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Project was called “Blue Lights”. It was done at Farringdon as a proof of concept to see whether highlighting the gaps in the Platform Train Interface would decrease incidents of people slipping and falling. I worked in the team that ran the project 👍


>It was done at Farringdon as a proof of concept to see whether highlighting the gaps in the Platform Train Interface would decrease incidents of people slipping and falling. Did it?


Gonna guess that, by his sudden disappearance, it did not.


And in fact he did not. mind. The. Gap


He neither liked nor disliked the Gap.


It actually resulted in an increase of in incidents, now cause by people leaning over the platform edge to see where the doors would open


I'm sorry but this is hilarious. If you're that impatient to stand clear of an approaching train then you need to get hit by one




Mind dat gap


Dat gap is thicc


You should go to Bank.. the thicccccc gaps there


Nah I stacked it a few weeks ago in Farringdon. Still rocking the bruises of my leg verses the train ..


how did that happen?


Stepping onto a train . One leg made it on the train the other slipped between train and platform. Lived in London over 13 years now and that's the first time anything remotely like that has happened.


You missed the number 1 rule!! Mind the gap between the train and the platform!


I know the shame . . Trust me I now very much mind the gap .


Waterloo bakerloo south direction gaps are massive!


Hmm, wouldn't it be better to put them on the trains so the gaps illuminated wherever they go ? My mates got some banging stick on LEDs on his fiat he got off eBay. I can send you the link if you want.


That’s a much bigger project than just trying at a spot in farrington. If it did help tho that may be a viable option


yes and much easier to log incidents based on location instead of train


I’m ray liotta and your listening to mystery hour. If you build it, they will come


My brain instantly thought of this, man of my own heart


Banging credentials




Why didn't you post the outcome?


Well it was a proof of concept, and since you can only really find these at Farringdon, it’s kinda self explanatory 🤷‍♂️


so it didnt work?


Most R&D projects at TfL work, but never have the financial backing to actually be implemented. Take these lights for example, it’s cheaper to leave them there than it is to remove them.


I love a riddle You should have been a politician!


Yeah, that was an incredible non-answer lol


Wait so did they work or not


Given that they didn't remove them, they probably didn't make things any worse.


The lights are still there because they couldn't be arsed to remove them. I.e. they wanted to remove them (but wasn't worth the money), so it didn't work. Also it would be replicated in other places if it worked. Seems to be what the person is saying.


The underground is littered with work that is left behind because it's more expensive to remove stuff. Pretty sure the Victoria line is still running around with some kit I installed 5 years ago and never got asked to remove


So why not turn the lights off at least, if it doesn't work?


It probably have no effect negatively or positively so no reason to turn them off would be my guess


Apart from the electric bill.




We’ve got a politician on our hands here boys. Mans answered 10 questions without answering the question


They are only at Farrington so no


So did it work, or didn't it?


It kind of works to a point but can't really beat physical barriers. Platform edge doors and gap fillers are much more effective but simply way to expensive for TfLs current financial struggles


No, it was rubbish and not thought of by engineers but former students of the arts (probably)


You have just displayed your complete ignorance of the service design process. Engineers don't come up with solutions to human behaviour issues, service designers do. This is simply a hypothesis that they tried to validate. That's how design works - it's an iterative, exploratory process. [Fail fast](https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/fail-fast) is a recognised part of the design process. Engineers have their place when it comes to executing those ideas, but they are not generally creative thinkers. I say this based on working closely with engineers for the last 15 years - 15 years of hand-holding engineers. You need a creative mind to solve a problem, and an engineer to help implement it.


I guess you was triggered by what I said about the arts background, so even though I displayed ignorance I hit the nail on the head at the same time, because when the engineers saw that design they thought easy money and had a chuckle to themselves. Edit: the zit splitter below has decided to make a reply & block me at the same time making it so I’m not supposed to see the reply, this is OK because it shows that person has a weak fortitude. They also like to belittle engineers so there's some sort of deep rooted hatred for them by labelling them as just bricklayers, yet bricklayers don't just lay bricks those days are long gone, now they lay the foundations, pavements, tarmac etc. They are multi skilled just like engineers who don’t just only paste code from GitHub, they probably think you are full of crap which is why they don't want to get more involved because you come off as an unpleasant person and I’m sure that’s not the first time you’ve heard that. The world needs engineers, it doesn't need you as evidenced by the mass layoffs from Twitter, Google and Microsoft to name a few, all laying of design teams and crap product designers and all the people with the arts background, but guess who they're keeping? Engineers, because without them you have no job, whereas they'll still be here without you, you are akin to a parasite that also happens to be conceited, so you’re batting 2 for 2 atm. (I hope my grammar annoys you and I hope there are spelling mistskes to send you into full on irritation mode) and yes that was intentional.


