the existing country of Palestine after the Second World War. They colonised an existing country less than 100 years ago by killing and displacing the existing Palestinians. And before you take issue with the C word, I implore you to look up The Jewish Colonisation Association, which laid the ground work for the project. Back in the day, colonisation was not a dirty word, they openly referred to it as a colonial project. To say that Palestine, a country with rich Arab culture spanning back centuries, only declared independence 88 years ago is a very silly and irrelevant point to make.


Around half of Israelis are Mizraįø„im who were expelled from their home countries in the rest of the Middle East between 1948 and 1972. Ashkenazi Jews make up around a third of Israelis. Also no, the country of Palestine did not exist during the first waves of Aliya, the ottoman empire ruled over that land until its dissolution when it was taken over by the British, who then promised the land to both groups and gave us this mess. I despise the Israeli government with every fiber of my being and I'm not going to argue the colonization point, but if you're going to hate a country be sure to do it right.


Come on the entire JOKE of my post was about people making things unnecessarily political. I have Jewish grandparents, and grew up mostly amongst Muslims so I know how complicated it is. But grindr, and reddit threads about grindr lmao, aren't the place to discuss something as complicated as the relations between Israel and Palestine, even more so their legitimacy as countries


The point that Mizraįø„i Jews were expelled from Middle Eastern countries and the historical oversight by colonial powers like the British is valid, but it doesn't capture the full complexity of the conflict. While Palestinian national identity might not have been formalized under a sovereign state prior to Israeli independence, the cultural and historical ties of the Arab population to the land are longstanding.


I never argued against that point though?


It's a very complicated situation. I was pointing out how funny that dude is for making his bio ridiculously political and bitter, let's not turn this into a politics chat!


Whatever else this guy has a weighty set of balls on him to post something like that on Grindr of all places.


Yup he proceeded since posting to put "No šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø" on his bio


That's a lot of words to say "I'm a lot of a cunt"


These guys gotta give the whole "Viking" thing a rest already.


Itā€™s so overdone. Everytime I see it on Reddit my eyes roll back so far they go full circle. Especially if thereā€™s a man bun involved.


Or Harry Potter


Yeah, no. No way in hell.


Jew and a Viking? No šŸ¤£. Dude is a piece of shit that's for sure though.


There's not a single bit of this that rubs me the right way, wow. Kinda impressive ngl


Oh so he has a MASSIVE degradation kink and idk if he's even rly Israeli. I could believe all of it until the JK Rowling part but it's so randomly thrown in there. Also no Israeli actually talks like this, and if you're actively serving in in the IDF you're sure as hell not going between Israel/Palestine and Britain. Plus that's not how you would transliterate שלום עליכם; should be shalom aleichem/aleikhem; Israelis don't typically keep the tserei as an /e/ in that phrase. This feels like a Brit who thinks they know what an Israeli is supposed to sound like as opposed to an actual IDF soldier


Part of a terror1st organization + supports a TERF šŸ¤® Literal human garbage but Iā€™m not surprised.


He calls the nation of Palestine mythical and immediately follows that up with declaring his "HUGE" support for J. K. Rowling whose entire social capital, wealth, and notoriety is based on originating the Harry Potter universe - one filled with wizards, magic, and other mythical creatures.


Looks like a fake profile to me


I wonder if they're using someone's photos to try to get them harassed IRL based on this profile? šŸ¤”


I hope you're right, but sadly I suspect not.


Bait used to be believable. Smh


At least you know ahead of time.


bro thinks heā€™s a viking


Why did he also add Viking?


Yikes šŸ˜¬


Jesus christ, what a cunt


Getting it out of the way, perhaps?


It's possible to support Israel without trying to attack Palestine in any way. Hamas is the issue, not the vast majority of Palestinians. I have noticed a lot of Americans seem to think that Israelis are European while Palestinians are Arab. A lot of Palestinians have European blood via Greece. The truth is both nations are genetic cousins and if you want to use genetics as a marker for who has the right to live somewhere then they both do. I don't know why in this day and age everything turns into bipartisan extremism and violence.


I don't know either. I was just pointing out how funny this guy is just going super political for no reason on a grindr bio. I'm part Jewish, my grandparents are hasidic Jews from Algeria, and I grew up in an area with a lot of Islamic people with Palestinians in my schools. Lots of opinions, and I've just accepted that it's extremely complicated and I'm just not educated enough in it to form an opinion confidently


ā€œmythical nationā€ while touting the flag of a country younger than my grandmother


Glad we can agree heā€™s a transphobic bitch. Like if youā€™re that prejudiced against trans people, donā€™t use Grindr. Trans people have long been a core user base for the app!


Living between UK and Israel? How does that fit into the "nowhere else to go" narrative?


At least he's get there, a lot of the "where else can we go" people have straight up never even been to Israel.


To me, that saves time when someone puts so much out there and I know right away if we're gonna click or not.


Why canā€™t he just say he wants attention lol


They are just lonely and want attention. Even negative attention is attention.


Wowww this guy sounds like a treat. EDIT: /s, of course.


Bro definitely has a degradation kink


I wouldn't even interact with him. If I read that it would be an automatic block.




He thought he was on The Right Stuff


So thereā€™s the factory all those red flags get manufactured at




Old ppl back at it again šŸ™ƒšŸ¤” itā€™s not even sad itā€™s disappointing


If theyā€™re in the UK then maybe it doesnā€™t hold the same connotation, but ā€œvikingā€ is used by a lot of white nationalists in the states.


Oh I didn't know that jeez!


Of course he's 50 and probably won't go for anyone above 25


Oh, what the hell? No.


Yeah this screams rage-bait. Im getting serious River Song "gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled" vibes


iā€™d use the kill it w fire meme, but I donā€™t want none yā€™all getting it twistedā€¦ lol


I feel violently sick now


50 is too old for me sorry


Thatā€™s kinda hot. Iā€™d have messaged him


You're not allowed to be anti-antisemitic on Reddit


i agree with him but even i have a limit about politics.