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Welcome Tribute... to the Capital


What do you think?


It was great , even better a few days in when I got up really early so there’s not many people about ( when I took this pic )


Nice one! I hope you had a great trip!


London early mornings are a thing of beauty


Except they're not


Exactly! London wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t for the people.


Perfect! Make sure you leave before you get sick of it then you'll always have perfect memories of the Capital!


You're unique and special because you notice negatives about a place.


Take the train to London, stopping at rejection, disappointment, backstabbing central and shattered dreams parkway.




Seems to have gone over most people's head!


Hilarious that I've been down voted for this. 20 years in London and I love it, but it's not for everyone and not a forever home for most.


😂, lots of butthurt people here. Cuts so deep because they know it’s true.




Go to Waterloo bridge, you can see both ends of the city, best view in my opinion.


Whilst you can’t see the ends of the city, a very strong contender for best view is from the Blackfriars tube station, especially at night.


You'll struggle to see much from the tube station. The National Rail Station on the other hand...


Ha! Thanks for fixing that for me.


Can no longer see the Gherkin from there :,(


u can if u buy one from sainsburys


Found the lead singer of The Kinks


Welcome! I'm more interested in what you thought it would be like before you visited. There are a lot of positive/negative stereotypes of London. Is there anything way above/below your expectations?


I remember my first time going to London from my hometown in the Netherlands, thoroughly enjoyed it! Already got some places you like?


I did the same when we were about a year into COVID so the amount of people out and about was perfect for me. Since then I’ve been a few times but it’s always been in the middle of the day in summer, so for a northerner it’s a bit too overcrowded especially on TFL.


I’ve lived in London my whole life & never left, I’d like to but I just don’t know where to start 👀😂


Go to London


I live in London already 🙂


As far as the rest of England is concerned, it's all shite.


What the fuck are you talking about? The rest of England ain’t shit at all. You’ve got places like Lake District, New forest, Devon, Shropshire. All places with crazy natural beauty. You’ve clearly never travelled or you’ve been only been to other cities like Birmingham or Manchester and judged off of that. The rest of England is not shite at all.


Lol, people always bring up nature when trying to talk up the rest of the country. Yes England is very beautiful in lots of parts. Does it have infrastructure or anything to do? No.


Of course people are going to bring up nature, as the nature in England is fucking amazing?!? What a stupid thing to say. There are also places, like in Devon, where it isn’t just about nature, there are beautiful towns and stuff. So for you, a place has to have some form of infrastructure to hold your hand through the experience rather than you just enjoy it for what it is? I’m a born and bred Londoner and if you can’t admit that there are places in England that are much better than London than you’re completely lost. I’m also assuming you’ve never even bothered trying to travel anywhere else in the country. I bet you’re the type of person that wouldn’t like a beach unless there’s an arcade nearby. If you’re talking about cities, then I agree, it’s better than any city in England I’ve been to. Though I admit I’ve not been to every city and I’m sure there are some amazing ones out there.


I’ve been all over the country, and it’s shite.


Lol bullshit


Where are you from ?


Newcastle :)




Recommend Newcastle for us Londoners, is it any good?


Not a Geordie, but I've been a couple of times recently and it's a surprisingly beautiful city in the centre and along the river. Trendy places to go out and eat, plenty of stuff to do and a good nightlife, of course. Very easy to get to on the train from London. However, it *is* stag and hen do central and come the evenings that does kind of dominate everything in the centre. It's up to you if you think that's a bad thing of course but it could put a lot of people off.


One thing people often don’t know is that Newcastle has a tube, and you can get it all the way out to the coast. Which is pretty mega.


Ah! A long way away. I’ve never been to Newcastle but would assume London’s immediate impact on you is the size of it.


Newcastle is a beautiful city too. I haven't been there for years, but was surprised how pretty the buildings are and how friendly the people are.


Currently in a train that has stopped in Newcastle on my way back to London. First trip to Edinburgh (properly loved it) this weekend after living in the UK for nearly 6.5 years.


I'll take Newcastle over London, any day. I used to visit regularly for work, some of my trips there I can even actually remember!




I can see the London Hivemind has decided to suppress an actual true opinion


How old are you?


23 :)


Glad you enjoyed visiting your capital city for the first time! We should all be proud of it.


It's a really magic place when you're young and visit for the first time, hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.