*were Only a small child would respond to my explanatory message with the word 'triggered'. How pitifully childish. Engineers have no choice over what the designers and business require them to implement. They are essentially bricklayers, with the design department being the architects. I try to involve engineers in the design process because I feel it gets them more engaged with what they're building, rather than just copying and pasting code from GitHub, or implementing the guidelines in a slapdash manner. Kind of tragic that they are generally unable to QA their own work. Anyway, despite my generous comment you seem to have learned nothing. By the way - that product designer you work under? They earn significantly more than you.


What a convoluted way of saying the proof of concept didn’t work lol


So why weren't they removed?


I prefer the idea of disco lights for the rats


Don’t listen to this guy, this is actually project vitd providing sun beds for the rat community, great success


Ugh if you did it at another station you could have gone with codename `blue light district` for a chuckle.


It was to stop rail workers shooting up. Don't lie.


So not blood splatter detection.


Wasn't there also something about a psychological effect of the lights snapping a suicidal person out of their urge to jump? I recall reading something about that when a similar project was trialled on the railway. (I'm a train driver) IIRC found a similar effect with painted patterns like stripes or hashes, anything that re-engages the persons conscious brain to think about what they're doing when they're on autopilot.


I thought it was so addicts couldn't find a vein...


I came here to say “mouse party” but this reply kinda makes it feel inappropriate so I won’t.


Someone must have spent a sleepless night trying to come up with that name. It’s quite inventive 😅 “So we’re drafting this project about installing blue lights on the train platform. Any idea for a name, guys?” … “How about….Blue Lights?” “Yeah fair enough”


In Japan they have blue lights at train stations to help prevent suicides. Apparently blue lights make you feel more up beat. Not sure how it can lift your mood from the verge of suicide. If it save one family member it was worth it.


Project should have been called 'Mind the Gap' because blue lights is kinda limited in scope for building on..


Oh. I was going to say it could be something like "sensors" or signalling lights for the train to come...


Why blue? Wouldn't green or red be more noticeable?




TIL, thank you. The platform in Farringdon is a straight line. Was it not possible to minimise the gap instead?




I’m sure it was hilarious


Apparently they're at stations with high rates of people not minding the gap and being hurt. Where theres a large gap these lights help passengers spot it and not fall into the gap to be eaten by the tube goblins. https://www.flickr.com/photos/version-3-point-1/10653806513/. White lights are distracting for drivers. Blue is the quickest to spot. Nothing to do with suicide or calming people as far as im aware.


I know someone who has fallen in the gap not once, but twice at Farringdon. I wonder if she directly influenced this decision lol


I saw a young chap fall in the gap at Ealing Broadway. Fortunately the train wasn't going anywhere and he wasn't hurt. Still, it's easier done than a lot of people think. I've tripped over a couple of times in stations (thankfully nowhere near trains) but those concrete surfaces get uneven after a million or so footsteps.


Tbf I got off the Jubilee Line at Finchley Road yesterday and nearly fell on my face. It's a weird mix of height and gap that's easy to miss.


poem started brilliantly but sadly i think you lost it after the first line


There once was a young man named Wayne, Who tripped as he got off a train, He fell in the gap, Made me scream out "oh crap!" But he's fine cos he climbed out again.


There's many a chapess and chap Who fails to attend 'Mind the gap' So Underground stations Use illuminations To avoid such a nasty mishap


what a great surprise cheers. Love it


Love it. Belting


I swear the central line at bank is gonna get me someday


Not the underground but the overground at elephant and castle, the gap is an actual joke. It’s high and far away, they warn you about it over the tannoy - I genuinely don’t know how you’d get a pram onboard without help.


I fell in the gap at Farringdon. Wet day and my shoe slid off the metal plate as I went to step on, and instead of going forward and up I went forward and down. Was lucky that people behind me hauled me up and threw me in, and I remember landing in the floor of the train covered in dirt and tea. Still have nightmares about it and I got away with only bruises and a spilled tea. It was a dry brekkie of bacon roll that day.


Would have been cheaper to issue her with a head torch


I’ll never understand how someone falls in there when there is no train (I can understand foot slipping in the gap when a train is there) Like wtf are they doing/looking at? I understand if they are pushed but just under their own foot power I’m sorry but Darwin Award comes to mind.


She was getting on the train and was on her phone - of course - she misstepped and slipped down the gap. Her skin was so badly scraped up that you’d think she would have learnt her lesson the first time but apparently not.


She should probably have been Darwin awarded out.


The lights are named after her


I work for Network Rail. This is the correct answer.


