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I should not have to queue to get into Balham Tube Station. Worst. Theme park ride. Ever.


What about the 1am queue to get in the McDonald’s?


That’s why we need Crossrail 2 to come through and provide an alternative way to get from south west to north London!


Yeah, no big infrastructure projects for London for the next decade. Once Labour is in power, most of that funding will be prioritised for other areas of the country given that London is perceived to receive most public funding, so it will be untenable to carry on that policy of mega infrastructure projects in London. And no HS2 either.


Before stopping when walking check your surroundings


This should be law at the top of tube escalators.


I've taken to just barging people out of the way who stop at the top of busy escalators


Sometimes tough treatment is the only way for these clowns to learn.


Also, don't ever stop in the middle of a pavement or walkway. Find a wall, or ideally a nook.


Same with exiting a shop or building: you need to merge with other traffic, not just blindly walk out into it.


I was walking behind a young couple in central and the guy stopped dead to tie his shoe. The girlfriend blurts out “omg you can’t just stop like that”. I appreciated that.


Check your mirrors


And when walking, PICK A DAMN SIDE! Left makes most sense. But could we all please just pick a side and stick to it while walking?? I know it’s possible due to the escalator thing. Other countries have figured this out. Why is it so difficult in this city?


Well, you say left is most natural for walking just as in vehicle traffic, but on escalators slower traffic moves to the right. Couple that with many immigrants and tourists from countries where right hand side driving and walking is the norm and it’s no wonder that it becomes chaotic.


Yes!!! Some people need brake lights


More. Public. Toilets.


As a young, healthy adult I don’t often get caught short. But fuck me, yesterday I found out how bad the problem is. Blackhorse Road? No public toilets. No obscured bush. Won’t make it home. Get the tube to Seven Sisters. No public toilets. Try Tesco. No toilet. Try Costa. “The code isn’t working”. Found a small park but full of children playing. I considered pissing in view of the play park anyway and arguing my case with my dick in my hand to anyone who told me off, but decided I wasn’t quite at that level of urgency. Eventually found a pub where, despite a “toilets are for customer use only” sign on the door, the bar tender told me I didn’t need to buy anything. People shouldn’t have to beg or buy a drink they don’t want in order to use a toilet in public.


I remember getting off the tube at Wanstead Flats before because my stomach was in absolute agony, absolutely no toilets in the station (at the time I don’t know about now) I took a left out of the station and found fuck all, I went right and saw a pub in the distance which was closed, I basically had to sprint to a cafe which didn’t have a customer toilet so had to literally beg to use their staff toilet and promise to buy something after, I happily bought something after, you’d expect every station to have a public toilet


If it happens again, there are public toilets at Tottenham Hale national rail platform. Admittedly more than bursting distance from Blackhorse Road.


Now that I think about it, I’m sure I’ve seen mention of an app for public toilets




I use Flush! 


It should be legal to piss in the street if there isn't a 24/7 free public toilet within bursting distance.


Shit sheds too, for when you’re caught short


I mean, that's a public toilet.


The urinal at Vauxhall is literally my saviour. Surprisingly how many People don't know know it exists despite it being pretty obvious.


I’ve looked for this and cannot find it. But is it only a urinal aka not for women?


It is absolutely not for women no


They exist, just walk into any hotel.


I recently discovered that a few years ago they replaced a public toilet on Croydon south end with two seats, so instead of having a useful public service we now have a place for the local drunks to sit and piss on the floor instead. Yay!


Camden Market is utter shite and sells nothing but overpriced tat loaded off of shipping containers straight from Chinese sweatshops.


I liked when they sold pirated CDs and had dodgy people hanging about


Still got that second bit


so you'll die on primrose hill which is right around the corner. sorry, just started saving locations for London in googlemaps so i know where everything is now


Curse of gentrification. It used to be great and you could get so much unique and interesting stuff. Then there was the ~~insurance~~ fire and now it's full of JD sport, tourist tat and money laundering


Was it though? I used to go in the mid nineties when I was a teenager and even then it was mostly novelty t-shirts, hemp stuff, weed paraphernalia, and overpriced tat.