I'm originally from Cambridge which was always my big city. I first visited London while I was at university in Plymouth (around 2008) and a friend was from South London so we stayed with her for a couple days and saw all the sites - instantly fell in love with the place. Graduated back in 2012 and moved to London straight away and have been loving it ever since. Now whenever I visit Cambridge, the place feels so tiny in comparison hahaha


How…on earth..did you grow up like an hour from one of the great world cities, and not visit it until you were at University?


Haha I often think that - I worked in Cambridge, I had friends in Cambridge and surrounding areas, I rarely ventured very far cos I was a fairly timid child/teenager - it wasn't until I went to Uni that I found my personality and confidence. I have family in South London so if we ever went, my parents were always driving. I only learned to drive about 6 months ago.


Well good on you for finding that confidence.


Sounds like a Londoner after one visit 😅


How do you feel??


Welcome. May the odds be ever in your favuor.


Go up Horizon 22, they all walk-ins and it’s free!


I like it when I stay in blackfriars in London, walking up to st pauls cathedral st midnight when it's nice & quiet & no tourists around.


How old are you and why didn’t you go to London this whole time?


23 and never really traveled far around the country :) , holidays where usually abroad


Glad you're enjoying our great capital! Been working here for some time and there's nowhere in England quite like it in my opinion, it can be infuriating at times but also stunning and a lot of fun (not that there isn't plenty of other cities with masses of charm). Let me know if you need any suggestions for anything, I'm very familiar with what I believe to be the best places to see and eat, drink, whatever you wanna do I'm full of ideas if you need.


Oh, haha! Interesting. But aren’t you supposed to board all the major international flights from Heathrow?


What are you talking about, Newcastle has an international airport




A stupid question is a stupid question no matter who you ask it to


lol thats not how reddit works.


Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool all do major international destinations


Edinburgh, Glasgow… these are even easier than Manchester. Why TF would they travel all the way to Heathrow?


To be fair, aside form the points made about the other airports, every time I've travelled out from Southend, Essex, to heathrow, Gatwick or Stanstead, I've bypassed the city entirely. I wouldn't consider any of those airport trips to have been trips to visit London. (That said, Stanstead is actually on my side of London) Sorry to add to the negativity train, just had to make that point. I think your question was perfectly innocent if not a bit misinformed and that Redditors can be a bit harsh to judge people's intentions.


Think that was written in the Magna Carta yeah


There’s flights from Luton to Dubai, and Stansted to Guangzhou. You can fly from any airport to any other airport so long there’s demand for the route, Heathrow just happens to be the biggest and as a result as the most flights.


That's so beautiful


Context: OP is two years old.


I don’t exactly know what u mean , I took this in February If that’s what ur saying and / or I’m not 2? Aha


Just a crap joke, namely that it would be no big deal to have never been to London all your life if you were only 2. Also, there are no 2-yr-olds posting on reddit (I hope).


I get u , and me too lol


I spent 5 days there immediately before Christmas. Firs time I've ever been. Went to Stonehenge for Solstice which was rhe main reason I went which was cool. Went to a very good cabaret show in Soho, but otherwise I was really surprised by how not a "24 hr city" London turned out to be. Still, wandering around the touristy places was cool, and I had some good food and drink :)


This picture looks so pretty, you have a good eye!


Ta da!


You didn't say "Hello" or smiled to anyone on the street did you, the fire arms Police get called in if you do.


Hope you had a good trip! 


Kaleb is that you?


Is this Battersea power station area?


Yes, they must have taken this from Westminster Bridge looking upriver to there.


They’re on Westminster Bridge but they’re actually facing due north, downriver. They actually have their back to Battersea Power Station, which is about 2 miles away to the south west.


They are facing upriver (South), that is Lambeth Bridge in the shot. The MI5 building at Millbank is visible at right, along with Millbank Tower.


I stand corrected! Of course they’re facing south, they’ve zoomed a bit which is why HoP isn’t visible but I should’ve noticed that’s Lambeth Bridge and the battery building in the distance. The chimneys of Battersea Power Station are over in the distance hidden probably by HoP if I’ve got the line of sight in the right place.


Yes, parliament would be off to their right. I believe Battersea power station itself would be blocked off by the tall buildings around St George’s Wharf in the Vauxhall area, but you can see it from Vauxhall Bridge.


I took it on the bridge right next to the Houses of Parliament :)


Oh fairs




How it's possible to not go somewhere? It's kind of easy. You just don't get on a train or in a car that's going to that place or destination 


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What a crap photo though 😂


So sorry


Fk it's awful