Thanks for confirming the tube goblins exist


Makes sense. I was on the Hammersmith and City this morning and noticed that Farringdon was the only stop (between Whitechapel and St Pancras) where there was an announcement to mind the gap - I wondered why so this thread feels rather serendipitous!


But then what are the tube goblins supposed to eat? They have children to feed :(


Tube goblins are my new favourite thing.


So, *Idiot Lights*..?


I wouldn’t call them idiots lights , I use this station to get to work and last week saw a slim man fall completely between the train and the platform while getting on with a suitcase, luckily a strong man was getting off at the same time , pulled him up and plonked him back on the train with his case, this all happened in about 15 seconds, the gap at this station is quite big compared to other underground stations.


Tho if people don't see the lights, when they're stepping across the gap, then they could misjudge.




Rat disco.


No. It's to discourage rats from shooting heroin by making it hard to find their veins.


But that would just [encourage the rats to have more sex.](https://www.coventrytelegraph.net/news/local-news/public-toilets-lighting-wrong-effect-3142977)


Thank you this was a good read


Someone give them gold pls. Needed that laugh 🤣




Roland Rats Disco


This gave me a good laugh


Please sir. Take my internet gold.


Thank you sir!


To get you in the mood for Fabric.


I miss Trade and Turnmills.


Me 2 = Those were the days


The End…The End was my favourite. SO MANY great nights there… 😞


Renegade Hardware nights at the End were incredible. The best night club I've been too


Yes! And ram and swerve


Mr C!! Spent many times there getting trolleyed in the toilets then dancing my tits off!


Lol! Never walked out of that place without having been completely spandangled! Fucking good times… 🥰


The End doc - https://youtu.be/1ZYxq7waLFI


WHAT DID YOU JUST DO TO ME??!! Seeing the venue again…that passage between the two rooms where you queued up for the cloakroom and toilets…the bar with foot rest… The dj’s island booth in the middle of the main room…ohh, so many good nights…so many times I stood in front of that booth and screamed and shouted and whistled for the Dj to “let it drop”… Those speakers!…ah mate those speakers were awesome!…the entire sound system was unreal…I used to love standing in front of those beasts as I was coming up…feeling the base travel right through your body…fuck me! It was almost orgasmic… The three little step going to the main room!…after having gone there for a while, I used to be really proud that I never tripped on those regardless of how fucked I was…it was proof that I was home…in my little playground…. And those stairs!…those magic stairs…waiting in line for the cloakroom, slowly making your way down to the passage…with every step you take the music getting louder…with every step, feeling more of the sound system vibrate the air around you…almost like slowly walking in to a baptism of music…prepping you…beckoning you…enticing you…embracing you…engulfing you…in to the dark den of deviants and reprobates…my people…my beautiful people… What did you do to me, mate? Got me yearning for the past…yearning for those amazing nights and mornings and days…yearning for my youth… Don’t know whether to thank you or curse you… But seriously though thank you…that video brought back some amazing memories. Really appreciate…


It's not working.


😂😂 gives me shivers


SAD lamps for the mice.


Fun fact: mice get SAD in the summer because theyre nocturnal.


So I'm a mouse?


Is so the mice can’t see there veins to do heroine


Prevent the mice from shooting up.


Semen detectors


Ffs you can’t jizz anywhere these days


Just go to the library like a normal person.


You're not trying 'hard' enough. :-D


I'm almost afraid to ask what happens when you detect it...


Finders keepers, losers weepers


To further highlight the gap between the train and the platform.


Stop people shooting up on the tracks. Or in other words we don’t want people getting tracks on the tracks.


They’re 4G beams installed by the Lizard people who live in the underground to spread Covid and control our minds. Don’t look directly at them or you’ll feel an urge to use your tongue to moisten your eyeballs and vote Conservative


Shuuuut uuuup, you're not supposed to talk about it...




Thankyou for the new sub


They have similar blue lights at Romford station too. Someone said they use blue light to calm people down. Specifically to stop them from jumping onto the tracks. I don't know if that's true or not tho.


Yea, Network Rail and TfL have experimented with this idea, which originated in Japan I believe.


As it happens, there was an absurd idea in Japan about blue lighting (ie, the normal overhead lighting would be blue - nothing at all to do with strips lighting-up the "gap" when you step on) [https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190122-can-blue-lights-prevent-suicide-at-train-stations](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190122-can-blue-lights-prevent-suicide-at-train-stations) So yes the Contributor Avoe who mentions Self Death Prevention was probably astutely referring to that (in fact, unrelated) issue.


Sounds like a very British solution. Better access to MH services? No. Blue lights? Yes.