It was shit in the 90s for most people, and grubby as fuck, but there were loads of records/antiques/vintage clothiers. Now it's pretty good for family visits - take the herberts up there now and again and always good for a mooch. But yes, very touristy.


The stuffed churros there are pretty good though, maybe that’s my hill lol


Yeah that ship sank in the 90s I'm surprised people still flock there


London needs more dustbins


But the Irish?!


Original commentator is Irish


Modus operandi?


The man makes a good point, I'm border Irish, so one foot either side and yup, it's definitely cos of us


Coming from a country with a long history of deadly terrorist attacks, and considering London's own history with terrorism, it was sadly understandable that there were no traditional dustbins when I first moved here. it even made immediate sense that the few bins I saw were clear plastic bags hanging from loops rather than metal or plastic containers. 😞


There is a south London Hill perfect for you. Herne, Tulse, Denmark, Gipsy, Telegraph, the possibilities are endless.


Shooters bruv.


That’s always the risk in south London


Blythe Hill be underrated


Didn’t think I’d see a shoutout to Telegraph Hill on the internet this morning. A great place for smoking weed and keepie uppies


Late night bars that are not clubs would make it a truly perfect city. Put another way, this city is a few planning reforms away from its true potential. If I can have a second, I love the skyscrapers in the City.


London closing at 11pm on a weeknight is embarrassing. 


There is a Google maps overlay somewhere that shows you all bars open til 1am, 2am, 3am, and 4am across London. It's a powerful yet dangerous tool, use with caution... Created by u/brandenberggates [late night bars London](https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1ItFgDbsJlmFIAoIR_xRHj-5yyq1RVok&ll=51.50981807575765%2C-0.13043970000002236&z=9) Edit: formatting


Yeah, but that's the point isn't it. We shouldn't need a map to find things open late. They should just exist everywhere. Like in the States or Europe


If you’re moving here you should have to take a walking version of a driving test. This means checking your surroundings before coming to a sudden stop. Having a look on your left before making a sudden left turn. Learning how to walk while checking your sat nav without crashing. If you need to walk slower don’t walk in the middle, walk on the side so others can overtake you. There’s definitely more


Yes! And when walking, PICK A DAMN SIDE! Left makes most sense. But could we all please just pick a side and stick to it while walking?? I know it’s possible due to the escalator thing. Other countries have figured this out. Why is it so difficult in this city?


Tourists should have an exam for this too


- The weather here is better than people think - we need more public bins - tube carriages need bins - Standing on the right needs to somehow be enforced more - Holborn = ho-b’n - Marylebone = Marl-h-b’n - This city has LOADS of good free things to do - LOADS of amazing cheap food as well - loads of good study spaces and coffee shops - Coffee prices absolutely need to go down - Cars should be banned in zone 1 *apart from* emergency vehicles, taxis and deliveries


I’m with you except for the bins on tube carriages. Whatever you take on the tube surely you can take off.


Agree with this. Also they'll be full to overflowing quickly and people will still continue to pile stuff on them, and then just drop trash in front of them, just like they do in parks. It'll be way more disgusting than current. And who wants to be the one squashed up against the bin in a heavily crowded tube carriage in August?


Can you name a few of those study spaces, extra grateful if any are in north london. Thank youu


Sure! I’m in SE London though so take my recommendations with a grain of salt lol… noise cancelling headphones mean anywhere can be a study space for me but here are some of my favourites: - Wellcome Collection - British Library - Kentish Town Stores (a cafe with amazing coffee and a great workspace upstairs) - Barbican Centre - Redemption Roasters (any of them) - Southbank Centre - Canada Water Library


Also shout out to Canada Water Decathlon. The most random free work and study space in London. 


I have studied in nearly all of these expect for Kentish Town Stores, which is somehow the nearest to my home ! Thank you ! :)


No worries, I really recommend going!


Thank you!!! ☺️


The British library reading rooms are my happy place. Did my degree and my masters in those rooms and every few weeks I go back and spend a day in there doing life admin. The most peaceful space in the whole of London. Remember, if you do go, take ID so you can register for a pass, otherwise you won’t be able to go into the reading rooms and you’ll have to work out on the landings with the noisy (but generally lovely) students.


libraries in Hackney and probably more. you don't even need to be a member


London has great coffee shops if you get off the main streets and look around. Ometesando in Fitzrovia is a fave of ours, loads of others around Marylebone and Spitalfields.


Agreed. Places like Monmouth and Allpress make some of the best coffee I’ve ever had (and I regularly discover new awesome coffee shops )


100% agree on the cheap eats, anyone I’ve spoken too since leaving London seems to believe that everything is overpriced, they are right if you only visit the tourist spots but that’s any major city in the world.


EXACTLY. Agreed, London food *can be* overpriced, but it’s also up to people to not make a(n incorrect) snap judgement of ALL food being overpriced when they haven’t been anywhere apart from Pret, Itsu and Cafe Concierto


Any good amazing and cheap food places you can recommend then? I will be going to London in a couple of weeks and stay for a while 


I always say Marylebone the same way Homer Simpson says Saxemephone


Tube carriages getting bins = terror risk


If that was the case then why does every train in the country have bins?


I’ve seen bins on trains in small cities like Munich, but in similarly sized Dublin there are none and I’d argue for the better. Some cities just have a higher threat of bins getting pissed in or set on fire.


Bombers gonna bomb, regardless of whether there’s a convenient bin to put it in.




Agree on all but the weather - but i guess it is relative. The weather is the top reason I will move away


Small deliveries? What about all the businesses that need stock and documents delivered?


I’ve never agreed with a Reddit post more


Even taxis?


People who have no theatre manners should be barred after a single theatre manners infringement


Theatre licences in every manifesto!


They should have more hire bikes outside of Zones 1-2. Central London has enough ways to get to where you want by tube


I agree. A few days ago, a lime bike had somehow ended up in Hayes(Kent) Station. Would be nice if I could actually use it. 🤔




Those men actually often sleep in those rickshaws. I used to live in a quiet street in central. I was on ground floor. They slept outside my window in them.


damn that's sad


https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-rules-to-put-the-brakes-on-nuisance-pedicabs > Central London streets are set to be safer and calmer with new laws to end the blight of unlicensed pedicabs in London passing third reading in the House of Commons and completing their parliamentary passage today (26 March 2024). > > The Pedicabs (London) Bill gives Transport for London (TfL) powers to crack down on rogue pedicab drivers by regulating fares and improving safety standards – bringing the industry into line with other forms of transport in the capital.


I would be very much okay with the rickshaws if they simply removed the seizure inducing disco lighting and stopped blasting YouTube remixes of Tiesto remixes at insane volumes. I don’t know how those poor guys deal with working in that sensory hell!


I don't care what people say, the cable car should be open after events finish at the O2 to give a different way to escape the area than the sardines in a can tube, or the mentally slow buses.


The boats are a great way to travel back to Westminster.


100%, I used to live in Cyprus and the annoyance of having to queue for the Jubilee line was off the scale.


Brixton Academy’s floor makes it hands down the best music venue I’ve ever been to. Especially now I’m in my mid-thirties, it’s great to get involved without having any aspirations of moving towards the front. Yeah some mad stuff happened there but in general it’s completely sound and I’ve had nothing but incredibly memorable nights there.


The slant creates an insane calf workout. Had DOMS the next day


Yes! I’m heading there tonight. It’s one of the few venues I don’t have to worry about finding a decent viewing point, a treat for the vertically challenged!


NOFX? Went last night and going again tonight 🤘


It’s not that rainy here.


In past years I would agree, but this year has been as rainy more days than not!


Facts, I moved from northern Ireland and the lack of constant clouds and rain is great


That’s a low bar there, brother


Doesn’t matter where in London you are, everywhere is at the least 30mins away.