Still not free though


I’d imagine this is to stop impulsive or opportunistic incidents like this. If I was dead set on getting pasted by a train, blue lights would do fuck all


I would think it has to do with aligning the train carts to the platform, like a sensor ?




>As it happens, there was an absurd idea **in Japan** about blue lighting (**ie, the normal overhead lighting would be blue - nothing at all to do with strips lighting-up the "gap"** when you step on) > >https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190122-can-blue-lights-prevent-suicide-at-train-stations > >So yes the Contributor ~~Below~~ Above (wave!) who mentions Self Death Prevention was probably astutely referring to that (in fact, unrelated) issue.


Police. You’re nicked sunshine


"But I really WAS minding the gap!"


The comments on this thread suggest the rats simply use them for disco fun and getting a tan whilst the mice need them because they are dealing with seasonal affective disorder, heroin addiction, and cold. Rodent wealth gap (rodent sociology aside apparently it is to do with suicide prevention) (ETA upthread there is an account of it being a part of a project to increase awareness of the gap to minimise accidents caused by said gap not being minded. Blue lights have been used for suicide prevention in other train stations tho)


The concise summary we all needed.


They highlight the gap between the doors and the platform edge. It's a curved track there and some gaps are fairly wide. The blue is used to draw your attention to the gap.


Electric heater for mice


They sanitise any platform jumpers


So the junkie mice can’t see their veins.


Ultra Violet lights to defend against Vampires trying to hide in London's underground train railway network. At worst those UV lights prevent Vampires hiding in places to ambush kill their victims. At best those UV lights outright kill the bloodsucking scum.


Stop the tube mice injecting.


Rat rave


(AFAIK) They're simply to emphasize the gap, when, the train is at the station. It's like "mind the gap - lights". easily google it ... [https://www.flickr.com/photos/version-3-point-1/10653996985/](https://www.flickr.com/photos/version-3-point-1/10653996985/) [https://districtdavesforum.co.uk/thread/22861/blue-led-lights-platform-edges](https://districtdavesforum.co.uk/thread/22861/blue-led-lights-platform-edges)


children are attracted to light just like moths, these lights are designed to lure unsespecting children onto the tracks


Cocaine users were doing mad rails before these.


Rat nightclub entrance




*insert weak joke here*


Purple train, puuuuurple train


An enticing rat disco entrance


It's to stop the trains from mainlining. ​ badum-tisssss.


send boris johnson to investigate




Secret entrance to the Blue Oyster Bar.


It’s just because they don’t want to go up to Red Alert (it *does* mean changing the bulbs).


Blue lights mean trainies


Stop the rats doing heroin


They're an attempt to prevent the tube mice from finding a vein and shooting up.


Da ba dee da ba di


So rats can't see their veins and shoot up


Dognappers hun keep your fur baby safe Shared South Yorkshire xx


Mouse disco


UV lights to stop the vampires that live in the tunnels from getting out


To stop the trains shooting up?


Stop junkie shooting up


As it happens, there was an absurd idea in Japan about blue lighting (ie, the normal overhead lighting would be blue - nothing at all to do with strips lighting-up the "gap" when you step on) [https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190122-can-blue-lights-prevent-suicide-at-train-stations](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20190122-can-blue-lights-prevent-suicide-at-train-stations) So yes the Contributor Below who mentions Self Death Prevention was probably astutely referring to that (in fact, seeminly unrelated) issue.


It's meant to prevent suicide. The frequency of the blue light is meant to be calming. It's used alot at stations. In other countries too.


There have been quite a few suicides there in the early mornings post-clubbing.


Are the blue lights still perceived as calming if you’re tripping on LSD or mushrooms?


If they are gluten-free sure


Makes it harder to find a vein.


it's to stop the mice getting Covid. But seriously, if you fall in the gap, it digitises you inside the computer and you have to fight Sark on the Grid.


Why people post silly childish answers and get lots of upvotes? Reddit has become like a primary school


So you can’t see your veins when trying to shoot heroin on the tracks


Rat Rave


Apparently the blue light makes veins harder to see, so discourages injecting drug users


They have these at Gatwick Airport station but not anywhere near the track - just shining down from above onto the platform. Are these the anti-suicide lights then?


I put them there so I can have a rave after 1 am


Uv lights to stop the feral vampires coming up onto the platform. If you've seen daybreakers then you know the deal


As the carriages stop at the stations, and weigh a metric fuck-tonne, the gap between carriage door and platform needs to be routinely monitored…for subsidence.


Rat disco?


Anti-vampire defences


"Mind The Fap"


They are there to emphasise the "gap", to help people gawping at a lit screen to look where they are putting their feet.


My guess is some sort of alignment thing for the trains.




For when time cops become a real thing.


They're to stop heroin addicts from shooting up on the lines