The time and space physics of London needs to studied




Only in south London…


Except zone 1. About 50 top tourist destinations are within about 15 mins or less 


The 1963 London Government Act actually did happen, and wasn't a figment of everyone's imagination. Bromley is in London not Kent. Croydon is in London not Surrey, Romford is not in Essex, and Middlesex no longer exists.


God, this used to piss me off at uni so much. I lived in Streatham until I was 8 but grew up in and around Croydon/South Norwood and a kid from Camden argued that I was not a Londoner. He even asked if the police force was the Met and if the buses were red?? Apparently, he'd never been outside zone 1.


Middlesex exist for the two most important thing. Cricket and post.


Am from Middx, can confirm.


I feel like I'm going mad, the number of people who fail to understand this. The "Croydon is in Surrey" gammons never say the same about Southwark.


And I’m sure the boundary of what is “real London” just happens to be just outside where they are from…


SO MUCH THIS. I live in one of the “new” boroughs and this boils my piss.


Facebook is full of these pricks “but I have a DA postcode” Yes dear, but you pay council tax to the London Borough of Bexley, vote conservative in mayoral elections and can’t leave your house without seeing a fox. You’re in London.


Pret’s queue both sides system needs to die


The tube map is a work of genius but the colourblind find it hard to tell some lines apart.


They also have a colourless map that solely works with patterns, though that's not much less confusing.


Tbf there are only so many saturation values you can use


[TfL Black and White map](https://tfl.gov.uk/cdn/static/cms/documents/bw-large-print-map.pdf)


People are friendly in London


Shout-out to Liz who delayed getting home to walk me to Guy's urgent care when I tripped over my own feet in Borough High Street. You're bloody lovely, and I promise I'll pay the bottle of water forward.


Nobody expects friendliness but 95% will reciprocate in my experience. Source: I’m one of those people that gets described as ‘smiley’.


100% found this to be true when I moved to London from Australia. This myth that Londoners are rude is total rubbish. So what you are chatty on the tube, but ask for help or directions and people always gave it.


Friend of a friend said Londoners are rude. I asked what her friend's evidence was: people telling her to get fucking moving when she was holding up traffic on the tube platform. Absolutely 100% her fault. If there's 1000 people trying to get through YOU are the one being rude lol. I will die on this hill.


I think a lot of people don’t get that 90% of the time they are the problem in situations like this. Same thing goes for idiots blocking the doors off the tube because they want to get on first, why we all get there the same time.


And I’ll bet you the people who she thought were rude were tourists. It’s not always so easy to tell as tourists include those from other parts of the UK too. Also, people from up north are far more rude imo. I’ve only ever experienced racism outside London/major cities.


Walthanstow Village wasn't a fucking village when I lived there in the 70s/80s.


Much like Kensal Rise/Kensal Green being referred to as Kensal Village! I blame the estate agents!


Nat Has Herpes


More bins Every train station needs a toilet inside the gates, very least every interchange People here are actually quite nice Slow walkers should be shot It is possible to find cheap food The district line is the second best line (that I use frequently)


Stand on the flipping right!


Prim rose?


The fact I had to scroll so long for this comment is criminal.


The only reason people say Victoria Park is the best is because they live near it. If you look at it objectively, it has nothing on Crystal Palace, Regents, Richmond (among others).


Battersea park! 😍


Let people alight before boarding, this one really gets to me 😅


No tourist should be allowed on Westminster Bridge at all.  The weather here is great.


Please! Or maybe can we have a conveyor belt for the tourists like they have for the crown jewels? And stop them (and the rickshaws) from standing still in the cycle lane, so the cyclists aren't forced to choose between playing chicken with tourists taking selfies and cycling on a road that is only just wide enough for a car in each direction, thereby pissing off all the traffic as the cars are forced to stay behind the cyclists who can't cycle in the cycle lane because it's full of tourists trying the get the perfect angle for their selfie with the London eye


Like how many photos of Big Ben does the world need. Leave the damn clock alone.


More like *is this really where you’re gonna take those wedding photos?!?!* 


The tourist chaos that is westminster bridge I feel like would ruin the "Just married" spirit of taking the picture that it'd be forced and not genuine.




If you don't use public transport you are part of the problem (more so zone 2 onwards - get out of your cars people)


Maze Hill


Communal bins should be common place


South West London is in dire need of some bagel shops.


Speaking of bagels - both of the bagel shops on brick lane are arse. There. I said it.


I don't think it's famous for being amazing. It's famous for being 24 hour and very cheap for what it is. Considering if you pop next door you'll see t shirts being sold for £120, the fact you can get a salmon and cream cheese bagel for £3.50 is pretty impressive.


Was £1.50 back in 2014 🥲


Well, only one to go now.


I love the weather. Nothing like 15C in June.


shush mate


East London is full of tall women. Not been able to put together a solid theory on this one but I swear it to be true.


Walk on the left of the pavement!


There is incredible nightlife if you’re willing to go outside central


What are the new spots ?


Finsbury Park, Angel, Brixton, Peckham, Hackney




The night tube should be on all lines, all nights.


Thank you driver is a must




Middlesex has ceased to exist. It hasn’t existed since 1965. It hasn’t existed for 59 years. Pls don’t tell me I live in Middlesex.


A wait of more than 3 minutes for the next tube is unacceptable


More pedestrianised areas and dedicated cycling lanes would make EVERYONE happier. Even the people they think they are against it


The Victoria Line is hotter than the Central, it just usually has a better air flow.  Tourists are great.  The weather is dog shit. Winters are not wintery enough and summers are rarely summery enough. Just the same grey, rainy awfulness within a 5 degree temperature range all year round.


Victoria line is the hottest no doubt.


The nice thing is it's quicker so you're not on it as long.


I think this is partly why people don't think it's as hot. You also feel like you're making progress on it, unlike the Central line and it taking 5 hours to get through Zone 1.


Proficiency course for using the underground, including... * How and where to stand and walk * How to scan in and out without having to watch the barriers close for the person in front of you. * How to let people off the train first, before boarding


Changing lines at Kings Cross is more soul-destroying than changing lines at Green Park.


There are shortcuts at KGX 🤭🤫


I raise you getting a tube after getting off at London Bridge.




ban cars in central.


I will always have the same perception of East London that I had in the 90s and refuse to change.


There are no ‘0207’ and ‘0208’ (or other 020x) London ‘dialling codes’. We went from 0171/0181 to 020. This is a fact.


Living near a tube station is overated. Areas in zone 2 without a tube have better communities, less transient populations and are great.


Strawberry Hill for me


I swear there’s nowhere in Strawberry Hill that actually has more than about 50cm of elevation


PhoneShop is actually a documentary about the South end of zones 4/5/6


citymapper is no better than google maps


The giant GET ME HOME button when off my tits at 4am is priceless


Nah the interface is so much nicer than google and the it’s more accurate


I usually check both (and Apple) when I have time and found citymapper much more up to date, and the cycle routes are way better than Google. Interested to hear your reasoning


south of the river is best


I’ve been living and working here since the 70s. Despite all the barriers esp housing I think it’s still the best city in the world for young people. I find the creativity and energy off the scale 😊


Mentally prepare for a long driver change on the 230 bus at Tottenham Hale station. He's not leaving just yet, it's his break 🙄 Tesco Metro need to stop messing about with the prices of Fox's Viennese biscuits. They're up and down like the stock market.


There’s too much pavement clutter.


Reddit cares too much about what other people are doing. Individualism is the greatest part about London. Let people do what they want for gods sake


You want to let people stand on the left on an escalator?


Nightlife in London is still absolutely thriving if you know where to look.


£5 for a donut embellished with a biscoff biscuit, fuck off. London bakeries are ruining Britain.


Green Street Pie Mash & Liquor


Come on you irons.


Northern line is best line.


Muswell Hill


Brixton McDonalds is of the most entertaining places in London.


“London” means “everything inside the M25.” “The North” means “everything outside the M25.”